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Police Fire Tear Gas At Protesters In Front Of Parliament

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To those who can read Thai better than me, I am wondering if there is an ethics statement on here. It might finally stop this ridiculous discussion about whether physicians in Thailand can practice selective treatment on the basis of political affiliation.

I had a look around and, though I didn't find what you wanted, I came across an interesting report in the 2004 Journal of the Thai Medical Association by some of Dr K's colleagues from Chula.

Sukhit Phaosavasdi MD, Surasak Taneepanichskul MD, Yuen Tannirandorn MD, Boonchai Uerpairojkit MD, Chumsak Pruksapong MD, Aurchart Kanjanapitak MD. 'Finnish Medical Ethics'


The authors report on the 2004 annual meeting of the World Medical Association and quote approvingly from the 1988 Finnish code of practice, saying that members should note the content.

Article 3 is:

3. A physician shall treat patients as equals and not allow race, religion, political views or social status to have any effect on his actions towards them.

Yes to political views. No problem.

But in this case what the doctors are protesting is actual physical violence beyond the necessary.

Not the VIEWS of either side. They protested the extreme violence of the police

not the fact PPP was controling them or PPP's political platofrm, there IS a difference.

And would the given doctor want to know whether the given policeman was in the front line, reserve, had been acting under orders in the event or tripped and cracked his head open on the sidewalk?

This defence of this situation is getting ridiculous.

This medical argument is getting ridiculous. Basically doctors should be treating people as human beings; it is not for them to be giving judgement on your worth as a human before they let you live or die.

Whether you think this was simply a political message and the theory not being carried out in reality is beside the point.

A doctor is the wrong person to be making these speeches and should be punished accordingly.

We know he is a person and not a machine but if he can't put aside his little belief system while he works, then I am afraid he has chosen the wrong profession.

And the argument that you cannot impose the Western system of ethics on the Thai doctors is ludicrous, since they adopted the Western medical system, have many overseas trained doctors and many doctors that work periodically abroad. What are you suggesting, that they leave any ethics on the plane when they touchdown in BKK. Absurd.

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I suggest that YOUR ethics are not the ultimate guide to other people, cmsally :D

Oh, some people still trying all means to defend the indefensible, I see :o .

This lesson in history serves mainly to show how brainwash-able humans are, I think. Which colour T-shirt will you be wearing tomorrow ?

China went through all this decades ago, and has genuinely moved on; not perfect of course, but finding better ways to live in the modern world. Other Asian countries have found their own solutions.

Thailand seems to need quite a revolution in thought before it can get on a better road.

I suggest that YOUR ethics are not the ultimate guide to other people, cmsally :D

Oh, some people still trying all means to defend the indefensible, I see :o .

This lesson in history serves mainly to show how brainwash-able humans are, I think. Which colour T-shirt will you be wearing tomorrow ?

China went through all this decades ago, and has genuinely moved on; not perfect of course, but finding better ways to live in the modern world. Other Asian countries have found their own solutions.

Thailand seems to need quite a revolution in thought before it can get on a better road.

I won't be wearing a Tshirt tmw. Does it matter to you what color I wear?

are you in Thailand sylv?

I'm sorry then. It's just much easier for me to write in french ^^

So I'll try in English

I well noticed Thaksin lost his PM seat during the Putsh while he was away in UK. I also understood his TRT party was dissolve and then recreate into the PPP. then PPP won the election even if they had big prosecution for election rigging.

Regading the current situation, I would like to know why the PAD is acting like this for the past few months. Many countries, including France, already runned or run the politics by a coalition governement. So I would like to really know what the PAD is expecting (basically).

I am really not an expert in poliitics so please, could someone explain me, simply and have a bias point of view, what is really going on in Thailand and what is coming up.

Thank you very much (:o)

Pas de problem.

Ok agreeing to answer is easy THE ANSWER is a 'bordelle superior'... (sorry mods it's a good joke)

Basically Thaksin wants his frozen 76 billion baht back.

That is the 900lb gorilla sitting in the corner.

He is being brought to trial in one time frame or another for at LEAST 4-5 different charges

most all relating to malfeasense in office and turning large profits on his being Prime Minister.

This became a BIGGER issue after he sold his family company and the ShinSat,

satalite communications for ALL of Thailand, to the Singapore governments investment branch.

Essentially selling Thai national communications assets access to a foreign power.

And THEN he refused to pay proper taxes on the sale. Many people went ballistic.

