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Ni Contribitons And Pension


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As said in a previous post "Muddy the waters"?

Anyone who has lived outside the UK, earning a salary while paying class 1 National Insurance, also applies to those still working?

Can apply for a refund of Class 1 contributions and elect if a refund is granted to have deducted from the rebate class 2 (approx £10.00 a month).

This will protect your old age pension.

But you will lose benefits such as "Job seekers allowance" plus some others. But, if you live/work abroad you unlikely to need those.

Most of the guys on the rig from age 30 upwards have done so.

People to contact are:

Charity, Assests & Residence, Residency.


Benton Park View.

Newcastle upon Tyne,

NE98 1ZZ


Tel. 00 44 (0)191 2259138

Fax. 00 44 (0)191 2253232


Anyone who lives in Pattaya and benefits (will be a few thousand since you can go back 5 years) owes me one bottle of tiger :o

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For what it's worth, i have utmost respect for people who serve their country like you. I'm just not sure what the relevance is here. You seem to have taken it as a personal slight that people have questioned your information, but how can they not when it's in such contradiction to all the other information available?

To state that your pension is not what it should be is one thing, but to say that any person who leaves the UK automatically has their pension cut into a quarter, is quite another and obviously can not be true, or else surely we would be hearing a lot more people complaining about this?

I maintain that there must be something odd or irregular about your personal circumstances - not that that is necessarily any mistake of your doing, but something has obviously gone wrong and i sincerely hope you get to the bottom of it. A man who has contributed to the country what you have shouldn't have to fight for what he has more than earnt.

Well said rixalex. I too would like to know more about dumball's personal circumstances, specifically what reasons the UK government department have given for his low level of pension.

Governments make decisions , they do not give reasons , but i can only say what comes from my heart , i live in another country now or , as i have had excitable reasons to feel somewhat upset about my particular treatment , certain departments are lucky i am where i am . However , i have pigs , half a dozen rice padies , chickens , a property with fruit trees , a sewing machine , generator , water machine etc and all paid for , i am self sufficient , screw them and you , my ass is covered , i sincerely hope yours is because i do not need anybody , the British army taught me this ,i still love my country of origin despite whatever , it made me who i am today , god save the Queen .

If you are being cheated out of what you are legally entitled to in terms of your pension, you have every right to feel anger and indignation towards the UK authorities. But why the bitterness towards people who are just trying to understand your circumstances? This task by the way, you make all the more difficult by constantly rambling off topic, rather than just give us the facts.

The dispute as i keep repeating, isn't that your pension has been cut into a quarter, but that the pension of everyone who leaves the UK, both present and future, will incur this ridiculous and outrageous reduction. I just can't believe it and i don't know how you expect anyone to, in the face of all the evidence against.

But you obviously have little interest in making yourself or the details of your situation understood and are happy enough to just sit back and tell us all to believe your claims or go screw themselves. Nice attitude.

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A littel lateral thinking may prove of benefit here. Consider how much you pay HMG and how much you will get back. Now consider how much you can afford to pay a decent assurance company, when you want to retire, how much the taxfree(?) payout will be and what sort of annuity that will buy. The payout from my annuities puts the State Pension to shame. Part of your N.I. payment goes towards the NHS which you, being abroad cannot access.

That I choose to live in Thailand since the UK has become unbearable, and getting worse I understand, and I blame successive Governmants for this, I do not avail myself of NHS services including free prescriptions, I do not have a buspass, do not claim a reduction in Local Taxes or use those services and for this I am penalised by the freezing of my State Pension makes my blood boil. Any Hans, Kees or Mustapha arrives, is promptly spoon fed and gets on the Electoral Roll. I who saw active service in Korea, at Suez and the Malayasian Insurgency am disenfranchised. Rant over.

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A littel lateral thinking may prove of benefit here. Consider how much you pay HMG and how much you will get back. Now consider how much you can afford to pay a decent assurance company, when you want to retire, how much the taxfree(?) payout will be and what sort of annuity that will buy. The payout from my annuities puts the State Pension to shame. Part of your N.I. payment goes towards the NHS which you, being abroad cannot access.

