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From: "why Those Beautiful Thai Women Fall For Us,farang


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"why those beautiful thai women will fall for us,farangs"

1) Good thai guys...are not handsome

2) Handsome thai guys ...are bad

3) Good thai guys, with good looking... are all married

4) Good, handsome thai bachelors...are not high calibered

5) Good, handsome, rich thai bachelors...they look down upon us

6) Good, handsome, rich thai bachelors - who are interested in us...are all playboys


7) Good, handsome, rich thai bachelors - who are interested in us...that are not playboys........are gays

After been watching too many asian movies, many buckets of tear, and countless trips to the bathroom...those are why the girls so into us, HAN-SUM farangs.

One of the above should apply to you! :o

Edited by BKK90210
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We offer a quick way out of poverty and a Thai friend told me her ex was a lazy drunken bum who only wanted her for housekeeping and sex.

Surprisingly several Thai women have approached my wife over the years and asked her to help finding a falang husband,

surprising because I am not a model of good behavior.

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"why those beautiful thai women will fall for us,farangs"

Are you saying that Western women back home don't fall for Western guys back home?

Seems to me that it happens quite often back there and its hardly worth commenting on. A man and woman meet and fall in love, happens all the time and in every country on the planet, what's the big deal?

Plus, there's always a segment of the population (male or female, in ANY country) that goes for the "foreign type". Heck, I remember a friend of mine back home who got a lot of girls simply because he had an Irish accent. I mean, he LOOKED like any other guy in the room (average handsome, nothing to write home about), but he'd start talking to girls at a party and they'd all go ga-ga over his "cute" accent. No idea why. I mean, he's IRISH after all, who in their right mind would want one of them? But I guess even the Irish can seem "exotic" in the right situation, go figure....

So what's the big deal?

So SOME girls here find YOU attractive. Whoop-de-doo. I'm really happy for you, but let me clue you in on something. There's over THIRTY MILLION women in this country, PLENTY of them DON'T want to date farangs,... at.... all.

We all get a big ego boost from the attention we do get here, but don't let it go to your head. There's nothing special or unique about Thailand in that regard. Every country in the world (including YOUR country) shares the same phenomenon, its just that here YOU are the target of it.

Wow...... big whoop...

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We offer a quick way out of poverty and a Thai friend told me her ex was a lazy drunken bum who only wanted her for housekeeping and sex.

Surprisingly several Thai women have approached my wife over the years and asked her to help finding a falang husband,

surprising because I am not a model of good behavior.

My wife isn't poor, and she didn't marry me as a "way out of poverty". Nor did she marry me for my passport.

Your experience is not universal.

My wife married me because she loved ME, a person, not a skin tone or bank account or passport. Just me.

Most of her friends were shocked that she was marrying a farang because she'd always been perfectly happy dating Thai guys. In fact, when we met, she expressed absolutely no romantic interest in me at all and we were friends for quite a while before we finally started dating.

I'm sorry if you have a more cynical outlook on life, but it's just not the case for everyone. Some of us got married for all the same, normal reasons people get married in any country on the planet. We like each other, a lot.

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We offer a quick way out of poverty and a Thai friend told me her ex was a lazy drunken bum who only wanted her for housekeeping and sex.

Surprisingly several Thai women have approached my wife over the years and asked her to help finding a falang husband,

surprising because I am not a model of good behavior.

My wife isn't poor, and she didn't marry me as a "way out of poverty". Nor did she marry me for my passport.

Your experience is not universal.

My wife married me because she loved ME, a person, not a skin tone or bank account or passport. Just me.

Most of her friends were shocked that she was marrying a farang because she'd always been perfectly happy dating Thai guys. In fact, when we met, she expressed absolutely no romantic interest in me at all and we were friends for quite a while before we finally started dating.

I'm sorry if you have a more cynical outlook on life, but it's just not the case for everyone. Some of us got married for all the same, normal reasons people get married in any country on the planet. We like each other, a lot.

