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Hi all,

Lost my job in Thailand working for a multinational.

I recognise now, I was way over stressed, travelling 35 weeks a year and being the only one doing operational work.

Besides that I was trying or better said not trying to deal with another personal trauma.

Am I a looser?

I do not think so.


I dont think anyone will claim you are a looser just because you lost your job and had a personal trauma.

I guess you had some money in an account, for a rainy day?

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Some things can be outside a person's control. I think that many will experience problems with the 65k a month due to FX rate problems though those in USD terms have had that for 2 years already.

During a divorce, an agreement to market a property turned sour and only ended up a few years later in the High Court. Losses on my side were in 6 figures. Not extreme but enough to make you think about things.

Earlier in life, over extended borrowings to build property cost a large percentage of my then capital. You live and learn.

I do have some sympathy for those who made some effort and thought they had enough and things went wrong and not because of them directly. I don't have sympathy for those who didn't try to plan ahead.


I like the idea of compassion and being kind to other people and giving them the benefit of the doubt. You really do not know how a specific person got to where they are, what circumstances they were born into, what great experiences or traumas they experienced, what mental or physical handicaps they might have, what random misfortune happened to them. Yes, there is free will and alot we can do ourselves to do our best to control our destinies. But the best laid plans, etc., etc. There but for the grace of Warren Buffet go I ...

I like the idea of compassion and being kind to other people and giving them the benefit of the doubt. You really do not know how a specific person got to where they are, what circumstances they were born into, what great experiences or traumas they experienced, what mental or physical handicaps they might have, what random misfortune happened to them. Yes, there is free will and alot we can do ourselves to do our best to control our destinies. But the best laid plans, etc., etc. There but for the grace of Warren Buffet go I ...

Very good post.

I admire you for your ideas.

Still, I believe that there are not really many people that are trapped here. Some might think they are, but there are always a way out of the situation they have ended up in.

I like the idea of compassion and being kind to other people and giving them the benefit of the doubt. You really do not know how a specific person got to where they are, what circumstances they were born into, what great experiences or traumas they experienced, what mental or physical handicaps they might have, what random misfortune happened to them. Yes, there is free will and alot we can do ourselves to do our best to control our destinies. But the best laid plans, etc., etc. There but for the grace of Warren Buffet go I ...

I never usually say this...............................................

But that's a great post Jingthing, what snapped i9 for me was the "There For go the grace of god go I "

Many folk can land on hard times, I inow, ThaiVisa members are immune to this in general, buit to the general population, we can suffer hard freekin' times.

I sincerely hope that vou guys, and myself can pull it together, and if not, I'm quite sure there are ThaiVisa members who are willing and able to bitr the bullet, rip off the clothees, recognise the

I like the idea of compassion and being kind to other people and giving them the benefit of the doubt. You really do not know how a specific person got to where they are, what circumstances they were born into, what great experiences or traumas they experienced, what mental or physical handicaps they might have, what random misfortune happened to them. Yes, there is free will and alot we can do ourselves to do our best to control our destinies. But the best laid plans, etc., etc. There but for the grace of Warren Buffet go I ...

I never usually say this...............................................

But that's a great post Jingthing, what snapped i9 for me was the "There For go the grace of god go I "

Many folk can land on hard times, I inow, ThaiVisa members are immune to this in general, buit to the general population, we can suffer hard freekin' times.

I sincerely hope that vou guys, and myself can pull it together, and if not, I'm quite sure there are ThaiVisa members who are willing and able to bitr the bullet, rip off the clothees, recognise the

maigo6? one to many i think. Don't worry we've all left silly reply's from time to time. Go get your head down and log back on later.


Fortitude ? Compassion ? Personal Misfortunes?...To keep a perspective, Over the weekend I worked for 30 hours on and off mostly on, on a sw problem, being in contact by email with s brainy guy, who I've never met. nor know which country he is in.

He was patience itself in guiding me thro the problem, and all unpaid, always polite, never reducing to rants over my


As he always replied virtually by return email, I asked him after everything was fixed did he work 24/7.

