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A Gift For A Man Who Has Everything?


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Been struggling this last several weeks trying to come up with an interesting but not toooo expensive gift for my Uncle (very dear to me). (I will be posting it to him, so nothing tooo heavy too.)

Im trying to find something that is typical of Chiang Mai/Thailand, or something that is beautifully made. (Im leaning towards something made from silver. Maybe cufflinks, or something else made of silver?-Engraving would be nice too...anywhere that does it well?).

I would prefer he has something he would use, rather than stick in a drawer. (He has too many pens as is..so that one is out of the equation).

He is a quiet man, has been successful in business and still enjoys doing some work, he never goes to places like pubs or 'hangs out' socially, likes food and wine, playing chess (but plays via computer, so chess board is out too). Hobby-wise, he is the kind of man who enjoys watching the ftse index!

Any ideas of what could be a good gift?! Im going nuts trying to think of something, and sick of wandering around.

Thank you!

(My budget not more than 5000 baht.)

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Hi Eek,

I think that very fact you are doing so much your best to find something your uncle likes, is already a gift in itself as it shows your love and appreciation for him.

Each year when I go back to Holland I have the same problem. My parents have everything already, and really don't need anything more in their living room.

Some years ago, I had a drawing made at the night bazar from pictures of the whole family including doggy kids. This drawing has been hanging on their wall for years.

2 years ago they were married for 50 years and we gave them a home-made calender with for each month something of our own (feelings towards them, life-lines, experiences) by means of drawing, pictures etc.

When they were 40 years married I had a big umbrella made at Bor sang with a picures of big birds and '40 years married' painted on it. They still use it in thier garden on the (very) few occassion when the suns shines in Holland.

This year we celebrated my mother's 80st birthday. The biggest gift we gave her (and my father) was having the whole family around the table back on talking terms and in total peace.

In my family, the giving is the most appreciated, not the money-value of the gift itself. If you know what I mean.

Maybe you can have something made in silver. Something personal. For example, decennia ago, when I was still with my first partner I had a silver puppet made of a fisherman as neckless, as my ex loved working on a fishing boat. He has been wearing that for years (out of free will, not because he had to :o).


Edited by Nienke
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Are you familiar with the artists here -- I know them from the Night Bazaar, but they may well work elsewhere too -- who can do drawings and paintings from photographs? Soon after moving here a couple of years ago and seeing the kind of work they can do, I had family portraits done, from photos I had or had sent to me, of a few different friends and their families, and sent them to them as gifts. The portraits were, or at least so I was told, very much appreciated. You can arrange to create a family or group portrait that does not actually exist as a photograph, by taking individual photos of the people you want in the portrait, and arranging for them to be put together in a composition of your choice.

[Oops. Just noticed this was one of Nienke's ideas too.]

Edited by Rasseru
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Oh tnx guys. Nienke especially. GREAT ideas. I like ideas are a bit unusual, but can still be associated with Thailand if possible. Getting something made in silver sounds good. Maybe the hand drawn image from a photo too. I also passed a beautiful silk shop today, so maybe a silk tie and handkerchief and a silver tie pin. Not sure yet. Pls keep the ideas coming tho pls!, its great help and hopefully can help others too.

Really love the calender idea, and will use that idea for Christmas time.

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Are you familiar with the artists here -- I know them from the Night Bazaar, but they may well work elsewhere too -- who can do drawings and paintings from photographs? Soon after moving here a couple of years ago and seeing the kind of work they can do, I had family portraits done, from photos I had or had sent to me, of a few different friends and their families, and sent them to them as gifts. The portraits were, or at least so I was told, very much appreciated. You can arrange to create a family or group portrait that does not actually exist as a photograph, by taking individual photos of the people you want in the portrait, and arranging for them to be put together in a composition of your choice.

[Oops. Just noticed this was one of Nienke's ideas too.]

Many years ago, I had a portrait of my brother and his wife done at the Night Bizzare from photos. She hated it, and nerver thanked me... Never liked me since then :o

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Maybe get him something that is personnel and something that you both might like and when he sees it he'll think of you.

How about a nice little painting for his house?

I had a couple of years ago the honor of a Dutch regular and homeopathic vet dropping by and looking at my dogs, while he was on holiday here.

As a thank you I wanted to have a drawing made of his clinic. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a proper picture. In stead, I could get pictures of him, his wife and his staff and had it painted on a clock. Don't know if he liked the clock itself so much, but he definitely appreciated the gesture.


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Many years ago, I had a portrait of my brother and his wife done at the Night Bizzare from photos. She hated it, and nerver thanked me... Never liked me since then :D

Looks like I'm off to the night bizzare tonight with pictures of my sister in law.

Can they do a velvet Elvis like the ones from Juarez ??


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Are you familiar with the artists here -- I know them from the Night Bazaar, but they may well work elsewhere too -- who can do drawings and paintings from photographs? Soon after moving here a couple of years ago and seeing the kind of work they can do, I had family portraits done, from photos I had or had sent to me, of a few different friends and their families, and sent them to them as gifts. The portraits were, or at least so I was told, very much appreciated. You can arrange to create a family or group portrait that does not actually exist as a photograph, by taking individual photos of the people you want in the portrait, and arranging for them to be put together in a composition of your choice.

[Oops. Just noticed this was one of Nienke's ideas too.]

Many years ago, I had a portrait of my brother and his wife done at the Night Bizzare from photos. She hated it, and nerver thanked me... Never liked me since then :o


One must of course exercise discretion based on the appearance and, perhaps even more, self-regard of those who are to be depicted in the portraits.

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a good cuban cigar every man will like
If he smokes that is, try this site for cigar cases and cutters. Getting them made in Thailand would be less expensive I'm sure - but not cheap.

A custom made silk tie, a total one off, would be nice if he is still in business that requires a tie. Dress down Friday starts on Monday these days.

If he wears 'propper shirts', he might like some silver collar stays. (Link with pictures.) Presented in a hand made wooden box from Thailand would be nice.

Many people have their names on such things - consider a blessing or good luck phrase written in Thai - it would be something of a talking point for him.

Likewise - if you are getting something custom made, consider taking pictures of you standing next to the craftsman working on the item to give as a supporting gift, it ties you in with the gift and it's origin in Thailand. Shows more thought then something that could be from a Chinese factory.

Find someone that works with bamboo/wood and could make a nice paper knife - do the photo idea mentioned above and it has the feel good factor of money going to a worthy cause, but a skilled person rather than a company. Postage would be less expensive too.


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Likewise - if you are getting something custom made, consider taking pictures of you standing next to the craftsman working on the item to give as a supporting gift, it ties you in with the gift and it's origin in Thailand. Shows more thought then something that could be from a Chinese factory.

Thats a really good idea! I also like the idea about having something engraved in Thai rather than in English. Silly me, because i really didnt think of that :o ..Talking of which, anyone know a good place to get something engraved well? Whats the down time on something like that? Same day? Leaning toward the idea of silk tie (he wears a shirt everyday, and tie and shirt if going to his office. Classic old gent :D ) and something silver engraved.

Appreciate these replies very much.

(As for the cigar idea, he doesnt smoke, but could be a good idea for a different relative later. Tnx.)

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