This is for "Pudgimelon"

I'm not talking about women in general, if you look at my title, I'm talking about "thai women" who are with farangs specifically. As you can see out there the majority of them are up country girls. I'm sure yours is the exception, I'm writing about the majority not the minority. Yes, many of them wanted your money, like many said, from the fat wallet, but try to understand their situation too, don't degrade them so much. Everybody value money the upmost requirement in their life and what wrong with them looking for same value as everyone else!

To answer your question, I hate to disclose this, but I'm not a male, but a female and I can read and write thai very well, and not just my name. I can understand the thai culture more than you, and i would bet I lived in thailand longer than you.

Please don't try to pick a certain thing and blow it up out of its context.

I'm trying to make a generalized conclusion, the reason for most thais women who are with farangs were dued from the process of elimination. Is this a correct statement or not? If not then state your opionions, but don't try to bash the poster personally-that is not very professional of you!

Thanks for your input though

Edited by BKK90210
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"why those beautiful thai women will fall for us,farangs"

I remember a friend of mine back home who got a lot of girls simply because he had an Irish accent. I mean, he LOOKED like any other guy in the room (average handsome, nothing to write home about), but he'd start talking to girls at a party and they'd all go ga-ga over his "cute" accent. No idea why. I mean, he's IRISH after all, who in their right mind would want one of them? But I guess even the Irish can seem "exotic" in the right situation, go figure....

Hey be careful! I'm Irish, I know girls didn't just go for me because of my hunky good looks and magnetic personality! You use whatever you have - and you sound jealous!

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We offer a quick way out of poverty and a Thai friend told me her ex was a lazy drunken bum who only wanted her for housekeeping and sex.

Surprisingly several Thai women have approached my wife over the years and asked her to help finding a falang husband,

surprising because I am not a model of good behavior.

My wife isn't poor, and she didn't marry me as a "way out of poverty". Nor did she marry me for my passport.

Your experience is not universal.

Neither is yours so stop lecturing others as though only you have the answer to all the world's questions.

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Hey be careful! I'm Irish, I know girls didn't just go for me because of my hunky good looks and magnetic personality!  You use whatever you have - and you sound jealous!

I'm 1/4 Irish, so I can direct a little self-depreciating humor at myself. :o

Neither is yours so stop lecturing others as though only you have the answer to all the world's questions.

OK, I'll do that when you stop lecturing me about what I can and cannot say or how I can or cannot say it.

Edited by Pudgimelon
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I'd have to go with "different" factor.... same goes with farang women in Thailand. A certain segment of thai society has a preference to western. I think it works both ways, however this doesnt mean love just an attraction. Obviously love comes later if a true relationship develops.

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To answer your question, I hate to disclose  this, but  I'm not a male, but a female and I can read and write thai very well, and not just my name.  I can understand the thai culture more than you, and i would bet I lived in thailand longer than you.

After been watching too many asian movies, many buckets of tear, and countless trips to the bathroom...those are why the girls so into us, HAN-SUM farangs.

If you are, indeed, a female, why did you refer to yourself as "us" HAN-SUM farangs in your original post?

Handsome is a word generally reserved for men, and in the context you used it in the word "us" would certainly be reasonably assumed to be refering to MEN, not male and female farang.

Whatever, its not important and I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I pointed it out so that you can see that my assumption that you were male was not baseless, since you gave a very strong impression that you were male in your first post.

As you can see out there the majority of them are up country girls.  I'm sure yours is the exception, I'm writing about the majority not the minority.  ....

You have the statistics to back this up? Or is this just based on antecdotal evidence you accumulated walking around downtown? Maybe that's the majority in that particular neighborhood, but you seem to be forgetting the THOUSANDS of middle-class, Central-Thai woman who go overseas to university and--like university students everywhere in the world--find true love.

Many of those women settle down overseas and/or live happy at-home lives here. Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they aren't around.

However, again, I'll grant you the benefit of the doubt and allow you the assumption that "up-country girls marrying farang for money" is the norm. Fine.

