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Where Can I Buy Replacement Motherboard For Laptop


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Hi folks,

I want to replace the motherboaard in my laptop as I keep getting bluescreens and have already replaced the memory which didnt fix the problem. Where is the best place in BKK to find something like this? The mobo is pretty highend as it has 2 G-cards and 2 harddrives.



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First place to start would be the business who's name is on the case.

Bought the laptop from a small UK based outfit, not one of the major builders. I thought about getting them to post one out, but dont really trust getting a new one posted out from UK, so thought to buy one in BKK next time i visit.

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Could you please tell me how someone could be able to help if you didn't post: 1.: Brand; 2.: Model; 3: Revision Number; 4: Serial Number?

A bit difficult me think!


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All I asked was where is the best place in BKK to find a replacement mobo for my laptop. I'm not asking if someone knows a place that will definitely have one in stock, just recommendations of shops that are likely to have something like that in stock. As the laptop is in thailand and I am in Iran working at the moment, I cant give the manufacturer/model/rev nr.

So, to rephrase my question, can anyone please recommend a shop in BKK that has a reasonable stock of laptop mobos and therefore may have the model I require. Any recommendations would be appreciated.

Thanks .

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Just go to Pantip and ask at the laptop repair shops you will find there if you take a walk around. You won't find any of the regular shops selling motherboards for laptops as there is no normal retail market for them. Motherboards for laptops are much more specific unlike a desktop where you have a wide range that might fit the bill. Like a lot of people I can easily upgrade or put together a desktop but with a laptop, adding some memory or replacing a hard disk or DVD is about my limit. If I thought the motherboard needed replacing then I'd either get the manufacturer to replace the board or if the cost is crazy expensive, buy a new laptop. If it's for some highend but obscure brand in the UK then you're probably not going to find it in Thailand anyway. I'd say get it checked by a good repair shop in Pantip (search TV for some previous suggestions) when you're in Thailand next as if you're lucky it might be as simple as a loose connection or an overheating problem and not require a motherboard replacement.

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Pretty much agree with Jeffer.

Many of the laptop mainboards are produced by the laptop manufacturer themselves, they just buy the chipset from Intel or AMD.

So that means there is a big chance that indeed the only place to get such a mainboard will be with the manufacturer of your laptop!

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My experience was that the price is prohibitive and it is usually about the same as buying a new one....especially if the machine is 2 or 3 years old....or more

The laptop is about 18 months old, but cost 2000GBP + VAT, so I'm not going to wrirte it off without a fight. Was ok when i was living in sweden as i have a pan-european warranty for 3 years, but no good for thailand and i dont travel to the UK very often, so not practical to take it with me and send back to the manufacturer while there.

THanks for the helpfull answers guys, will take it along to Pantip when i hit BKK in a couple of weeks.

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If you are in Chonburi province there is "Tuk.com" at Sri Racha and Pattaya with th e usual plethora of repair stalls.

18 months is outrageously short life-span - I'd be inclined to contact the builders and try to et them to rush out a replacement - 30 hours by air to anywhere in the world.

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If you are in Chonburi province there is "Tuk.com" at Sri Racha and Pattaya with th e usual plethora of repair stalls.

18 months is outrageously short life-span - I'd be inclined to contact the builders and try to et them to rush out a replacement - 30 hours by air to anywhere in the world.

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Hi folks,

I want to replace the motherboaard in my laptop as I keep getting bluescreens and have already replaced the memory which didnt fix the problem.

Bluescreens aren't only caused by defective RAM or mainboards. Could just be a driver. You already wasted time and money replacing the RAM. Actually you have no idea WHAT's causing the problem and are just shooting in the dark.

Your mainboard isn't very old, so that's a less likely source. Better get somebody who knows what he/she's doing, software and hardware-wise, to check everything.

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It has been back to the makers twice when i was living in europe. they did the RAM replacement which I thought had cleared up the problem until i started playing games for any amount of time. I have tried keeping the installation of vista that they put on it, plus installed XP SP2, but nothing is stable. It will work fine if i am just surfing with iexploreand nothing else, but if i play games or watch movies, listen to itunes, it will blue screen after about 45 mins and then after rebooting, start bluescreening more and more regularly (made me think something was overheating when stressed). I'll take it to a shop in Pantip and see what they come up with anyway.


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I would be very suprised if its the motherboard causing the crashes. If it was the motherboard chances are the machine would be totally dead. I think you are wasting money looking at replacing the motherboard.

As suggested until problem is rectified:

1. Reinstall From Scratch windows

2. install latest drivers

3. Install latest bios update

4. Replace RAM modules

5. Replace Hard drive

6. Check CPU is sitting correctly on motherboard and heatsink / fans functioning normally.

If all that doesnt work throw it in the bin will be cheaper to buy new laptop than source a uk model motherboard in Thailand.

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Cant recall the exact error msg, but it is something to do with unreferenced memory error when it bluescreens. Wouldnt have thought the harddrive would cause that. points 1-4 have already been done and still got the problem. Hadnt thought about the CPU not being seated correctly, but will check that when i get home, or get a laptop repair place to check it.

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Sorry jamie but it sounds like a real lemon if the manufacturers have messed with it a couple of times.

IMHO re- bluescreens (BSOD's) it's mostly been drivers, particularly USB ones, followed by flaky o/s installations.

I have a bare-bones Asus laptop running XP Pro that lasted about 18 months before the BSOD's started. The problem appeared related to be the add-on nVidia VGA board with a heat issue. However, after 2 months sitting unused in a dark cupboard, it stayed BSOD free long enough to do a full system recovery and it's been rock-solid ever since. Of course I had already forked out on a new laptop 3 months ago!

PS. Download and install Belarc Advisor. Once you run that, it will identify the manufacturer, model and serial # of your mobo, the BIOS revision, all the hardware and all the software installed. Handy to have that info in hand before some clown cracks open the case only to say 'sorry no hab' when he sees the mobo.

PPS. Sorry about Iran!

Edited by NanLaew
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