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I would be obliged if somebody could advise me on the best way of obtaining a Thai Visa for my Lao girl friend (23)... I live in Phuket. Have done for 10 years and have sufficient funds and property investments etc to guarantee her. I am also aware of certain legal restrictions with regards to us lesser mortals getting involved with women from Lao. God between me an all harm but the girls father is an x police chief and her mother still plods the beat in LP .... But they have no objections indeed they are in full support to her migrating south... My terms of reference on this matter are zero... She holds a Lao passport which I believe entitles her to just 30/60 days. I would like her to have a minimum of a 6 month visa but a 12 month visa would obviously be a better option. Not sure if I should go for a tourist visa (variation of) or a work visa but more importantly I really have no idea what is the best option and manner in which to approach the matter... Any advice would be warmly welcomed from others with a better insight..


What is your visa status that would be one thing that would affect your options.

An education visa might do it. Even one that requires a 90 day renewal would be good.

Work possible but the work permit rules might make that nearly impossible. To get visa requires 25K baht salary.

And of course there is the obvious one if you have the right visa and that is the marriage one.

I am ready for the rocks to be thrown for the last one but just had to mention it.

What is your visa status that would be one thing that would affect your options.

An education visa might do it. Even one that requires a 90 day renewal would be good.

Work possible but the work permit rules might make that nearly impossible. To get visa requires 25K baht salary.

And of course there is the obvious one if you have the right visa and that is the marriage one.

I am ready for the rocks to be thrown for the last one but just had to mention it.

Many thanks for your reply... I am on a retirement visa.... The education visa was something I did not consider... A good option? ... A good suggestion?

The tourist visa is an option. The work visa I had obviously considered but as you say it has complications... Consider the rocks thrown ... Marriage? Been

there done that and was done... Hung, drawn and quartered by an Irish woman who inspired Dante's Inferno! If there is a hel_l. I've done my time!


Look at the ED one real close. If you look at what a school that is a sponser of this forum has set up, they are getting extensions every 90 days for their students. My understanding is thats how it must be done for any private school.

The requirements for a Lao citizen to get a tourist visa should be the same as for any farang. Might have to show money in bank I would think. That would give her 90 days without leaving. Don't know if they would give more than one entry though. If they do she could make a border run and get another 90.

Rocks dodged and understood.


A tourist visa is pretty easy to get for a Lao citizen, My Lao partner has done that a few times, and it was as easy as filing in the application form and hand over the cash, no other proof (ticket, money) was asked for.

Look at the ED one real close. If you look at what a school that is a sponser of this forum has set up, they are getting extensions every 90 days for their students. My understanding is thats how it must be done for any private school.

The requirements for a Lao citizen to get a tourist visa should be the same as for any farang. Might have to show money in bank I would think. That would give her 90 days without leaving. Don't know if they would give more than one entry though. If they do she could make a border run and get another 90.

Rocks dodged and understood.

I think I will take the 60+30 day route at least for starters.... See how the land lies after that. Thanks again for your input... Appreciated!


A tourist visa is pretty easy to get for a Lao citizen, My Lao partner has done that a few times, and it was as easy as filing in the application form and hand over the cash, no other proof (ticket, money) was asked for.

Point taken thanks! How much as a matter of interest is the visa? I expect its the same as for a farang? An aside. Amazing just how lax the Vientiane border control is ... Depending on my mood. I sometimes take the bus from Vientiane to Udon. Sometimes I will pick up a taxi just after the Lao check point. But while I stand in line to check back into Thailand I have left my baggage in the boot of the taxi and it has never been acknowledged let alone been checked by a border official. Also the Thai and Lao citizens are walking around totally unchecked... My nearest visa run for G/F is Ranong not sure how the system works there? No doubt I will find out soon enough... Thanks again for replying ...


Why go for Laos girl here in Thailand. There are so many Thai-Chinese to choose from in Phuket Island. No visa problem. Plus, she does have the language advantage when we frequent Malaysia. :o:D:D

A tourist visa is pretty easy to get for a Lao citizen, My Lao partner has done that a few times, and it was as easy as filing in the application form and hand over the cash, no other proof (ticket, money) was asked for.

Point taken thanks! How much as a matter of interest is the visa? I expect its the same as for a farang? An aside. Amazing just how lax the Vientiane border control is ... Depending on my mood. I sometimes take the bus from Vientiane to Udon. Sometimes I will pick up a taxi just after the Lao check point. But while I stand in line to check back into Thailand I have left my baggage in the boot of the taxi and it has never been acknowledged let alone been checked by a border official. Also the Thai and Lao citizens are walking around totally unchecked... My nearest visa run for G/F is Ranong not sure how the system works there? No doubt I will find out soon enough... Thanks again for replying ...

