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Tourist Boom In Northern Thailand


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Tourist boom in northern Thailand

MAE HONG SON: -- The tourism industry in Thailand's northern province of Mae Hong Son is booming.

High numbers of visitors are continuing to come even after the start of the wiinter season.

The province’s hotels have been fully booked since November, the deputy chairman of Mae Hong Son’s Chamber of Commerce, Chokechai Limwarakul, told TNA.

The forward bookings for the 2,400 hotel rooms are also full until the end of January, he added.

This year’s tourist numbers are higher than expected and underlines the province’s strong potential to be a tourist attraction in the north, he said.

The scenic Chong Kham Park, with its huge pool, located in the heart of the city has been renovated.

A shopping area, selling food and local arts and crafts, has been added.

The local authorities estimate that nine million baht a day has been spent in new facilities in the city.

The city has launched “a certification of 1,864 road curves” for tourists visiting the city by car in the hope that this will help prevent the zig zaging state highway detering them.

More than 2,000 tourists have asked for the signs, Mr. Chokemai said.

--TNA 2004-11-30

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Tourist boom in northern Thailand

The city has launched “a certification of 1,864 road curves” for tourists visiting the city by car in the hope that this will help prevent the zig zaging state highway detering them.

--TNA 2004-11-30

Yes this is true but it is not new.

Don't know when it was originally launched but has been around for at least six years

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Well it was backpackers and the likes who put it (Pai) on the map in the first place. What do you expect !! At least the locasl will have a chance to see some real tourists and not the grunge that walks the streets currently. If ever there was a need for a local planning approach involving a wide cross section of a community......it is Pai !! I undersatnd some locasl have already voiced opinions about this idea !!! I say , go for it local people of Pai and good luck.

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I undersatnd some locasl have already voiced opinions about this idea !!! I say , go for it local people of Pai and good luck.

The problem as I see it is that yes, they'll certainly welcome the tourist $$$ for the first couple of years, but then they'll start moaning about "too many farangs" destoying the local culture, and then all the new hoels killing the nature!

Can't have it both ways!

Beautiful place, beautiful people - Hope it can stay that way!


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I have heard recently that the beautiful, wonderful town of Pai in MHS is getting an airport next year!

Please, please, please, someone tell it ain't so!

Another idyllic escape on it's way to ruin for the sake of the Mighty $$$$

:o  :D  :D

I certainly hope not. The beauty of places like Pai is the scenery getting to and from there.

I think Umphang has just opened an airport for the lazy, lah-di-dah tourists to visit Thi Lo Su waterfalls. What a shame they'd miss out travelling along one of the most scenic roads in Thailand, the 'Death Highway'. :D

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