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Madoff? Shouldn't he be riding the bull?

I know........I wondered the same.

But it did come from a What You See May Not Be Real exhibit...

The latest Bernie Madoff-inspired art was displayed at a Beijing art gallery on Sunday.

"What You see Might Not Be Real," by Chen Wenling depicts the Ponzi schemer as a devil, horns and all. The bull, which represents Wall Street, is farting because in Chinese "放屁" (fang pi) literally means to fart, but in slang means to bluff or lie.

So could be sarcasm



From that article.....

As you can see the price of gold is rising against every major currency, not just the embattled euro.

:D:D Many moons ago.. I got my butt kicked for saying that Gold would eventually out pace all currencies. :)

Fellow gold bugs.

Is the train leaving the station ? Casey research says no and I sure hope they are right. I am sitting on allot of cash and I don't know what to do. I have some gold stocks but as my luck would have it, the stupid f*cking Aussy government put a huge tax on mining companies recently so my stocks are not doing great, just good.

Casey says that the summer months are usually slow for gold stocks so I guess I will just wait til then. They also warn that any event like the flash crash could change things. I was positioning for the typical mass retardation of traders who have been selling gold on crashing days but now that looks like it is changing. This is stressful times.


From that article.....

As you can see the price of gold is rising against every major currency, not just the embattled euro.

:D:D Many moons ago.. I got my butt kicked for saying that Gold would eventually out pace all currencies. :)

Fellow gold bugs.

Is the train leaving the station ? Casey research says no and I sure hope they are right. I am sitting on allot of cash and I don't know what to do. I have some gold stocks but as my luck would have it, the stupid f*cking Aussy government put a huge tax on mining companies recently so my stocks are not doing great, just good.

Casey says that the summer months are usually slow for gold stocks so I guess I will just wait til then. They also warn that any event like the flash crash could change things. I was positioning for the typical mass retardation of traders who have been selling gold on crashing days but now that looks like it is changing. This is stressful times.

I have a feeling that Gold and Silver are entering a new up phase - Probably wrong but...

I don't think the stock market crash last week helped peoples attitudes to stock markets - and now the Euro area seemingly printing money / the next market crash may see people fleeing to Gold as well as $

and if there isn't a crash people will still be hedging against currencies and as a safe haven in gold/silver

Perhaps Silver is going to out perform gold ? So a gold etf and a silver etf ?

LIHR gold up 33% today, one of my stocks :) Anyway it looks like merger season is here for gold stocks.

It was $3.60 around November, could go further, now Ballarat is out the book.

Its undervalued but the market still doesn't like it. It has been a dog the last couple months, I was thinking about selling.

Sorry to interrupt your topic, Churchill, Flying, Gambles, Naam, Sokal, Others (but most important)

Did you ?

4.14 Au$ today, on 03 /04/2010 was 3.98 Au$, did you hold it ?

Gold in DM ?

Kitco are ready -


Some big rumours( :D ) around that Germany are about to ditch the Euro this weekend. DB. have apparently taken delivery of container loads of new currency.

Various European online PM retailers are not taking any more orders. Some have even pulled the whole websites.



Rumours from vested interests? What would be the consequences? Euro down. :) PM's to the moon. Markets? Dollar?



What would be the consequences?

the consequences are that those who spread this rumour will be called morons next week by people who can think rationally. those who read "zerohedge" and give its fairy tales only the tiniest benefit of doubt might be called morons too. and if the latter are not called publicly morons people might think they are morons.


What would be the consequences?

the consequences are that those who spread this rumour will be called morons next week by people who can think rationally. those who read "zerohedge" and give its fairy tales only the tiniest benefit of doubt might be called morons too. and if the latter are not called publicly morons people might think they are morons.


Someone who does not take all considerations into account could also be called a moron? Perhaps.


What would be the consequences?

the consequences are that those who spread this rumour will be called morons next week by people who can think rationally. those who read "zerohedge" and give its fairy tales only the tiniest benefit of doubt might be called morons too. and if the latter are not called publicly morons people might think they are morons. :D

Someone who does not take all considerations into account could also be called a moron? Perhaps. Regards.

have you taken into consideration that your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend might kill you tonight with an axe although there is no axe in your house or in your garden shed? if not, does that make you a moron? according to you... perhaps :)

just the mentioning "D.B. (Deutsche Bank) has received containers with new currency" belongs to "Fairy Tales from Absurdistan" which only complete ignorants believe in as DB is a private bank and its financial clout and importance compared to all other german banks is miniscule. that alone is proof that the writer is not a regular but a certified moron².


edited for addendum: will check now in my garden shed where the axe is and then i will question my wife.

