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Weight Loss Medications Avaiilable In Thailand

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Note: the following describes the various drugs legally available over the counter for weight loss in Thailand and explains their action and side effects. This is NOT an endorsement of the use of these or any other druigs for the purpose of weight loss. Dietary changes and exercise are the best means of losing weight.

The weight loss meds available in Thailand fall into the following categroies:

1 - stimulant-based, if not amphetamine then some varient of ephedrine. These are essentially the same as the now banned "phen-fen"which was linked to a number of deaths. Which is not tos say that they will harm everyone, but they can be quite dangerous for people with cardiovasculkar disease, hypertension etc. They do cause decreased appetite in most people, and also increase metabolism, but at the price of putting your body into "overdrive". Anxiety and insomnia are common side effects. Stroke, heart attack less common but obviously a lot more deadly.

2- laxatives. the Slimma teas etc are in this group. They primarily work by creating loss of fluid, will also give a slimmer appearing abdomen by keeping the gut pretty empty. Some actual weight loss may occur from decreased absorption of food. Downside is, obviously, diarrhea and frequent trips to the bathroom with some urgency. May also be irritating to the bowel if used long-term.

3 - drugs that act on neurotransmitters in a way which decreases appetite or at least food cravings in many people. Reductil and Serc are the 2 that I am aware of.

Reductil is sibutramine, it works by increasing the circulating levels of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain, for which reasoin it absolutely must not be taken by anyone who is also taking anti-depressents ....and if one decides to stop such drugs in order to start taking reductil, allow enough time for them to fully clear your system first. Because norepinephrine has stimulent properties, also should be avoided by people with hypertension ot thyroid problems. Plenty of side effects, including all manner of mntal/mood changes. Some peoplke feel fine on it but others become agitated, hostile, irritable etc. research carefully if thinking of using it.

Serc is betahistine and its use for weight loss is "off label" but apparently it does decrease appetite in many people. Because it is similar to histamine, should be avoided by people with serious allergies or asthma. Headache and insomnia are the most common side effects; I tried to take it once and had to stop because of the severe headache, but many people apparently do OK. There are other side effects as well so like Reductil should read up on it first before taking.

4 - Xenical (Orlistat) works by decreasing the absorption of fat from the intestine. Since its action is b asically local rather than systemic it's safety margin is good; under another name has been approved for over the counter sale in the US. The extent to which it will cause a person to lose weight depends on the percentage of the diet that is fat -- and also on not increasing that. Som e people, knowing they are taking something that blocks fat absorption, then feel freer to eat fried or fatty foods they might otherwise have avolided and that completely undoes the effect, since the drug only blocks about 30% of the fat ingested. For people whose main source of excess calories is carbs rather than fat (tyopical of most women), it won't do much of anything. Main side effect is loose stools/diarrhea altho that is also dependent on amount of fat ingested.

5- Available on much more limited basis are a variety of supplements and herbal preparations that seem to help depress food cravings and/or enhance metabolism. Some, like glutamine and l-carnitine (?sp) can be obtained at GNC outlets. Stevia, a Brazilian herb that helps stabilize blood sugar/control cravings, can be purchased from some of the detox spas, otherwise AFAIK would have to be ordered online, a shame since, for me at least, it is very helpful in curbing carb cravings. There are probably a few other supplements I've failed to mention here that can also be obtained at GNC. This group of meds are, AFAIK, free of serious side effects. Just hard to find in LOS....

With all of these there will of course still be the problem of regaining the weight afterwards.

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