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Does Anyone Know Where To Find....?


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We're new in Chiang Mai and have been lucky enough to rent a great house. We'd love to find a full size table tennis table for our kids...does anyone know where to get one? The other things we're after are a lawnmower......and a car hire for a few days.

Any help greatly appreciated.


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Hello welcome as they say at various bars around town :o

I've not seen a table tennis table for sale but if you know the dimensions you could have one made for you at a reasonable cost.

Lawnmowers are often of the strimmer variety and usually come with the operator attached. If you ask your neighbors I'm sure someone will know someone who can do it for you

Car hire? Walk along the main tourist roads and tale your pick or pop into any of the large hotels and inquire at the travel desk in reception.

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I can't help you out with the lawnmower or the table tennis table BUT if you are looking for table tennis balls then you can pick up a basket of 10 of them at Spotlight for just under 1000 Bt.

It's pretty obvious why you are here, and equally obvious that the same isn't true of those posting the question.

Is your reply relevant or approprite?

Just out of curiosity .... what do you want to be when you grow up?

Edited by KevinHUNT
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I can't help you out with the lawnmower or the table tennis table BUT if you are looking for table tennis balls then you can pick up a basket of 10 of them at Spotlight for just under 1000 Bt.

It's pretty obvious why you are here, and equally obvious that the same isn't true of those posting the question.

Is your reply relevant or approprite?

Just out of curiosity .... what do you want to be when you grow up?

I think it was a bad attempt at humor and not really appropiate based on the OPs original question, however I never like to see inaccurate information given out.

The ping pong balls at spotlight are only 200 baht for 10 ( my bad attempt at humor buts it true)

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I can't help you out with the lawnmower or the table tennis table BUT if you are looking for table tennis balls then you can pick up a basket of 10 of them at Spotlight for just under 1000 Bt.

It's pretty obvious why you are here, and equally obvious that the same isn't true of those posting the question.

Is your reply relevant or approprite?

Just out of curiosity .... what do you want to be when you grow up?

Maybe I have been there on the wrong nights but I have yet to see ping pong balls at Spotlight.

Perhaps the poster was into a spot of "chok wow" :o

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I can't help you out with the lawnmower or the table tennis table BUT if you are looking for table tennis balls then you can pick up a basket of 10 of them at Spotlight for just under 1000 Bt.

It's pretty obvious why you are here, and equally obvious that the same isn't true of those posting the question.

Is your reply relevant or approprite?

Just out of curiosity .... what do you want to be when you grow up?

Maybe I have been there on the wrong nights but I have yet to see ping pong balls at Spotlight.

Perhaps the poster was into a spot of "chok wow" :o

Sorry--Edited out crap post!!-I was questioning the piety of Rev.Hunt and his own knowledge of ping pong balls--but then, I realised how old I am.

Edited by haybilly
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I can't help you out with the lawnmower or the table tennis table BUT if you are looking for table tennis balls then you can pick up a basket of 10 of them at Spotlight for just under 1000 Bt.

It's pretty obvious why you are here, and equally obvious that the same isn't true of those posting the question.

Is your reply relevant or approprite?

Just out of curiosity .... what do you want to be when you grow up?

A slight over reaction there Mr. Hunt ?

Lighten up, it was a JOKE ( check dictionary for details ), no need to be so rude.

I think my posting is typical of what I see on this forum and it was only a matter of time before some other smart ass posted something similar.

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Thanks for the information...it's really great to be able to ask those who have been here longer, for advice.......and really generous of people who take the time to reply.

As for Spotlight....I don't know of it...but I have some life experience and a rich and vivid imagination. However..my children were reading the replies with me, as the table tennis table is for them. When they asked about the Spotlight references and I explained weakly that it was a joke......one of them replied; "grown-ups aren't that funny really are they?"

Thanks again....I'll try the places mentioned.......and hope I can be equally useful to someone in the near future.

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Car hire try North Wheels on east side of moat, outer edge.

