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Thais Have To Be Careful...

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I was in Khon Kaen in Issan in the pleasant nightlife area, having a very lucky night, having just had two lovely young ladies stop their car to chat me up then buy me a drink. Obviously fearing there must be some underhand reason for their sheer niceness I only just noticed the truck coming at me at very high speed...

I pushed the girls out the way (they were looking the other way) and I jumped into the grassy verge. The truck skidded to a halt and then reversed at high speed towards me. The electric window opened. :D In the driving seat your classic 'roid rage too-many-beers smashed up face, shaven-what's- left- of- his- hair Englishman glared at me. I actually thought he wanted to ask for directions.

"What- did- you- say?" :D came the oddly effecting, not fully enunciated, Dick van Dyke London accent. "I didn't say anything". "What-did-you-say?" repeated the Mary Poppins extra voice.

I carefully repeated the entirely accurate answer. I considered smiling to assuage the concerns of this buffoon, but wondered if this homo erecticus would think I was mocking him if I smiled(or "disrespecting him" to use the lingo). "I didn't say anthing". :D

I wondered why he was so keen to know what I had said. Perhaps he was keen to know what I felt of his driving abilities and whether he deserved to keep his driving licence... :D

I wondered if he was doing this because he wanted to maintain his image with the girls. I only wish I could have reassured him somehow that his image was safe: I would later discover from the young ladies at the nighclub that they they thought he was a f(&(*&%9!^d both before and after the incident.

I carefully unbuttoned the side pocket of my trousers and took hold of the pepperspray, undoing the safety catch. Having never experienced anything as bizarre in this in my everyday life in England (except when volunteer policing) it felt a bit of a shock. Was this plonker about to try to beat me up. I regretted now not buying a truncheon and handcuffs.

He glared at me. Then drove off. The girls were baffled.

I only wish he had asked me what I was thinking... because then..., I would have had to run away... :(

I appreciate that being in Issan must at times be a perfect working simulation of an anarchial system but this seemed a bit extreme. He seemed to be very worried at losing face. I, on the other hand, was literally worried about losing my face, with it getting pulverised by this ape-like, semi-human entity.

I often read in this forum about the need for Thais to save face, but again and again, it is the farang who so badly need to save face....

And in the unlikely event this person can read--- shame on you. :o

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Social Darwinism is at play all around us

I think your right. I think the aversion of the Thai police to make an appearance, even the odd guest appearance :D , in the nightlife areas, coupled with farang aversion to the Thai police, means anarchy and the preservation of the self take hold... at least in places like Issan. :o

"What- did- you- say?" :o came the oddly effecting, not fully enunciated, Dick van Dyke London accent. "I didn't say anything". "What-did-you-say?" repeated the Mary Poppins extra voice.

I carefully repeated the entirely accurate answer. I considered smiling to assuage the concerns of this buffoon, but wondered if this homo erecticus would think I was mocking him if I smiled(or "disrespecting him" to use the lingo). "I didn't say anthing". :D

I don't believe the term "disrespecting him" was ever used in London during the early 1900s.

"What- did- you- say?" :D came the oddly effecting, not fully enunciated, Dick van Dyke London accent. "I didn't say anything". "What-did-you-say?" repeated the Mary Poppins extra voice.

I carefully repeated the entirely accurate answer. I considered smiling to assuage the concerns of this buffoon, but wondered if this homo erecticus would think I was mocking him if I smiled(or "disrespecting him" to use the lingo). "I didn't say anthing". :D

I don't believe the term "disrespecting him" was ever used in London during the early 1900s.

:D Apologies. I am showing my age. I am actually not old enough to remember chimney sweeps... so I jsut guessed the lingo... :o


Sounds to me like he might have been somewhat anxious and shocked that he nearly killed someone and his reactions are linked to this? Also of his wondering if anyone had been injured and of himself getting into deep sh*te if his number had been taken and reported to the BiB?

Possibly he is simply an ass.

"What- did- you- say?" :D came the oddly effecting, not fully enunciated, Dick van Dyke London accent. "I didn't say anything". "What-did-you-say?" repeated the Mary Poppins extra voice.

I carefully repeated the entirely accurate answer. I considered smiling to assuage the concerns of this buffoon, but wondered if this homo erecticus would think I was mocking him if I smiled(or "disrespecting him" to use the lingo). "I didn't say anthing". :D

I don't believe the term "disrespecting him" was ever used in London during the early 1900s.