Here is his answer....

And to answer your question, no legs, so easier just to stay here :-)

I am still stunned..how might I reply ?


I have a certain amount of sympathy for those that have been scammed, but not if the scam was really obvious or by a bar girl. Stupidity doesn't elicit sympathy, especially when it sometimes seems to be wilful stupidity when it comes to giving money to Thai women.

Those who just spent the money they had hoping for a miracle and hoping all the way down to the point of being broke don't have my sympathy. That was really poor decision making.

Those who suffered an accident of some sort or unforeseeable illness have my sympathy.

There's another group that have lost my sympathy. Those that make money, but in spurts. When they make the money they act like big shots spending money like water. When the money runs out they want to borrow from friends until the next deal comes through, so in effect they don't want to save money when they have it or control their spending but want me to do their saving for them!

Eventually the next deal doesn't come through in time and they run out of people they can borrow from and end up leaving big debts behind when they go. Seen this many times.

I like the idea of compassion and being kind to other people and giving them the benefit of the doubt. You really do not know how a specific person got to where they are, what circumstances they were born into, what great experiences or traumas they experienced, what mental or physical handicaps they might have, what random misfortune happened to them. Yes, there is free will and alot we can do ourselves to do our best to control our destinies. But the best laid plans, etc., etc. There but for the grace of Warren Buffet go I ...

I never usually say this...............................................

But that's a great post Jingthing, what snapped i9 for me was the "There For go the grace of god go I "

Many folk can land on hard times, I inow, ThaiVisa members are immune to this in general, buit to the general population, we can suffer hard freekin' times.

I sincerely hope that vou guys, and myself can pull it together, and if not, I'm quite sure there are ThaiVisa members who are willing and able to bitr the bullet, rip off the clothees, recognise the

maigo6? one to many i think. Don't worry we've all left silly reply's from time to time. Go get your head down and log back on later.

Hi Chris, yea it was an alcohol fuelled post. :o

I have a certain amount of sympathy for those that have been scammed, but not if the scam was really obvious or by a bar girl.

Do you also feel sorry for the Farangs in Thailand that are scammed by other Farangs ?

I have a certain amount of sympathy for those that have been scammed, but not if the scam was really obvious or by a bar girl.

Do you also feel sorry for the Farangs in Thailand that are scammed by other Farangs ?

Depends on how obvious it was. Just like you shouldn't believe a girl who works in an industry based on faking attraction and sexual arousal, it baffles me that people get scammed by farangs who are often really clearly scamming and aren't what they say they are.

If someone willingly suspends disbelief due to enjoying getting their ego stroked or due to greed then my sympathy is pretty much non-existent.

However, I was aware of one very sophisticated farang scam artist back in the 90s in Bangkok who did it so well that with his connections and the money he was making he really didn't need to be scamming and should have done with people's money what he said he was going to do. He'd probably be rich and successful now instead of in a Thai jail after being snatched from a plane as he was trying to leave with the money of, among others, a Thai general.

Some very clever people I know lost millions of Baht to him, and I have a great deal of sympathy for them.

thailand attracts certain undesireable types , its just fact. well monied responsible individuals as a group dont hang out in thailand.

On the contrary, there are well monied folks...it's just that certain individuals can't get access to them. They are able to distinguish between big talkers and real deal.

they hiding in thai caves or what?

monied people can party anywhere they dont need to do it in some strange asian country known only for partyig.

However, I must say that if the likes of your good self were to find yourself absoulutley potless then i would celebrate with glee.

Would you? Would you whatsoever? It's nice of you to care.

Sadly, you'll be disappointed. It won't happen.

so apart from not being such a nce person, you are also able to tell the future are you

No, you are not, never have been never will, and because life is what it is...although unlikely,

anyhting could happen to you, and you know what I,d still offer you a pot to piss in

some people have some really bad luck, people shuld be a bit softr


I will always have 'an out' if I ever need to leave LOS. I have planned on this 'just in case'. But my goal is to continue living here until the day I day as I enjoy my life in Thailand and hope to enjoy it even more when I retire here in the next 5 years. I guess I mean 'semi-retire' as I plan on having a somewhat self sufficient small farm as my wife will run a small store we own.

