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Your saying that the price is not manipulated down because there was a buyer for the short? If not then what are you saying?

Different words same meaning.

It seems that many just don't want to see or admit that there is a price suppression scheme involved with both gold and silver. No matter of convincing will matter. You could get a Harvard economics professor with a Phd in the subject saying it and they would still find fault in it.

Sometimes it's just best not to engage these people. To each his own as to what they want to believe.

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for an investor it does not really matter by what means a price for a specific asset is established. he has to value his investments (profit/loss) "marked to market", id est he can sell only at bid price if he wants to realise any profits or losses. nobody pays me a single copper penny more for my Petroleos de Venezuela bonds even if i submit credible proof that the country has the biggest crude reserves on this planet and the low prices are generated by a "conspiracy".

the reason that the bond prices are manipulated, respectively artificially depressed, is based on the 13 year long socialist regime with close ties to the archenemy Cuba. in other words a pain in the àss of the White House which in this specific case instructed Wall Street "screw that commie bastàrd by letting him pay sky high interest!"

that i like the "conspiracy" because it enabled me to cash in since years fat coupons is totally irrelevant.


The point of being aware of the gold/silver price suppression is the idea that it is unsustainable. Once the suppression ends then the gold/silver prices will increase to a more realistic value at a fast pace. This is the entire point of talking about the price suppression and trying to take advantage of the low prices on physical metal while they last. Certainly if an investor felt the price was going to be suppressed indefinitely then there is little benefit in investing in said resource.


I said he was illiterate in what he was saying. I made no reference to his qualifications. You were the one who brought that up.

I should have added that he is a nutcase. He compared supporters of George W Bush to: "brownshirts with the same low intelligence and morals as Hitler's enthusiastic supporters." He is also opposed to the War on Drugs. He is also opposed to the War on Terror as it has "made widows and orphans of millions of Muslims". He also believes the official explanation for the events on 9/11 is a "scientific impossibility"

You should check out the fruitcakes you support before you sound off.

you are joking arent you??

GWBush supporters ARE of the same low intelligence & morals as Nazis(clue - they ARE nazis)

The fake 'war on terror' HAS made widows & orphans of MILLIONS of Humans!!

The official version of 9/11 IS a weak bunch of LIES....

but some people, MILLIONS in fact, swallow that shit and regurgitate it all over the rest of us constantly.....

Honestly, i think you have nothing better to do or are a christian fundamentalist, heavy on the mental, light on the fun....

Its aluminium hat time. No better example that some forum gold bugs are off with the faeries. And hey! look who likes it!


I said he was illiterate in what he was saying. I made no reference to his qualifications. You were the one who brought that up.

I should have added that he is a nutcase. He compared supporters of George W Bush to: "brownshirts with the same low intelligence and morals as Hitler's enthusiastic supporters." He is also opposed to the War on Drugs. He is also opposed to the War on Terror as it has "made widows and orphans of millions of Muslims". He also believes the official explanation for the events on 9/11 is a "scientific impossibility"

You should check out the fruitcakes you support before you sound off.

you are joking arent you??

GWBush supporters ARE of the same low intelligence & morals as Nazis(clue - they ARE nazis)

The fake 'war on terror' HAS made widows & orphans of MILLIONS of Humans!!

The official version of 9/11 IS a weak bunch of LIES....

but some people, MILLIONS in fact, swallow that shit and regurgitate it all over the rest of us constantly.....

Honestly, i think you have nothing better to do or are a christian fundamentalist, heavy on the mental, light on the fun....

Its aluminium hat time. No better example that some forum gold bugs are off with the faeries. And hey! look who likes it!

Can I get another glass of kool-aid for you?


I said he was illiterate in what he was saying. I made no reference to his qualifications. You were the one who brought that up.

I should have added that he is a nutcase. He compared supporters of George W Bush to: "brownshirts with the same low intelligence and morals as Hitler's enthusiastic supporters." He is also opposed to the War on Drugs. He is also opposed to the War on Terror as it has "made widows and orphans of millions of Muslims". He also believes the official explanation for the events on 9/11 is a "scientific impossibility"

You should check out the fruitcakes you support before you sound off.

you are joking arent you??

GWBush supporters ARE of the same low intelligence & morals as Nazis(clue - they ARE nazis)

The fake 'war on terror' HAS made widows & orphans of MILLIONS of Humans!!