If you are in a moobahn maybe someone does a grass cutting service, otherwise Global, Home Pro have lawnmowers

Ping pong tables as said, or trying ask one of the schools where they get theirs (most schools seem to have them).

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I can't help you out with the lawnmower or the table tennis table BUT if you are looking for table tennis balls then you can pick up a basket of 10 of them at Spotlight for just under 1000 Bt.

It's pretty obvious why you are here, and equally obvious that the same isn't true of those posting the question.

Is your reply relevant or approprite?

Just out of curiosity .... what do you want to be when you grow up?


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The other things we're after are a lawnmower......and a car hire for a few days.

By lawnmower, you mean a person, right ? I will try to get a phone number for you. Such people do exist, but don't exactly go around handing out English language business cards, as you'd appreciate.

Car hire -- for settling-in errands with an English-speaking Thai ? Again, I can recommend someone if that is what you need.

And you didn't ask, but recently it has been possible to buy humungous and delicious avocados at Warorot market (and probably elsewhere) for a few dozen baht. Several times bigger than a ping pong ball, or any avocado I've ever seen. Welcome you to Chiang Mai :o .

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I can't help you out with the lawnmower or the table tennis table BUT if you are looking for table tennis balls then you can pick up a basket of 10 of them at Spotlight for just under 1000 Bt.

It's pretty obvious why you are here, and equally obvious that the same isn't true of those posting the question.

Is your reply relevant or approprite?

Just out of curiosity .... what do you want to be when you grow up?

A slight over reaction there Mr. Hunt ?

Lighten up, it was a JOKE ( check dictionary for details ), no need to be so rude.

I think my posting is typical of what I see on this forum and it was only a matter of time before some other smart ass posted something similar.

Possibly. Although it wasn't a case of my lack oF a sense of humour but more a question as to whether your post was appropriate. I guessed that you weren't very familiar with the OP so under the circumstances it may have been presumptious of you to make such a crude reply. Your other little joke you share with us ...

  'Sleeping with a Bar-Girl is like a box of chocolates , you never know what you are going to get !!'

not only implies that you here for one thing, but also that you think that most other people are too.

I've been to Spotlight and have been to  Spiceys  on more than a few occasions but any conversations I have about it would be in the right place at the right time with the right people. 

  Your love of the nightlife in Chiang Mai is understandable but your school-boy humour suggests immaturity. Hence my poor attempt at humour (GDJOHN liked it!?). 

Actually I didn't find any of your jokes funny (not even a titter), but then I'm probably a bit more sophisticated than you - I am from Liverpool after all. :o

Edited by KevinHUNT
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I can't help you out with the lawnmower or the table tennis table BUT if you are looking for table tennis balls then you can pick up a basket of 10 of them at Spotlight for just under 1000 Bt.

It's pretty obvious why you are here, and equally obvious that the same isn't true of those posting the question.

Is your reply relevant or approprite?

Just out of curiosity .... what do you want to be when you grow up?

A slight over reaction there Mr. Hunt ?

Lighten up, it was a JOKE ( check dictionary for details ), no need to be so rude.

I think my posting is typical of what I see on this forum and it was only a matter of time before some other smart ass posted something similar.

I did as you said. Yours didn't fit the description. I looked up 'Finnish joke' and found this - probably sent in by a Norwegian.

How can you tell the difference between a Finnish introvert and a Finnish extrovert?

When he's talking to you a Finnish introvert looks at his feet. A Finnish extrovert looks at yours! :o

If it's any consolation - my best mate at school was half Norwegian and people used to say that  his Norwegian roots were clear to see

because ..

he had a face like a norse. :D

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" I've been to Spotlight and have been to Spiceys on more than a few occasions but any conversations I have about it would be in the right place at the right time with the right people. "

I think that if you search the word " Spicey" and "Spotlight" on the Chiangmai forum you will see references to them come up as many times as if you searched for Best Burger, baked beans or dog bites.

