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I Got My Fiance Pregnant...options?

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CONGRATULATIONS! This will be the best event in your life, my friend. Embrace the change.


DNA test (you've indicated a slight uncertainty)

Get married in Thailand ASAP (if the test is to your satisfaction), and file for a US visa as convenient.

Register the baby's birth at the US Embassy (Bangkok) as soon as you have the birth certificate. Ensure YOU are on the birth certificate, as USA.

Consider, your lovely new wife may not WANT to go to the US so fast, now that she's pregnant. She may want to deliver near Mom, in comfortable surroundings. Don't be in such a hurry to get her to the US - you need to think more "Thai" now.

I'm happy for you,brother. Do the right thing.

I work for the US State Department in Embassies around the worls and this is the BEST information I have seen anyone post in a long time - steps 1 2, 3. DNA, Marraige, Birth Certificate, register birth, only one step before you do all of those is if you have any doubts, there are many reputable Private Investigators in Bangkok - they will discreetly make some inquiries to rule out any Thai 'husbands' in the ville - remember, they don't have to register the marraige to be 'married'.

Good Luck

(If this is not your child, you must walk away. You have become a "Human Wallet", and the relationship is doomed. It is impossible to recover from this situation.)

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If you have a son and you bring her to the states for him to be born you are screwing him because he will never be able to live in Thailand as a %100 Thai. If he is born in Thailand you can always get him US citizenship later but he will never be able to get Thai citizenship. He will be able to work and travel as we do and hide his money in Thailand for an incredible profit margin. He could have the best of both worlds and more choices then any of us. He could cut peoples throat in an import export business doing the work on both ends. He will have more possibilities to be wealthy by having dual citizenship than you can imagine. That is unless you fail to give him a proper education and dont insist that he be fluent in both languages. And the most important reason you should have him born in Thailand is that for the price you will pay to have have him born in a medieval dungeon in the states, you could fly to Thailand while your son is born in a real hospital, get DNA testing, start an investment account for his education, pay for a lawyer to process the visas, and still have a couple of grand in your pocket. And if the DNA tests prove you are not the father, also 1/4 the price, while they are still in Thailand then you have saved yourself years of trouble and about 20 more thousand dollars.

He's right, ask Tiger Woods, Multi-Millionaire - half Thai but was not born in Thailand was turned down for Thai cituzenship vecause he is considered 'not Thai by birth'

That was probably somewhere in the 1960's early 1970's. In those days it was common that in case of a marriage the woman acquired the nationality of her husband and lost her own nationality. Tiger Woods parents were probably married at the time of his birth, OP is not.

The nationality laws of a lot of countries have changed since. Under current Thai nationality law the child will have Thai nationality by way of having a Thai national as mother under art. 7 of the Thai nationality law.


Edited by Mario2008
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If you have a son and you bring her to the states for him to be born you are screwing him because he will never be able to live in Thailand as a %100 Thai. If he is born in Thailand you can always get him US citizenship later but he will never be able to get Thai citizenship. He will be able to work and travel as we do and hide his money in Thailand for an incredible profit margin. He could have the best of both worlds and more choices then any of us. He could cut peoples throat in an import export business doing the work on both ends. He will have more possibilities to be wealthy by having dual citizenship than you can imagine. That is unless you fail to give him a proper education and dont insist that he be fluent in both languages. And the most important reason you should have him born in Thailand is that for the price you will pay to have have him born in a medieval dungeon in the states, you could fly to Thailand while your son is born in a real hospital, get DNA testing, start an investment account for his education, pay for a lawyer to process the visas, and still have a couple of grand in your pocket. And if the DNA tests prove you are not the father, also 1/4 the price, while they are still in Thailand then you have saved yourself years of trouble and about 20 more thousand dollars.

He's right, ask Tiger Woods, Multi-Millionaire - half Thai but was not born in Thailand was turned down for Thai cituzenship vecause he is considered 'not Thai by birth'

Are you serious? You think TW's parents should have made him a Thai citizen?

Thats not the dumbest thing I've ever heard but its the dumbest thing I can recall having heard. Pretty tough for a Thai citizen to be granted admission to Stanford last time I checked lol

Anybody who says a baby is better of being born with a Thai passport than an American passport needs to have their head examined.

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With a DNA test in Thailand the farang will always be told he is the farther, you would somehow have to have the test done in the USA.

Q-tip inside the newborn's cheek, mail that sample to the company in the USA that will not only give you paternity info, but your family tree (ancestors) and some of your genome info (the company is connected with the Mormon church... google to find the URL -- I forget it). Do the same with yourself. Snatch a secret sample of your gal's DNA too (hair with the follicle attached, Q-tip swab of her cheek, a bloody tampon, whatever).

As for the pregnant woman... buy a home pregnancy test in the USA, bring it with you (but don't tell the woman). Surprise her (or she'll outsmart you and find a way to beat your test), walk her into the bathroom and have her pee on the stick (or in the cup, depending on which test you buy) WHILE YOU WATCH. At least make sure she's pregnant... then proceed with caution until you can do the DNA test.

The above advice applies if you met your GF in a place of ill-repute, or if she's EVER exchanged sex-for-money, or if she's familiar with the term "barfine." If she has a Thammasat or Chulalongkorn degree hanging in her office, don't insult her with these procedures (do the DNA test after birth -- the only woman you should ever trust is your mother -- but keep it a secret).

The pre-birth DNA test is indeed risky for the fetus.

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He's right, ask Tiger Woods - half Thai but was not born in Thailand was turned down for Thai cituzenship vecause he is considered 'not Thai by birth'

Shit, that's sad. Poor guy. Wonder if there's anything we can do to help him out.

there is always the visa runs options............

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