The official version of 9/11 IS a weak bunch of LIES....

but some people, MILLIONS in fact, swallow that shit and regurgitate it all over the rest of us constantly.....

Honestly, i think you have nothing better to do or are a christian fundamentalist, heavy on the mental, light on the fun....

Its aluminium hat time. No better example that some forum gold bugs are off with the faeries. And hey! look who likes it!

Can I get another glass of kool-aid for you?

Drinking your own poison and trying to pass it around.


The guy holds a PhD in economics. What degree do you hold oh wise assed one. ...

So does Ben Bernanke.

And how does that apply to your lack of degree ?

good god man are you dense or something. If your putting your faith in things because someones got a Phd your doomed and I do have a good degree and 2 post graduate degrees as well as a MA but that does not make me qualified in anything except in how to get degrees. When I used to recruit people and the worst candidates were those with bunch of paper qualifications and when I said yes thats all great but what have you actually done. The answer was deafening and number of times they just repeated their list of paper qulifications. I stress I have a good degree, 2 post graduate degrees and a MBA but some of the people I employed who had no qualifications were 10 times better than me on engineering etc.


The guy holds a PhD in economics. What degree do you hold oh wise assed one. ...

So does Ben Bernanke.

And how does that apply to your lack of degree ?

good god man are you dense or something. If your putting your faith in things because someones got a Phd your doomed and I do have a good degree and 2 post graduate degrees as well as a MA but that does not make me qualified in anything except in how to get degrees. When I used to recruit people and the worst candidates were those with bunch of paper qualifications and when I said yes thats all great but what have you actually done. The answer was deafening and number of times they just repeated their list of paper qulifications. I stress I have a good degree, 2 post graduate degrees and a MBA but some of the people I employed who had no qualifications were 10 times better than me on engineering etc.

jesus man.. I will listen to a Phd in economics who has held high level positions with the Treasury department explain economics before I will listen to the clowns here on TVF. Did you bother listening to the interview? Or are you just jumping on the "anyone with a Phd is an idiot" band wagon?


The guy holds a PhD in economics. What degree do you hold oh wise assed one. ...

So does Ben Bernanke.

And how does that apply to your lack of degree ?

good god man are you dense or something. If your putting your faith in things because someones got a Phd your doomed and I do have a good degree and 2 post graduate degrees as well as a MA but that does not make me qualified in anything except in how to get degrees. When I used to recruit people and the worst candidates were those with bunch of paper qualifications and when I said yes thats all great but what have you actually done. The answer was deafening and number of times they just repeated their list of paper qulifications. I stress I have a good degree, 2 post graduate degrees and a MBA but some of the people I employed who had no qualifications were 10 times better than me on engineering etc.

I have a degree in Alchemy from the University of America. (True Story.) Personally, I consider it to be every bit as valuable as any degree in economics. Both deal with the fantasies about money during a particular period of history, and both will be viewed by future generations when money means something different as being equally ridiculous. Imagine what people millennia from now will think of modern "economics" when their society is based on a gift economy or something equally radical from our perspective.

The men may be smart as individuals, but they have been indoctrinated into a system which prevents them from seeing fundamentally different alternatives. The economic theories we have invented are the very basis for the eventual collapse of our global society. Somehow, someone who is an expert in them doesn't strike me as an expert in much of anything relevant.

Physics and geology doesn't care about your degree.


The guy holds a PhD in economics. What degree do you hold oh wise assed one. ...

So does Ben Bernanke.

And how does that apply to your lack of degree ?

good god man are you dense or something. If your putting your faith in things because someones got a Phd your doomed and I do have a good degree and 2 post graduate degrees as well as a MA but that does not make me qualified in anything except in how to get degrees. When I used to recruit people and the worst candidates were those with bunch of paper qualifications and when I said yes thats all great but what have you actually done. The answer was deafening and number of times they just repeated their list of paper qulifications. I stress I have a good degree, 2 post graduate degrees and a MBA but some of the people I employed who had no qualifications were 10 times better than me on engineering etc.

I have a degree in Alchemy from the University of America. (True Story.) Personally, I consider it to be every bit as valuable as any degree in economics. Both deal with the fantasies about money during a particular period of history, and both will be viewed by future generations when money means something different as being equally ridiculous. Imagine what people millennia from now will think of modern "economics" when their society is based on a gift economy or something equally radical from our perspective.

