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Metrogirl....15 posts in two days, look out RJT! you may have a rival for most prolific poster! She even seems to have a better grasp of the English language than you too. Girlx, this thread is almost a carbon copy of the last one, perhaps you should title the next one "TV get together for adults".

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Regarding the title of this thread, is it any wonder when it's just the same six people chatting to each other about where to get drunk?

-and yet you keep on coming back for more.... :o

"TV get together for adults".

yeah, maybe I will start a thread for get togethers of 56 year old sexpat know-it-alls.

mate, I am only 41, get it right :o

"TV get together for adults".

yeah, maybe I will start a thread for get togethers of 56 year old sexpat know-it-alls.

mate, I am only 41, get it right :o

Only 41?

"TV get together for adults".

yeah, maybe I will start a thread for get togethers of 56 year old sexpat know-it-alls.

mate, I am only 41, get it right :o

Only 41?

You see, I have taken a perfectly boring thread and injected a little life into it. Next week when you want to do another thread on this topic, let me know and I will gladly come by and add some wit, intelligence, charm and I dare say class to the discussion. Can't wait for the next Meet Up! :D

Metrogirl....15 posts in two days, look out RJT! you may have a rival for most prolific poster! She even seems to have a better grasp of the English language than you too. Girlx, this thread is almost a carbon copy of the last one, perhaps you should title the next one "TV get together for adults".

Trust me she will be more trouble then shes worth.. hmmmm we are keeping a close eyes out~~~ :o

Adults ~! where??


Right so James has ran off and started hes own intellectual post (off topic and has taken that new misty girl train rail water ever) so lets get down to business.

Anyone been to Studio 22 opposite the Londoners?? Dose it still exist?? Maybe 5 years now since I hanged out there..

You can either .....ignore it ....or .....join into it

Freedom of choice here, James :o

My point is if you read the "old thread" you will see the same banter

Banter? Where's that then? These threads are excruciatingly embarrassing - no wonder the Bangkok sub-forum's dull as dishwater these days. It's the equivalent of being stuck on a bus with a dozen excitable teenagers, all talking inanely at once. Tedious. You can say what you like about sexpats but they generally have a decent line in conversation. Adolescent twittering they don't do.

Either text or PM each other please, ladies.

You can either .....ignore it ....or .....join into it

Freedom of choice here, James :D

My point is if you read the "old thread" you will see the same banter so I suspect the OP did not really have high expectations for this tread. When will we see the next one, "Another New Meetup Thread - Last two were excrutiatingly boring"

As for meet up, I would like to meet Metrogal. :D

SORRY to say….. I'm "OFF LIMIT" to any boys older than 30 !!!

And you sound too mature and leveled-head to me,...... more difficult to trick with my "maa-ya" :o

I am only over 30 from the waist up.

what a hypocrite, you went off and start a non-sense thread in general topic, I have to say it's a pretty good thread. :D

waist up to the neck, from the neck up you're only under 10 , no it's not your face. :D

"TV get together for adults".

yeah, maybe I will start a thread for get togethers of 56 year old sexpat know-it-alls.

See what I mean, it's like play school in here, just as well James drop in to supervise from time to time, maybe change a nappy or two. Good to see I have had another profile view.... Sexpat? Hardly. Know it all? enough to get by thanks. :o


You can say what you like about sexpats but they generally have a decent line in conversation. Adolescent twittering they don't do.

I am only over 30 from the waist up.

Hold on Hold on, stop flirting

You can say what you like about sexpats but they generally have a decent line in conversation.

you have obviously met a different class of sexpats than the ones i have run across.

You can say what you like about sexpats but they generally have a decent line in conversation.

you have obviously met a different class of sexpats than the ones i have run across.

Clearly, although you're not going to find many good conversationalists hanging around the hooray-henry gap year brigade on the KSR. I usually find sexpats to be a) non judgmental, :o easy going and c) good fun. You obviously get the odd weirdo who'll lock his daughter in the cellar for a decade or two, but they are generally well educated and successful enough to retire out their days in comfort.

I remember being on the BTS once, when 2 Canadians got on at Nana, and started to loudly read extracts from the Lesbian Planet about the sex trade, and how the girls are exploited by organised gangs or pimps etc, and other such nonsense. Gave a right good laugh to the bar girls I know, that did. Better a sexpat than a pompous, sanctimonious bore any day. Oh, and the Canadians were fat and ugly. Go, and indeed, figure.

You can say what you like about sexpats but they generally have a decent line in conversation.

you have obviously met a different class of sexpats than the ones i have run across.

Clearly, although you're not going to find many good conversationalists hanging around the hooray-henry gap year brigade on the KSR. I usually find sexpats to be a) non judgmental, :o easy going and c) good fun. You obviously get the odd weirdo who'll lock his daughter in the cellar for a decade or two, but they are generally well educated and successful enough to retire out their days in comfort.

I remember being on the BTS once, when 2 Canadians got on at Nana, and started to loudly read extracts from the Lesbian Planet about the sex trade, and how the girls are exploited by organised gangs or pimps etc, and other such nonsense. Gave a right good laugh to the bar girls I know, that did. Better a sexpat than a pompous, sanctimonious bore any day. Oh, and the Canadians were fat and ugly. Go, and indeed, figure.

<deleted>! I find it disturbing that my insult of another TV member can result in a somewhat meaningful dialogue.


My name is jcon and I've been clean from TV for 28 days.

But I'm back... Happy birthday RJT.

bkkjames is 41? hahahaahhahhahaahahahahahahaha







whew. laughing at the old dude. gotta love it. yeah yeah i'll be old someday. NOT.

i may be up for tonight (i mean come on, if it's RJT's bday, it's RJT's bday -- but if he's got "another" thing goin, we can do another day :o ), but i gotta walk around in some clothes first and make some money so i can blow it on alcohol later. afterwards, if something's up, one of youse can give me the bat-signal.

girlx and yas are both leaving? :D


for lack of a better plan, our trusty default plan is in effect tonight apparently- slims at 10p as usual... :o

bring a gift or cash for RJTs drinks :D


tonight. fri.

yas, are you reading this? rjt, r u reading this? On the same screen? hahhahahha

i hear thru the grapevine that there is a tv outing tonight.

submaniac, unomi, brian da pimp (i know you're not here... the ladies miss you), anyone else is invited.

i don't know where or when, maybe the OP can provide insight. PM her....

bkkjames, i know you totally want to see what a hottie girlx is. that's why u lurk on these threads. here's your chance to find out :o U just have to get thru RJT and that nutter teejay first. And then me. But we're nice :D

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