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English oak- if the silver price is in first stage and gold in its second stage of the bull then the proverbial boat hasn't been "missed" just yet has it?

I think naam probably has held a reasonable % of his wealth in gold for some time longer than the current bull even. He just loves to wind people up.

if people are wound up when i prove with hard evidence that they are wrong... so be it!

interesting is the fact that quite a number of oaks participants resort to personal attacks when proved they presented either rubbish or irrelevant arguments tongue.png

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English oak- if the silver price is in first stage and gold in its second stage of the bull then the proverbial boat hasn't been "missed" just yet has it?

I think naam probably has held a reasonable % of his wealth in gold for some time longer than the current bull even. He just loves to wind people up.

if people are wound up when i prove with hard evidence that they are wrong... so be it!

interesting is the fact that quite a number of oaks participants resort to personal attacks when proved they presented either rubbish or irrelevant arguments tongue.png

when i prove with hard evidence that they are wrong

the incidence of that is as rare as the yellow metal itselfcheesy.gif


English oak- if the silver price is in first stage and gold in its second stage of the bull then the proverbial boat hasn't been "missed" just yet has it?

I think naam probably has held a reasonable % of his wealth in gold for some time longer than the current bull even. He just loves to wind people up.

Yes, but I am here and I believe you are here (as well as the vast majority of other posters) to try to learn something and exchange ideas from other sources than the mainstream media because it's now been proven that they are just spin doctors.


What's the point of coming on this site, day after day over 4 years for the sole purpose of ridiculing posters and the views expressed on other websites? And if he is so keen on making money why doesn't he spend his time concentrating on that? I have never learnt anything from his posts. Nothing! And he's never tried to sensibly debate anything - only insults.

I don't understand what he is trying to prove and who is audience is?


the best teachers can't teach people who are not willing to learn,

lack the ability of logical complex thinking and wear blinkers.



The fact remains that the int'l financial system is bankrupt

There is a mountain of 'paper' assets and relatively few tangible assets to support it.

Think of an inverted pyramid for visualisation

The big question is when the powers that be pull the plug and introduce the new system.

I would hold on to my gold.

Paper assets are condemned ...that could include cash...at least western ones

how do you pay for your living expenses? with condemned paper or with gold? huh.png


Why do you think I put up easy to read longterm graphs ?

PS im not even a goldbug,

But not quite long enough to include the stuff that drags it down and 'a close my eyes and pretend it isn't happening' response when the 1980+ 25 year disaster is pointed out. But then what would one expect from an ' im not even a goldbug' goldbug?


All markets have swings Dont be a noob, do you even have a clue as to what ended the last one ? I do and ill give you clue, volcker


Or how about the mortgage rates and then what fueled the housing bubble ?



Theres some nice pretty pictures for you seeing as you had trouble with the last few, thats what ended the last bull run not 0%

I don't know what youve been smoking yoshi but I don't see any relation to the 70s 80s run and this one rates are at 0%, try and pay attn to whats going on theres a good chap things are very very different this time around, there will be a blowout but it wont be caused by 15% interest rates they arnt going anywhere near 6% before it collapses the whole thing let alone double digits.

And nope im not a gold bug just a wave rider. tongue.png


All markets have swings Dont be a noob, do you even have a clue as to what ended the last one ? I do and ill give you clue, volcker


Or how about the mortgage rates and then what fueled the housing bubble ?



Theres some nice pretty pictures for you seeing as you had trouble with the last few, thats what ended the last bull run not 0%

I don't know what youve been smoking yoshi but I don't see any relation to the 70s 80s run and this one rates are at 0%,try and pay attn to whats going on theres a good chap things are very very different this time around, there will be a blowout but it wont be caused by 15% interest rates they arnt going anywhere near 6% before it collapses the whole thing let alone double digits.

And nope im not a gold bug just a wave rider. tongue.png

"Zimbabwe's stock market was the best performer this decade - but your entire portfolio now buys you 3 eggs"giggle.gif


All markets have swings

Still can't quite get your head around the disaster of holding gold between 1980 and 2005 can you? That's one big swing baby.

Bottom line is that there is no rule that it won't happen again and as for when it last reached 1930 even more recently, the stock market has gone gang-busters and gold down and around and around. Sure you ride waves. You surf ride down canals and pretend its Waikiki when it suits you. Ask Midas for one of his three eggs.


the best teachers can't teach people who are not willing to learn,

lack the ability of logical complex thinking and wear blinkers.


written by the person who criticises everyone that reads Books ........that is classic!cheesy.gif


Still can't quite get your head around the disaster of holding gold between 1980 and 2005 can you? That's one big swing baby.

I don't think anyone would discount a bad swing that lasted a long time.

