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Bell Peppers


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Anyone have advice on what might be wrong with these peppers? The pepper farm is around 8 months old, crop has been ok, but the last couple of months some of the plants are not looking so great. Any advice would be helpful. Thank you.









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Looks like they are grown in a green/glass house, Humidity is very high now, do you have fans to dry/move the air around? Looks like a mold forming on some pics and aphids on the leaves,

Perhaps remove the dieseased plants, fumigate and get some fans going.

We had near the same problem with papaya intercropped with banana, just not enough moving air for the papaya, hence causing lots of problems with insects ect.

Hopefully somebody will be along soon with more info for you, Cheers, Lickey.

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A sleep at the wheel, the link I had for pepper, is hidding from me, but CA has a big greenhouse's, try the top link on the CA site, and I was trying to find the Rutgers or Florida site withe the pepper diseases link.

Will look after I get up, Air and spray needed.




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Thank you for advice.

Grown in a green house (plastic tarpaulin) No, no fans moving the air around. Could give that a try. Using yellow sticky bags for the insects, as well as insecticide.


Below is how the peppers looked in June. So i guess its the season. Hopefully they will begin to look better again soon..



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A sleep at the wheel, the link I had for pepper, is hidding from me, but CA has a big greenhouse's, try the top link on the CA site, and I was trying to find the Rutgers or Florida site withe the pepper diseases link.

Will look after I get up, Air and spray needed.




Cant seem to get those links to work rice. Can you re-post pls? ty.

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Eek, lovely peppers in the pics, what is the growing medium/soil mixture you're using?


Suggest you knock off the remaining aphids with a contact insecticide like Lannate ( harvest your bell pepper after the residual effect period of this chemical ). Then pick off the deformed fruits and to help improve photosynthesis wash off the dark deposit on the leaves ( aphid droppings ) by spraying using 5 ml. of sprader in 20 litres of water. You may have to do it a few times.

Bell pepper is normally susceptible to powdery mildew during the humid months, more so in an enclosed screenhouse. Hope you have this disease under control.

Is your farm open to outside visitors ?


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Is your farm open to outside visitors ?


The farm isnt open to visitors, but is looked after on a daily basis by a Thai couple. Can only assume that it is only them going in and out. I think i understand your asking, because of contamination? This farm is a new venture, so its a bit of a learning curve. All advice given is gold-dust. Thank you. Really appreciated.

Eek, lovely peppers in the pics, what is the growing medium/soil mixture you're using?

Hi smithson. Will reply later on that when I find out, as I am making this inquiry on behalf of someone else.

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Hello eek, I couldn't find the specific site I was looking for as it was peppers and I was growing something else. It did have wonderful color pictures of insects and diseases, this should wake up the driver.

I would like to see more pictures of the house/system if you can? Also where does get the white bags?




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Eek, lovely peppers in the pics, what is the growing medium/soil mixture you're using?


Suggest you knock off the remaining aphids with a contact insecticide like Lannate ( harvest your bell pepper after the residual effect period of this chemical ). Then pick off the deformed fruits and to help improve photosynthesis wash off the dark deposit on the leaves ( aphid droppings ) by spraying using 5 ml. of sprader in 20 litres of water. You may have to do it a few times.

Bell pepper is normally susceptible to powdery mildew during the humid months, more so in an enclosed screenhouse. Hope you have this disease under control.

Is your farm open to outside visitors ?


I think CM farmer is correct, insect mix of aphids or some scale bugs are the problem. try those light oil sprays now that there is fruit. or drop the fruit and use systemic chemicals.

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Eek, lovely peppers in the pics, what is the growing medium/soil mixture you're using?


Suggest you knock off the remaining aphids with a contact insecticide like Lannate ( harvest your bell pepper after the residual effect period of this chemical ). Then pick off the deformed fruits and to help improve photosynthesis wash off the dark deposit on the leaves ( aphid droppings ) by spraying using 5 ml. of sprader in 20 litres of water. You may have to do it a few times.

Bell pepper is normally susceptible to powdery mildew during the humid months, more so in an enclosed screenhouse. Hope you have this disease under control.

Is your farm open to outside visitors ?


I think CM farmer is correct, insect mix of aphids or some scale bugs are the problem. try those light oil sprays now that there is fruit. or drop the fruit and use systemic chemicals.

Oil spray in an enclosed screenhouse over 30 degree celcius could be too hot for the leaves and burn them.

Systemic chemicals have longer residual effect than contact ones.

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I dislike when someone asks and receives advice but does not like to give advice to others when asked.


If you are using the black polybags of 8" x 13" contact this shop in Chiang Mai, Issarak-kan-kaset, 053-222012, 053-225432, 053-225433. They sell the white polybags for 85 Bht. a kilogram. If you don't speak Thai get a Thai speaking to help you.

The other place is the Kamtian Flower Market at the back of the Lotus Kamtian Superstore.

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I dislike when someone asks and receives advice but does not like to give advice to others when asked.

I am sorry, but i thought i made it clear that i was asking this advice on behalf of someone else. I have informed them of the questions asked, but as yet have not received a reply. All i can do is wait, then give the answers when i know myself. I always try to be prompt and considerate, but it is out of my hands.

Will post AS SOON as i receive the info on the questions asked.


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  • 5 months later...


I've been planning to grow some bell peppers, apparently there's a disease called "tobacco mosaic virus" common to bell peppers. This can spread form the fingers of any smoker, seriously!! Best policy is for smokers to wash there hands in soap water before handling plants. Tobacco virus resistant strains of seeds are available over the internet, not sure if available in Thailand.

This may, or may not , be your problem. Certainly, pictures i've seen of the virus look similar to yours.


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Tobacco virus resistant strains of seeds are available over the internet, not sure if available in Thailand.

This may, or may not , be your problem. Certainly, pictures i've seen of the virus look similar to yours.


Hello Geoff, there's 4-5 co.s selling them in Thailand, most large G-H growers use Hybird's with a good virus and bacterial leaf spot package, but the may not know how to run a G-H.


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