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Careful What You Hear Them Say

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The g/f came home yesterday after working at her cousin's cake shop where they have been working extra hours to cover increasing demand. She flopped down onto the soaf and said, 'I work pussy mak mak today.'



I ask if she is now working as a bar girl. :o I get a very dirty look!! I repeat what she said about working her pussy so hard today and she nodded. Then I explain what she has said. It was with some embarassment that she got her dictionary out and changed it from pussy to busy :D

Was very funny at the time and she sees it that way now, too. It is one 'clanger' I will remember for some time..

many thais learn english from thai transliterated forms of the english words just like many foreigners learn thai from english transliterated forms of the thai words. mispronunciations all around on both sides.

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Right on guys and gals! This should be a pinned topic! Today after several months of studying at Payap Uni. in Chiang Mai, I said to แม่บ้าน (The maid at the appartment complex) Today is hot! I'm going to goto China and play with snow for sure! And being 'out of tune' with my pronunciation I said "I'm going to china and dogs vagina's will come for sure!"

She laughed so hard, she almost fell off the balcony.

Keep trying!!!


After 9 years of trying to speak Thai--I still make the same mistake--Thais usually understand due to context but smile at same time--and, before you all jump on my case , I agree that I must be a slow learner.

A Thai friend offered to bring some dinner over to my apartment the other day. They asked me what I wanted and I told them, "fish and chips." Imagine my surprise when they turned up with a nuclear reactor! They thought I had said fission chips!

Tried to resist answering this one but I couldn't. I try to avoid mentioning snow or mollusc in Thai language cos. it always comes out wrong as previous postings confirm.

7 years down the line these are my 2 best offerings. My missus cannot say kitchen as much as she tries it always comes out chicken -- so I asked for the chicken from the chicken and she doesn't get it. For 3 weeks she persisted she wanted 100 jars -- what can you do with a hundred jars I kept asking. Anybody got it yet ?? A HONDA JAZZ

mak mak funny



So the haemorrhoid brothers now include maigo6, lifeisrandom AND the urban cowboy known as RakjungTorlae. A truly eclectic bunch.

A Thai friend offered to bring some dinner over to my apartment the other day. They asked me what I wanted and I told them, "fish and chips." Imagine my surprise when they turned up with a nuclear reactor! They thought I had said fission chips!

Tried to resist answering this one but I couldn't. I try to avoid mentioning snow or mollusc in Thai language cos. it always comes out wrong as previous postings confirm.

7 years down the line these are my 2 best offerings. My missus cannot say kitchen as much as she tries it always comes out chicken -- so I asked for the chicken from the chicken and she doesn't get it. For 3 weeks she persisted she wanted 100 jars -- what can you do with a hundred jars I kept asking. Anybody got it yet ?? A HONDA JAZZ

try ordering a "mince pie"....they may bring you a "mint spy" (green colored wine cooler).


This is shaping up to be a funny thread. Beats the usual debate over the benefit of enemas in the health thread. Wanna bet, that if we ran a poll as to who had the fewest complaints and problems living in Thailand, it would be the folks with the sense of humour? :o


My wife asked me to "take care" of her family, and with me being of Sicilian heritage, I automatically assumed that she wanted them whacked. :D

I was on my way to their house with my sawn off shotgun, when the missus called, and clarified her statement,\; and just wanted me to take them to Tesco's....

Luckily, we both saw the funny side. :o


When my wife and I first got married, my sister called my wife and asked her what she wanted as a wedding gift. My wife said, "a bread maker."

So when she un-wrapped the bread maker, she was very surprised that she had gotten a bread maker.

My wife really wanted a "toaster." Regardless, she was happy with a bread maker and used it often.

Then I must be a comical legend. :o

Or at least a legend in your own mind. Why do you persist in posting drivel on threads that you clearly have no interest in? I believe you are the odds on favorite for the TV pest of the year award.

My wife asked me to "take care" of her family, and with me being of Sicilian heritage, I automatically assumed that she wanted them whacked. :D

I was on my way to their house with my sawn off shotgun, when the missus called, and clarified her statement,\; and just wanted me to take them to Tesco's....

Luckily, we both saw the funny side. :D

You slay me.


This is shaping up to be a funny thread. Beats the usual debate over the benefit of enemas in the health thread. Wanna bet, that if we ran a poll as to who had the fewest complaints and problems living in Thailand, it would be the folks with the sense of humour? :o

or the couples that speak a common language?

Then I must be a comical legend. :o

Or at least a legend in your own mind. Why do you persist in posting drivel on threads that you clearly have no interest in? I believe you are the odds on favorite for the TV pest of the year award.

And you wanted to join the Bangkok (unofficial meetups) why to tell me that I am a pest?? Rofl….

In my own mind is where it truly matters. :D

mak mak funny



So the haemorrhoid brothers now include maigo6, lifeisrandom AND the urban cowboy known as RakjungTorlae. A truly eclectic bunch.

lets name their first single !,. :o ...

My g/f came home one day and told me that one of the girls in her English class had a "dick that talked" :o . After I pick myself off the floor and stopped laughing I discovered she meant a talking dictionary. I explained the difference and she very embaressed, but laughed about it later.



