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While speculation is high in Thailand over precisely what part 'Old Square Head' is playing in the partying that is going on in Bangkok right now.

Rest assured, someone at MI6 who most likely speaks better Thai than than the man himself is listening in on his phone calls.

Britain is rightly proud of it's record on asylum....... and surveillance.

Keep your friends close.... keep your enemies closer.

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While speculation is high in Thailand over precisely what part 'Old Square Head' is playing in the partying that is going on in Bangkok right now.

Rest assured, someone at MI6 who most likely speaks better Thai than than the man himself is listening in on his phone calls.

Britain is rightly proud of it's record on asylum....... and surveillance.

Keep your friends close.... keep your enemies closer.

he would'nt be that stupid ..........would he.

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Actually I don't think Thaksin would be too high on The MI6's list.

As far as Thailand is concerned they probably have far more interesting things in their files than info. regarding Thaksin.

Certainly enough to win his asylum case.

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Get out of here.

The man at the center of the fight for political supremacy in one of the world's most economically and politically sensitive regions lands in the UK and you think that MI6 don't have enough time on their hands to earwig on his every communication?!

You'll be telling me next that you believe the encription package he bought from the Yanks is too tough for GCHQ to crack.

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To the best of my knowledge GCHQ in the UK 'monitors' every single unencrypted international call as a matter of routine, mostly by voice recognition software looking for certain 'keywords.' They've done this for years, and certainly way before 9/11 gave them an ideal pretext.


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A book called "Spycraft:The Secret History of the CIA" describes what I might best call the antics of hundreds/thousands of CIA guys worldwide to "listen in" No expense was too great, much of it is hilarious. Buttoned Down Guys having to make frequent visits to the seamier quarters to buy inflatable dolls.. as decoys.

A Scheme to pick up an agent while a plane flew overhead, using certain harnesses. A pig was used, "When he was hauled in, expressed his displeasure with the experience by attacking the crew"

A macho volunteer was just bounced along the ground.

Edited by desertrat
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Actually I don't think Thaksin would be too high on The MI6's list.

As far as Thailand is concerned they probably have far more interesting things in their files than info. regarding Thaksin.

Certainly enough to win his asylum case.

A major political player with a questionable record on human rights in a strategically sensitive region with powerfull connections in a country teetering on the edge of collapse? You can bet your sweet little ar5e the intelligence agencies of more than one major world player are interested in what he is saying. Additionally we can safely assume there are some major commercial parties with a strong interest in his inner thoughts and plans.

There'll be more bugs on his communications than there are running round a KSR hotel bedroom.

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Get out of here.

The man at the center of the fight for political supremacy in one of the world's most economically and politically sensitive regions lands in the UK and you think that MI6 don't have enough time on their hands to earwig on his every communication?!

You'll be telling me next that you believe the encription package he bought from the Yanks is too tough for GCHQ to crack.

Do you watch "Spooks" on BBC Entertainment? Good init! :D

PS. It's 'encryption' not 'encription'. :o

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Do you watch "Spooks" on BBC Entertainment? Good init! :D

PS. It's 'encryption' not 'encription'. :o

It's an unfortunate fact of life that in most developed countries and a lot of undeveloped one's too there are large government depatments filled with people paid to do nothing else but listen and watch. It's nothing like what you see portrayed on Spooks, in fact 99.99% of the work is downright tedious and would not make good viewing for all but insomniacs.

How do you know it wasn't encrypted? :D

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A book called "Spycraft:The Secret History of the CIA" describes what I might best call the antics of hundreds/thousands of CIA guys worldwide to "listen in" No expense was too great, much of it is hilarious. Buttoned Down Guys having to make frequent visits to the seamier quarters to buy inflatable dolls.. as decoys.

A Scheme to pick up an agent while a plane flew overhead, using certain harnesses. A pig was used, "When he was hauled in, expressed his displeasure with the experience by attacking the crew"

There's also some fairly hilarious stories in Martin Lee and Bruce Shlain's book, Acid Dreams about the CIA testing LSD on themselves and the unsuspecting clients of prostitutes while they watched through 2-way mirrors. Also the testing of the drug BZ on American troops and, if memory serves me correctly, a very senior CIA man who, such was his enthusiasm for these projects, tested every experimental drug on himself and who, at one point, apparently had to have an entourage of agents following him around with a mattress because the drug (BZ) caused him to occasionally collapse and lose conciousness without warning.

Great book - the first chapter can be read here.

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