What would be the consequences?

the consequences are that those who spread this rumour will be called morons next week by people who can think rationally. those who read "zerohedge" and give its fairy tales only the tiniest benefit of doubt might be called morons too. and if the latter are not called publicly morons people might think they are morons.


I asked you before but I will just guess that you get your information from CNBS. Such a great alternative to zerohedge.

will check now in my garden shed where the axe is and then i will question my wife.

Better safe than sorry, son of Mogh . .

Didn't you know that "Assassination of a Superior" is a Klingon tradition?

will check now in my garden shed where the axe is and then i will question my wife.

Better safe than sorry, son of Mogh . .

Didn't you know that "Assassination of a Superior" is a Klingon tradition?

You mean Naam's wife should be worried? :)



Anyone based in Europe & a regular at buying gold coins on this forum?

If so I would be interested in hearing how its going there. What are the premiums & availability like?

Just curious...

Herr Naam ....Is the Mrs. buying in/via Europe?

Anyone based in Europe & a regular at buying gold coins on this forum? If so I would be interested in hearing how its going there. What are the premiums & availability like? Just curious...

Herr Naam ....Is the Mrs. buying in/via Europe?

no Sir, she is buying and stashing in Singapore and her "semi-native" country. what we have in Europe exceeds already the limit we once agreed upon. she never bought coins. if you want more details please PM me.

will check now in my garden shed where the axe is and then i will question my wife.

Better safe than sorry, son of Mogh . .

Didn't you know that "Assassination of a Superior" is a Klingon tradition?

You mean Naam's wife should be worried? :) Regards.

at least you possess some humour Tiger. i appreciate that! :D

I take it from all your feeble rantings that you're not well placed were the 'moronic' rumour to come to fruition? :D

"individuals who own bonds and assets but don't have current income from the economy, such as retirees, may face devastation."


goodness gracious! another moronic view that bonds and "assets" do not belong to "current income from the economy" if held by retirees. are interest payments on bonds issued by Toyota, General Electric, Deutsche Bank, Petroleos de Venezuela, Daimler Benz, a brasileiro iron ore or a chileno copper producer (just to name a few of tens of thousands possibilities) not related to any "economy"? is it therefore logical to conclude that income from bonds and other assets belong to the category of biblical manna the good LORD let fall from heaven to feed the Israelites? :D

feeble rantings? my àss! :)

next ridiculous citation from a blog or a financial sense "university" please.

no Sir, she is buying and stashing in Singapore and her "semi-native" country. what we have in Europe exceeds already the limit we once agreed upon. she never bought coins. if you want more details please PM me.

Ok thanks buddy

I was just curious as I am hearing stories about Europe having a 8% prem on coins now & even giving 4% to sellers

which is rare. Also hearing supply is pretty poor....But of course this is through forums so I have no proof if it is true or just forum talk.

Have been watching here & will say they are going going almost gone at a big spot I watch.

As fast as when gold was 735/oz . But the prems here are holding steady not rising really.

Still average 50-60 usd/oz ( coins as always )


morons worldwide unite! :)

excerpt: "I'm working at the Deutsche Bank in Germany. Today we delivered 1 container with new Deutsche Mark notes and new coins. I will present a photo from the new banknotes tomorrow morning. The curencychange will be the night from Saturday to Sunday 5/16/2010. On Friday, 19.00 GMT Angela Merkel the germany chancelor, will speach to the german nation."


und late Sunnday efning oll Tchermanns vill shout "SIEG HEIL" bekause ouer new Führer Angie has reskued ze Vaterland from being destroit by der zouth-yewropian mafia vhich does not vant to vork butt only spent ouer täks monny. ziss of kourse is a sekret alzo rumour has it zat zome foreinners from Aussiestralia und from ze perfide Albion are diskussing ze New Angie Mark (internashonal kode "NAM") und are eager to buy ze kurrenzy as soon it is availabbel.

What would be the consequences?

the consequences are that those who spread this rumour will be called morons next week by people who can think rationally. those who read "zerohedge" and give its fairy tales only the tiniest benefit of doubt might be called morons too. and if the latter are not called publicly morons people might think they are morons.


