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My mother always thaught me.

Son when you're abroad only thing to be aware from are stormy weathers and foreigners.

she didnt teach you how to spell also did she :D:D

also you in wrong place if she taught you be aware of stormy weather(not sure why exactly :o ) and foreigners, as you are living in stormy country with lots of foreigners and just as bad locals........u r fcuked i.m.o

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My mother always thaught me.

Son when you're abroad only thing to be aware from are stormy weathers and foreigners.

she didnt teach you how to spell also did she :D:D

also you in wrong place if she taught you be aware of stormy weather(not sure why exactly :o ) and foreigners, as you are living in stormy country with lots of foreigners and just as bad locals........u r fcuked i.m.o

Ok let's write in My native language.Wanna know who gonna win. :D

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Dear All, I'm not sure this post should be here, but anyway here's the story: I have a small home-based biz online selling thai stuff on ebay, my own site etc. As I went abroad for the past 2 months, instead of refusing orders, I let my farang mate living in pattaya to take care of the logistics: to buy the items and to send them to the addresses I would provide, for a 50-50 split of the profits. It all went well: as soon as the customers paid me, I electronically transferred the funds to my bangkok bank a/c and the trusted friend withdrew using my ATM card, given before I left. And the business went on smoothly.

last week I came back and he gave me my ATM back, but before calculating profits/expenses. It then emerged that the guy has taken out 28k in excess for his own pleasures. Now guess what: he's not answering the phone and replying to my emails. I'll go to confront him at his house soon, but anyway I have a question for whoever has experienced Thai Police, no matter on which side of the law: would it be useful to report this to a police officer? Can/will they do something if Thais are not involved?

As usual, I thank you all for your kind attention and advise.



you thought he was a mate and obviously isnt. if you only know him from meeting him here then you are a fool as he seems to have been here so long that he has adopted thai ways in that he stole money.....not answering phone/emails etc.you might find he has moved away from where you think he is currently living.....if he hasnt then i suggest if he has any belongings,motorbike etc then take over 28k worth and say you will return when he pays you back,if he has nothing then if you can take his passport and only give back when he pays you...at least then he has some hassle to get new passport and visa if he doesnt pay and if he dont you could report him for non visa/passport or overstay to the b.i.b.

i guess you have talked to him or emailed him about this so he knows you are trying to contact him about the missing money or is he just not answering as he knows you probably had found out by now he took it. you havent told us his status here.......does he have an income? does he live here or just on extended holiday etc.if he has no money then you will be stuffed at getting anything back as he cant give what he now aint got and cant get.

if all else fails then i suggest giving him a few smacks and forgetting about him and what happened,if you aint up to that yourself then pay a few taxi guys a few thousand and let them give him a going over.this may make you feel better but the police route i think will be a dead end.....its your word against his and they will probably say go get a lawyer and make it a civil case (waste of time doing that).

let us know what happens. :o

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My mother always thaught me.

Son when you're abroad only thing to be aware from are stormy weathers and foreigners.

she didnt teach you how to spell also did she :D:D

also you in wrong place if she taught you be aware of stormy weather(not sure why exactly :o ) and foreigners, as you are living in stormy country with lots of foreigners and just as bad locals........u r fcuked i.m.o

Ok let's write in My native language.Wanna know who gonna win. :P

yes you,but you are writing in a english language forum....im not even gonna try and write in a belgian forum,if there is such a thing.

i was only trying to help you as you didnt heed a word of your mothers advice or your english teacher :(:D:D

anyway isnt it time you were in bed or has your mother let you stay up late to play with the big boys(and i dont mean your friends in jenny bar) :D

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Dear All, I'm not sure this post should be here, but anyway here's the story: I have a small home-based biz online selling thai stuff on ebay, my own site etc. As I went abroad for the past 2 months, instead of refusing orders, I let my farang mate living in pattaya to take care of the logistics: to buy the items and to send them to the addresses I would provide, for a 50-50 split of the profits. It all went well: as soon as the customers paid me, I electronically transferred the funds to my bangkok bank a/c and the trusted friend withdrew using my ATM card, given before I left. And the business went on smoothly.

last week I came back and he gave me my ATM back, but before calculating profits/expenses. It then emerged that the guy has taken out 28k in excess for his own pleasures. Now guess what: he's not answering the phone and replying to my emails. I'll go to confront him at his house soon, but anyway I have a question for whoever has experienced Thai Police, no matter on which side of the law: would it be useful to report this to a police officer? Can/will they do something if Thais are not involved?

