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Rich Thais Tighten The Noose On Anti-democracy

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The Post and Nation today reported the following:

1. Chula Uni would instruct its medical staff to NOT TREAT police wounded at the hands of the PAD. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? Knocked my socks off. Turn away an injured man? Does anyone need any further proof of who these people really are - and medical people at that? Thai medical tourism? Ha!

And then....

2. Thai Airways won't carry PPP officials.

Well, well...Number 2 I can live with (until they are rightly fired, since it's not their call - have they never carried some of the real barbarian like the hi-so monkey-generals who killed students and others)?

BUT LOOK AT NUMBER ONE! Turn away an injured police officer? Please tell me the name of the Admin officials and his special t-shirt. I'm going to pay him a visit - or at least an email visit!

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Re Number 1 - all the "I love Thailand under any circumstances" expats will definitely say, "if you don't like it, go home."

Re Number 2 - equally as stupid & only galvinises the idea that Thailand is really a dictatorship in disguise, although a very poor disguise. Inequality is a hallmark of countries like Thailand.

How about a link please.

Re Number 1 - all the "I love Thailand under any circumstances" expats will definitely say, "if you don't like it, go home."

Re Number 2 - equally as stupid & only galvinises the idea that Thailand is really a dictatorship in disguise, although a very poor disguise. Inequality is a hallmark of countries like Thailand.

How about a link please.

Yes sorry - they were on my SMS from both papers. Can someone else find pelase..if not I'll do it in the AM.

As for number 2, you're right. And I've often wondered how many of those girls (flight attendants) were the nieces of some of those really horrible people.


1) Chula is only 'elite' in that you have to be smart and well disciplined to get in


2) One pilot refused to takeoff with a PPP party list MP (and former TRT MP) on board.


There are just as many well to do Thais who want to tigten the noose on the anti-anti democracy and the pro-converse-anti loyalists as well. Poor folks as well on both sides, it's hardly black and white.



My comments in red (for blood).

It appears that some Thai people fail to see or understand the "differences" between certain people. It must be awful treating all of those peasants people who have dirty dark skin etc:

Several hospitals and the Medical Council, however, were quick to point out that doctors are ethically required to treat every one, without any discrimination.

The Chulalongkorn, Rajvithi and Ramathibodi hospitals also reaffirmed yesterday that their facilities would treat all patients.

"Whoever the patients are and no matter which side they have taken, a doctor must provide emergency treatment to them," Still, Somsak reckoned that doctors could transfer patients who did not have severe symptoms to other hospitals.

In addition to Dr Thirawat Kultanant, the dean of Siriraj Hospital's medical school, said the hospital will go along to treat all patients.

"Personally, I think the statement is an expression of political opinion but does not concern healthcare service. We have to continue to provide emergency care to patients whoever they are," he said.

Thank god for the "all forgiving" Thai (Buddhist) Culture & the brilliant Thai logic that people like Dr Sutep exist. Thank god he/she is upholding the tradition of "Love thy neighbour". He/she is clearly an outstanding member of the Thai community & is representative thereof:

Dr Sutep Gonlachanvit, who works at Chulalongkorn Hospital and announced the measure to not treat policemen and soldiers who clashed with the PAD, said: "Many doctors, nurses and resident doctors from eight medical schools have agreed to this measure.

"It's a social gesture to show that we can't accept what the government and police have done."

Allowing people to possibly die is a "social gesture"? Allowing people to needlessly suffer, particularly if you undertook the Hippocratic Oath, is a "social gesture"? It's more like a death sentence. Actually, I'd call it manslaughter, if someone actually died from lack of treatment.

He said the measure to not treat policemen and soldiers is not too harsh given the excessive force used against PAD demonstrators.

Who gave the police the directive to act so violently? Did the police act violently?

"There are deaths and losses of limbs. Still, Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat does not show any responsibility," Sutep said. He said his group members would treat the policemen and soldiers again only after they take responsibility for what had happened.

I didn't know that the Thai police were armed with implements that could sever limbs. Oops, I forgot. Those implements were carried by the demonstartors & not the police.

"We don't hate the police. We just intend to nudge the police to review their action," Sutep said. He said a daughter of one of his medical lecturers lost three fingers during the clashes on Tuesday.

Was she picking her nose & got smashed in the face whilst doing so? Anyway, let's allow a few cops to die so that we can "nudge" the police to review their actions. There's nothing like a friendly "nudge", isn't there?

Sutep said his group would also hold a press conference at Chulalongkorn Hospital today to explain why so many PAD demonstrators had lost their limbs during their clashes with policemen.

This is a bit like holding a press conference to explain why so many Iraqies lost there lives in clashes in Iraq. It's pointless.

"We will show the facts and truths to society," Sutep said, "After that we will march to the Royal Thai Police headquarters to demand that the police chief take responsibility.

One day, that child called Sutep will take responsibility for his bigotry.

Clearly, the 80/20 rule strongly applies here.