That I choose to live in Thailand since the UK has become unbearable, and getting worse I understand, and I blame successive Governmants for this, I do not avail myself of NHS services including free prescriptions, I do not have a buspass, do not claim a reduction in Local Taxes or use those services and for this I am penalised by the freezing of my State Pension makes my blood boil. Any Hans, Kees or Mustapha arrives, is promptly spoon fed and gets on the Electoral Roll. I who saw active service in Korea, at Suez and the Malayasian Insurgency am disenfranchised. Rant over.

Good point - do you know a good assurance company?

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I got my log in id & pin through the door & have been online, I have already contributed 17 years of my 30 so only have 13 years left to make up. Not bad at 33 really.

My estimated date of retirement is 2042 though which is depressing in the extreme.

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I got my log in id & pin through the door & have been online, I have already contributed 17 years of my 30 so only have 13 years left to make up. Not bad at 33 really.

My estimated date of retirement is 2042 though which is depressing in the extreme.

2030 for me and I'm 43. So you retire earlier? :o:D

IS this where you got the number from?


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name='Bagwan' date='2008-09-24 17:02:16' post='2234633']

A littel lateral thinking may prove of benefit here. Consider how much you pay HMG and how much you will get back.

Class 3 contribution = 4,700 notes / 16 years paid.

14 more years for class 3 contributions to go - lets say it costs me 10,300

Total 15K

At today's rates the pension pays out 5K a year. So even at today's rates Id be paid back in 3 years - I could last another 30!

Show me an assurance plans that beats that kind of investment! My doesnt!

In my humble opinion though, it doesnt touch the sides. I want at the very least least 100K baht to retire in Thailand.

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2030 for me and I'm 43. So you retire earlier?

Hmm, not sure why but this forcast keeps mentioning 67 years of age;

If the information you have provided does not change, then by the time you are 67 you are likely to have 30 qualifying years, giving you 30/30 of the full amount of Basic Pension.
If the details on which we have based your forecast stay the same, by the time you reach State Pension age on 23 Apr 2042 you should have 30 qualifying years

Anyone know why it is 67?

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Scrap that, just called them & asked why 67 & apparentyly last year on 24/07/07 the law was changed & pensionable age for anyone born around my year of 1975 now gets state pension at 67, Neeranam you get yours at 66 & anyone born after 1980 it will be 68!!!

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Class 3 contribution = 4,700 notes / 16 years paid.

14 more years for class 3 contributions to go - lets say it costs me 10,300

Total 15K

At today's rates the pension pays out 5K a year. So even at today's rates Id be paid back in 3 years - I could last another 30!

Show me an assurance plans that beats that kind of investment! My doesnt!

In my humble opinion though, it doesnt touch the sides. I want at the very least least 100K baht to retire in Thailand.

Any idea if Widow's Pension will be available to a foreign wife if you're living overseas when you die?

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Class 3 contribution = 4,700 notes / 16 years paid.

14 more years for class 3 contributions to go - lets say it costs me 10,300

Total 15K

At today's rates the pension pays out 5K a year. So even at today's rates Id be paid back in 3 years - I could last another 30!

Show me an assurance plans that beats that kind of investment! My doesnt!

In my humble opinion though, it doesnt touch the sides. I want at the very least least 100K baht to retire in Thailand.

Any idea if Widow's Pension will be available to a foreign wife if you're living overseas when you die?

No idea but that a good question!

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Discrimination or what?...

I don't think it's discrimination. What they're saying is that because you've lived overseas their automated system is unable to handle your query and that you should call them to talk to a human being instead.

But what I can't understand is that since this is all on computer, we are all just names and numbers in a database. Why should it make a difference where I am currenlty living? Or even whether I am working? (which I am not)

What I want is a forecast based on my contributions so far. I can't see how my location has any effect on this.

