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Words That You Really Hate?


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Seapok, thought you hated that word? Anyways, if you feel the need to tie someone to a bed well....

Hate what word? how comes I've been dragged into this conversation??? :o

HAHAHA…I got both of you …away from the “FOOTBALL” thread….FINAL -ly!!!!

I hate “FOOTBALL” - a boooring sport - at least to Teacup anyway

Seapok: Now it’s time for U to shine - show ‘em!!....or show me!! :D

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Seapok, thought you hated that word? Anyways, if you feel the need to tie someone to a bed well....

Hate what word? how comes I've been dragged into this conversation??? :o

HAHAHA…I got both of you …away from the “FOOTBALL” thread….FINAL -ly!!!!

I hate “FOOTBALL” - a boooring sport - at least to Teacup anyway

Seapok: Now it’s time for U to shine - show ‘em!!....or show me!! :D

As far as your hate of the beautiful game, I understand your pain, for when men play with their balls, teacup gets no calls, other than honey, get me another beer and get out of the way.

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Seapok, thought you hated that word? Anyways, if you feel the need to tie someone to a bed well....

Hate what word? how comes I've been dragged into this conversation??? :o

HAHAHA…I got both of you …away from the “FOOTBALL” thread….FINAL -ly!!!!

I hate “FOOTBALL” - a boooring sport - at least to Teacup anyway

Seapok: Now it’s time for U to shine - show ‘em!!....or show me!! :D

As far as your hate of the beautiful game, I understand your pain, for when men play with their balls, teacup gets no calls, other than honey, get me another beer and get out of the way.

So it is not "FOOTBALL" then......oh :D

But the word HERE is..... "FOOT - BALL" yeah?.......so U 2 goonies like that? :D

ewww.....get your own drinks next time!!!!..........I'm run run runing HOME to my mommy!!! :D -----------No worry I didn't see anything, promise!!! :(

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Seapok, thought you hated that word? Anyways, if you feel the need to tie someone to a bed well....

Hate what word? how comes I've been dragged into this conversation??? :o

HAHAHA…I got both of you …away from the “FOOTBALL” thread….FINAL -ly!!!!

I hate “FOOTBALL” - a boooring sport - at least to Teacup anyway

Seapok: Now it’s time for U to shine - show ‘em!!....or show me!! :D

What would you like me to show you Teacup? I thought you saw it all when we was in Lumpini Park, you looked very impressed then, with my............tai chi :D

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Not feisty enough huh…

try this….

The word today is......... hyphy

Hyphy ….not = …..crunk

Hyphy……> ……crunk :o

Sign: Hot Hot Teacup - 2 knots UP!! :D

Ps: we don't have "Cha Yen" any more…..try Bangkok forum, sis :D

Now thats more like it, more german slang!!! things are starting to fall in to playce, i feel that leathal sting now..

I own the BBK forum BRO, never mind the MODS they got my back.

now i feel the Esperessos Kicking in!!

CRUNK is pushing your Luck in breaking the rules. just almost, dont slip up now.. but how very URBAN of you.

URBAN is my word for day

be warned i have upgrade to "Torlae Member" things might get a bit rough!

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I'm annoyed with "Disorientated"

Why use it when "Disoriented" will do just fine.

'Disoriented' sounds to me like there's a couple of letters missing. I like 'Disorientated' better. I think disoriented is what people say in the US?

I was taught to say "disoriented" growing up in the U.S.

I hear Man vs Wild's Bear Grylls saying Disorientated all the time....drives me even more nuts hearing it with a English accent....like he's pompously adding extra syllables just to piss me off :o

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What would you like me to show you Teacup? I thought you saw it all when we was in Lumpini Park, you looked very impressed then, with my............tai chi :o

I looked very impressed at how you impressed those old 25 tai-chi ladies of your leg-spit pose, that is---------they love 2 C more of U there….HAHA

I hate for U to caused them the "BLACKOUT" :D

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What would you like me to show you Teacup? I thought you saw it all when we was in Lumpini Park, you looked very impressed then, with my............tai chi :o

I looked very impressed at how you impressed those old 25 tai-chi ladies of your leg-spit pose, that is---------they love 2 C more of U there….HAHA

I hate for U to caused them the "BLACKOUT" :D

I can't help the fact that my mere presence caused the old girls.......PALPITATION'S

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JT....and all the boys

I need to do some work, will be back later for the full version

for now I hate to say it-----but take this for now :o

the word here is DING DING

Man, sometimes U r such a ding-ding.!!!!

rocking off now - later in about 5 hrs :D

bye bye

Edited by teacup
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Not feisty enough huh…

try this….

The word today is......... hyphy

Hyphy ….not = …..crunk

Hyphy……> ……crunk :o

Sign: Hot Hot Teacup - 2 knots UP!! :D

Ps: we don't have "Cha Yen" any more…..try Bangkok forum, sis :D

Now thats more like it, more german slang!!! things are starting to fall in to playce, i feel that leathal sting now..

I own the BBK forum BRO, never mind the MODS they got my back.

now i feel the Esperessos Kicking in!!

CRUNK is pushing your Luck in breaking the rules. just almost, dont slip up now.. but how very URBAN of you.

URBAN is my word for day

be warned i have upgrade to "Torlae Member" things might get a bit rough!

It’s SanFrancisco-nian slang, U dork!!