Reread your original post from the point of view of someone "in the minority" and you might see how insulting it is to those of us who don't fit into your stereotype.

The basic premise of your original post is that Thai women only date us farang because all the "good" Thai guys are taken. You might as well be saying that we're the dregs of the barrel and the only reason Thai girls consider us at all is because we're the "option of last resort" before they hit spinster-hood.

I don't see any option in your little list for "8) Beautiful Thai women pick us because we share the same family values, life goals and dreams. or 9) Beautiful Thai women pick us because they LIKE us, as human beings."

Please don't try to pick a certain thing and blow it up out of its context.  I'm trying to make a generalized conclusion, the reason for most thais women who are with farangs were dued from the process of elimination.  Is this a correct statement or not? If not then state your opionions, but don't try to bash the poster personally-that is not very professional of you!

I was bashing your stereotypes, not you personally. You were making a generalized conclusion, and that's FINE, but you still need to be careful when making a general conclusion that you don't inadvertently insult the people who don't fit into your neat little pigeon-holes.

Your statements are not correct. There are many thousands of Thai/farang couples (yes, even Issan/farang couples) who got married simply because they liked each other and not because of monetary reasons or because the poor girl couldn't find a nice Thai guy so she had to "settle" for a farang.

Perhaps that group does not constitute a "majority" in your mind, but that still doesn't mean it's OK to make "generalized" posts about Thai women marrying farang for money or out of frustration with Thai men.

I don't need to understand Thai culture to know that those kinds of assumptions are an insult to farang (like myself) and Thai women (like my wife).

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Hey brit its definately the money. It happens in africa too that young guys wanna hook up on some old rich woman. And it even happens in western countries too. I think you are really being naive if you think they do it for the culture difference, love or anything else cliche.

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Hey you can make 3 polls.

Where did you meat your wife/husband?



Who made the first move?



What education does your wife/husband have? Or where does she stand on the social ladder?

-various options possible

That could give a general idea how it is

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That could give a general idea how it is

Not really, since many farang don't post on this forum, you'd only get a snapshot of what is true for TV posters, not farang in general.

As my wife likes to say: "Only losers waste time on the internet."

So according to her, you wouldn't get a general idea, but only an idea of what the "loser segment" of society looks like.

Awww.... isn't she a sweetie? :o

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Statistics indicate that about 50% of all marriages end in divorce. All the love out the window.

Marriages made purely on 'love' rarely survive.

Women want more than just love, they want security, comfort, respect, faithfulness....

Asian women living in third world countries have difficulty in finding all of those qualities in a fellow country man.

Men from Western society are perceived by Asian women as being in a much better position to provide the comforts that they desire, so Western men are considered by many females as a good catch. Love is not the main initial attraction.

Western men also believe (rightly or wrongly) that they are better placed to be able to provide a better standard of living for a third world Asian wife. Therefore men don't need to consider how much money an Asian girl has or what her social standing may be, he only needs to choose someone with whom he is compatible. Love may or may not come later.

The words "I love you" may be nice to hear but they are meaningless.

Couples should never need to tell each other of their love. Love is better expressed in actions and behaviour. True love is unspoken.

As usual, Pudgimelon has a lot to learn.

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As usual, Pudgimelon has a lot to learn.

As usual, Pudgimelon is misunderstood and misquoted.

His comments were extremely accurate and poignant and refreshing.

The OP certainly did start the whole thread in a very tainted and caustic manner and it was nice to see Pudgimelon set the record straight and his words are very appreciated. He's also not alone in his situation, as well.


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That could give a general idea how it is

As my wife likes to say: "Only losers waste time on the internet."

So according to her, you wouldn't get a general idea, but only an idea of what the "loser segment" of society looks like.

:o If that isn't a self-incriminating statement I don't know what is! :D

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I'm trying to make a generalized conclusion, the reason for most thais women who are with farangs were dued from the process of elimination.  Is this a correct statement or not?
I was bashing your stereotypes, not you personally.  You were making a generalized conclusion, and that's FINE, but you still need to be careful when making a general conclusion that you don't inadvertently insult the people who don't fit into your neat little pigeon-holes.