This deffinately is the right place, it was the right time as if I didnt mention it someone else would have picked up on it. Regarding the " right person " , its an open forum and my comments were not offensive as only someone here in chiangmai would have gotton the joke. You just made a big deal about it.

" Sleeping with a Bar-Girl is like a box of chocolates , you never know what you are going to get !!'

( joke, humour, not serious ) try a different dictionary.

"not only implies that you here for one thing, but also that you think that most other people are too. "

Strike 2, another personal insult from Mr. Hunt. How does this imply that I am here for one thing. I actually i like forrest gump and chocolates. I will change it later for you and add a passage from the bible.

See you all in Spotlight later, I will be the guy overpaying for the table tennis balls :o

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I can't help you out with the lawnmower or the table tennis table BUT if you are looking for table tennis balls then you can pick up a basket of 10 of them at Spotlight for just under 1000 Bt.

It's pretty obvious why you are here, and equally obvious that the same isn't true of those posting the question.

Is your reply relevant or approprite?

Just out of curiosity .... what do you want to be when you grow up?

A slight over reaction there Mr. Hunt ?

Lighten up, it was a JOKE ( check dictionary for details ), no need to be so rude.

I think my posting is typical of what I see on this forum and it was only a matter of time before some other smart ass posted something similar.

Possibly. Although it wasn't a case of my lack oF a sense of humour but more a question as to whether your post was appropriate. I guessed that you weren't very familiar with the OP so under the circumstances it may have been presumptious of you to make such a crude reply. Your other little joke you share with us ...

'Sleeping with a Bar-Girl is like a box of chocolates , you never know what you are going to get !!'

not only implies that you here for one thing, but also that you think that most other people are too.

I've been to Spotlight and have been to Spiceys on more than a few occasions but any conversations I have about it would be in the right place at the right time with the right people.

Your love of the nightlife in Chiang Mai is understandable but your school-boy humour suggests immaturity. Hence my poor attempt at humour (GDJOHN liked it!?).

Actually I didn't find any of your jokes funny (not even a titter), but then I'm probably a bit more sophisticated than you - I am from Liverpool after all. :o


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See you all in Spotlight later, I will be the guy overpaying for the table tennis balls :o

Pull up a sandbag and I'll tell you a story.........

About ten days agoat about 3am I was driving along the moat during a torrential downpour. Almost oppsite Spotlight on the side of the moat I saw a young girl crouching and crying and obviously soaked to the skin. It bothered me so much I did a u-turn and came back to see what her problem was . She was sobbing her heart out and saying she wanted to kill herself. I persuaded her to come out of the storm and tell me her problems. What followed was disturbing even for someone like me that's been here for years and heard it all before. She had two girls by a farang husband who ended up as a violent abusive drug-addict and a recent baby girl by a husband that deserted her for a younger model. Neither sent her any money to support their children anymore so out of poverty and desperation she had come out to work in a beerbar. She had no money, and no means to feed her 3 children.

       At the bar a farang couple asked her to go to their hotel and give them a massage for 1000 baht. Being desperate she agreed but as it turned out they wanted more than a massage and wanted to degrade her for extra payment. She refused and  left disgusted, degraded and disillusioned. She was destitute and although she said that she could live on rice and salad her young children needed more. She told me how she had worked hard as a young girl (25baht a day for cutting sugar-cane) been good to her family,  and tried to take care of her children but had received no kindness in return. Alone, and desperate and with 3 kids to support she had no-one to turn to. 

    I've heard tales about sick mothers and the rest but this poor girl (28years old) was truly depressed. The  annoying thing was that she obviously needed more than the usual 3-4,000 baht a month that most bar-restaurants pay and there weren't any alternatives and no government agencies to turn. I explained that her children loved her and that she couldn't kill herself for their sake. She agreed and told me how her children kissed her and told her they loved her. i still felt helpless though as I knew she needed probably 10,000 baht a month to pay rent (2000 baht in Mae Hia) food clothes school fees ... 

