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im a EU citizen going to work in Ireland for some time (1 year, possibly more, the contract should be permanent) ...

I wanted to take my fiancee from Thai there with me in Ireland for 3 months, before possibly marrying her.

Would that be easy, if i act as a guarantee for her ? Whats the road i gotta follow to get this done ?

Thanks in advance!

Where do you intend to get married: in Ireland or elsewhere?


Probably in ireland. But i dont want to be roped by that ... i mean, i dont want to use that as a way of getting the visa if then i should really marry her. i wanna know her better first :o


Until such a time as you are married, your girlfriend will not benefit from the less-stringent European legislation. She should apply for a visit visa for Ireland, but I'm unsure whether this would enable her to marry whilst there. Once you are married, she can apply for a free visa for the purposes of joining you, her husband, in Ireland.



A visit visa to ireland is easy to obtain ?

Can she use a germany visa to come to ireland ?

Can i act as a guarantee and money support for her from ireland when requesting a visa there?

Thanks in advance!


I'm not really placed to advice on Irish national immigration legislation, but, certainly you can act as her sponsor from within Ireland. Her German visa will not be valid for Ireland.



So, acting as her sponsor, is it almost sure she can come ? Or still, she'll be rejected?

Visa for Italy is practically impossible to obtain, thats why im asking on how's the situation in ireland.


As I commented previously, I'm not really placed to give advice on Irish national immigration law. However, for what it's worth, qualification will largely depend upon your and your girlfriend's circumstances. Additionally, even someone qualified in Irish immigration law would not be in a position to say whether it is almost sure she could go to Ireland.



Ok, thanks for everything!

I understood your reply, what i really meant was more like "whats the general consensus on how many visas get accepted?" for example, for italy its around 80% block for strange and random reasons (never explained...). At least, i've seen from the irish webpage that every visa that is rejected is been doing so with a reason ! ...

Was wondering if irish government was more "toughtful", actually judging every case or just randomly accepting and rejecting like my country does.


it really depends on whether ur fiance is well educated with a good job. If YES then no problems, if NO, then she will have issues cos Irish Immigration will consider her to be xxxx

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