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surely if there are 'known' dips at 'known' intervals.......there are short term wins aplenty??? no?

surely the combined knowledge of all the smarty pants' in here holding physical can see the potential for increasing ones asset base or whatever...

You are confusing the two types....Those who trade paper IOU's of gold & those who hold physical gold.

Physical gold is not for sale at the price of paper. physical always comes with a bit of a premium.

Also depending on where you are & what you want that physical form in you may not always be able to fill

your order at a moments notice. Look back to 2008 during certain times & there was very little available to buy at times.

Many who hold physical have been adding to it for years & their adjusted cost is quite low. They are not interested

in trading completely into & out of physical gold also there is the previously mentioned premium.

Of course there are also some who do both. Hold physical & Trade Paper

Also one more type like myself who at times trade physical for physical based on the GSR ( gold to silver ratio ) which now stands at 40/1

meaning 40 ounces of silver buys one ounce of gold.

I bought silver at 77/1 ratio in 2008 & recently traded that silver at an average of 36-39/1 into gold to add to my other gold holdings.

If the ratio should return to above 60/1 I would then consider trading some gold back into silver.


Is it POSSIBLE to stick to the topic?:blink:

Gold, wasn't it?

it was indeed "gold" and not the expression "smarty pants" posted by an obviously complete ignorant :ph34r:


Perhaps a clear indication where Gold is going following anticipation of debt crisis being averted as Asian markets opened.

Wall St up 200, Dax up 85, Nikkei up 80, Gold down 15 Dollars.


Perhaps a clear indication where Gold is going following anticipation of debt crisis being averted as Asian markets opened.

Wall St up 200, Dax up 85, Nikkei up 80, Gold down 15 Dollars.

Short term? Perhaps.....

Long Term? I think we will continue to see gold going where it has for the past number of years.

Remember no Debt Crisis has been averted. In fact if they do in fact raise the limit 2 Trillion like they are talking about

& promise 1 Trillion in cuts over the next 10 years......Well a blind man can see they have made it considerably worse.

You have a mortgage....Your underwater & cant pay....Take out another mortgage? Did you avert your problem or make it worse?


My post was censored? Simply unbelievable!

Is this reserved for the elites?

I ask again: Do you play the derivative market in Thailand? And what do you think?


I say again: The only investment book that I have read is by Soro. The only things I remember from reading the book are: 1. staying ahead of the curve. 2. read only necessary to make a decision - means: execute.

Anything wrong that I said to delete my post without notice?

Perhaps, you are all rich to confine yourselves in your own framework to deny others having an opinion?


My post was censored? Simply unbelievable!

Is this reserved for the elites?

I ask again: Do you play the derivative market in Thailand? And what do you think?

No this thread is reserved for those posting about gold.

The post you are claiming was censored you posted in the financial crisis thread so go there and whine.


I ask you: what is this about deleting my post?

In February, the spot silver was 18.5. In April it was 40 plus. You didn't catch it?

50 was a round number that's hard to pass in the first go. Did it hurt someone with my simple logic?


On gold, I think it's worthless if it's in ornament. My wife will never sell because it's got sentimental value. The only time we will sell is when we cannot afford to buy dog food for our 8 dogs. Please tell me how my post was deleted without notice? Is it only for rich people posting here?


People who read a lot and throw our jargon seem to think they are the endowed ones! Little do they know they are just the minnows!


flying, it's no spam. And I thought before your last post that you were a gentleman!

Do you want to compare gold? Do you want to buy any especially embroidered with diamonds?


In "THIS market" Gold is not going anywhere - it is staying flat on the ground or in the ground - while everything else burns and plummets to oblivion.

As the USD$ sinks in to the abyss Gold will be re-rated as a Triple AAA asset against holding US dollars. Of course if you think the USDollar is holding it's value then the price of gold priced in USDollars will continue to increase.

If however you hold a barrel of oil you will see it too increase in terms of dollar pricing. Same goes for almost all hard assets.

In terms of other vulnerable currencies they will have the same fate as the USD against the gold price.

After all the furore and financial debacle you will see that an OZ of gold will still be an ounce of gold


Now, gentlemen, please answer me again if you play the derivative market in Thailand. Of course, you play the COMEX gold, don't you? And I say people talking about diversification just don't know what they are talking about. Of course, you have to do diversification when you need to walk on a cane with some money with you! Duh!


In "THIS market" Gold is not going anywhere - it is staying flat on the ground or in the ground - while everything else burns and plummets to oblivion.

As the USD$ sinks in to the abyss Gold will be re-rated as a Triple AAA asset against holding US dollars. Of course if you think the USDollar is holding it's value then the price of gold priced in USDollars will continue to increase.

If however you hold a barrel of oil you will see it too increase in terms of dollar pricing. Same goes for almost all hard assets.

In terms of other vulnerable currencies they will have the same fate as the USD against the gold price.

After all the furore and financial debacle you will see that an OZ of gold will still be an ounce of gold

Thanks for posting, and thanks flying too.

i don't own paper gold, but WOULD like to know of SHORT term possible gains by selling/buying PHYSICAL.

i know that's not too hard to comprehend, even if its not 'usual' or whatever.

So now, 2 posters have identified a possibly weakening of the gold/usd price, SHORT TERM...

And most in here seem to agree on LONG TERM gains ...

Any more...?

Naam - who's 'an complete ignorant'? me for asking questions?:huh:

Or you for being a boring troll?:whistling:

don't bother answering, it's a RHETORICAL question.

Edgar the Friendly


it doesn't take a grand jury to decide who of the participants in this thread is an ignorant, trolling and big-mouthed clown.



Now, gentlemen, please answer me again if you play the derivative market in Thailand. Of course, you play the COMEX gold, don't you? And I say people talking about diversification just don't know what they are talking about. Of course, you have to do diversification when you need to walk on a cane with some money with you! Duh!

those who "play" the markets because they don't have enough dough to diversify their holdings are poor boys, desperate to make some profit to pay the rent, the electricity bill and a few bottles of Chang. but they are quite easy to recognise. all of them have big mouths, pretend to wear big hats but own neither a ranch nor cattle.



The god of Spam has descended upon us :blink:

Jazzbo is that you? :lol:

sometimes spam is refreshing and entertaining, especially when the spammers shoot their own foot :whistling:


Since i started investing in gold i now find myself torn between wanting economic problems/crisis so that it pushes up gold prices but on the other hand not wanting economic problems/crisis so that my stocks keep rising.

Very conflicted emotionally :blink: , but i guess that's the sign of a balanced portfolio...:unsure:

Does anyone else feel this way?

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