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Thailand Fails To Reach Top 10...

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Today's London Metro reports the Transparency International’s 2008 Corruption Perceptions Survey. Despite all the whining here about cops' fishing for bribes and political back-handing, Thailand comes out at no 80 out of 180 - not that far down the middle of the field ranked from least to most corrupt. Denmark, New Zealand and Sweden come out joint top while Somalia is the sole occupant of the last place slot at 180, just below Iraq and Burma :o

So next time you are forking over a fistful of non-sequential notes to a grinning traffic cop think to yourself "It could be worse..."

Of the top 79 countries there's not one I'd rather be living in than Thailand.

Hear, hear.

It'a glass half-full/half-empty thing. LOS is half-corrupt or half-honest - it's "up to you".

Of the top 79 countries there's not one I'd rather be living in than Thailand.

(slapping hand loudly on tabletop)



that should've been "HEAR,HEAR"


Nigeria was top of the most-corrupt charts for quite a while, as its GDP was made up wholly of email scams, but rather rested on its laurels a bit too much and allowed ambitious little upstarts like Bangladesh to overtake it.

At least when a Thai traffic cop stops you, he doesn't point an AK47 through the car window. :o

Is it fair to say that typically, cold weather countries are less corrupt than hot weather countries?

If so why is that?

Yes but see they have no source for Kaalallit Nunaat (Greenland) and I have it on good authority that both the guys there are on the take. :D

I'm disappointed in the UK's position of joint 16th. I lived there most of my life and no b@st@d ever offered me a bribe. :o Just goes to prove there's too much corruption in the world and somebody's getting my share. :D:D

But I agree, although there are a couple of places higher up the list I'd like to visit/live they don't make my list. Odd to see Vanuatu coming in at 109th, they recently topped a poll (I forget the details so don't ask for a source) as the happiest place on Earth to live. Indicating a measure of corruption is not necessarily a bad thing.

<edit : just noticed there's no data for Western Sahara but we all know the gentlemen there are honest, trustworthy and upstanding citizens.>


Whoa Nellie. it's all about Perceptions, not the Reality.

Looking at some of the high rankings, it's obvious it is not an accurate indication of corruption and its impact upon society.

IMHO Switzerland's banks still have not cleaned up their act, the Netherlands still gets a dismal rating by the OECD on corruption in respect to bribery in foreign trade, Canada still has an issue with government contracts and its urban civil servants, Japan???? Not according to the bribery review from the World Bank. Vanuatu ranked significantly lower than Italy? Yea right.

The perceptions must be taken in the context of what a perception is. Plenty of people see young afro males on the street and assume they are criminals and when they are not.

Is it fair to say that typically, cold weather countries are less corrupt than hot weather countries?

If so why is that?

Suppose that the history and climate of a country dictates its culture and the nature of its people. A lot of European history is of wars, famine, plagues, harsh Winter, starvation, crop rotation, etc. In other words, a struggle to survive and overcome. Necessity being the Mother of invention, etc... The inbuilt psyche of these nations is not to waste resources; of planning ahead; of not tolerating wasteful corruption.

Thailand and other countries on this latitude seem to have very fertile soils and a warm climate all year round. No one has ever starved or died of cold here, so no one gives a sh!t. :o

Is it fair to say that typically, cold weather countries are less corrupt than hot weather countries?

If so why is that?

Suppose that the history and climate of a country dictates its culture and the nature of its people. A lot of European history is of wars, famine, plagues, harsh Winter, starvation, crop rotation, etc. In other words, a struggle to survive and overcome. Necessity being the Mother of invention, etc... The inbuilt psyche of these nations is not to waste resources; of planning ahead; of not tolerating wasteful corruption.

Thailand and other countries on this latitude seem to have very fertile soils and a warm climate all year round. No one has ever starved or died of cold here, so no one gives a sh!t. :D

Good response kmart, makes sense. :o


Thailand has not really had a working government for the last 2 years, but as soon as we get a few mega projects going our position in this table will improve.


Thats Lazee boy from the back a well known farang tranny. You should see him from the front, looks like his face caught on fire and was put out using a chain

Today's London Metro reports the Transparency International’s 2008 Corruption Perceptions Survey. Despite all the whining here about cops' fishing for bribes and political back-handing, Thailand comes out at no 80 out of 180 - not that far down the middle of the field ranked from least to most corrupt. Denmark, New Zealand and Sweden come out joint top while Somalia is the sole occupant of the last place slot at 180, just below Iraq and Burma :o

So next time you are forking over a fistful of non-sequential notes to a grinning traffic cop think to yourself "It could be worse..."

Great, now Thailand has another challenge. Will it rise up to the challenge? I have faith that is will, practice makes perfect.

Nigeria was top of the most-corrupt charts for quite a while, as its GDP was made up wholly of email scams, but rather rested on its laurels a bit too much and allowed ambitious little upstarts like Bangladesh to overtake it.

At least when a Thai traffic cop stops you, he doesn't point an AK47 through the car window. :(

Well you can add Benin I just had a wonderful e-mail yesterday from ("Fanny") an 18 year old girl offering to share her dead fathers 9 million dollars with me :D:D:D

I just cant believe anybody falls for these scams but then again some must be otherwise they wouldn't bother to send them :o

Thailand might just!!!! be Nr. 80 on the list but the nepotism and corruption here is the single most damaging aspect of Thai society and severely affects the development of this country, it is so deeply rooted in all aspects of life that it is hard to see how they ever can get a grip on this problem, don't get me wrong I love staying here but I cant help feeling sorry for the regular Thais who is getting shafted again and again by scruple less High so's, army Generals and police, remember the resent, was it "information and technology?" Minister who stated that he never read e-mails because he did not like computers, and if anybody wanted to contact him they had to use Fax or letters :D with people like that at the helm how will this Country ever move forward to the benefit of all Thais??


Chile is quite interesting at 23.

I understand the crime rate is low,generally very christian,& quite cut off from its neighbours,geographically speaking.

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