As usual, I thank you all for your kind attention and advise.



you thought he was a mate and obviously isnt. if you only know him from meeting him here then you are a fool as he seems to have been here so long that he has adopted thai ways in that he stole money.....not answering phone/emails etc.you might find he has moved away from where you think he is currently living.....if he hasnt then i suggest if he has any belongings,motorbike etc then take over 28k worth and say you will return when he pays you back,if he has nothing then if you can take his passport and only give back when he pays you...at least then he has some hassle to get new passport and visa if he doesnt pay and if he dont you could report him for non visa/passport or overstay to the b.i.b.

i guess you have talked to him or emailed him about this so he knows you are trying to contact him about the missing money or is he just not answering as he knows you probably had found out by now he took it. you havent told us his status here.......does he have an income? does he live here or just on extended holiday etc.if he has no money then you will be stuffed at getting anything back as he cant give what he now aint got and cant get.

if all else fails then i suggest giving him a few smacks and forgetting about him and what happened,if you aint up to that yourself then pay a few taxi guys a few thousand and let them give him a going over.this may make you feel better but the police route i think will be a dead end.....its your word against his and they will probably say go get a lawyer and make it a civil case (waste of time doing that).

let us know what happens. :o

He cannot take the passport away.The passport belongs to his friends government.
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I electronically transferred the funds to my bangkok bank a/c and the trusted friend withdrew using my ATM card, given before I left. And the business went on smoothly.

last week I came back and he gave me my ATM back, but before calculating profits/expenses. It then emerged that the guy has taken out 28k in excess for his own pleasures. Now guess what: he's not answering the phone and replying to my emails. I'll go to confront him at his house soon

The problem is you'd need to prove it, otherwise it's just your word against the guy who ripped you off.

AmeriThai pin pointed your problem (and I am surprised more people didn't point this out). You apparently have nothing in writing specifiying the baht limits for total withdrawals and you gave him access to the account. It is effectively the same as having a joint bank account and one person taking all the money out. You told him take out money as earned and needed, so he did. His needs were just different than you envisioned.

Edited by noise
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It looks like you gave your pink slip(title) to your car signed & dated. When you gave out your pin-you effectively gave him permission to use it. I highly doubt any court any country would do anything as no crime was committed since you gave him the keys & the title. Change your bank arrangements & be thankful it was a minor "BITE".Never lend out your pin number........Especially in business! Or any time in general.

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beware of living in a glass house: If you go to the police do you have a work permit? correct visa ect. ect. ect.

And maybe a business visa and paying tax?

This reminds me of the story about a village chief in northern Thailand in a glass house , as the years passed , the thrones of the chiefs were stored in the loft . One day the chief was sitting on his throne gazing out upon his 'Chiefdom' when the ceiling collapsed and killed him .

Moral of the story : Those who live in a glass house should never STOW THRONES

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Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.

Plonius's words to Laertes from Hamlet.

28K is a small price to learn what the Bard advised almost 500 years ago. I myself never lend anyone money. I will "give" them the money if they need it and I can afford it. If I can't afford it then I shouldn't be lending the money in the first place. If they eventually give me back some money then all the better. If not, I have helped out a friend. If that friend "stole" the money from me then shame on him. Just don't let him steal twice. Then shame on me.

Close out that bank account and open a new one. Cut up your ATM card.

As soon as you break your attachment to the 28K, the same minute, you will be able to smile again. If you go to the police or seek revenge then it will be a long time before you will be able to smile again.

Congratulations on being smarter and wiser than before.

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If they only knew that Farang prisons cells are much better than the fan room they are renting, the food is much better than the boiled egg sandwiches and mama noodles they currently survive on.

... and that Bubba the crack dealer can be a much better lover than the latest tottie from Nana. :o

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Keep your friends close and your enemy's closer.

If you've let him know that you know about the gross excess than the cat is out of the bag, and he has ended the friendship.

If not, than perhaps it's time to use his greed against him.

It would be nice to know of a loan shark.

This loan shark could be made aware of your friends intent to borrow some money.

Perhaps the amount he wished to borrow could be half of what he stole from you.

Perhaps your friend could be brought in on your "business" plan and could inadvertently borrow this money from the loan shark thinking it was for some other reason.

Now with a threat of injury you have something to hold over his head whereby he needs the income from your business to pay off the debt...to whit you become the good friend and allow him to work it off so he has legs that remain unbroken.

Or perhaps, you should have maintained controll of the money and wired his "cut" to his account.

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Go round his house to see him with a smile. If he doesn't have some money to give you then take his belongings until he does. I've had to do this before and it worked quite well. He never did pay me the money, but the items i had of his were worth more than the amount owed, so no problem.

