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Possting A Message


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I am new to this Forum and I can not find a way to post a message in any of the forums........ please let me know how to post.

Well, the fact that you were able to post this would show that I think you already know how ! :o

Are you referring to posting a new topic (as you did here), or replying to a post in another thread ?

Two ways to reply to a post.

1) At the lower-right corner of the post, click the "Reply" icon (as I did here). This will quote what ever was in the previous post and let you add to it (use sparingly, as sometimes people quote huge post full of quotes, just to add a single line to the bottom, or they type their response inside a quote without highlighting it or changing the colour, so you can't tell who wrote what. Quite annoying).

2) 2nd way. Just below the last post is an icon "Add Reply". Clicking on this opens a blank box where you can type your response. When finished, it will only show what you have typed.

2b) If you wish to quote from numerous posts and reply in one, look at the bottom-right corner of the post(s), next to the "Reply" icon is the "+Quote" icon. Click on that and it will change to "-Quote".

You can do that to more posts (maximum of 10 I think). Then click on the "Add Reply" icon below the last post in the thread. All of the posts that you clicked "+Quote" on should show up in individual quote boxes.

As you go, you will see quotes within quotes, quotes split up into numerous parts, quotes within quotes within quotes within quotes (etc, etc).

Hope that helps ! If not, let us know ! Most people here are much friendlier and more helpful than I !! :D

Edited by Kerryd
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