The uproar culmanated in his losing a certain amount of touch with reality visibly,

due to excessive preasure no doubt, and then came the coup.

Since then he used his political machine to re-elect his proxy government while he was in exile.

Then come back and find his proxy's couldn't control the courts too.

When his Mrs got convicted of tax avoidance and sentenced to two years,

and the up coming land purchase trial looked like they BOTH would go to jail, he split.

But because he still controled the government, PAD got even louder and because the last PM,

Samak, was loved by few and blatently trying to do his masters bidding.

While being belicose and threatening. When he went ahead with trying to re-write the constitution for

pervent his party from being disolved and get Thaksin; offenses pardoned,

and jigger the system for their own benifit, PAD came out swinging.

Samak is believed by many to have unleashed DAAD to attack PAD, to cause a State Of Emergency,

and then he could swing the big stick and clear out the annoying PAD thron in his side,

but the army told him to get stuffed. Finally the courts brought him down.

The army saw little political progress after the last coup,

and also foresaw the violence if Samak was allowed to attack PAD as he wanted to.

We have seen the end product of usch an attack since then.

Apparently the current ~PM is too weak to stand up to the hawks.

The next PPP reshuffle was Thaksin's sister, a 'banned for 5 years from politics', backroom player,

steering her party, and her husband into the PM job,

It has been 3 weeks and this govnt. is close to tits up in the pond so far.

So here we sit a horrendous attyempt to overpower PAD,

and even greater retrenchment of positions, both on the street and IN TV forum.

And most people clueless about how to procede.

Though there is some agreement that this PPP gov. isn't cutting it at all.

But there are mega projects to fund so graft can be spread around before the next election,

so they are trying to hold on and do that.

There's more, but my fingers are tired.

Besides some think I speak i-real-evant twaddle.

So let them have the floor.

I suggest that YOUR ethics are not the ultimate guide to other people, cmsally :D

Oh, some people still trying all means to defend the indefensible, I see :o .

This lesson in history serves mainly to show how brainwash-able humans are, I think. Which colour T-shirt will you be wearing tomorrow ?

China went through all this decades ago, and has genuinely moved on; not perfect of course, but finding better ways to live in the modern world. Other Asian countries have found their own solutions.

Thailand seems to need quite a revolution in thought before it can get on a better road.

I won't be wearing a Tshirt tmw. Does it matter to you what color I wear?

are you in Thailand sylv?

Pardon ?

I live in Chiang Mai.

I suggest that YOUR ethics are not the ultimate guide to other people, cmsally :D

Oh, some people still trying all means to defend the indefensible, I see :o .

This lesson in history serves mainly to show how brainwash-able humans are, I think. Which colour T-shirt will you be wearing tomorrow ?

China went through all this decades ago, and has genuinely moved on; not perfect of course, but finding better ways to live in the modern world. Other Asian countries have found their own solutions.

Thailand seems to need quite a revolution in thought before it can get on a better road.

I won't be wearing a Tshirt tmw. Does it matter to you what color I wear?

are you in Thailand sylv?

One wonders whether T shirt colour should be a serious consideration if we are unfortunate enough to be knocked down in the street and then need medical attention. Oh not to mention, along with your medical insurance card make sure you have signed proof of no criminal record and of being at least neutral in political persuasion.

more hyperbole and drama. cmsally ... sad really!

I sincerely hope you are being paid for adding nothing to the discussion, jdinasia, because it's too sad to contemplate the alternatives.

Anyway, is there any news ? It's been a few hours since I checked.

I for one would definitely not cheer if doctors claimed they didn't want to treat PAD members.

Doctor's should stick to being doctors, and should keep their political affiliations out of medical decisions. Decision making like that is a very short distance away from apartheid.

Nor would I. I don't know on what grounds Animatic feels entitled to slur the anti-PAD contributors in this way, but I can think of no-one who has even remotely suggested that injured PAD protesters should be denied treatment.

So you think injured PAD should be treated, good for you.

And you think a cop bashing a protestors head in and then getting injured too,

deserves the same medical treatment, even if his 'protect and serve' the people is way out the window.

Which one do your think should get treated first in the MD's attentions?

Answer is simple and obvious to anyone who isn't grinding his political axe, the Doctor will use his professional judgment to treat the most seriously injured patient first. Note please, I said professional judgment to treat all patients as equals. You, Sir, are the one dragging all sorts of totally irrelevent twaddle into the casualty ward, not me.

1) not an accurate assessment of emergency triage and 2) if it is not a real emergency then dr's are not required to treat.

