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"kee - Ki" Words.


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The Royal Institute Dictionary appears to agree with Todd. Here is the relevant portion of the definition of "ขี้" which applies to the modifier usage of the word:

ขี้ . . . ว. [วิเศษณ์] ใช้ประกอบหน้าคําที่แสดงความหมายในทางที่ไม่ดี เช่น ขี้เกียจ ขี้เหนียว, หรือมักเป็นเช่นนั้น เช่น ขี้หัวเราะ ขี้ขอ.

"khee . . . a modifier used as a combining element in front of another word to indicate a meaning which is not good, .......

And don't be afraid to use the word creatively. Perhaps it is not 100% original, but I made up the term (sorry for the lack of Thai fonts other than copy and paste) kii priap kii thiap to describe nouveau middle class folks constantly trying to keep up with the neighbors. No Thai had yet admonished me for my neologism.

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Yeah I thought of that after I posted.

I will look up "kee mao" by myself too.

It does not mean "drunk" as the OP said.

I would have to agree with other posters that ขี้ (Kee) and ขี้เมา does not mean drunk. It describes more of a habitual state. If I were with you at a bar and you were drunk, I wouldn't call you ขี้เมา. Though I've heard it used colloqually to be derogative when speaking about others, or just for describing ones daily habits. I.e. I am ขี้เมา because I drink often, not because when I drink I am drunk. And I have found that behaviours done repeatedly or often tend ขี้ explanations by Thais. Forgetting ขี้ลืม , and playfull ขี้เล่น. I hear these words during a description of anothers character.



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great resource there: http://www.thai-language.org/id/133007/


khee gluaa

[is a] "scaredy-cat" — "chickenshit"


khee gohng

deceitful; cheating; crooked


khee khlaat



khee khook

jailbird; prison inmate


khee khuy

[is] boastful


khee khlohn

muck; mud; grime


khee ngaawn

peevish; petulant; churlish; fractious


khee ngaae

[is] whiny; [is a] crybaby


khee jai naawy

[is] over sensitive


khee chaaw

[is] (a) scamming (person); cheating


khee sao

halfsleep; sleepy; sluggish; torpid


khee dteuut

stingy; cheap; parsimonious


khee bohn

to nag; nagging


khee bpa dtiu

trifling; petty; trivial


khee pha yaa baat

vindictive; vengeful; wanting revenge


khee man

[?] [southern Thai dialect] [is] stingy


khee man

[?] [southern Thai dialect] [is] playfully deceptive


khee mao

drunkard; drunken; very drunk; often drunk


khee moh

[is] boastful


khee moh hoh

resentful; easily mad; irritable


khee yaae

given to crying; crybaby


khee ra waaeng

[is] suspicious; distrustful; doubtful


khee leuum

absent-minded; forgetful


khee lehn

playful; joking


khee ngoot ngit

irritable; irritated


khee lee

[is] flirtatious; flirty; [is] flirting


khee heung



khee niaao

[is] stingy; miserly; parsimonious; cheap


khee reh



khee lao

[of a person] [is a] drunk; [is an] alcoholic


khee aay

shy; feel shy; is shy; timid


khee it chaa



khee oh

[is] boastful; bragging

My words of the day are khee moh hoh - resentful; easily mad; irritable


khee ngoot ngit - irritable; irritated

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Sorry to pick at nits, withnail, but it wouldn't mean she "is nagging" so much as that she "is often nagging." Just doing it once - or once in awhile - doesn't really qualify for being tagged with the prefix, does it?

Perhaps I should have given my translation in a full sentence, I didn't mean nagging in the sense "Stop nagging me." using nag as a continuous tense verb, but rather in the sense "I have a nagging wife" where nagging is being used as an adjective i.e. one who has a tendency to nag. This is the same translation given on Thai-Language.com

However, thinking about it, even when using nagging in the first sense above it can be refering to a habitual action (albeit possibly only a habitual action in the recent past like "He's been drinking a lot").

After all, it would be acceptable to translate "Stop nagging me" to ไม่ต้องขี้บ่นนะ or even ไม่ต้องขี้บ่นมากนะ (Stop being so nagging) wouldn't it?

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ขี้เกียจ kêe-gìat means lazy, but I often hear it used as "Can't be bothered" ie if you ask a question such as....





"Are you going to the market today?"


"Why not?"

"Can't be bothered"

ขี้เมา kêe mao means Drunkard or Habitual drunk

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Here's a list of 66 "ขี้" prefixes from TL.com:

1. ขี้ kheeF ( noun) feces; waste; excrement; snot; dung; turd (adjective, adverb ) [idiomatic prefix implying] a bad or negative character trait (verb ) to shit; to crap

2. ขี้กบ kheeF gohpL (noun) wood shavings

3. ขี้กลัว kheeF gluaaM ( modifier, interjection, colloquial) [is a] "scaredy-cat" — "chickenshit"

4. ขี้กลาก kheekF laakF ( noun) ringworm (contagious skin disease causing red, ringlike patches)*

5. ขี้กะโล้โท้ kheeF gaL lohH thohH (adjective ) lousy; good for nothing

6. ขี้เกียจ kheeF giiatL (modifier, adjective) [is] lazy

7. ขี้เกียจตัวเป็นขน kheeF giiatL dtuaaM bpenM khohnR ( phrase, idiom ) so lazy that one's body hair grows long (say, like a monkey)

8. ขี้เกียจสันหลังยาว kheeF giiatL sanR langR yaaoM (phrase, idiom ) so lazy that one's spine becomes elongated