I'm beginning to get a bit paranoid - maybe dumball was right! :o

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Discrimination or what?...

I don't think it's discrimination. What they're saying is that because you've lived overseas their automated system is unable to handle your query and that you should call them to talk to a human being instead.

But what I can't understand is that since this is all on computer, we are all just names and numbers in a database. Why should it make a difference where I am currenlty living? Or even whether I am working? (which I am not)

What I want is a forecast based on my contributions so far. I can't see how my location has any effect on this.

Perhaps because you may have lived somewhere that has some sort of reciprocal arrangement with the UK? Wouldn't it be simpler to call and ask rather than look for bogies under the bed?

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As said in a previous post "Muddy the waters"?

Anyone who has lived outside the UK, earning a salary while paying class 1 National Insurance, also applies to those still working?

Can apply for a refund of Class 1 contributions and elect if a refund is granted to have deducted from the rebate class 2 (approx £10.00 a month).

This will protect your old age pension.

But you will lose benefits such as "Job seekers allowance" plus some others. But, if you live/work abroad you unlikely to need those.

Most of the guys on the rig from age 30 upwards have done so.

People to contact are:

Charity, Assests & Residence, Residency.


Benton Park View.

Newcastle upon Tyne,

NE98 1ZZ


Tel. 00 44 (0)191 2259138

Fax. 00 44 (0)191 2253232


Anyone who lives in Pattaya and benefits (will be a few thousand since you can go back 5 years) owes me one bottle of tiger :o


I am nearing retirement and about 6 months ago I wrote to the Charity, Assets & Residency Dept. (as above) to find out whether my Thai wife would classify as a "Dependant Wife". The answer was 'Yes' but I believe now treated as an "Adult Dependancy". If you can provide the documents required, then you will be entitled to an additional 60% of your Basic State Pension. Not to be sneezed at even if not increased annually. It may be that this allowance is being fazed out in the next 10 years or so along with all the other changes being made - I am looking into this. Even if it is, I will at least be able to enjoy it while I can.

Hope this helps some of you other OLDER men.

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name='Bagwan' date='2008-09-24 17:02:16' post='2234633']

A littel lateral thinking may prove of benefit here. Consider how much you pay HMG and how much you will get back.

Class 3 contribution = 4,700 notes / 16 years paid.

14 more years for class 3 contributions to go - lets say it costs me 10,300

Total 15K

At today's rates the pension pays out 5K a year. So even at today's rates Id be paid back in 3 years - I could last another 30!

Show me an assurance plans that beats that kind of investment! My doesnt!

In my humble opinion though, it doesnt touch the sides. I want at the very least least 100K baht to retire in Thailand.

Why do you want to pay class 3 contributions?

I and Most people i know only have to pay class 2 voluntary 125 GBP per year.

This makes it irresistable to go for, the extra money paid gets payback in under 6 months.


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Any idea if Widow's Pension will be available to a foreign wife if you're living overseas when you die?

There are conditions.

You will have to read through the various docs on the Uk site to find those relating to this.

I have only glossed over and dont know what it says about widows pension, but do note there is bereavement benefit also. As I see it there may be two parts to that what your widow can get when you die. Immediate cash payment and the benefit for a period of time.

For some or all of this (not clear) you have to pay contributions full term of I think 44 years.

As I saw it she could be entitled to a percentage of the cash payment in line with contributions percentage. But will not be entitled to benefit period unless strict conditions are met.

see http://www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk/jcp/Partne...010425.xml.html

Search the site and dwp site for the widows pension info.



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Perhaps because you may have lived somewhere that has some sort of reciprocal arrangement with the UK? Wouldn't it be simpler to call and ask rather than look for bogies under the bed?

They have all the information they need. I worked in the UK for 30+years and nowhere else. There is nothing more I can tell them. They know where I am now.

I am not looking for bogies anywhere - it doesn't make sense that they insist on a phone call or fax. They don't even explain why they insist on communicating this way.

