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Beautiful Woman


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I can remember 4 women that I saw/met that were beutiful to the point that if I close my eyes now I can remember the exact moment I first saw them.

Non of them are Thai and I have spent half of my adult life in Thailand.

So do the maths.

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White skin or dark skin....doesn't matter to me. They are ok when in Thailand....but take them outside thailand?....only a few from 1000s of them can be described as beautiful.

For me I'm ok with the plain one as long as she's not too ugly....it's the brain and companionship I'm looking after

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Never come across a Filipino/Indian/Thai

:D im saying nothing :D:D

I don't really have a favourite race women-wise although a honey with an Irish accent makes my knees go wobbly :D providing it's a soft, soothing accent and not the female version of Ian Paisley.

SE asians, eastern euros, brits, scandanavians defo, latinos, americans, ozzies - all good. :D id settle for anything!! :D

maybe easier if I mention the turn-offs - Fijian women would be a good starting point :D:o .

Edited by game4shame
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Just a few countries from Miss World.



No girl in Thailand could match this German babe.

I would bone her in a NY minute... no charge

Looks like there may be a Thai broad in the background with some flowers on her head.

Boom boom tao rai krup

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Just a few countries from Miss World.



No girl in Thailand could match this German babe.

I would bone her in a NY minute... no charge

Looks like there may be a Thai broad in the background with some flowers on her head.

Boom boom tao rai krup

Two real classy posts from elGrande then... :D

totster :o

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OK, I will break this down into continents first. In order of best to worst:

1. Europeans

2. North Americans (whites)

3. Aussies

4. Asians

5. South Americans

6. Bringing up the rear, Africa, India and Middle East

since we are talking about Asia mainly, let me break that down:

1. Viet Nam

2. Singapore

3. China

4. Japan

5. Indonesia

6. Cambodia

7. Thailand

8. the rest

so that puts Thais a lot closer to the bottom than the top. The darkest Thais closely resemble Africans

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post-11421-1148406896_thumb.jpgHow about this one?

I agree that Indian mixes can be stunning but this girl looks like her mother has got together with Roger Waters :o

Edited by jackr
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For me its

1. Asians

2. sth america

3. euorpean

4. aussies

5. US

In Asia its

1. viet

2. Japs

3. filo

4. Thai

5. whoever

But my favourite type of girl is half asian half white girls.


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No way, that german girl is so plain, she is not even that nice IMO.

I could find better girls then her easy in Thailand. Probaly just going to MBK

Most true! :o

We agree on something, which is a nice change

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No way, that german girl is so plain, she is not even that nice IMO.

I could find better girls then her easy in Thailand. Probaly just going to MBK

Most true! :o

We agree on something, which is a nice change

We most certainly do! :D

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OK, I will break this down into continents first. In order of best to worst:

1. Europeans

2. North Americans (whites)

3. Aussies

4. Asians

5. South Americans

6. Bringing up the rear, Africa, India and Middle East

since we are talking about Asia mainly, let me break that down:

1. Viet Nam

2. Singapore

3. China

4. Japan

5. Indonesia

6. Cambodia

7. Thailand

8. the rest

so that puts Thais a lot closer to the bottom than the top. The darkest Thais closely resemble Africans

Naivete and smug ignorance that has to be seen to be believed... :o

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Having lived in Vietnam 35 years ago, not too long after the French left I must say the Viet/French women were stunning but more than that they could cook French food. Many had been educated in France and were stewardesses.

I still have dreams about Flying Tiger airlines.

I think it is a mistake to write off North American women as one type. California women are OK until they open their mouths and out comes some strange language that sounds like a teen beach movie. Texas has some very beautiful women but the difference between Dallas and Houston is awesome. Houston seems to be an ugly magnet as much as Dallas is a Beauty magnet. Texas women are OK until you meet the family.

There are seemingly millions of Vietnamese women living in America primarily employed as nail techs. But beware they are not the same as real Vietnamese women, they have been Westernized.

Miami is a good choice if you want to contrast the blond Floridian with the South American variety. However it is not safe to walk or drive in Miami and it makes Bangkok look like a Sunday school crime wise. It is also a good idea to speak Spanish in Miami. Although the Cuban food and coffee almost makes up for the crime spree.

Cajun women come from Louisiana although not many from New Orleans. Lafayette or the bayous is a better place to find them. If I posted pictures of my Cajun queen you might think she was Thai. She has long black hair and a smallish frame, tan skin and beautiful deep brown/black eyes. Cajun women eat anything that swims or moves on land and have the same appetite for hot peppers as Thai women and about the same temperament. Actually I would post a pic but I don’t have any with her clothes on. Never could get that woman to wear clothes when a camera was present.

Montreal is a wonderland city of good food and beautiful women although it helps if you are from Quebec because they dislike almost everyone who is not from Quebec.

English women get my number one rating for kink but they perspire a lot in this climate. I don’t know if Aussie girls sweat a lot because I have not dated enough for an meaningful statistical sample.

Overall rating women, for height and weight proportion, skin softness and youthful appearance even when older, kitchen and bedroom ability, lack of perspiration, fun loving attitude, dancing ability, singing ability, absence of leg hair, pleasant demeanor, lip shape and function, unmentionables shape and function, natural body smell, shortness of PMS episodes, ability to cope with age and cultural differences, house cleaning ability and business ability Thai women come out pretty well.

Cajun women even with a Western sarcastic and anti male attitude come in second place because of the cooking and bedroom ability and the Thai like beauty with slightly larger parts.

Vietnamese come in third and the rest are a toss up. I have dated some attractive Africans but the kinky hair and all of the creams and things to straighten it are a little bit of a turn off.

I think what gives Thais a leg up is the youthful age of the majority of the population. There are simply a large number of women under 30 in all of the major cities and eligible men are in a small minority.

For example Chicago is a business city not the same glitz as New York or London but there is real money and opportunity there in exchange for hard work. Since 90% of the good jobs are held by males, males flock to Chicago. There are 10 well dressed semi wealthy young men in Chicago for every 1 woman under 120 pounds. The cities female population is made up of big boned women from Eastern Europe, not a pleasant thought to contemplate. And if they are not fat before you get married their substantial kitchen and breeding habits guarantee you an elephant in five years time.

On the other hand in Bangkok there are many opportunities for women. I can’t remember exactly but somewhere between 60% and 80% percent of the dentists are female and the great majority of University graduates are women.

Edited by mark45y
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There are seemingly millions of Vietnamese women living in America primarily employed as nail techs. But beware they are not the same as real Vietnamese women, they have been Westernized.

How dare they hoodwink the American male population by looking Asian on the outside and being American on the inside! Shameless hussies!

It's not suprising actually that Vietnamese women are nail techs - Professionail is a massive nail salon chain in the States and Australia and it is owned by none other than a Vietnamese. Your useless trivia for the minute.

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