And at 2) people not matter if PAD or police are not treated if the DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY.

To don't treat violent people seems shocking while it is perfectly OK to reject poor people? Strange world, strange ethics.

YH, don't be naive. Where have you been in the past ten-twenty years? Ever heard of a word "spin"?

The "messenger" in this case creates the message. Nick himself goes out with his camera and he himself selects and edits the pictures and he himself writes a commentary.

And I don't see any extraordinary angles, either. All these pix have been posted here already, it's the same people, same injuries, same events. It's his comments that turn everything around, like they did in his previous blog entries, and some of them were truly god awful, like when he showed a pic that looked like a snapshot form a bad Thai movie, featuring a mafia boss hugging with his henchmen, complete with ridiculous sunglasses, and calls it "poor masses rising against tyranny of elites" or some such shit.

I do have to agree with Plus, regarding "spin." I have read some of Nick's other posts on the website provided by Camerta. I have noticed a very one-sided view in regards to the UDD and PAD. It is very obvious from his writings he is pro-UDD, which is fine. Some of his blogs include the Udon clashes where he describes UDD as a smaller group of peaceful Bangkokians, and PAD as being violent and confrontational (http://rspas.anu.edu.au/rmap/newmandala/2008/07/31/pad-ready-for-violence/). I did notice that in regards to the actual attack on the PAD protestors by the UDD, he had nothing to say at all, which is strange considering he seems to be writing or commenting about other protests. (http://rspas.anu.edu.au/rmap/newmandala/2008/07/26/thuggery-and-madness/). The attack on Prem's residence from the UDD was downplayed, and in many instances he referred to them as being a very "controlled" group, and portrays the UDD as innocent victims.

As far as Nick being trustworthy in his journalism, he is very partial in what he decides to write about. Not good journalism at all and I take what he writes with a grain of salt.

But your own posts on Thai Visa show you to be a most partisan PAD zealot as with others who have such strong opinions on Nick's blogging.I don't have any issues with that but spare us the lectures on "not good journalism".As George Orwell once commented the left wing coterie who dominated London literary life in the late 1940's tended to criticise him for his writing style rather than his anti-Stalinist message.

First, I never claimed to be a journalist, and I can decide for myself what is and what is not good journalism. Second, please show me anywhere on TV where I have claimed I am a "partisan PAD zealot." I bet you can't, but I have never made that claim. Do I support PAD's overtaking of government house? No, I don't. Do I agree the riots last week were handled in am improper way? Yes. Regarding the medical situation, while many others on the forum were jumping up and down screaming about the lack of professionalism by doctors, I merely pointed out by comparison, that it was a two way street, and the police were just as guilty for not allowing medical personal to treat or transport patients. As expected, not to many people really cared about that. I have countered this current governments claim that no police offficer had any lethal weapon by providing pictures that they are not being honest in what they say. There is a huge difference between countering misstatements and false claims and saying I support one group or the other.

I don't think many burglars wear berets and carry sacks with SWAG written on them so I doubt whether many zealots proclaim their faith openly.However your posts make the picture very clear including your argument that the Hippocratic oath doesn't apply to Thai doctors.

Obviously you have not a clue what you're writing about! I have never made any statement, anywhere, about the Hippocratic oath. Before you begin spouting crap about people, maybe you should first read the threads instead of only assuming things. :o


I really don't want to look back, but if some people are still arguing about the Hippocratic oath, they are being entirely specious.

It is the spirit of the oath -- and, dare I say, widely accepted -- ethics of the profession that matter.

And it does matter. It's more or less the whole point of all this.

So, any news ? Information ?

I really don't want to look back, but if some people are still arguing about the Hippocratic oath, they are being entirely specious.

It is the spirit of the oath -- and, dare I say, widely accepted -- ethics of the profession that matter.

And it does matter. It's more or less the whole point of all this.

So, any news ? Information ?

You are in Chiang Mai ... turn on your TV, look at the news online etc :o

Sorry but obviously your knowledge of the world and the hippocratic oath are lacking :D

Tell us more about what color Tshirt I should wear tmw!

Nick's journalistic efforts are too one-sided to be taken seriously. Comments aside, thanks for the pictures, but, as i said, we've seen it all already.

ASTV puts its own spin, no one would deny that, and you don't see anyone trying to present it as an impartial and trustworthy source. Similarly Nick should be taken for what it really is. In my opinion he is a misguided leftist sympathiser who can't see the plot until it hits him on the head, like that young doctor from Idi Amin movie, Last King of Scotland.