Your statements are not correct.  There are many thousands of Thai/farang couples (yes, even Issan/farang couples) who got married simply because they liked each other and not because of monetary reasons or because the poor girl couldn't find a nice Thai guy so she had to "settle" for a farang.

Perhaps that group does not constitute a "majority" in your mind, but that still doesn't mean it's OK to make "generalized" posts about Thai women marrying farang for money or out of frustration with Thai men.

I don't need to understand Thai culture to know that those kinds of assumptions are an insult to farang (like myself) and Thai women (like my wife).

The OP provides her observations on farang male/Thai girl relationships.

She states that in her opinion Thai women choose their partners through a process of elimination.

The process of elimination applies to just about everything we do in life, it is not restricted only to choosing a life long partner.

Money in many/most respects could be the main consideration in the process of elimination and I fail to see how this thought process would be insulting to farangs or to Thai women.

Money in a marriage, or the lack thereof, is probably one of the main reasons for divorce. Nobody can survive on love alone.

Women, irrespective of what country they are from, are therefore wise to take this into full consideration if they plan to have a happy and lasting marriage.

The OP is merely stating that in her opinion and from her observations, money is the main attaction for Thai women, not the farangs' good looks or charm. She may well be right.

It's her opinion, respect it.

It also helps in any relationship if the couples like or love each other too. :o

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Hey you can make 3 polls.

Where did you meat your wife/husband?


-other: xxx 

Who made the first move?


-me: xxx

What education does your wife/husband have? University graduate Or where does she stand on the social ladder? say about three up from the bottom rung-various options possible

That could give a general idea how it is

and in my case it wasn't "HAN SUM MAN' it was "Hom Son Kaen" (pasa Isaan)

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This is really an old tired topic that has been done to death.

These things usually turn into a slanging match against Thai men or farang women and I, for one, am getting mightily tired of this.

If you can keep it nice it can stay open.

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This is really an old tired topic that has been done to death. 

These things usually turn into a slanging match against Thai men or farang women and I, for one, am getting mightily tired of this.

If you can keep it nice it can stay open.

Sitting here with my wife, I asked her:

Why do Thai women want to marry Farang:

Her answers:

1. Because Farang are more honest, they don't lie or chow chu (play around)

2. Farang are more responsible

3. More important than anything to have a better life; can travel to see another country.

4. Because they want their parents to have a better life, better house, etc.

5. If they have children they will have a better education

6. Farang are more romantic and sex is better, they last more than five minutes

7. Can go to nice restaurants and stay in nice hotels

8. Farang like to help people who have little or nothing

9. Farang are easy going, easy to get along with and don't have much trouble like with Thai men

10. Farang don't beat their wives

11. Farang can sit down to talk about things

12. Farang give their wives more freedom (they don't want to know every where the wife goes) Farang mai suak

13. Thai men don't let you have any privacy

14. Farang have sensitive heart and aren't hot headed like Thai men

15. Farang like to share things, they are more open and not keep secrets

She added that her answers are from Isaan thinking.

We've been together more than ten years and I never tell her I love her. She tells me though. :o

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As usual, Pudgimelon has a lot to learn.

As usual, Pudgimelon is misunderstood and misquoted.

His comments were extremely accurate and poignant and refreshing.

The OP certainly did start the whole thread in a very tainted and caustic manner and it was nice to see Pudgimelon set the record straight and his words are very appreciated. He's also not alone in his situation, as well.


I can see how the OP could be considered tainted - aren't most opinions since they're merely personal conclusions drawn through experience and observation? Not sure how the OP could be interpreted as caustic, though. Aside from an aspect of inquisitiveness I detect a spirit of fun.

If there's an abrasive nature to any posts within this thread, IMHO, look no further than Pudgy. I second Mighty Mouse. :D It's not that Pudgy doesn't have some interesting perspectives to offer but his delivery could use some polish if he'd like to maintain more harmony within the discussion.