I see you have made your decision, Visa should be 1000 baht per entry. They have been giving out 2 entry visas to western farangs.

Good Luck


Why go for Laos girl here in Thailand. There are so many Thai-Chinese to choose from in Phuket Island. No visa problem. Plus, she does have the language advantage when we frequent Malaysia. :o:D:D

This is a thorny question and an even thornier answer... I have lived in Thailand (Phuket) for 10 years. When I came here first the Thai's scammed the farang with gusto. Then the wives of farang were considered to be fair game now the Thai's are scamming the Thai's at will. I use the word scamming but I am really referring to what what comes out of a bulls a*se. Yes it is a generalisation but I make no apologies for it. I consider I have the terms of reference. I worked dam_n hard all my life and when I take on a woman I'm not inclined to take on her family also. Especially when they are to a man bone idle lazy and think they see "Bank of Farang" in neon lights flashing over my head. My first girl friend was Thai - Chinese (Phuket) as it happens and she made it clear when our relationship began to develop that her family came first and that they would initially expect me to contribute to the loss of their daughter by way of a lump sum plus monthly contributions. She had her own small business in Phuket Town and was reasonably well off. For 2 years it was variations of the same unacceptable theme. All that changed were the names, the places and the circumstances. And there were many many hailing from Chiang Rai to Ranong. I never had a penchant for bar girls other than to see how athletic and creative they were so all of my serious relationships were with educated and professional women. But each and every relationship with a Thai woman carried the same financial expectations and a family with problems. However after 2 years I struck it lucky and met a wonderful young lady who worked for a company in Bangkok exporting flowers and she was willing to accept my ground rules. The main ones being that her family were not my concern and my nocturnal ramblings would not be questioned. She agreed. Now my approach may appear a bit draconian but I came out of a nasty divorce back home with a crown of thorns and this lovely girl has been well cared for. I dont even like the tone of this post so forgive me. I am merely stating facts. That is my experience and that of many many other farang living in Thailand is that many Thai's have an expectation that when their daughter has settled with a farang that they have somehow won the lottery. My mate who has been living here for 25 years advised me of two things when I arrived. 1) If you have an accident dont stop (not entirely agreeing with this one) and 2) Make sure you marry a woman without kids and a family.... Lets suffice to say I still have a great relationship with this woman from Bangkok. We live together. We never fight. She never makes any demands and she knows and accepts that I have had a girl friend in Lao for the past 18 months who I visit for 2 weeks of every month. And she accepts that this woman will be coming to live with me in Phuket in the next 2/3 weeks... Finally to the point... My experience in Lao is that the Lao women appear to have an entirely different and more refreshing approach to their Thai counterparts. They dont seem to be tainted with that same money grabbing instincts. (I generalise again) But I found a young educated woman who works 7 days a week selling clothes in her sisters shop. She has a mobile phone that does not ring every 5 minutes and refused to stay with me in my hotel until we knew each other for 4 months. She has never once asked me for money. Checking out of the hotel on my last trip to Luang Probang I found she had all ready paid the bill. The last time I visited she collected me at the Friendship Bridge and paid for the taxi which would be equal to 3 days work on her salary. She is always buying me small gifts. And you know something I would have to think long and hard to recall when a Thai women so much as offered to buy me a bottle of beer in the 10 years I have been ducking and diving here. But the bottom line is I trust the woman and thats something I am sad to say you could say about few Thai women. I offer this not as a critisism but as a sad fact. I accept that not all Thai women are devious and Lao women are virtuous virgins but we have to accept that in the main the farang here end up with what the Thai men have rejected... hel_l have I become one of the bitter old men I despised when I came here first? Maybe I have?



Good come back. A bit long but good.

Can't agree with everything you wrote.

I experienced some of the same until I met the right one almost 10 years ago. We soon will be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary.

Good luck and enjoy life.



Good come back. A bit long but good.

Can't agree with everything you wrote.

I experienced some of the same until I met the right one almost 10 years ago. We soon will be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary.

Good luck and enjoy life.


Sorry Joe I did get a bit wound up ... Mainly as I wrote I was recalling many of the nasty incidents I have encountered in my time here. Such as the offer from a girl friends father in Chiang Rai of the loan of his car to travel around in. All I had to do was pick it up at the local garage.. How friendly I thought. The keys would be in the ignition he advised... And the 3500 Baht bill for servicing the car was under the freakin windscreen wiper. Me? I was on the bus back to Chiang Rai...Thais who try to gain an advantage over me are always shocked when I ask them in Thai do I look stupid? And when they so no - I retort - So what then makes you think I am stupid.

I do enjoy my life here and I am delighted that you found the right girl 10 years ago. I did 8 years ago but it is a love of sorts but not love in the true sense.

Best wishes Joe


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