   I eventually dropped her off at her room where her baby was waiting and gave her what money I had, knowing that it was just a stop-gap.

   The experience still haunts me and for the cynics that say this was all a ploy then let me re-iterate that I've heard em all before and I can tell you when you see utter despair you know it's real.

   So, maybe I've become more critical of the bar-girl scene, but all the same I've always thought that they should always be treated with respect. References to Ping pong balls and comparing them to a box of chocolates doesn't come across as respectful to me. But I could be wrong. 

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" I've been to Spotlight and have been to Spiceys on more than a few occasions but any conversations I have about it would be in the right place at the right time with the right people. "

I think that if you search the word " Spicey" and "Spotlight" on the Chiangmai forum you will see references to them come up as many times as if you searched for Best Burger, baked beans or dog bites.

This deffinately is the right place, it was the right time as if I didnt mention it someone else would have picked up on it. Regarding the " right person " , its an open forum and my comments were not offensive as only someone here in chiangmai would have gotton the joke. You just made a big deal about it.

" Sleeping with a Bar-Girl is like a box of chocolates , you never know what you are going to get !!'

( joke, humour, not serious ) try a different dictionary.

"not only implies that you here for one thing, but also that you think that most other people are too. "

Strike 2, another personal insult from Mr. Hunt. How does this imply that I am here for one thing. I actually i like forrest gump and chocolates. I will change it later for you and add a passage from the bible.

See you all in Spotlight later, I will be the guy overpaying for the table tennis balls :D

After 2 years here I am sorry to say I have never been to this game. Have been invited many times by

the lovely sports girls outside as I stroll by but I did not have my paddle with me. Do I need to bring my own paddle or can I rent one? What is the prize if I win the game? A box of chocolates sounds good to me :o .

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So, maybe I've become more critical of the bar-girl scene, but all the same I've always thought that they should always be treated with respect.

Your story is sad indeed, but I'm not sure how much blame goes to the nightery entertainment scene.

It is too bad that she chooses such losers for husbands and it is too bad that she has more and more babies with them, but isn't she responsible for her own choices at all?

I see lots of handsome young farangs and Thai men "exploiting" these girls when they are young and fresh, but dumping them after a couple of children. I'm always amazed that no one seems to blame them, but are totally outraged when some older farang comes along - falls in love - and tries to help the girl pick up the pieces.

I'm not the brightest bulb in the bunch - especially when it comes to women, but I have avoided long term relationships with drug addicts, prostitutes and alchoholics and if I hadn't, I would blame the problems they cause on myself for getting involved with them.

You feel that she needs more money than most jobs pay, but I know excellent workers who make 3 to four times the figure you mention, because they work so hard that they became indespensible to their boss. She could do that, or she could work in a bar for more money. She should try to do the best job she can, whichever line of work she chooses. I have seen lots of BGs end up with good caring husbands.

I hope that she has some luck soon, but she needs to be more careful about who she decides to become involved with.

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So, maybe I've become more critical of the bar-girl scene, but all the same I've always thought that they should always be treated with respect.

Your story is sad indeed, but I'm not sure how much blame goes to the nightery entertainment scene.

It is too bad that she chooses such losers for husbands and it is too bad that she has more and more babies with them, but isn't she responsible for her own choices at all?

I see lots of handsome young farangs and Thai men "exploiting" these girls when they are young and fresh, but dumping them after a couple of children. I'm always amazed that no one seems to blame them, but are totally outraged when some older farang comes along - falls in love - and tries to help the girl pick up the pieces.

I'm not the brightest bulb in the bunch - especially when it comes to women, but I have avoided long term relationships with drug addicts, prostitutes and alchoholics and if I hadn't, I would blame the problems they cause on myself for getting involved with them.

