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Race discrimination - montian hotel

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This unfortunate incident happened to me on 14th August 2003 and thought to write in this forum for your thoughts.

I belong to an Asian nationality, married to a Thai Girl and living and working in Thailand for years. Whenever I go to Pathaya with my wife, I used to stay at Montian Hotel, as it was our Favorite Hotel.

Last week, my Parents visited and I took them to Pathaya without my Thai wife as she had some prior arrangements. Since the number of days were limited for my Parents, we decided to go in the morning to “Corel Island” then use Hotel Facilities such as “Swimming Pool, Sauna, Massage etc” and come back in the night to Bkk.

As soon as I entered the Hotel, the Security Guard came direct to me and talked very loudly asking where I go. I said that I am going to the Sauna room. He stopped me and called the Reception and said “One Indian Family” and then the rest was in Thai. I told him clearly that we are not Indian though the Nationality should not matter for any Hotel. Then the Front Office Manager wanted me to come to his room. I walked to the Reception and he came to the Reception. He asked again “What I want and I said that I am going to book the Sauna, and then go to “Corel Island and after return, use the Swimming Pool Facilities etc.

[ I have done the same thing before one time in the same hotel and the Hotel has fixed Rates in THB published for these facilities. Hotel does not have any rule saying only Guest should use the facilities who stay over-night etc. This is same for Buffet Lunch, Bar, Sports Center]

One thing..I never asked anything for FREE. If by chance the Hotel have any regulation then he should have informed me like a Thai Person without acting like the “God who protect the Montian Hotel”. [Excuse me for my language]

The Front Office Manager said, They have some function on that day and can not allow me to use any Facility.  I said that I am not asking for Free and to accept the money. In reply, the guy said, “We do not want you here today”. I clearly realize what he means and was very disappointed. I mentioned to him that I have stayed in this Hotel before and the answer to that was “ We do not want Indian people like you”..”This is our Property” ..”Pls. Get out”..Then he said something to the Security guy and he pulled from my hand. To avoid further embarrassment in front of my Parents, we left the hotel thinking never to step in again.

I should say that this Hotel is still a very nice hotel and I have no intention to harm the goodwill of Montian Hotel. All I want to say is, this type of Thai People working as Front Office Managers [or Damages] will certainly harm the good name and the reputation of Montian Hotel.



Have your wife write a letter to the Hotel owners directly. Probably will not accomplish anything, but the manager may loose face if he is questioned over the affair, and it may make hime think twice next time.

Hi kwiz117,

The treatment you received is disgraceful.

I hope you & your wife will take the matter further.

I like Wolf's suggestion.


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