As for my out:

a) 250k + frequent flier miles (I just hope UAL doesn't go 'belly up' or change their FF plan if these are ever needed)

:o House in the USA that will be paid entirely within the next five years (Will keep for my daughter, if she wants when she turns 18 but would be available for me if really needed)

I agree with most posts on here, many 'live today' and do not plan for the future. That is one reason they get in the situations that they are in. The USA debt process is way too easy for most and becomes an addiction. What happened to the past days when your Grandma and Grandpa told you to save for the things you wanted rather than borrow today and pay later? Everyone is trying to 'keep up with the Jones'. Not me, I just want a simple and peaceful life. I don't need a big fancy house, cars, and all the 'bells & whistles' that get folks over debt up to their eyes.

I am one of those farangs that has worked his ass off for a long time and built up financial security. I made sacrifices and passed on the wine, women & song when I was in my 20's, which in hindsight I shouldn't have because I missed out on a lot of fun. On the other hand, one can't eat happy memories can he?

Technically, I shouldn't worry, but I do. It must be hel_l on earth for those that have to live with that worry. The grinding unrelenting fear of not knowing how bills will be paid. It's why I won't ever mock a person that's down.

There will always be some men and women that are decent and kind hearted that get taken for everything they have, right down to the emergency fund. They are not bad people. Surely, they merit a bit of understanding and compassion rather than ridicule and scorn?

Nice post and points for compassion.

Certainly there are some or even many farangs in Thailand who have not planned well and who have lived reckless lives.

Then there are others who have planned well and lived ordered respectable lives.

The funny thing is that there are rich and poor people in both these groups.

Money doesn't seem to discriminate in many cases.

Thailand will always have its share of desperadoes and they will always be in trouble no matter if the economy is booming or things are going awry. There are always a number of people living right on the edge and any crisis is likely to see them tip right over that edge.

The current financial meltdown has trapped many in Australia who had decent portfolios but have had 50percent wiped out off their retirement income in a few months.

These are people who had conservative investment strategies so i think in some cases and especially in todays volatile economic environment one has to be sympathetic to those who have to depend on investments for a retirment income.

Personally i think if or when you are going to retire unless you have squillions of dollars a prudent thing to do is to look around for some sort of business to run or share in partnership so that you keep generating an income in current dollar terms.


I like Thailand, it's a lovely country......if only Thai people weren't here.

I'm trapped because I don't want to abandon the horses I rescued out of a hideous beach rental stable in Phuket.

Some BS Thai law say I have to transport them 12 hours across rabies infested provinces to a Bangkok, Thai run " Quarantine " stable I wouldn't subject my worse enemy to. Places that would be shut down immediately in the UK and owners arrested foe animal cruelty.

Here, at my stable they are already clean and innoculated and Malaysia is only a 6 hour drive and has no such regulation of quarantine BEFORE transport, in fact on ly in Thailand is this a law regulation, so they can further gouge me

( " Gouge the Farang" the proud national motto..).

Then it will cost about 30% MORE than in MY to fly them out because in ThaiLIEland I have to use a rip off " Agent" , none of the cargo airlines will deal directly with me.

If I can get them to Kuala Lumpur I can arrange everything myself with MaskAir .

( Besides who wants to use a Thai airline..absolutely NO regualtion, look at 1-2 Go...)

GOd How I HATE these people.

Just A**holes... Constant rip off, lying, ETC ETC

I rue the day I came here.

I need the type of boat that comes up onto the beach where I can load them and take them to MY that way....

I guess I could put them down, but that just seems a horrible option, how much longer can I stand it here though...

Those of you considering moving here, remember please, Thai visa is sponsored by Sunbelt Asia- a business that benefits from disinformation on how " easy " it is here to own land or , start a business.. LEGALLY ( no nominees..) What a load of BS ( or HS ..)