Nobody but the small gang of PAD fanatics on this forum agrees with you.It was a first class piece of journalism though I dare say in such an incident there is always an element of subjectivity.The fact you resort to describing him a a misguided leftist sympathiser rather gives your game away.There is no clue one way or another of Nick's political beliefs:it's just pure projection on your party.He does conclude by pointing out that the police had the law on their side but that's simply a statement of fact, and if anything points to a conservative position.

Nick's journalistic efforts are too one-sided to be taken seriously. Comments aside, thanks for the pictures, but, as i said, we've seen it all already.

ASTV puts its own spin, no one would deny that, and you don't see anyone trying to present it as an impartial and trustworthy source. Similarly Nick should be taken for what it really is. In my opinion he is a misguided leftist sympathiser who can't see the plot until it hits him on the head, like that young doctor from Idi Amin movie, Last King of Scotland.

Nobody but the small gang of PAD fanatics on this forum agrees with you.It was a first class piece of journalism though I dare say in such an incident there is always an element of subjectivity.The fact you resort to describing him a a misguided leftist sympathiser rather gives your game away.There is no clue one way or another of Nick's political beliefs:it's just pure projection on your party.He does conclude by pointing out that the police had the law on their side but that's simply a statement of fact, and if anything points to a conservative position.

Get real, there are several completely unbelievable statements in his diatribe that just do not bear out when compared to the 100's of other reports of the events in question. But it is good of you to suggest that ONLY the people that are "PAD fanatics" don't believe him! I am glad you speak for everyone else but these "PAD fanatics"

Your choice of words describing people that disagree with you ... well ....

You are in Chiang Mai ... turn on your TV, look at the news online etc :o

Sorry but obviously your knowledge of the world and the hippocratic oath are lacking :D

Tell us more about what color Tshirt I should wear tmw!

Some people just further undignify themselves with every response.

Should I put a :D ?

News, information, anyone ?

There is quite a bit of video footage from a variety of sources of numerous people suffering severe burns or large lacerations (including the traumatic amputation of a leg posted earlier). These don't seem entirely consistent with the use of "tear-gas."

Exactly what the PAD aims to achieve. Force mayhem ending in a military coup where they grab power at the expense of anything that resembles democratic rule. Having a few supporters publicly mutilated serves the PAD purpose.

Now is the time to restore power and money to a selected few at the expense of the majority of Thais. After the coup and power grab, time for "reconciliation" and "traditional values" i.e. "kiss my feat you peasants".

There is quite a bit of video footage from a variety of sources of numerous people suffering severe burns or large lacerations (including the traumatic amputation of a leg posted earlier). These don't seem entirely consistent with the use of "tear-gas."

Exactly what the PAD aims to achieve. Force mayhem ending in a military coup where they grab power at the expense of anything that resembles democratic rule. Having a few supporters publicly mutilated serves the PAD purpose.

Now is the time to restore power and money to a selected few at the expense of the majority of Thais. After the coup and power grab, time for "reconciliation" and "traditional values" i.e. "kiss my feat you peasants".

PAD has never tried to 'grab power' , you might try and catch up with the last 3 years of politics here!

I suggest that YOUR ethics are not the ultimate guide to other people, cmsally :D

Oh, some people still trying all means to defend the indefensible, I see :o .

This lesson in history serves mainly to show how brainwash-able humans are, I think. Which colour T-shirt will you be wearing tomorrow ?

China went through all this decades ago, and has genuinely moved on; not perfect of course, but finding better ways to live in the modern world. Other Asian countries have found their own solutions.

Thailand seems to need quite a revolution in thought before it can get on a better road.

When was the last time you were in China? And if you've never been there, which I strongly suspect unless it were an escorted whizbang next stop Shanghai shopping mall tour, Do you ever pay any attention at all to current sino politics? Are you familiar with Chinese foreign policy? How could you possibly compare like for like? How about the very recent Olympics where many ordinary Chinese were being thrown out of their homes to make way for pretty ponds and flower gardens? How about the mass forced relocation of the rural poor to make way for new mass development, unafordable to aforesaid rural poor by the way, who have had to give up their land to go live in a box to make Nike shoes and the like? Some of the posters' arrogance/ignorance on this forum truly takes my breath away.

And do please enlighten us as to which particular Asian countries 'have found their own solutions', and to what end? Go on, I dare you.

And at 2) people not matter if PAD or police are not treated if the DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY.