:D Apologies. I am showing my age. I am actually not old enough to remember chimney sweeps... so I jsut guessed the lingo... :o

I think they may have used the term 'wack' and occasionally 'big pimpin' on special occasions. In fact it was a badly kept secret in royal circles that Edward VII was actually a 'straight up thug and trick daddy.'

You carry pepperspray around?

Ever since I got bitten by a dog. At around 11pm, they become nasty, reaaaaaally nasty. :o

Also, used to it-- since carrying it around in England. I never lose my temper so I will never misuse it. A lot of my Thai friends do the same. It is obviously pretty normal here. :D

You carry pepperspray around?

Ever since I got bitten by a dog. At around 11pm, they become nasty, reaaaaaally nasty. :o

Also, used to it-- since carrying it around in England. I never lose my temper so I will never misuse it. A lot of my Thai friends do the same. It is obviously pretty normal here. :D

You carry pepperspray around?

Is it legal to carry here???

Ever since I got bitten by a dog.

I got bitten once, if only i had a can of pepper spray at the time

"What- did- you- say?" :D came the oddly effecting, not fully enunciated, Dick van Dyke London accent. "I didn't say anything". "What-did-you-say?" repeated the Mary Poppins extra voice.

I carefully repeated the entirely accurate answer. I considered smiling to assuage the concerns of this buffoon, but wondered if this homo erecticus would think I was mocking him if I smiled(or "disrespecting him" to use the lingo). "I didn't say anthing". :D

I don't believe the term "disrespecting him" was ever used in London during the early 1900s.

:D Apologies. I am showing my age. I am actually not old enough to remember chimney sweeps... so I jsut guessed the lingo... :o

I think they may have used the term 'wack' and occasionally 'big pimpin' on special occasions. In fact it was a badly kept secret in royal circles that Edward VII was actually a 'straight up thug and trick daddy.'

Surely Wack is a scouse expression not a london saying?


No I do not think it is illegal but if caught I imagine a 100 baht donation to the BIB charity fund would go a long way to assure you are on ya way in no time. I carry it all the time and you can buy it from all those street stalls that sell the butterfly knives, knuckle things etc etc etc

ps. keep a 100 note in the holder that way you will not have to attempt a bribe but merely accept what the BIB do...which will be to magically make the 100 disappear.


so you were walking in the road drunk and talk about others being idiots?

good 1 buddy. it's not because you moved in the middle of nowhere to finally be someone better than the average that you can walk all over the street as if you owned them.


This sounds like the fruitcake that I encountered a few months ago at a restaurant in KK. I was having lunch with two attractive Thai women & he was sitting at another table. When I got up to go to the rest room he followed me there & "bumped" me from behind & said "what's your problem". This was totally "out of th blue", as I had said nothing to him previously & had never seen him before. It could have turned nasty, If I had been inclined to take him on. A total nut case. He is still around as I saw him at the same restaurant a few weeks ago, but no incident this time.


Talking of pepper spray...I've seen those hand held electric shock devices on sale in Pattaya and other places. Do they work...how big a shock do they give ? If there are nutters like this on the lose in KK I'd like to give myself some extra protection not being a great pugalist. :o

so you were walking in the road drunk and talk about others being idiots?

good 1 buddy. it's not because you moved in the middle of nowhere to finally be someone better than the average that you can walk all over the street as if you owned them.

Is this aimed at me? :D

I am practically a teatotaller :o . I think maybe a half pint of lager had passed my lips that day. He was driving at a very fast speed.

The road had no pavement. I was on the edge. The road was packed with people as it is a small sideroad that leads to a nightclub. The 'roid rager was plainly there to "impress" the girls.

And "middle of nowhere". I live in Bangkok.

You sound like a Daily Mail sub-editor: keenly looking to create a story where there is none... :D Or are you the man in question...? :D

It was one of those rare times when one party really was entirely blameless.

As for the pepperspray: I would be baffled if it is illegal. Some of my Thai friends are practically carrying enough arnaments to start a small border incursion into Burma. They have the electric shock thingy, the spray, the truncheon, the handcuffs. I am pretty sure there is a by-law/rule against carrying them onto the BTS and the MRT... but that is about it.

so you were walking in the road drunk and talk about others being idiots?

good 1 buddy. it's not because you moved in the middle of nowhere to finally be someone better than the average that you can walk all over the street as if you owned them.

What the hecks wrong with you? No SERIOUSLY?