Herr Naam, please don't rule out the prospect of Germany exiting the Euro we see 3 possibilities

somehow the Euro survives intact

the weaker countries leave

the stronger countries leave

I wouldn't ultimately want to out my hard-earned or my clients' money on any option because frankly all 3 are on the table.....

What would be the consequences?

the consequences are that those who spread this rumour will be called morons next week by people who can think rationally. those who read "zerohedge" and give its fairy tales only the tiniest benefit of doubt might be called morons too. and if the latter are not called publicly morons people might think they are morons.


Herr Naam, please don't rule out the prospect of Germany exiting the Euro we see 3 possibilities

somehow the Euro survives intact

the weaker countries leave

the stronger countries leave

I wouldn't ultimately want to out my hard-earned or my clients' money on any option because frankly all 3 are on the table.....

no academic diversion allowed Sir Gambles! we are not discussing that possibility but specifically the rubbish that Deutsche Bank has received containers of the "new" Tchermann Kurrenzy and that the exchange will happen this weekend.

p.s. i see more than the three possibilities you mentioned but consider it useless to speculate about them now. to implement any possible change will take quite some time and the variables which are valid today might not be valid tomorrow (as the last days have clearly proved).

Gold in DM ? Kitco are ready


Don't trust the French

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero ha rodeado estos días sus discursos internos, más incluso que los públicos, de cierto dramatismo para convencer a los suyos de los momentos trascendentales que ha vivido Europa. Sucedió este miércoles en la reunión que mantuvo con los barones regionales y provinciales en Ferraz. Les discurseó durante más de dos horas y llegó incluso a reutilizar en su favor frases que atribuyó al presidente francés, Nicolás Sarkozy, durante el transcurso de la cita clave que celebraron hace una semana en Bruselas los líderes del Eurogrupo. Destacó que Sarkozy había llegado a amenazar con sacar a Francia del euro.


no Sir, she is buying and stashing in Singapore and her "semi-native" country. what we have in Europe exceeds already the limit we once agreed upon. she never bought coins. if you want more details please PM me.

Ok thanks buddy

I was just curious as I am hearing stories about Europe having a 8% prem on coins now & even giving 4% to sellers

which is rare. Also hearing supply is pretty poor....But of course this is through forums so I have no proof if it is true or just forum talk.

Have been watching here & will say they are going going almost gone at a big spot I watch.

As fast as when gold was 735/oz . But the prems here are holding steady not rising really.

Still average 50-60 usd/oz ( coins as always )

by the way, Mrs just back from shopping, goes to her computer and minutes later walks around the house with a broad grin humming and mumbling something that sounds like "a thousand Euros an ounce". i wonder what's that all about :)


What are good ways for foreigners living in Thailand to invest in gold? Could anyone give examples or how they buy,sell/trade precious metals? is it, for example, possible to buy bonds from banks or online? Thanks


Go to a gold shop (such as Aurora) and buy 10 baht weights of gold bars. They give you a certificate of authenticity and it can cashed in on the spot at any of their shops. Gold is going to over $1600 by next year so even at these prices you won't lose, specially since the EURO is probably doomed and of course the dollar will follow if that happens. Cheers.

What are good ways for foreigners living in Thailand to invest in gold? Could anyone give examples or how they buy,sell/trade precious metals? is it, for example, possible to buy bonds from banks or online? Thanks


What would be the consequences?

the consequences are that those who spread this rumour will be called morons next week by people who can think rationally. those who read "zerohedge" and give its fairy tales only the tiniest benefit of doubt might be called morons too. and if the latter are not called publicly morons people might think they are morons.


Herr Naam, please don't rule out the prospect of Germany exiting the Euro we see 3 possibilities

somehow the Euro survives intact

the weaker countries leave

the stronger countries leave

I wouldn't ultimately want to out my hard-earned or my clients' money on any option because frankly all 3 are on the table.....

no academic diversion allowed Sir Gambles! we are not discussing that possibility but specifically the rubbish that Deutsche Bank has received containers of the "new" Tchermann Kurrenzy and that the exchange will happen this weekend.

p.s. i see more than the three possibilities you mentioned but consider it useless to speculate about them now. to implement any possible change will take quite some time and the variables which are valid today might not be valid tomorrow (as the last days have clearly proved).

I totally agree with that - in my defence I was simplifying the options for the hard of thinking (like myself) :D

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