They don't allow communication by email. Even my bank allows communication via a secure message system.

They appear to be living in a different century.

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Perhaps because you may have lived somewhere that has some sort of reciprocal arrangement with the UK? Wouldn't it be simpler to call and ask rather than look for bogies under the bed?

They have all the information they need. I worked in the UK for 30+years and nowhere else. There is nothing more I can tell them. They know where I am now.

I am not looking for bogies anywhere - it doesn't make sense that they insist on a phone call or fax. They don't even explain why they insist on communicating this way.

They don't allow communication by email. Even my bank allows communication via a secure message system.

They appear to be living in a different century.

Are you surprised? They're the Civil Service.

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Perhaps because you may have lived somewhere that has some sort of reciprocal arrangement with the UK? Wouldn't it be simpler to call and ask rather than look for bogies under the bed?

They have all the information they need. I worked in the UK for 30+years and nowhere else. There is nothing more I can tell them. They know where I am now.

I am not looking for bogies anywhere - it doesn't make sense that they insist on a phone call or fax. They don't even explain why they insist on communicating this way.

They don't allow communication by email. Even my bank allows communication via a secure message system.

They appear to be living in a different century.

Are you surprised? They're the Civil Service.

When I was a member of a Computer Project team supporting what was then the DHSS at Long Benton we used to play a game called 'Spot the Brain Cell.' I thicker bunch of people I have never met.

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Its true, these people are like so many in the institutions in the uk now, they are only really concerned with themselves and simply follow procedure by rote.

It is crazy that you cannot get a pension quote just because you have lived abroad. I expect it is because the system has not caught up with the changes in the law (30 years) in my experience these agencies never get these things truly sorted so "if in doubt make them talk to human being"

I wouldnt get too worked up about it, my experience is that if you call them and be nice they will usually treat you fairly.

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I have given a lot of thought to dumballs posts ( yes, Im stuck in the uk at the moment with too much time on my hands)

Assuming the post is genuine it worries me that anyone who is clearly not young anymore is racked by such feelings of insecurity and resentment. I dont much care about the details of the posts other than the replies by dumball. I find it profoundly sad that in the twylight (spelling) of ones life someone is unable to mellow a little and be more philosophical about the unfairness that is everywhere.

I have read all the posts and dont think that anyone was trying to either challenge or belittle dumball and I hope that he can see this. I think that the questions about where and when he served were only to establish more his age and background and so be able to better offer advice and opinion.

None the less I have searched the web and the government sites and can not find any reason for the receipt of only a quarter of the state pension other than a lack of contributions.

This is a forum and as the name denotes is simply a place for people to offer opinions and suggestions, very few here ever profess to be experts but many have usefull experience.

Dumball you do not have enemies here.

Edited by benjamat
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I have given a lot of thought to dumballs posts ( yes, Im stuck in the uk at the moment with too much time on my hands)

Assuming the post is genuine it worries me that anyone who is clearly not young anymore is racked by such feelings of insecurity and resentment. I dont much care about the details of the posts other than the replies by dumball. I find it profoundly sad that in the twylight (spelling) of ones life someone is unable to mellow a little and be more philosophical about the unfairness that is everywhere.

I have read all the posts and dont think that anyone was trying to either challenge or belittle dumball and I hope that he can see this. I think that the questions about where and when he served were only to establish more his age and background and so be able to better offer advice and opinion.

None the less I have searched the web and the government sites and can not find any reason for the receipt of only a quarter of the state pension other than a lack of contributions.

This is a forum and as the name denotes is simply a place for people to offer opinions and suggestions, very few here ever profess to be experts but many have usefull experience.

Dumball you do not have enemies here.

Thank you for the time you expended and your concern , it is much appreciated , i have no feelings of insecurity as my last years are covered for security . My resentment is only held against a government agency whom i feel cheated me after guestimating my pension after i had supplied all they asked for , i am sorry if it came out to be against the members of this forum , i am just approaching 76 years of age , but still in good health and active .

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