The men may be smart as individuals, but they have been indoctrinated into a system which prevents them from seeing fundamentally different alternatives. The economic theories we have invented are the very basis for the eventual collapse of our global society. Somehow, someone who is an expert in them doesn't strike me as an expert in much of anything relevant.

Physics and geology doesn't care about your degree.

are you just making generalized statements or did you actually listen to what the man had to say?


Bernanke speaks .. Gold down ... sad.png

will today be different ..smile.png

Here is the FOMC 2011/12 Schedule & Short-term PM Performance thereafter:

Jun 22, 2011: Gold peaked at $1,558, dropped to $1,479 in next 7 days, -$79 or -5%; Silver peaked at $36.78, dropped to $34.33 in next 3 days, -$2.45 or -7%;

Aug 9, 2011: Gold peaked at $1,780, dropped to $1,724 in next 3 days, -$56 or -3%; Silver peaked at $39.51, dropped to $37.57 that da, -$1.94 or -5%;

Sept 21, 2011: Gold peaked at $1,817, dropped to $1,533 in next 3 days, -$284 or -16%; Silver peaked at $40.69, dropped to $26.09 in 3 days, -$14.60 or -36%

November 2, 2011: Gold and silver rallied after this meeting;

November 28, 2011: Gold and silver rallied after this meeting;

December 12, 2011: Gold peaked at $1,715, dropped to $1,563 in next 3 days, -$152 or -9%; Silver peaked at $32.25, dropped to $28.18 in 3 days, -$4.07

or -13%;

January 25, 2012: Gold and silver rallied after this meeting;

March 13, 2012: Gold peaked at $1,706, dropped to $1,634 next day, -$72 or -4%; Silver peaked at $33.82, dropped to $31.64 next day, -$2.18 or -6%;

April 25, 2012: Gold peaked at $1,646, rallied for 4 days to $1,671 and then dropped to $1,527 over next 12 days, -$144 or -9%; Silver peaked at $31.00, rallied for 3 days to $31.41 and then dropped to $26.79 over next 12 days, -$4.62 or -15%;

June 20, 2012: TBC


On abundance, post-scarcity and leisure

'Imagine a world in which most people worked only 15 hours a week. They would be paid as much as, or even more than, they now are, because the fruits of their labor would be distributed more evenly across society. Leisure would occupy far more of their waking hours than work.It was exactly this prospect that John Maynard Keynes conjured up in a little essay published in 1930 called “Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren.” Its thesis was simple. As technological progress made possible an increase in the output of goods per hour worked, people would have to work less and less to satisfy their needs, until in the end they would have to work hardly at all. Then, Keynes wrote, “for the first time since his creation man will be faced with his real, his permanent problem—how to use his freedom from pressing economic cares, how to occupy the leisure, which science and compound interest will have won for him, to live wisely and agreeably and well.” He thought this condition might be reached in about 100 years—that is, by 2030.'



As technological progress made possible an increase in the output of goods per hour worked, people would have to work less and less to satisfy their needs, until in the end they would have to work hardly at all.

He must have not foresaw the use of automated phone answering services.

I can say that in the USA you will use up 98.4% of your new found free time

getting through the menus....Only then to finally be connected with a 15 hour per week worker :)

churchill, on Today, 17:27 , said:

As technological progress made possible an increase in the output of goods per hour worked, people would have to work less and less to satisfy their needs, until in the end they would have to work hardly at all.

and then, after marrying fairy queens and princes, people will live happily ever after and throw gold coins, which became less and less necessary to satisfy their needs, at little old ladies and soi dogs passing by.

Then, Keynes wrote, “for the first time since his creation man will be faced with his real, his permanent problem—how to use his freedom from pressing economic cares, how to occupy the leisure...
...when Walking Street, Soi Cowboy and Nana Plaza are deserted and the prices of condos with balconies located on high floors have multiplied ermm.gif
I have a degree in Alchemy from the University of America

only in America.

I have a degree in Suicide Bombing

only in Waziristan.

I have a degree in Whining and Complaining

only in Thailand.

I have a degree asking irrelevant questions starting "Why... Thais/Thailand...?

only in Thaivisa.com/forum



Then, Keynes wrote, “for the first time since his creation man will be faced with his real, his permanent problem—how to use his freedom from pressing economic cares, how to occupy the leisure, which science and compound interest will have won for him, to live wisely and agreeably and well.” He thought this condition might be reached in about 100 years—that is, by 2030.'

You can't really blame him, how on earth could he have foreseen that Thai Visa would come along?