Woe be to those who did not accept it & move on sooner than later.

But at the same time it seems to me many like to hold a time period up as a reason not to enter a reverse

situation. One where an asset is doing very well.

Kind of a gamblers mentally really & not based in the fact of what IS occurring NOW.

Like a newbie in Vegas steps up to a crap table during an incredible run a shooter is having. Never wants to accept it is in fact occurring

now. He could get in on it but instead stands there saying to himself...Yeah this guy will crap out soon they all do.

Well yes that is true but it is also true he has missed out on a run that lasted 10-20 minutes or more & could have turned a small bet into a big return.

The saddest part of the gambler analogy is many times that person will finally say shoot I better get in on this after all.

He throws down his money ^ the shooter craps out on the next roll. The newbie then says to himself...I KNEW IT !!!

It is possible that folks through luck or intelligence do in fact enter into an asset for a period successfully

& exit it when their threshold or reason for holding it has ended.

I cannot say I understand the extreme reasoning of those who insist on some kind of proof

that any asset has only ever had good or bad track records. I know of no such asset.

I also no of no historical track records that actually apply to most things as the reasons any faltering occurred

in any asset class are many times not valid the next time around

Anyway those that feel that way can rest assured someday the will be right always & be able to say



written by the person who criticises everyone that reads Books ........that is classic!cheesy.gif

posted by a blatant liar, twister of statements and economic ignorant.

p.s. i take any bet that the library in my Thai home is bigger than your bedroom tongue.png


English oak- if the silver price is in first stage and gold in its second stage of the bull then the proverbial boat hasn't been "missed" just yet has it?

I think naam probably has held a reasonable % of his wealth in gold for some time longer than the current bull even. He just loves to wind people up.

Yes, but I am here and I believe you are here (as well as the vast majority of other posters) to try to learn something and exchange ideas from other sources than the mainstream media because it's now been proven that they are just spin doctors.


What's the point of coming on this site, day after day over 4 years for the sole purpose of ridiculing posters and the views expressed on other websites? And if he is so keen on making money why doesn't he spend his time concentrating on that? I have never learnt anything from his posts. Nothing! And he's never tried to sensibly debate anything - only insults.

I don't understand what he is trying to prove and who is audience is?

Midas has accumulated 145 "likes" in 9 years and one month...


Naam has accumulated 1204 "likes" in 6 years and 5 months...




English oak- if the silver price is in first stage and gold in its second stage of the bull then the proverbial boat hasn't been "missed" just yet has it?

I think naam probably has held a reasonable % of his wealth in gold for some time longer than the current bull even. He just loves to wind people up.

Yes, but I am here and I believe you are here (as well as the vast majority of other posters) to try to learn something and exchange ideas from other sources than the mainstream media because it's now been proven that they are just spin doctors.


What's the point of coming on this site, day after day over 4 years for the sole purpose of ridiculing posters and the views expressed on other websites? And if he is so keen on making money why doesn't he spend his time concentrating on that? I have never learnt anything from his posts. Nothing! And he's never tried to sensibly debate anything - only insults.

I don't understand what he is trying to prove and who is audience is?

Midas has accumulated 145 "likes" in 9 years and one month...


Naam has accumulated 1204 "likes" in 6 years and 5 months...



I notice the kindergarten has opened in the Thaivisa business forum.


English oak- if the silver price is in first stage and gold in its second stage of the bull then the proverbial boat hasn't been "missed" just yet has it?

I think naam probably has held a reasonable % of his wealth in gold for some time longer than the current bull even. He just loves to wind people up.

Yes, but I am here and I believe you are here (as well as the vast majority of other posters) to try to learn something and exchange ideas from other sources than the mainstream media because it's now been proven that they are just spin doctors.


What's the point of coming on this site, day after day over 4 years for the sole purpose of ridiculing posters and the views expressed on other websites? And if he is so keen on making money why doesn't he spend his time concentrating on that? I have never learnt anything from his posts. Nothing! And he's never tried to sensibly debate anything - only insults.

I don't understand what he is trying to prove and who is audience is?

Midas has accumulated 145 "likes" in 9 years and one month...


Naam has accumulated 1204 "likes" in 6 years and 5 months...



I notice the kindergarten has opened in the Thaivisa business forum.

and the library in his Thai home is bigger than my bedroom sad.png


the emperor has no clothes giggle.gif ( fast forward to 6 minutes for the gold commentary )

Germany Cannot Get It's Gold Back From U.S.


and the library in his Thai home is bigger than my bedroom sad.png

I would put money on it.

Yes but I do have a bedroom…… as opposed to crawling out from under a rock, as you do occasionally



The Disappearing Gold

Of course, the German government had received periodic assurances from the Fed that the gold is there; however, the issue began to get a bit sticky recently, when the Fed refused a request for inspection.

