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Windows Safe Mode


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Trying to get into VGA mode on my Vaio to run a virus-scan, which I've done before without any issues. When I hit the 'safe mode' command, it executes a load of DOS commands as normal, then seems to just stop and do nothing (the DOS commands are still on the screen, no command prompt or anything). Everything else is normal with the computer. Starts and runs fine in normal Windows (XP SP3). In fact I don't think I have any virus problems, just want to get rid of this low-risk crap that Norton keeps reporting every full virus scan and can't seem to deal with when running under full Windows (trojan vundo, backdoor graybird etc. etc.). Any ideas? Thanks...


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it can't be DOS command as DOS is not present after windows millenium.

the normal procedure for safe mode if F8 at startup then choose safemode/failsafe, the operating system will display all files he's loading, then a flashing cursor will be at the top left of the screen, few minutes later you should be on your desk in safe mode.

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Well, they sure look like DOS commands to me. Anyway, I know what you mean. The problem seems to have been solved by hitting the escape key after the 'freeze-up.' No idea why and I fully expect I never will know the reason. It never did this before when entering safe mode. Another completely inexplicable Windows issue to add to the list...

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