I think it's accurate to say that there exist countless reasons why a Thai woman may be attracted to a farang. Though, whether or not certain scenarios are truly more prevalent than others make little difference once you've found the match to your heart. :D But it's fun to discuss, nonetheless. We each have our tales to tell and opinions to share.

It wouldn't surprise me that money would be an attractive aspect for a Thai woman considering a farang mate, despite any other attractions that may also be present. Money as the sole appeal certainly doesn't constitute a noble motive, nor would it create a solid foundation for a nuturing relationship. Yet if it is only an added benefit to compliment other more valuable points then it wouldn't be ignoble to admit to money as an allurement.

On the other hand, it certainly wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility to say that an initial attraction for all the "wrong" reasons could not turn out for the best. I'm sure there are some out there who have been down that avenue. So many potentials exist that it would be foolish to discount any of them.

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Sitting here with my wife, I asked her:

Why do Thai women want to marry Farang:

Her answers:

1. Because Farang are more honest, they don't lie or chow chu (play around)

2. Farang are more responsible

3. More important than anything to have a better life; can travel to see another country.

4. Because they want their parents to have a better life, better house, etc.

5. If they have children they will have a better education

6. Farang are more romantic and sex is better, they last more than five minutes

7. Can go to nice restaurants and stay in nice hotels

8. Farang like to help people who have little or nothing

9. Farang are easy going, easy to get along with and don't have much trouble like with Thai men

10. Farang don't beat their wives

11. Farang can sit down to talk about things

12. Farang give their wives more freedom (they don't want to know every where the wife goes) Farang mai suak

13. Thai men don't let you have any privacy

14. Farang have sensitive heart and aren't hot headed like Thai men

15. Farang like to share things, they are more open and not keep secrets

She added that her answers are from Isaan thinking.

Hmm, having had both farang and Thai boyfriends, I can say this list is useless as it applies to neither race. It depends on the person for the most part. Some farang beat their wives, can't talk about anything, lie, etc. just as some Thai do not (though this is just hearsay for me).

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Sitting here with my wife, I asked her:

Why do Thai women want to marry Farang:

Her answers:

1. Because Farang are more honest, they don't lie or chow chu (play around)

2. Farang are more responsible

3. More important than anything to have a better life; can travel to see another country.

4. Because they want their parents to have a better life, better house, etc.

5. If they have children they will have a better education

6. Farang are more romantic and sex is better, they last more than five minutes

7. Can go to nice restaurants and stay in nice hotels

8. Farang like to help people who have little or nothing

9. Farang are easy going, easy to get along with and don't have much trouble like with Thai men

10. Farang don't beat their wives

11. Farang can sit down to talk about things

12. Farang give their wives more freedom (they don't want to know every where the wife goes) Farang mai suak

13. Thai men don't let you have any privacy

14. Farang have sensitive heart and aren't hot headed like Thai men

15. Farang like to share things, they are more open and not keep secrets

She added that her answers are from Isaan thinking.

We've been together more than ten years and I never tell her I love her. She tells me though.  :D

Very good! :o Chawp mak!

My wife and I have quite a few friends and all of the women have Thai husbands. From my observations I have to admit that there's a lot of good Thai men out there, too, where most or all of the above apply.

Hmm, having had both farang and Thai boyfriends, I can say this list is useless as it applies to neither race. It depends on the person for the most part. Some farang beat their wives, can't talk about anything, lie, etc. just as some Thai do not (though this is just hearsay for me).

Absolutely. When it comes right down to the meat of it - there is no single blanket that can cover the entire subject - it invariably comes down to the individual.

Edited by Tippaporn
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Neither is yours so stop lecturing others as though only you have the answer to all the world's questions.

OK, I'll do that when you stop lecturing me about what I can and cannot say or how I can or cannot say it.

I've no intention of lecturing you on the content or delivery of your posts. It just seems a shame that you're unable to deliver your point of view without antagonising your fellow posters.

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