This sounds like the fruitcake that I encountered a few months ago at a restaurant in KK. I was having lunch with two attractive Thai women & he was sitting at another table. When I got up to go to the rest room he followed me there & "bumped" me from behind & said "what's your problem". This was totally "out of th blue", as I had said nothing to him previously & had never seen him before. It could have turned nasty, If I had been inclined to take him on. A total nut case. He is still around as I saw him at the same restaurant a few weeks ago, but no incident this time.

A funny thing is that next week this guy will piss off a Thai, get shot in the chest twice, perhaps in the head, and then TV members will be out to seek justice for the poor b*stard.


I only wish he had asked me what I was thinking... because then..., I would have had to run away... :o


This was probably the prudent action to take, but I must say it does not befit the character in your avatar. Perhaps you should change it?


op keeps talking about roid rage..

op was beaten up a lot in highschool.. mommy doesnt let you cry on her lap anymore?

or are you just some jealous fat guy whining over the internet where he cannot get confronted by those who are not big pussies?

Seriously your rant is the most pathetic one i have seen on this forum.. all i see is jealous of guys in shape and tries to give dignity to bar girls + tries to show off because some bar girls chose him over 2 young english dudes

op keeps talking about roid rage..

op was beaten up a lot in highschool.. mommy doesnt let you cry on her lap anymore?

or are you just some jealous fat guy whining over the internet where he cannot get confronted by those who are not big pussies?

Seriously your rant is the most pathetic one i have seen on this forum.. all i see is jealous of guys in shape and tries to give dignity to bar girls + tries to show off because some bar girls chose him over 2 young english dudes


Only pathetic thing here is u my friend. Sounds like u had a bad childhood.

R u really disturbed and don't really have any friends at all?

No seriously , R u this angry all the time? Come on , Want me to give u a nice hug?

....electric shock devices on sale in Pattaya and other places. Do they work...how big a shock do they give ?
The torch come shocker devices require good batteries (in Thailand?) and require the person you intend to shock to remain still and expose some flesh to allow you to place the device against the skin then press the button, zapp! A pepper spray gives you distance - and distance is time to react.
op keeps talking about roid rage..

op was beaten up a lot in highschool.. mommy doesnt let you cry on her lap anymore?

or are you just some jealous fat guy whining over the internet where he cannot get confronted by those who are not big pussies?

Seriously your rant is the most pathetic one i have seen on this forum.. all i see is jealous of guys in shape and tries to give dignity to bar girls + tries to show off because some bar girls chose him over 2 young english dudes

You are a Daily Mail sub-editor!! You have managed to inductively reason that I am fat, was beaten up a lot in "high school' ( i love the American English) and was with bar girls.

The girls were a couple of friends who drove past me in their jeep and rather liked me. I don't know why they did this but you may have and should have guessed (deductively reasoned) from my good luck that I am not fat...

As for sitting on my mommy's lap ( i love the American English-- it is so cute :o ). My Mum is very dead so it would be pretty tough to cry on her lap. As for being beaten up at school- never happened to me.

I reckon there is an odds on chance you are a 'roid user. And a small but real chance you are the actual man in KK. :D

( I appreciate the other writers' responses.)

....electric shock devices on sale in Pattaya and other places. Do they work...how big a shock do they give ?
The torch come shocker devices require good batteries (in Thailand?) and require the person you intend to shock to remain still and expose some flesh to allow you to place the device against the skin then press the button, zapp! A pepper spray gives you distance - and distance is time to react.

Exactly. With the spray you can take on multiple parties and get away before they recover: much better than a baton or the electric thing-- at least until taser come out with a multi-firing automatic taser... :o

....electric shock devices on sale in Pattaya and other places. Do they work...how big a shock do they give ?
The torch come shocker devices require good batteries (in Thailand?) and require the person you intend to shock to remain still and expose some flesh to allow you to place the device against the skin then press the button, zapp! A pepper spray gives you distance - and distance is time to react.

Exactly. With the spray you can take on multiple parties and get away before they recover: much better than a baton or the electric thing-- at least until taser come out with a multi-firing automatic taser... :D

O.k thanks for the low down. Maybe I'll just err on the side of personal safety and get an uzi !! Wonder if they sell 'em in Big C ??? :o

so you were walking in the road drunk and talk about others being idiots?

good 1 buddy. it's not because you moved in the middle of nowhere to finally be someone better than the average that you can walk all over the street as if you owned them.


Great entertainment.

Please give us more.


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