For your information: hot hot tea can burn your tongue worse than espresso, .....hmm imagine that , guess you're not quite ready for it yet huh :(

Upgrade yourself? - now DORKY!!, I hate to say this…..but don’t U think just abit too ….ummm shall we say ---nit-twit and beau-coup !!! ??????

hahahahahahah :D:D:D

Sign: Hot Hot Teacup - 2 knots UP!! :P

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[quote name='RakJungTorlae' post='2234667' date='2008-09-24 16:15:03'

be warned i have upgrade to "Torlae Member" things might get a bit rough!

The 3 words I hate most are:-




1013 posts full of inane drivel. Far too urban for me. ("urban" from L. "urbanus" - well I suppose it was 57.14% accurate). Total :D:D:D

My only regret is that I was saving my 1,000th post for a stimulating contribution to an interesting thread and I had to waste it by reacting to this <deleted> !

AND... it's the first time I have used large text and colour. Why did I react so... RJT must be a serious case of thrush for me to do that :o

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Not feisty enough huh…

try this….

The word today is......... hyphy

Hyphy ….not = …..crunk

Hyphy……> ……crunk :D

Sign: Hot Hot Teacup - 2 knots UP!! :P

Ps: we don't have "Cha Yen" any more…..try Bangkok forum, sis :(

Now thats more like it, more german slang!!! things are starting to fall in to playce, i feel that leathal sting now..

I own the BBK forum BRO, never mind the MODS they got my back.

now i feel the Esperessos Kicking in!!

CRUNK is pushing your Luck in breaking the rules. just almost, dont slip up now.. but how very URBAN of you.

URBAN is my word for day

be warned i have upgrade to "Torlae Member" things might get a bit rough!

It's SanFrancisco-nian slang, U dork!!

For your information: hot hot tea can burn your tongue worse than espresso, .....hmm imagine that , guess you're not quite ready for it yet huh :D

Upgrade yourself? - now DORKY!!, I hate to say this…..but don't U think just abit too ….ummm shall we say ---nit-twit and beau-coup !!! ??????

hahahahahahah :D:D:D

Sign: Hot Hot Teacup - 2 knots UP!! :burp:

rambunctious would be the correct word. We are using real words here.. Not “fruit loop slang” like I said sweetheart, how very URBAN of you.

it was ice coffee espresso. I prefer the Japanese green tea. But I can handle the Tabasco any giving day.

Beau-coup?? We are now moving on to French? This is becoming and International event. You get around a lot don’t you? But!!!

I take it you didn’t pass the 1st grade in the U.S :o and I thought I was undereducated

There is nothing wrong with being comical in expressing ones self over the information-highway. It dose get rather dull here in my opinion.

So I will give you another chance to hit me with your best shot. Take me down. Pot me out of my misery.

But be warned once again. If you fail!! I think its time to rain fire from the heaven above.

Muahahahah!!!!!! LAWLZ

-Fruit-loop.- im hungry, BrB getting some food. YO.

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-Fruit-loop.- im hungry, BrB getting some food. YO.

Does anybody really still say "Yo" ?

DORK understates it.

you are bored chaimai? Wonna play poker?? Yo ? :o

If I was bored I would go and cut & paste some Blackalicious lyrics and post them on a forum somewhere :D

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EXPOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 point for Chaimai!!!! Now that’s how to pack a punch. I always like you foursome reason.

But you got to appreciate Blackalicious style and choice of words.. BIG FAN~~ but he had some Help form The R-J-T him self…

James and Chaimai.. you are my new friends.. 11 October at impact arena you can see me perform. With a couple of WIKICKED AWRSOM NARLY DUDES. Where do I send the tickets??

And here I was about to give up hope that life was not challenging enough.. Sweeeet.

peace out yo.

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EXPOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 point for Chaimai!!!! Now that's how to pack a punch. I always

James and Chaimai.. you are my new friends.. 11 October at impact arena you can see me perform. With a couple of WIKICKED AWRSOM NARLY DUDES. Where do I send the tickets??

BUGGER ! - I don't return until the 15th ! Perhaps I can buy the dvd ?

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EXPOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 point for Chaimai!!!! Now that's how to pack a punch. I always

James and Chaimai.. you are my new friends.. 11 October at impact arena you can see me perform. With a couple of WIKICKED AWRSOM NARLY DUDES. Where do I send the tickets??

BUGGER ! - I don't return until the 15th ! Perhaps I can buy the dvd ? YO~~

Nar this is Thailand, I guess it will not work. Cheek out youtube after that I guess.. :o

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EXPOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 point for Chaimai!!!! Now that's how to pack a punch. I always

James and Chaimai.. you are my new friends.. 11 October at impact arena you can see me perform. With a couple of WIKICKED AWRSOM NARLY DUDES. Where do I send the tickets??

BUGGER ! - I don't return until the 15th ! Perhaps I can buy the dvd ? YO~~

Nar this is Thailand, I guess it will not work. Cheek out youtube after that I guess.. :o

Naughty, naughty RJT - where did that "YO~~" creep in ? I Don't think you will find it in my original post - chai mai ?

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don't look at me~ I had nothing to do with it..This "urban cowboy known as RakjungTorlae". Is signing off !!! to eat breeekieee and see a doctor about hemorrhoids . :o

Caught red-handed, guilty as charged....... and I am off for my Horlicks and a decent nights sleep.

Don't worry about the pain in the arse :D

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