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Mosquito Repellents


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Have been bitten many times in LOS but twice was very bad, I was in bed very ill, hot sweats, severe shits, badly swollen ankles and the last time I was in Los I got bitten just before I came back home and 3 days after coming home I was in bed for 1 week delerious and eventually had to be taken to the hospital suffering badly from hallucinations, scary stuff but apart from that it's been not to bad.

Sure you havent had a dose of Dengue fever....never heard of anyone reacting this way to a mozzie bite, unless its was a dose of maleria (unlikey in Thailand) or dengue, sounds a bit more serious than a straight mozzie bite.

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when the brand you have suggested has a varient with 95% deet,?.

I did not recommend the 95% anywhere, just mentioned that it come sin two strengths and care has to be taken when buing this as the bottles look identical. I use the 95% to spray on my leech socks.

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There is an Thai made Lotion named Sketolene on the market. I get it from Foodland at all times and works well for me. Maybe worth to take a check for you as well.


That is my recommendation too.

Locally produced with a local price. :o

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In this particular case would advocate large quantities of Gin & Tonic in addtion to Citronella Oil... :D

Love that prevention measure! :o - FACT is that at the time G&T was invented (story tells for this reason) Schweppes Indian Tonic Water did in FACT included Quinine Etracts and the alcohol content of the gin to 'purify' the water!

History of Gin and Tonic

"Gin and Tonics were -like Gin itself- originally developed as a medicine. In this case to help fight malaria. When the British were in the East they became susceptible to malaria and eventually found out that quinine (an ingredient in Tonic Water) was useful for getting rid of the disease. Well, as you would probably expect, drinking Tonic Water by itself is pretty nasty (unless you've acquired a taste for it) and they had problems getting the British in the East to drink it.

Along comes our friend Gin to be mixed with the Tonic Water, which not only made drinking it much more pleasant, but also created an excellent drink that would be remembered from then on, even if its relationship to the disease was forgotten. So, as you can see, Gin and Tonic Water came about due to medicinal reasons, then caught on later for thier more pleasurable aspects.

On a minor note, the Lime (served in any GOOD Gin and Tonic) being a citrus fruit (and therefore containing Vitamin C) helps to prevent scurvy. Usually the limes are not the dominant ingredient of Gin and Tonic, so they won't actually get rid of scurvy if you've already got it - unless you drink A LOT of Gin and Tonics of course.


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I agree with Sketolene spray. White bottle / green label.

I tried powders and other sprays and they did not work or washed off to easily.

Using Skelotene I have not been bitten when it has been applied.

I have found too by accident, that once bitten washing with water (no soap) and that workds wonders, at least as well as all the creams available.

If bitten on the arm in a restaurant I use an ice cube and rub the bite. Seems to reduce the swelling and stop a lot of the itching too.

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I am one of the unlucky ones who get bitten by Mosquitos and ants all the time I bought all different brands of repellents but I still get bitten. So my question is do they really work or is it just clever marketing.

You don't say whether you stay predominantly in rural or urban areas.


At home, move up a few floors?

I stay in central Pattaya and have always rented apartments on the 4th floor or higher. I've never had a problem with mosquitos in my room.

Re deet. The 'Nomad' travel shop in London recommended to me 50 percent Deet spray to counter mosquitos.

Problem there is farrangs are more suseptable to ''jumping off'' such high floors. Mozzies or jumping....take your pick.

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This is the one you want... the "daddy" or duracell of mozzie repellents.

Boots own 50% DEET available in liquid or spray can. A bit pricey at nearly 400 baht but works when all the local concoctions leave you open to attack. Hua Hin have two Boots pharmacies, but I'm not sure about the rest of LOB (Land of Bites)!


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Also read in an article that DEET was by far the best.


whatever you use, studies have shown that the Mosquitos sit down and have their meal only 1/4 of an inch away from where you have applied the repellent.

In other words, if not applied everywhere on the bare skin, you will be bitten.

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Also read in an article that DEET was by far the best.


whatever you use, studies have shown that the Mosquitos sit down and have their meal only 1/4 of an inch away from where you have applied the repellent.

In other words, if not applied everywhere on the bare skin, you will be bitten.

Yes, I've read that too. Best just fill the bath tub with DEET and sit in it for a while before dueling with the mozzies :o

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