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Dear All, I'm not sure this post should be here, but anyway here's the story: I have a small home-based biz online selling thai stuff on ebay, my own site etc. As I went abroad for the past 2 months, instead of refusing orders, I let my farang mate living in pattaya to take care of the logistics: to buy the items and to send them to the addresses I would provide, for a 50-50 split of the profits. It all went well: as soon as the customers paid me, I electronically transferred the funds to my bangkok bank a/c and the trusted friend withdrew using my ATM card, given before I left. And the business went on smoothly.

last week I came back and he gave me my ATM back, but before calculating profits/expenses. It then emerged that the guy has taken out 28k in excess for his own pleasures. Now guess what: he's not answering the phone and replying to my emails. I'll go to confront him at his house soon, but anyway I have a question for whoever has experienced Thai Police, no matter on which side of the law: would it be useful to report this to a police officer? Can/will they do something if Thais are not involved?

As usual, I thank you all for your kind attention and advise.



I have not read what others have said, but let me tell here & now that to pursue this through the formal/legal channels is going to be a no-hoper.

Not withstanding the fact that you gave him your ATM card (and of course the number) of your own free will, and all the issues that introduces into the argument (no least of which that that is a breach of the conditions under which the card is issued(?)), the costs associated with pursueing this matter down formal channels will quickly escalate beyond the 28K mark as it will almost defineatly have to be chased up as private prosecution. The cops won;t touch this with a barge pole.

Lesson learn't?

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yes you,but you are writing in a english language forum....im not even gonna try and write in a belgian forum,if there is such a thing.

i was only trying to help you as you didnt heed a word of your mothers advice or your english teacher :D:o:D

anyway isnt it time you were in bed or has your mother let you stay up late to play with the big boys(and i dont mean your friends in jenny bar) :D


As an non native English speaker (Swede) I have to ask you if whether I should begin my sentences with capital letter or not. And also; should I write "im" or the more formal "I am" to please you?

And how about the spacebar thingy? Can you explain how you normally use it in English language?

Edited by Hawkup2000
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yes you,but you are writing in a english language forum....im not even gonna try and write in a belgian forum,if there is such a thing.

i was only trying to help you as you didnt heed a word of your mothers advice or your english teacher :D:o:D

anyway isnt it time you were in bed or has your mother let you stay up late to play with the big boys(and i dont mean your friends in jenny bar) :D


As an non native English speaker (Swede) I have to ask you if whether I should begin my sentences with capital letter or not. And also; should I write "im" or the more formal "I am" to please you?

And how about the spacebar thingy? Can you explain how you normally use it in English language?

When you are trying to be sarcastic please ensure you know something about the English language.

No you should not write "im" you should write "I'm"

You know fa about English.

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Thank you for your prompt reply. I asked because I wanted to know. I will be more careful about posting in this forum since the English requirements seem to be very high. I have never claimed to fluent in English but as I´ve understood it you don´t have to be. :D

"You know fa about English" :o

Edited by Hawkup2000
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Thank you for your prompt reply. I asked because I wanted to know. I will be more careful about posting in this forum since the English requirements seem to be very high. I have never claimed to fluent in English but as I´ve understood it you don´t have to be. :D

"You know fa about English" :o

Just thought I would fix this for you.

I have never claimed to fluent in English

I have never claimed to be fluent in English

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:D Dear Lusty, Firstry I sympathise with your situation and also your loss. I do not agree with "rambo" comment on how to solve this at all, you will be leading yourself into something much bigger - in thailand. RU not aware that most of the crooks live in Pattaya? they have all moved over from what was once their hideaway in Marbella, spain!

Secondly, I can name and will shame.....as I have a warrant out for his arrest in Pattaya, another embezeller... wonder if its the same bloke? Mitch Malone? (Keith Mitchel Malone). He and his Thai female business partner Supa (Suparb Passawaes) embezzled £85k from me and also stole site materials and money whilst I was in hospital in Thailand after a road accident.

If you think the police will help you will your dialema, think on..... My case is not as "stupid" ( :D ) but was a proper business deal with a Contract. They have not made any effort to trace him as Pattaya is so big despite addresses and locations he frequents and a car registration number! They have put out a warrant for his arrest purely so far for the thefts and as you can see, no arrest for the Thai !!

You stand no hope of getting your money back or even getting him arrested. I had to use levels above and beyond to even get my case looked at, and am still no further. Lusty, I guess like me you will have to wave goodbye to your money. Mine is more serious as it was mortgaged against my house in UK, so weep no more, I have done enough for the two of us !! :o

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