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Am I Stupid ?


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No you are not stupid Fred.

After 5 years of happiness in Oz how where you to know that this would happen?

RE: People entering without knocking they are just being plain rude, culture or not. What I would suggest is to go commando as much as you can as them catching you in your full naked glory will have an impact and they will learn to knock sharpish. I found this out inadvertently because granny was quite shocked at the site of my member, but I was able to explain that if she had f'in well had the common decency to knock first then it would have been avoided.

How long have you been back in Thailand? I am asking because your wife has been away for 5 years and no doubt missed her family. Maybe after time the 'novelty' of being back home will wear off and things will start to get back to normal. Try to bear that in mind and perhaps show a little patience towards her.

If you have been back in Thailand for some time though then I would suggest that you have a chat with your misses, and maybe ask her how she felt

when she was in a foreign country with nobody but you, perhaps then she might understand how you are feeling.

That's my tuppence worth.

Good one!

Once or twice over the years also, certain members of the wife's family have also commented on the size of my manpiece, by walking into our room unannounced. Unfortunately also there was a time when I was accused of having a very immensely huge rectum also.

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Do all old men lose their balls? How on earth would you lose total control of YOUR house and your wife?! No sex? Jeebus.... Stop feeling sorry for yourself and take responsibility for yourself and your happiness. You still love her? You love what exactly? She treats you like crap and is obviously using you, what do you love? The 30 year difference in age? Surely you need more than that right buddy? Cmon, if you are unhappy CHANGE THINGS. You did this to yourself, its not her fault, its not her families fault, its you. Go find a woman who does make you happy, get out of this situation if it is an unhappy one. It might sting at first but a year later you'll feel much better.

Aint that the truth! Totally mind boggling how desperadoes here bag there fat assed farang exwives but at the same time hand there balls over on a platter to a 4ft 2inch pipsqueek and then either come crying here or unthinkably do a swan dive off a balcony. walk into the TV room and tell the workers to piss of, NOW. tell the missus to come to bed NOW or go and pack your bags and don't say a word until she asks you. Tell her you need a break with a smile, just a short holiday to think about things. Take control of your life and be a man she just might respect you for it..

The source of respect is not virility but money.

The house and the business are both in her name so Fred cannot hope to get any respect.

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If you refuse to take the hints and keep hiding

in the bedroom, this may happen:

One day a Thai man will

come and talk to you.

He will say:"You can leave now"

"It is time for you to go home to Aus

she is my wife, it is our house and we dont need you here


"The entire Village knew she was my wife

since the beginning, goodbye go home to Aus"

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If you refuse to take the hints and keep hiding

in the bedroom, this may happen:

One day a Thai man will

come and talk to you.

He will say:"You can leave now"

"It is time for you to go home to Aus

she is my wife, it is our house and we dont need you here


"The entire Village knew she was my wife

since the beginning, goodbye go home to Aus"

That is possible, however wouldn't you want to know ASAP?

But it's only some people who are that way. I have found the majority of Thais to be genuine and very good hearted.

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