Dr Sutep Gonlachanvit, who works at Chulalongkorn Hospital and announced the measure to not treat policemen and soldiers who clashed with the PAD, said: "Many doctors, nurses and resident doctors from eight medical schools have agreed to this measure.

Clearly, the 80/20 rule strongly applies here.

Chula is an elite university, at least in the sense that it is currently the highest-ranked Thai university in the international university rankings table. As one would expect, the University authorities have moved quickly to say that this is not official policy. Those members of the Faculty of Medicine who got together to agree this, might care to reflect on the likely reaction from clinicians and academics in Western Universities.


From CNN today, "The protesters, calling themselves the People's Alliance for Democracy, include royalists, wealthy and middle-class urban residents and union activists." Truly, a PAD coup for the super-rich!


Thais are still learning to understand, accept and respect democracy. These are the kinds of things that occur in a democracy in its infancy. If democracy succeeds, it will take a couple generations before it is ingrained into the belief structure of the citizens.



The Post and Nation today reported the following:

1. Chula Uni would instruct its medical staff to NOT TREAT police wounded at the hands of the PAD. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? Knocked my socks off. Turn away an injured man? Does anyone need any further proof of who these people really are - and medical people at that? Thai medical tourism? Ha!

And then....

2. Thai Airways won't carry PPP officials.

Well, well...Number 2 I can live with (until they are rightly fired, since it's not their call - have they never carried some of the real barbarian like the hi-so monkey-generals who killed students and others)?

BUT LOOK AT NUMBER ONE! Turn away an injured police officer? Please tell me the name of the Admin officials and his special t-shirt. I'm going to pay him a visit - or at least an email visit!

In Thailand most private hospitals will turn away an injured person who cannot prove he can pay.
From CNN today, "The protesters, calling themselves the People's Alliance for Democracy, include royalists, wealthy and middle-class urban residents and union activists." Truly, a PAD coup for the super-rich!

I have read this "definition" of PAD so many times that I get bored !

Apparently, this movement does NOT include all wealthy people, are all the Thaksin family and cronies members ?

Maybe one could say the PAD includes rich people that did not stole their money ?

To conclude, I would be very interested in reading a definition of the "Thaksinocrats", who exactly do they include (besides the sister, wife, children and in-laws of course) ?

For example, are the famous driver and maid among the "Thaksinocrats", together with the gardener and all the small employees ? (by the way, what's happening of them, are they in London now ?)


Dr Sutep Gonlachanvit, who works at Chulalongkorn Hospital and announced the measure to not treat policemen and soldiers who clashed with the PAD, said: "Many doctors, nurses and resident doctors from eight medical schools have agreed to this measure.

Clearly, the 80/20 rule strongly applies here.

Chula is an elite university, at least in the sense that it is currently the highest-ranked Thai university in the international university rankings table. As one would expect, the University authorities have moved quickly to say that this is not official policy. Those members of the Faculty of Medicine who got together to agree this, might care to reflect on the likely reaction from clinicians and academics in Western Universities.

...but of course then did nothing to remove him from his post, suspend him, or report him to the medical college/registrar or whatever Thailand calls it's disciplinary body. Nope - he'll just keep his position cause everyone is afraid that he has the hi-so's on his side. Pathetic as usual. Cap-poom.


Dr Sutep Gonlachanvit, who works at Chulalongkorn Hospital and announced the measure to not treat policemen and soldiers who clashed with the PAD, said: "Many doctors, nurses and resident doctors from eight medical schools have agreed to this measure.

Clearly, the 80/20 rule strongly applies here.

Chula is an elite university, at least in the sense that it is currently the highest-ranked Thai university in the international university rankings table. As one would expect, the University authorities have moved quickly to say that this is not official policy. Those members of the Faculty of Medicine who got together to agree this, might care to reflect on the likely reaction from clinicians and academics in Western Universities.

...but of course then did nothing to remove him from his post, suspend him, or report him to the medical college/registrar or whatever Thailand calls it's disciplinary body. Nope - he'll just keep his position cause everyone is afraid that he has the hi-so's on his side. Pathetic as usual. Cap-poom.

How do you know what they did or did not do to the Dr? What rule do you KNOW of that he violated?

What is the name of your horse in this race?

And you still haven't addressed your "elite university" comment that was fankly 100%BS

and yes the post with all the RED of course is in violation of the board rules :o

There really is a point where if you hate Thailand and Thais so much that living elsewhere seems to make far more sense isn't there?


The hospitals and facilities where the incidents in #1 occurred were criticized by peers both foreign and Thai. In fairness, it should be noted that statements were quickly made to counter the original positions.

Unfortunately, serious damage has been done to the integrity of the Thailand. The poorly thought out statements will now compel and foreign funders to address the matter at the ethics review before any funds are disbursed for projects in Thailand. There are rules in the EU and USA that prohibit the funding of projects that promote or facilitate the discrimination of people based upon gender, ethnicity, religion and political characteristics. The idiots responsible for the statements did irreparable damage to Thailand's medical reputation and have directly harmed the people they are supposedly helping. Seriously, idiotic and bordering on suicidal behaviour.


