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OK couple of questions,

I have a mosquito problem in my house that I posted about a while back. But basically they went away for rainy season and have now returned. I swear they live in my couch. Also ants...I know we all have to deal but my question is, are their plants that you can keep indoors that dont need a lot of sun that repel ants and or mosquitoes. My plants outside are infested with big red ants and I don't want to attract ants inside by having plants indoors which I have yet to try as I am scared of the ants. Which brings me to my next question, Are ants good or bad for your plants?

sigh they are really doing my head in at the moment...of course my husband could care less! Is it just me or are Thais immune to mosquitoes???

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OK couple of questions,

I have a mosquito problem in my house that I posted about a while back. But basically they went away for rainy season and have now returned. I swear they live in my couch. Also ants...I know we all have to deal but my question is, are their plants that you can keep indoors that dont need a lot of sun that repel ants and or mosquitoes. My plants outside are infested with big red ants and I don't want to attract ants inside by having plants indoors which I have yet to try as I am scared of the ants. Which brings me to my next question, Are ants good or bad for your plants?

sigh they are really doing my head in at the moment...of course my husband could care less! Is it just me or are Thais immune to mosquitoes???

how about insect spray? but chosse the one which is environment friendly, maybe they have it here. Can be quite expensive from the regular one. For you skin try off lotion. Do some checks in your house, like vases or containers, mosquitoes lay eggs on stagnant water. My friend told me people wearing dark clothes are often bitten by mosquitoes as they are more attracted to dark colors. Maybe worth a try.

For ants don't know anything, but sure know that the red ones bites really painful.


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I once woke up in a bed full of ants in Jamaica. My mistake had been not to remove the orchid left by the maid on the pillow on the unoccupied half of the bed. This drew the ants like a magnet. I asked for no more flowers and then went and bought a can of some insecticide with ants and roaches on the can.

Point is, the ants (and raoches etc.) are looking for food, if one of their scouts find something interesting then more will follow - so get rid of any plant matter and uncovered foodstuffs and the scouts will have nothing to report.

Also ant powder (basically boric acid) scattered around the entrance points (incluiding air/ventilation bricks) works well.

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Ever think about pest control?

Usually it only costs about 3 - 5,000 baht per year unless you live in a mansion.

They come and spray your place once per month.

I mean everything, up in the ceiling, shafts, under the floors, outside, inside, corners.

You will be surprised how much cleaner everything will be.

Ants, spiders, termites, mosquitos, flies, snakes, all gone or away!

It works, I mean it only costs 2-300 baht per month which is the same cost of RAID, Baygon canisters which don't even make an impact.

Also have screens on your windows and doors and those mosquito light traps, the UV ones work really good.

Clean up your place and try not to have too many corners or dark places and keep the food in the kitchen. No snacks on the couch!

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Ever think about pest control?

Usually it only costs about 3 - 5,000 baht per year unless you live in a mansion.

They come and spray your place once per month.

I mean everything, up in the ceiling, shafts, under the floors, outside, inside, corners.

You will be surprised how much cleaner everything will be.

Ants, spiders, termites, mosquitos, flies, snakes, all gone or away!

It works, I mean it only costs 2-300 baht per month which is the same cost of RAID, Baygon canisters which don't even make an impact.

Also have screens on your windows and doors and those mosquito light traps, the UV ones work really good.

Clean up your place and try not to have too many corners or dark places and keep the food in the kitchen. No snacks on the couch!

I have thought of pest control but my husband swears there is no such thing in the town we live in. Also we have birds so not sure if that would harm them.

Our place is very clean and has no sitting water but I swear they breed in our couch. Our living room also does not have windows so it is quite dark...

we are you going to try the lemon grass.

Thanks for the advise all.

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I have been at a world wide war with these insects! We also have a home in South Florida where these same insects. We have a baby that is so sweet, they are attracted to her! I take this problem seriously. I don't don't like to use chemicals and I consider myself an expert on plants. Lemon grass will not prevent these insects from entering your home. Potted plants can sometimes give a home for ants in their root system and ants will look for food everywhere! So they must be kept moist never going dry, and never any standing water in the tray. Ants follow other ants by following the trail that one or more leave behind. So keeping a clean home is important.

Here is some thngs that I go by on a daily basis. If anyone can add to my list I would be greatful.


1. No standing water anywhere on the property or inside.

2. Mosquito nets for the beds.

3. Lights off in bedroom before entering.

4. Get a zapper, (looks like a tennis raquet). Kill all in the room before sleeping.

5. Good indoor bug light to collect and kill them.


1. Keep floors and counter tops very clean.

2. Eat only in kitchen

3. Place "bay leaves" behind appliances. (sugar ants only)

4. Watch for entry points. Seal if possible, or wipe clean the areas daily. (No trails)

5. Place a small amount of dry laundry detergent in areas you don,t clean all the time.They hate bleach.

There is a product from the USA by Avon called "Skin So Soft" The best product ever made to keep them from bitting. We bring a large bottle everytime.

hope this helps,


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Raid (and others) make plug in liquid killers that we find very effective in the bedroom. They're not so good in the rest of the house as doors etc. are open but if you sleep in a closed air-con room they are excellent. Any Tesco will sell them and I never get bitten in the night unless I forget to plug it in.

There was a thread some time ago when someone suggested a Thai product that they said was excellent for ant control. Apologies I can't remember the name but maybe you could find the thread in a search.

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Mini's Aviary, 3rd road has Eco insect spray that is very effective on all cold blooded insects, water soluble, can be sprayed in room with birds and directly on dogs and cats to rid them of fleas and tics. Almost odorless and non staining even killed a huge wasp/hornet in my livingroom while I was reading a book. PM for more info.

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