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Dress For Job Interview

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I have 2 job interviews with Thai agencies. My problem is I am currently in US and have interviews in Bangkok next week and I have no suit. I am retired and had no real need for suit so I do not even own one. The other problem is I get paid at end of month and used most of my money on travel expenses back and forth to US. My question is should I go to interview anyway in white shirt and tie and no jacket, and explain my situation? Or should I attempt to reschedule interview until I can obtain a suit? I should add that one of the interviews is with a Thai person, and other with a farang.

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What level post are these interviews for, teaching, middle management, CEO?? Would the resulting job require a suit?

I always wear a suit (excepting one notable interview where I wore cut-off jeans, site boots, Iron Maiden T-shirt, hi-viz jacket and a hard hat) but I have several. IMHO smart, clean, with shoes, slacks with creases (no jeans or chinos), shirt and tie would be just fine for most positions. Don't re-schedule and don't try to explain the no-suit situation (which may indicate desperation) just concentrate on getting the job.

And good luck :o

Of course, as always, your mileage may vary.

Edited by Crossy
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You must get yourself a suit (interview or not). Nothing worse than being under-dressed for an interview, I'd rather err on over-dressing (and as a man in a suit, you're pretty much safe from over-dressing in almost any occasion).

Do NOT try to explain why you're not wearing a suit.

I agree with the above post that we'd need more info, but in general I'd say my rule stands.

If money is a problem, even a cheap suit is better than no suit. Buy a cheap suit, take it to a tailor.

Lastly: Never take off your suit jacket, unless you're about to get laid. A suit is a suit. It should be worn as such.

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My turn to follow Crossy today.

Most Thais in business will understand it is a hot humid country for the average farang and not wearing three piece suit is acceptable. Depending in the nature of the role you are applying for a shirt and tie (tame, not mickey mouse) is fine. Take necessary measures to prevent wet armpits and if you have a journey on the BTS etc before reaching the interview consider wearing a disposable T shirt to get there then change in a toilet nearby.

You will, I'm sure, know that shoes are the measure of a man - so have some thing to wipe them prior to entering the office.

Best of luck on the day.

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Thank you all for advice. I am sorry I did not give more information. The jobs are as private investigator, which I have done in the past for many years and know that usually, though not always, a suit is required form of attire. I live in Thailand and am just visiting US so I cannot really claim travel expenses as I have to go to Bangkok anyway en route to my home. I gave my suits away when I first moved to Thailand as I

originally came there for a different job that did not require business attire. I had planned to buy a suit in Thailand as they are cheaper there for formal occassions and such but never got around to it.

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Private investigator - then the ability to blend in is required, be the grey man, change apearance with glasses, hair and a hat. Being farang (?) you can't change that but switching from looking like a school teacher to a tourist is probably the zone you are working around. Wearing a suit will be such an infrequent (?) mode of operation I would expect that clothes rental would be enough to cover that, and being aware of that as an option could be raised during interview.

As mentioned before shoes are a key, many former uniformed staff mantain the need to wear shiny shoes and these are 'tells' when they should be trying to be bland.

Have fun Poirot.

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For the post of a Private Investigator....

Then there is no better advice on how to dress than from Philip Marlowe.....

"It was about eleven o'clock in the morning, mid-October, with the sun not shining and a look of hard wet rain in the clearness of the foothills. I was wearing my powder-blue suit, with dark blue shirt, tie and display handkerchief, black brogues, black wool socks with dark blue clocks on them. I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. I was everything the well-dressed detective ought to be. I was calling on four million dollars."

The mods may now close this thread....there is surely nothing more than can be added.

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If you have been asked to travel o Bangkok for these interviews, shouldnt your expensive travel costs be covered ??

Apparently, not. I hope the candidate is high on the short list and this job works out, as it will cost the candidate.

Clean, well pressed pants and long sleeve shirt and tie should suffice.

Yes, he can buy some top quality clothes and look very good with well pressed slacks, very nice dress shoes, and a top quality long-sleeved dress shirt.

Honestly, going to the tailor, and meauring up and paying for a full suit and jacket for an interview in LOS, means this suit many not be worn again, except for the trousers. Time and money spent for a one time wearing.

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What kind of hat? I don't have a trenchcoat, dumbo.

Borsalino would be fine

Tip; show your sunny side as well...

pants and shirt are enough, for any position....definitely in Thailand

Suits and ties are only required for banks or when you need one....

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What kind of hat? I don't have a trenchcoat, dumbo.

Hey Magnum, just show in your Ferrari and it won't matter what you wear. What day is your interview?

On a Monday, then wear a yellow polo shirt

Tuesday, I think its light blue or pink

Wednesday, an ill fitting office shirt

Thursday, the same shirt as wednesday, just ironed.

Friday, no body works on fridays here mate, but as a PI, I am sure you know that already.,

Good luck.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"I have no suit...I get paid at end of month and used most of my money on travel expenses back and forth to US..."

If you have insufficient discretionary funds with which to buy a suit, perhaps you should revisit your decision to move to another country.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It sounds like a shonky interview invitation to me.

Are you sure this is the real thing? Most companies can do a video interview for prospective employees, asking you to come to Thailand for an interview is not a good company, just my thoughts, try to get them to do a video thing or forget it. Are you being paid for all this trouble? What if you don't get the job? Take care of your own interests here, if you must go, shirt and tie would suffice I think good luck with it all.

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First of all, three piece suits died years ago..... I would really suggest just a sports jacket and even a nice pair of dockers which are firmly pressed with a pleat down the middle. Why wear a long sleeve shirt in this hot climate? With not taking the sports jacket off you can get by with wearing a short sleeved shirt. By all means wear some nice dress shoes and a tie.

Choke dee......(Oh, and do be prompt as I'm sure you'll be waiting on your late arriving Thai interviewer..... Mai pen rai.... :o )

....and I am wondering why anyone would wear an Iron Maiden T-shirt when we all know that Black Sabbath rules!!!!! :D

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imagine this guy getting the job, pounding the streets of BKK investigating erring husbands. He meets up with a client for regular updating, conversation goes like this:

""So," ask Lek who's hired Tomhawk. "Did you trail my husband?"

"Yes ma'am. I did. I followed him to a bar, to an out- of the way restaurant and then to a condo."

"Aha! I've got him!" Lek says, "Is there any doubt what he was doing?"

"No ma'am." Tomhawk replies, "It's pretty clear that he was following you."

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