The Post and Nation today reported the following:

1. Chula Uni would instruct its medical staff to NOT TREAT police wounded at the hands of the PAD. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? Knocked my socks off. Turn away an injured man? Does anyone need any further proof of who these people really are - and medical people at that? Thai medical tourism? Ha!

Re Number 1 - all the "I love Thailand under any circumstances" expats will definitely say, "if you don't like it, go home."

Dr Sutep Gonlachanvit, who works at Chulalongkorn Hospital and announced the measure to not treat policemen and soldiers who clashed with the PAD, said: "Many doctors, nurses and resident doctors from eight medical schools have agreed to this measure.

Clearly, the 80/20 rule strongly applies here.

Chula is an elite university, at least in the sense that it is currently the highest-ranked Thai university in the international university rankings table. As one would expect, the University authorities have moved quickly to say that this is not official policy. Those members of the Faculty of Medicine who got together to agree this, might care to reflect on the likely reaction from clinicians and academics in Western Universities.

...but of course then did nothing to remove him from his post, suspend him, or report him to the medical college/registrar or whatever Thailand calls it's disciplinary body. Nope - he'll just keep his position cause everyone is afraid that he has the hi-so's on his side. Pathetic as usual. Cap-poom.

How do you know what they did or did not do to the Dr? What rule do you KNOW of that he violated?

What is the name of your horse in this race?

And you still haven't addressed your "elite university" comment that was fankly 100%BS

and yes the post with all the RED of course is in violation of the board rules :o

There really is a point where if you hate Thailand and Thais so much that living elsewhere seems to make far more sense isn't there?

I couldn't find anything in the forum rules about posting in red (colour).


1) Chula is only 'elite' in that you have to be smart and well disciplined to get in


Not true - they let me in :o



I'm at a loss to understand why anyone (PAD included) would actually want to fly with Thai Airways.

Chula Elite..... Is this the same Chula where you can buy a degree?!


1) Chula is only 'elite' in that you have to be smart and well disciplined to get in

Not true - they let me in :o



Not into a degree program :D

el---- it is what you wrote not the color

GH ---- citation?

There are just as many well to do Thais who want to tigten the noose on the anti-anti democracy and the pro-converse-anti loyalists as well. Poor folks as well on both sides, it's hardly black and white.


Yes, what you say is so true, and conversely, vice versa.

And not black and white either.

What is clear to me though... how tragic that the first PM ever to marshal a true popular vote, who achieved an absolute majority and even a second term chose to subvert the democratic constitution rather than to uphold it.

This was a unique opportunity to move Thailand forward and move control out of the hands of the old power elites but for some unknown reason he chose to blow it.

Had he governed with clean hands he would have remained fabulously wealty and powerful but with everlasting honour and love from his people. And now look where he is.

Even has to sell off man City for a 50 million pound profit!

Chula Elite..... Is this the same Chula where you can buy a degree?!

Nice humour, but though I don't much like Chula (partly because I think privilege may indeed be a big issue), it doesn't do much good to stick one's head in the sand.

2008 Times Higher Education Supplement QS University Rankings

Rank 166 Chula

(No other Thai in top 200)

(From memory next best Mahidol, Kasetsart, AIT)


(Link to full list in web article)

Chula Elite..... Is this the same Chula where you can buy a degree?!

Nice humour, but though I don't much like Chula (partly because I think privilege may indeed be a big issue), it doesn't do much good to stick one's head in the sand.

2008 Times Higher Education Supplement QS University Rankings

Rank 166 Chula

(No other Thai in top 200)

(From memory next best Mahidol, Kasetsart, AIT)


(Link to full list in web article)

perhaps you should research Chula's admission policy :o

Chula Elite..... Is this the same Chula where you can buy a degree?!

Nice humour, but though I don't much like Chula (partly because I think privilege may indeed be a big issue), it doesn't do much good to stick one's head in the sand.

2008 Times Higher Education Supplement QS University Rankings

Rank 166 Chula

(No other Thai in top 200)

(From memory next best Mahidol, Kasetsart, AIT)


(Link to full list in web article)

perhaps you should research Chula's admission policy :o

I do have a bit of knowledge about the internal workings of two departments (don't want to be too specific) and as I say Chula isn't my favorite place. But I'm just pointing out that it does have an international profile which exists despite any reservations I might have. Did Lonely Planet say something different?


If you have some knowledge you wouldn't be saying

partly because I think privilege may indeed be a big issue

and I attended school there (but like with simon I was the exception to the rule that proves it)

If you have some knowledge you wouldn't be saying
partly because I think privilege may indeed be a big issue

and I attended school there (but like with simon I was the exception to the rule that proves it)

In that case I must defer to your insider knowledge because my involvement was certainly not at the school level. But I thought the issue was whether Chula was considered to be one of the elite Thai universities. Academics do typically use the rankings as a major factor in deciding these things.

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