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The Usd Is Headed To 25 Baht Per

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Ah yes, good old Jimmy Rogers the eternal pessimist. I think that jimmy has been correct about 3, no make that 4 times over the past 30 years, but his long term positions in equities in mainland China was certainly not one of them :o You could probably substitute Marc Faber for Jimmy in that sentence, but Mr. Faber has a slightly better batting average than Jimmy(which isn't saying much)!!!

Vegas Vic your endless generalisations and meaningless comments about people such as

Jimmy Rogers and Marc Faber who I'm very sure can rightfully claim far more success than you is extremely tiring.

Do you dismiss what George Soros says as well ?

Yesterday you laughed off Faber's warning that the U.S. government authorities could eventually ban the ownership

of gold when subsequently others in this forum who had a better knowledge of American financial history than me ( but

I am not American thank god ! ) quickly pointed out this virtually already occurred in the past.

Instead of a completely meaningless remark such as " Faber has a slightly better batting average than Jimmy(which isn't saying much)!

please give us your examples..............?

No one in this world can ever expect the right all the time. Look at your so-called financial gurus

on Wall Street and even your esteemed President GWB has made more than his fair share of cock up's

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looks like the dollar is being propped for now. europe has their own banking and recession problems.

that was to be expected with a "positive" message from the political clowns. i will wait a few days and then sell not only all my cash dollars but go naked² short on USD vs. €UR. if i am right i will smile, if i am wrong... who the EFF cares? after all it's my money and i can waste it as i see fit :o

i am thinking along the same lines but i am not crazy about the Euro as i think Europe has it own problems right now.

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at least one big-time Asian investment firm (can't recall the name) is investing heavily in $$'s right now.

If I understand correctly, their basic theory is: if the US economy continues to tank, it will compel big foreign players to put their assets in safe places. Even with big troubles, the US is still considered safe (T-bills, etc) and Asians in particular are dedicated to brand names. Once they get it fixed in their heads, it's 'branded.' So, though it seems counter-intuitive, when financial seas get rough, it could be lots of tattered vessels will seek a US port. hence, the $$ won't tumble in value, and may indeed increase.

There is "economic" safe and there is "geographic" safe. I'm not sure if there is a more geographic safe location anywhere. than North America. Of course that may not matter any more.

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US$ 17,000 per American citizen or US$ 23,000 per American citizen gives you a total number of American citizens of between 30,000,000 and 40,000,000

Or have the septics now invented another new definition of a billion, somewhere between an old US billion and a UK billion?

700b divided by

2008 estimate 305,238,000 wiki

= 20 something k usd per citizen

Your former math teacher should give you a good paddling :D The actual number is apprximately $2,290 per U.S. citizen, but the number is an arbitrary one that has little relevance since the assets will be bought at fire sale prices and if dispoed of properly they should net the U.S. taxpayer in the neighborhood of $100-$150 billion. Please don't try the math on that one lifeisrandom, I will do it here for you.

:o (Vic, I don't always agree with your views, but sometimes you are a stitch!)

Edited by Lopburi99
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