The world then raised a collective eyebrow, and, whilst not panicking over this development just yet, closer attention has come to bear, not only on the Fed, but on any institution that is entrusted with the storage of gold for other parties.



US Dollar Vulnerable to a Loss of Confidence Event, Massive Shift From Paper to Physical Gold Underway

The US dollar is vulnerable to a “loss of confidence” event. That could create a stunning decline, and a powerful move higher in the price of gold. A key level that I watch on the US dollar chart is the 80.50 area, which never seems to hold for very long.



Dear <insert deity>,

please make only 5% of the rubbish i read on disappeared gold,

central banks hoarding gold, China creating a currency backed

by gold, goats and chicken sold against gold only, Basel III making

it mandatory for banks to hold gold, bakeries being sold for one

Krüger Rand, etc. come true.

signed: W.E.T. Dreamer


US Dollar Vulnerable to a Loss of Confidence Event, Massive Shift From Paper to Physical Gold Underway

The US dollar is vulnerable to a “loss of confidence” event. That could create a stunning decline, and a powerful move higher in the price of gold. A key level that I watch on the US dollar chart is the 80.50 area, which never seems to hold for very long.


I bet it happens every day when you play with your Xbox 360.


US Dollar Vulnerable to a Loss of Confidence Event, Massive Shift From Paper to Physical Gold Underway

The US dollar is vulnerable to a “loss of confidence” event. That could create a stunning decline, and a powerful move higher in the price of gold. A key level that I watch on the US dollar chart is the 80.50 area, which never seems to hold for very long.


Peter Schiff: Panic Out of the Dollar Could Send Gold Above $10,000

July 1, 2011 Peter Schiff today called for gold to eventually reach levels NORTH of $10,000 (seems suddenly a popular target after Jim Sinclair upped his $1650 call to $12,500 recently), as well as stating that silver has bottomed in the lower $30′s.

Schiff is looking for $50 to soon be the new $30 for silver- meaning people will soon be waiting for a dip back to $50 to accumulate physical silver.


July 1, 2011 cheesy.gif


This 17 month "consolidation" of gold couple with austerity and inflation is really a master stroke by the elites; imajine the hundreds of tons of physical squeezed out of the western broke populations! If it were allowed to rise to soon the average Jo might actually of held on to some wealth.


US Dollar Vulnerable to a Loss of Confidence Event, Massive Shift From Paper to Physical Gold Underway

The US dollar is vulnerable to a “loss of confidence” event. That could create a stunning decline, and a powerful move higher in the price of gold. A key level that I watch on the US dollar chart is the 80.50 area, which never seems to hold for very long.


Peter Schiff: Panic Out of the Dollar Could Send Gold Above $10,000

July 1, 2011 Peter Schiff today called for gold to eventually reach levels NORTH of $10,000 (seems suddenly a popular target after Jim Sinclair upped his $1650 call to $12,500 recently), as well as stating that silver has bottomed in the lower $30′s.

Schiff is looking for $50 to soon be the new $30 for silver- meaning people will soon be waiting for a dip back to $50 to accumulate physical silver.


July 1, 2011 cheesy.gif

Strange I can't see Midas quoting that July 1, 2011 article.


This 17 month "consolidation" of gold couple with austerity and inflation is really a master stroke by the elites; imajine the hundreds of tons of physical squeezed out of the western broke populations! If it were allowed to rise to soon the average Jo might actually of held on to some wealth.

Bottom feeding from the gold bug websites. Which loony tune one is that from?


US Dollar Vulnerable to a Loss of Confidence Event, Massive Shift From Paper to Physical Gold Underway

The US dollar is vulnerable to a “loss of confidence” event. That could create a stunning decline, and a powerful move higher in the price of gold. A key level that I watch on the US dollar chart is the 80.50 area, which never seems to hold for very long.


Peter Schiff: Panic Out of the Dollar Could Send Gold Above $10,000

July 1, 2011 Peter Schiff today called for gold to eventually reach levels NORTH of $10,000 (seems suddenly a popular target after Jim Sinclair upped his $1650 call to $12,500 recently), as well as stating that silver has bottomed in the lower $30′s.

Schiff is looking for $50 to soon be the new $30 for silver- meaning people will soon be waiting for a dip back to $50 to accumulate physical silver.


July 1, 2011 cheesy.gif

Strange I can't see Midas quoting that July 1, 2011 article.

There is reference to this 2011, article that this particular member of the peanut gallery has arbitrarily chosen to post right at the bottom of the page that I quoted. Yes jbrain you are quite right- I made no reference to that.

Sheesh, the contrarians are getting desperate aren't they?

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