It is only too apparent that the language gaffes go both ways.

What is also apparent is each person posting (other than the perpetually sour grapes foreign basher Maigo6) is taking it in stride and having a good laugh with it.

The amount of poorly spoken engrish I have misheard here would fill a novel. However I am sure it pales to the amount of mangled and misunderstood thai spoken by foreigners which the diminutive inhabitants endure in our endeavor to learn their language.

Great stories, keep 'em comin'. ...

"RakJungTorlae": still trying to get your post count up there with the 'big dogs' by your well thought out inane remarks I see….

"RakJungTorlae": still trying to get your post count up there with the 'big dogs' by your well thought out inane remarks I see….

No, Ive passed 1000. im all good now.

I do have a story but I think it will just be censored out or deleted.…

Its got to do with me and my black "cat" and this Chinese chick, me and my friend where really on the floor laughing our butts off.

BTW my cats name Starts with P. You should be able to work it out. :o


We enjoy eating at a local Korean restaurant.

Ahan Gowlee, but my boys make fun and call it Ahan Gowhee.

Back to the vagina again. :o


Or, careful what you "think" they say.

A few years ago, I went out with some friends of mine that play in a band.

Turns out they had 2 gigs that evening.

After the first gig, and we all were in the cars heading to the next one, one of my friends said, we are driving to " paow isaan" (or something like that).

What? I replied. Can not do. It takes too long, and my wife will kill me.

They all looked at me, like I had lost my mind.

How long time will this take, I asked.

30 minutes was the answer.

We are flying to Isaan?

Everybody laughing. No, we are driving to a place with that name here in Bangkok.

Me too laughing now. Sooo relieved.

Or, careful what you "think" they say.

A few years ago, I went out with some friends of mine that play in a band.

Turns out they had 2 gigs that evening.

After the first gig, and we all were in the cars heading to the next one, one of my friends said, we are driving to " paow isaan" (or something like that).

What? I replied. Can not do. It takes too long, and my wife will kill me.

They all looked at me, like I had lost my mind.

How long time will this take, I asked.

30 minutes was the answer.

We are flying to Isaan?

Everybody laughing. No, we are driving to a place with that name here in Bangkok.

Me too laughing now. Sooo relieved.

That reminds me. Never ever say to your girl that you have a “gig” to go to!!!!!! Trust me your not going to make it there..

A Thai friend offered to bring some dinner over to my apartment the other day. They asked me what I wanted and I told them, "fish and chips." Imagine my surprise when they turned up with a nuclear reactor! They thought I had said fission chips!

I hope you saw the funny side of it, and didn't <deleted> them for being ignorant foreigners, I mean you were probably starving as well.

Don't worry. I gave them a glowing report!

A Thai friend offered to bring some dinner over to my apartment the other day. They asked me what I wanted and I told them, "fish and chips." Imagine my surprise when they turned up with a nuclear reactor! They thought I had said fission chips!

I hope you saw the funny side of it, and didn't <deleted> them for being ignorant foreigners, I mean you were probably starving as well.

Don't worry. I gave them a glowing report!

So you didn't have a go atom then?


During my Thai language training, our class went to a local Thai restaurant in Melbourne. At the table next to us was a Thai family with their elderly grandmother, in the course of our conversation I observed that the grandmother was deaf by saying huu mai dii which I immediately realised was a faux pas, given the Thais delight in juxtaposing the initial letters of words, the family thought it was hilarious and after feeling very embarrassed I too joined in the laughter of the family and my classmates.

On a much later occasion in Thailand I was dining with a group of about twenty Thais at a seafood restaurant, when I ordered some oysters one of the girls asked me in English if I liked to eat them to which I replied "Taharn chop gin hoi" the whole crowd spent the next ten minutes congratulating the girl for asking me the question and extracting that answer from me. They found the double entendre most amusing.

RJT your cat story sounds like a back door job to me. :o:D:D

A Thai friend offered to bring some dinner over to my apartment the other day. They asked me what I wanted and I told them, "fish and chips." Imagine my surprise when they turned up with a nuclear reactor! They thought I had said fission chips!

I hope you saw the funny side of it, and didn't <deleted> them for being ignorant foreigners, I mean you were probably starving as well.

Don't worry. I gave them a glowing report!

So you didn't have a go atom then?

No, I thought I'd beta keep quiet...

A Thai friend offered to bring some dinner over to my apartment the other day. They asked me what I wanted and I told them, "fish and chips." Imagine my surprise when they turned up with a nuclear reactor! They thought I had said fission chips!

I hope you saw the funny side of it, and didn't <deleted> them for being ignorant foreigners, I mean you were probably starving as well.

Don't worry. I gave them a glowing report!

So you didn't have a go atom then?

No, I thought I'd beta keep quiet...

Yes it's always best to refrain from going "ballistic".

Then I must be a comical legend. :o

Or at least a legend in your own mind. Why do you persist in posting drivel on threads that you clearly have no interest in? I believe you are the odds on favorite for the TV pest of the year award.

I second that !

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