I like Thailand, it's a lovely country......if only Thai people weren't here.

I'm trapped because I don't want to abandon the horses I rescued out of a hideous beach rental stable in Phuket.

Some BS Thai law say I have to transport them 12 hours across rabies infested provinces to a Bangkok, Thai run " Quarantine " stable I wouldn't subject my worse enemy to. Places that would be shut down immediately in the UK and owners arrested foe animal cruelty. etc. etc.....

Hey Doc.

Don't hold back, tell us what you really think! :o

Congratulations on pulling yourself out of the mire Huey. It adds weight to the bar girl arguement of exactly how low you will go to earn a buck in desperate times.

Whoring and Time Share selling must rank up there with the best (sleaziest) of them all..but seriously, my hat is off to you, as it is to all the bar girls I have known who ply their trade due to hard economic times

Hey look, if you think selling a time share is the same thing as taking 500baht to swallow a man's load then your sense of ethics (or more aptly lack there of) goes too low for me to even bother debating the difference with you.

I agree , comaparing timeshare salesmen to prostitutes insults the women as they are probably the only Thais who have any business ethic.

At least with them, you get what you pay for...


What about all the losers trapped in the USA. Thousands of dollars in debt, a dead end job they hate, a fat wife who only has sex once a week and treats him like garbage, their 401K going down 30% in the last year, and their home value going down. I'd rather be in Thailand.

if you're too much of an asshol_e to have friends or family left in your country.

Theres no reason u cannot move to a remote part of the country and teach english where u can live off 5k baht very nicely.

There's no way to go broke in south east asia.. being poor yes, broke no.

If you're a drunk or whatever, it's just natural selection telling you to hurry up.

Catch 22. Being poor=stress=drinking to block it out=poorer the more you drink


"I like Thailand, it's a lovely country......if only Thai people weren't here. "


What did you mean by that Doctor Horse ?

If not Thai people in Thailand then who should be there ? Combodian, Burmese,Laos or Malasian ?

I agree with Huey. Khunandy is way out of line and should apologise for comparing timeshare salespeople with whores. Apologise to the whores, I mean :o

Yehova's witness and timeshare salesman. Maybe Amway too.

By becoming a timeshare salesman he believes he has pulled himself out of the filth?

He has pulled himself out of misery and that's what really counts.

However, I must say that if the likes of your good self were to find yourself absoulutley potless then i would celebrate with glee.

Would you? Would you whatsoever? It's nice of you to care.

Sadly, you'll be disappointed. It won't happen.

so apart from not being such a nce person, you are also able to tell the future are you

No, you are not, never have been never will, and because life is what it is...although unlikely,

anyhting could happen to you, and you know what I,d still offer you a pot to piss in

some people have some really bad luck, people shuld be a bit softr

You make your own luck. Or, rather, you use the common sense you were born with, combined with prudence, hard work and a naturally cautious, conservative outlook to help you shape your own fortunes.

Let's call a spade a spade. It takes a great deal of stupidity to be trapped in Thailand, under the OP's original terms. To do that, one of two things must have happened:

1) They were hopelessly illequipped financially before they came here and thus made the wrong decision for the wrong reasons. And they have failed or been disinclined to earn a living here.

2) They lost it all through being cheated. Utter stupidity, frankly.

Of course, they could have got sick blah blah blah, and I'm the first to make sympathetic noises, but even there they are to blame for not being responsible enough to get insurance in a strange and alien land.

And even then, it gets worse. They would also have burned all their bridges in their homeland.

To paraphrase Oscar again, to make one massive mistake is misfortunate. To do it twice, is carelessness.

Why feel sympathy for people messing up their own lives? Empathy for their circumstances, but sympathy. Sorry, no


Well HorseDoctor, I admire your compassion but you certainly picked expensive animals to adopt.

Well HorseDoctor, I admire your compassion but you certainly picked expensive animals to adopt.

I agree....... and now where did my bottle of glue go to? Hmmmmm

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