To don't treat violent people seems shocking while it is perfectly OK to reject poor people? Strange world, strange ethics.

No it is certainly not ok to reject poor people. And to the best of my knowledge, nobody claimed that on this thread.

I'm still puzzeled at the use of the term "violent people", who determines if someone could be deemed violent, is it just becasue they wear a certain uniform ?

Could Pad protestors not be deemed violent on the same criteria, and should that not be a job of a court of law, rather then a doctor ?

You are in Chiang Mai ... turn on your TV, look at the news online etc :o

Sorry but obviously your knowledge of the world and the hippocratic oath are lacking :D

Tell us more about what color Tshirt I should wear tmw!

Oh boy, it seems that almost everyone that remotely disagrees with you is lacking in knowledge.

I wonder why you continue to be that arrogant. It surely doesn't enhance your arguments.

You are in Chiang Mai ... turn on your TV, look at the news online etc :o

Sorry but obviously your knowledge of the world and the hippocratic oath are lacking :D

Tell us more about what color Tshirt I should wear tmw!

Oh boy, it seems that almost everyone that remotely disagrees with you is lacking in knowledge.

I wonder why you continue to be that arrogant. It surely doesn't enhance your arguments.

Plenty of people that disagree with me have knowledge and some even know how to apply it ... then there are those that try and make statements of fact with no supporting evidence.

You are in Chiang Mai ... turn on your TV, look at the news online etc :D

Sorry but obviously your knowledge of the world and the hippocratic oath are lacking :D

Tell us more about what color Tshirt I should wear tmw!

Oh boy, it seems that almost everyone that remotely disagrees with you is lacking in knowledge.

I wonder why you continue to be that arrogant. It surely doesn't enhance your arguments.

Don't waste your time sjaak327, it's pointless...

Actually, we should consider ourselves priviledged to be in the presence of such an oracle. :o

YH, don't be naive. Where have you been in the past ten-twenty years? Ever heard of a word "spin"?

The "messenger" in this case creates the message. Nick himself goes out with his camera and he himself selects and edits the pictures and he himself writes a commentary.

And I don't see any extraordinary angles, either. All these pix have been posted here already, it's the same people, same injuries, same events. It's his comments that turn everything around, like they did in his previous blog entries, and some of them were truly god awful, like when he showed a pic that looked like a snapshot form a bad Thai movie, featuring a mafia boss hugging with his henchmen, complete with ridiculous sunglasses, and calls it "poor masses rising against tyranny of elites" or some such shit.

I do have to agree with Plus, regarding "spin." I have read some of Nick's other posts on the website provided by Camerta. I have noticed a very one-sided view in regards to the UDD and PAD. It is very obvious from his writings he is pro-UDD, which is fine. Some of his blogs include the Udon clashes where he describes UDD as a smaller group of peaceful Bangkokians, and PAD as being violent and confrontational (http://rspas.anu.edu.au/rmap/newmandala/2008/07/31/pad-ready-for-violence/). I did notice that in regards to the actual attack on the PAD protestors by the UDD, he had nothing to say at all, which is strange considering he seems to be writing or commenting about other protests. (http://rspas.anu.edu.au/rmap/newmandala/2008/07/26/thuggery-and-madness/). The attack on Prem's residence from the UDD was downplayed, and in many instances he referred to them as being a very "controlled" group, and portrays the UDD as innocent victims.

As far as Nick being trustworthy in his journalism, he is very partial in what he decides to write about. Not good journalism at all and I take what he writes with a grain of salt.

But your own posts on Thai Visa show you to be a most partisan PAD zealot as with others who have such strong opinions on Nick's blogging.I don't have any issues with that but spare us the lectures on "not good journalism".As George Orwell once commented the left wing coterie who dominated London literary life in the late 1940's tended to criticise him for his writing style rather than his anti-Stalinist message.

First, I never claimed to be a journalist, and I can decide for myself what is and what is not good journalism. Second, please show me anywhere on TV where I have claimed I am a "partisan PAD zealot." I bet you can't, but I have never made that claim. Do I support PAD's overtaking of government house? No, I don't. Do I agree the riots last week were handled in am improper way? Yes. Regarding the medical situation, while many others on the forum were jumping up and down screaming about the lack of professionalism by doctors, I merely pointed out by comparison, that it was a two way street, and the police were just as guilty for not allowing medical personal to treat or transport patients. As expected, not to many people really cared about that. I have countered this current governments claim that no police offficer had any lethal weapon by providing pictures that they are not being honest in what they say. There is a huge difference between countering misstatements and false claims and saying I support one group or the other.