The guy holds a PhD in economics. What degree do you hold oh wise assed one. ...

So does Ben Bernanke.

And how does that apply to your lack of degree ?

good god man are you dense or something. If your putting your faith in things because someones got a Phd your doomed and I do have a good degree and 2 post graduate degrees as well as a MA but that does not make me qualified in anything except in how to get degrees. When I used to recruit people and the worst candidates were those with bunch of paper qualifications and when I said yes thats all great but what have you actually done. The answer was deafening and number of times they just repeated their list of paper qulifications. I stress I have a good degree, 2 post graduate degrees and a MBA but some of the people I employed who had no qualifications were 10 times better than me on engineering etc.

jesus man.. I will listen to a Phd in economics who has held high level positions with the Treasury department explain economics before I will listen to the clowns here on TVF. Did you bother listening to the interview? Or are you just jumping on the "anyone with a Phd is an idiot" band wagon?

Our new friend Paul Craig Roberts has also said: There is probably more democracy in China than there is in the west. Revolution is the only answer.'


The guy holds a PhD in economics. What degree do you hold oh wise assed one. ...

So does Ben Bernanke.

And how does that apply to your lack of degree ?

good god man are you dense or something. If your putting your faith in things because someones got a Phd your doomed and I do have a good degree and 2 post graduate degrees as well as a MA but that does not make me qualified in anything except in how to get degrees. When I used to recruit people and the worst candidates were those with bunch of paper qualifications and when I said yes thats all great but what have you actually done. The answer was deafening and number of times they just repeated their list of paper qulifications. I stress I have a good degree, 2 post graduate degrees and a MBA but some of the people I employed who had no qualifications were 10 times better than me on engineering etc.

jesus man.. I will listen to a Phd in economics who has held high level positions with the Treasury department explain economics before I will listen to the clowns here on TVF. Did you bother listening to the interview? Or are you just jumping on the "anyone with a Phd is an idiot" band wagon?

Our new friend Paul Craig Roberts has also said: There is probably more democracy in China than there is in the west. Revolution is the only answer.'

Boy.. the more and more you quote him the more and more I like him.


The guy holds a PhD in economics. What degree do you hold oh wise assed one. ...

So does Ben Bernanke.

And how does that apply to your lack of degree ?

good god man are you dense or something. If your putting your faith in things because someones got a Phd your doomed and I do have a good degree and 2 post graduate degrees as well as a MA but that does not make me qualified in anything except in how to get degrees. When I used to recruit people and the worst candidates were those with bunch of paper qualifications and when I said yes thats all great but what have you actually done. The answer was deafening and number of times they just repeated their list of paper qulifications. I stress I have a good degree, 2 post graduate degrees and a MBA but some of the people I employed who had no qualifications were 10 times better than me on engineering etc.

jesus man.. I will listen to a Phd in economics who has held high level positions with the Treasury department explain economics before I will listen to the clowns here on TVF. Did you bother listening to the interview? Or are you just jumping on the "anyone with a Phd is an idiot" band wagon?

Our new friend Paul Craig Roberts has also said: There is probably more democracy in China than there is in the west. Revolution is the only answer.'

Boy.. the more and more you quote him the more and more I like him.

Yes it would appear so.



On abundance, post-scarcity and leisure

'Imagine a world in which most people worked only 15 hours a week. They would be paid as much as, or even more than, they now are, because the fruits of their labor would be distributed more evenly across society. Leisure would occupy far more of their waking hours than work.It was exactly this prospect that John Maynard Keynes conjured up in a little essay published in 1930 called “Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren.” Its thesis was simple. As technological progress made possible an increase in the output of goods per hour worked, people would have to work less and less to satisfy their needs, until in the end they would have to work hardly at all. Then, Keynes wrote, “for the first time since his creation man will be faced with his real, his permanent problem—how to use his freedom from pressing economic cares, how to occupy the leisure, which science and compound interest will have won for him, to live wisely and agreeably and well.” He thought this condition might be reached in about 100 years—that is, by 2030.'


yes but he failed to take into account the growing population and the 'mad' banker 'w***ers'


Gold doing well.

our cook just brought the rumour from friday's fish market that an

unnamed central bank (the squid lady thinks Swaziland but the prawn

guy insists on Bophuthatswana) bought tons of physical yesterday and

at the same time shorted paper gold to suppress any price surge.

most probably Mrs Naam will be in a bad mood when she gets up and reads the news ermm.gif

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