You feel that she needs more money than most jobs pay, but I know excellent workers who make 3 to four times the figure you mention, because they work so hard that they became indespensible to their boss. She could do that, or she could work in a bar for more money. She should try to do the best job she can, whichever line of work she chooses. I have seen lots of BGs end up with good caring husbands.

I hope that she has some luck soon, but she needs to be more careful about who she decides to become involved with.

   I agree that she hasn't made the best choices - she probably knows that too. But either way, the reality of her situation is pretty hopeless. How can you work with 3 kids and no-one to take care of them? She had support from one or other of the boyfriends but that came to an abrupt end. I didn't give the details about the abuse she suffered from her husband but it was pretty sad to hear. The main point was that she detested the idea of working in a bar and being degraded. It was a last resort and even then the nice farang couple turned about to be bastards. Too many people forget that most girls would rather not be doing that. They put on a brave face but it is made worse by the lack of respect they get.

  It's all about respect. They should be treated  like they are real people - mothers, sisters, daughters. This poor girl was broken, and all people wanted to do was deceive her and abuse her more. 

  Like I said, I've been here a long time but I must admit that this poor girl's plight disturbed me. Still does.

   That aside, I still maintain that Finnish's remarks were frivolous and un-necessary. Sitting around with the boys it may be appropriate, but not with a mother making a sensible request for advice. Maybe I am becoming a prude (from Kirkby?). Or maybe I've just had a better up-bringing. Maybe Finnish does treat the girls with respect , but his remarks don't suggest that.

   Besides, when were there ever 'shows' at Spotlight? None in the last 20 years that I know of.


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For lawnmover, if you mean by people I paid 3,000 baht (per time) 2 months ago (garden approx 1400 sqm.) but the price depend on how big of the garden and how difficult to do it, they did good job with machine, product for trees and plants, and quick. if you want I can give number telephone or you can go to ask information at Kome Tieng market near Lotus Kome Tieng, there are many shops there.

If you mean machine, I am looking for too, I saw second hand lawnmover by internet but can not find new one in Chiang Maion internet, depend which engine and system do you need (use bezine, electric, etc.), you can look at Kuang Sing intersection, there is a shop there sale lawnmover but I do not know exactly addres of name of the shop.

If you can find one, please let me know I would like to buy one too.

thank you.

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The main point was that she detested the idea of working in a bar and being degraded. It was a last resort and even then the nice farang couple turned about to be bastards. Too many people forget that most girls would rather not be doing that.

Besides, when were there ever 'shows' at Spotlight? None in the last 20 years that I know of.

It is simple, if working in a bar and being paid for sex bothers her, she should not do it. I am not so sure that the couple were really out of line if she represented herself as a sex worker and then changed her mind in their room. How often does that happen? The truth is that we don't know the whole story.

About shows, I remember when John's Place was doing shower shows and such every night. I'm pretty sure that Spotlight came up with something in response. I do remember when they were all wearing heart-shaped pasties which was enough of a show for me. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The main point was that she detested the idea of working in a bar and being degraded. It was a last resort and even then the nice farang couple turned about to be bastards. Too many people forget that most girls would rather not be doing that.

Besides, when were there ever 'shows' at Spotlight? None in the last 20 years that I know of.

It is simple, if working in a bar and being paid for sex bothers her, she should not do it. I am not so sure that the couple were really out of line if she represented herself as a sex worker and then changed her mind in their room. How often does that happen? The truth is that we don't know the whole story.

About shows, I remember when John's Place was doing shower shows and such every night. I'm pretty sure that Spotlight came up with something in response. I do remember when they were all wearing heart-shaped pasties which was enough of a show for me. :o

  I think the point was that she wasn't doing it out of choice - she was doing it out of desperation.

  As regards to pasties ( little pieces of paper  - not to be confused with pies from Cornwall) yes, that's about as risque as it ever got. So what are all these guys on about? I doubt if it's suddenly changed.

  If you went to Star Six, that was a different story. But still - not in the last ten or more years.

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