I don't think many burglars wear berets and carry sacks with SWAG written on them so I doubt whether many zealots proclaim their faith openly.However your posts make the picture very clear including your argument that the Hippocratic oath doesn't apply to Thai doctors.

Obviously you have not a clue what you're writing about! I have never made any statement, anywhere, about the Hippocratic oath. Before you begin spouting crap about people, maybe you should first read the threads instead of only assuming things. :o

Do you honestly mean read ALL 68 pages of mostly inane responses at 1 go just to prove yet another TV poster correct ? WOW , some of the egos on here are so large i question some of you can scratch your own ear when you have an itch , this is supposed to be a forum of opinions as well as perceived 'Correctness .Should it be of such earnest requirement of yourself , you take the time to peruse and extricate all your neccessary PROOF and re-post it for all and sundry to read , a-la 'Scourse please' etc by the minimal respondents who require total and absolute confirmation .

It matters not one iota in the relevance or outcome of this (or any other )thread , Thais are THE ONLY ONES with their form of relevance that matters when we arrive at yet another thread on what 'THEY' should or should not have done in any given situation , please , as Thai like as you might wish to be , you are simply a mere visitor in some-one elses country , it would be nice if you could learn to settle for this very obvious FACT , no scourse given .

You are in Chiang Mai ... turn on your TV, look at the news online etc :D

Sorry but obviously your knowledge of the world and the hippocratic oath are lacking :D

Tell us more about what color Tshirt I should wear tmw!

Oh boy, it seems that almost everyone that remotely disagrees with you is lacking in knowledge.

I wonder why you continue to be that arrogant. It surely doesn't enhance your arguments.

Don't waste your time sjaak327, it's pointless...

Actually, we should consider ourselves priviledged to be in the presence of such an oracle. :o

You should! But then again I don't make bogus claims :D

and I am in BKK ... not Europe :D

When was the last time you were in China? And if you've never been there, which I strongly suspect unless it were an escorted whizbang next stop Shanghai shopping mall tour, Do you ever pay any attention at all to current sino politics? Are you familiar with Chinese foreign policy? How could you possibly compare like for like? How about the very recent Olympics where many ordinary Chinese were being thrown out of their homes to make way for pretty ponds and flower gardens? How about the mass forced relocation of the rural poor to make way for new mass development, unafordable to aforesaid rural poor by the way, who have had to give up their land to go live in a box to make Nike shoes and the like? Some of the posters' arrogance/ignorance on this forum truly takes my breath away.

And do please enlighten us as to which particular Asian countries 'have found their own solutions', and to what end? Go on, I dare you

Ai-yA !

Many Asian countries have found how ... Singapore, Malaysia et al ...

Why do you seem so upset about what I wrote :o ?

It would verge on ... oh ... can't say that

There is quite a bit of video footage from a variety of sources of numerous people suffering severe burns or large lacerations (including the traumatic amputation of a leg posted earlier). These don't seem entirely consistent with the use of "tear-gas."

Exactly what the PAD aims to achieve. Force mayhem ending in a military coup where they grab power at the expense of anything that resembles democratic rule. Having a few supporters publicly mutilated serves the PAD purpose.

Now is the time to restore power and money to a selected few at the expense of the majority of Thais. After the coup and power grab, time for "reconciliation" and "traditional values" i.e. "kiss my feat you peasants".

PAD has never tried to 'grab power' , you might try and catch up with the last 3 years of politics here!

They will try and call in their friends in the army to grab power, preserving their interests. Power to the self-selected few, let there be "order".

edit: and I meant "feet".

And at 2) people not matter if PAD or police are not treated if the DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY.

To don't treat violent people seems shocking while it is perfectly OK to reject poor people? Strange world, strange ethics.

No it is certainly not ok to reject poor people. And to the best of my knowledge, nobody claimed that on this thread.

I'm still puzzeled at the use of the term "violent people", who determines if someone could be deemed violent, is it just becasue they wear a certain uniform ?

Could Pad protestors not be deemed violent on the same criteria, and should that not be a job of a court of law, rather then a doctor ?

No but everyone accept it that poor people are rejected. Go in any of these non government hospitals.

Violent people are doing harm to others. Clearly the police. PAD did not attack anyone ever. They only defended themself.

Yes a certain uniform is enough. I wouldn't sell to someone coming in Nazi uniform.

And not to forget it is only for non serious problems. Nobody told to let policemen die.

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