9. ขี้โกง kheeF gohngM (adjective ) deceitful; cheating; crooked

10. ขี้ไก่ kheeF gaiL chicken pellets; chicken dung

11. ขี้ขลาด kheeF khlaatL ( adjective) cowardly

12. ขี้ข้า kheeF khaaF ( noun ) slave; servant

13. ขี้ขี้เหนียว kheeF kheeF niaaoR (adjective ) stingy

14. ขี้เขม่า kheeF khaL maoL ( noun) soot

15. ขี้ครั่ง kheeF khrangF ( noun) sticklac, the raw material of lacquer production

16. ขี้ควาย kheeF khwaayM ( noun ) water buffalo dung

17. ขี้คุก kheeF khookH ( noun, colloquial) jailbird; prison inmate

18. ขี้คุกขี้ตะราง kheeF khookH kheeF dtaL raangM ( modifier, phrase ) [is] a jailbird; suitable to be put in jail

19. ขี้คุย kheeF khuyM ( modifier) [is] boastful

20. ขี้คุยโต kheeF khuyM dtohM ( adjective) boastful

21. ขี้โคลน kheeF khlohnM (noun) muck; mud; grime

22. ขี้งอน kheeF ngaawnM ( adjective) peevish; petulant; churlish; fractious

23. ขี้แง kheeF ngaaeM (modifier) [is] whiny; [is a] crybaby

24. ขี้ใจน้อย kheeF jaiM naawyH (modifier) [is] over sensitive

25. ขี้ฉ้อ kheeF chaawF ( adjective) [is] (a) scamming (person); cheating

26. ขี้เซา kheeF saoM (adjective) half asleep; sleepy; sluggish; torpid

27. ขี้ตะกรัน kheeF dtaL granM (noun) slag; residue; dregs

28. ขี้ตะกั่ว kheeF dtaL guaaL (noun) the scum that forms on the surface of molten lead

29. ขี้ตะไบ kheeF dtaL baiM (noun) iron filings

30. ขี้ตั๊ว kheeF dtuaaH ( noun, modifier) [isaan dialect] "Liar!" — to lie

31. ขี้ตา kheeF dtaaM (noun) eye snot; eye secretion

32. ขี้ตืด kheeF dteuutL ( adjective) stingy; cheap; parsimonious

33. ขี้เถ้า kheeF thaoF ( noun) ash

34. ขี้นก kheeF nohkH ( adjective, phrase, figurative, formal, idiom) [usually preceded by ฝรั่ง ] fake; phoney; bogus; spurious; pretended; feigned; sham; low-class; inferior; insignificant; meaningless; worthless

35. ขี้บ่น kheeF bohnL ( adjective) to nag; nagging

36. ขี้บุหรี่ kheeF booL reeL ( noun) cigarette ash

37. ขี้ปะติ๋ว kheeF bpaL dtiuR (adjective, colloquial, idiom) trifling; petty; trivial

38. ขี้ผึ้ง kheeF pheungF ( noun) beeswax

39. ขี้ผึ้งทาริมฝีปาก kheeF pheungF thaaM rimM feeR bpaakL ( noun) lip balm

40. ขี้ฝุ่น kheeF foonL ( noun) dust; dirt

41. ขี้พยาบาท kheeF phaH yaaM baatL (adjective ) vindictive; vengeful; wanting revenge

42. ขี้มัน kheeF manM ( modifier) [?] [southern Thai dialect] [is] stingy

43. ขี้มัน kheeF manM (modifier) [?] [southern Thai dialect] [is] playfully deceptive

44. ขี้มูก kheeF muukF ( noun) snot; mucus; boogers

45. ขี้เมา kheeF maoM ( adjective) drunkard; drunken; very drunk; often drunk

46. ขี้โม้ kheeF mohH ( modifier) [is] boastful

47. ขี้โมโห kheeF mohM hohR ( adjective) resentful; easily mad; irritable

48. ขี้แย kheeF yaaeM (adjective, phrase, colloquial ) given to crying; crybaby

49. ขี้ระแวง kheeF raH waaengM (modifier) [is] suspicious; distrustful; doubtful

50. ขี้รังแค kheeF rangM khaaeM (noun ) dandruff

51. ขี้ริ้ว kheeF riuH ( adjective) ugly; unattractive

52. ขี้ริ้วขี้เหร่ kheeF riuH kheeF rehL ( adjective) ugly; unsightly; unattractive; unpleasant

53. ขี้ลืม kheeF leuumM (adjective) absent-minded; forgetful

54. ขี้เล่น kheeF lehnF ( adjective) playful; joking

55. ขี้เลื่อย kheeF leuuayF (adjective, colloquial, idiom) dull minded (noun) sawdust

56. ขี้หงุดหงิด kheeF ngootL ngitL ( adjective) irritable; irritated

57. ขี้หลี kheeF leeR ( modifier) [is] flirtatious; flirty; [is] flirting

58. ขี้หึง kheeF heungR (adjective) jealous

59. ขี้เหนียว kheeF niaaoR (modifier) [is] stingy; miserly; parsimonious; cheap

60. ขี้เหร่ kheeF rehL ( adjective ) unattractive

61. ขี้เหล้า kheeF laoF ( modifier) [of a person] [is a] drunk; [is an] alcoholic

62. ขี้เหล้าเมายา kheeF laoF maoM yaaM (adjective) addicted to alcohol or drugs

63. ขี้ใหม่หมาหอม kheeF maiL maaR haawmR (example sentence, idiom) "A new broom sweeps clean."

64. ขี้อาย kheeF aayM (adjective) shy; feel shy; is shy; timid

65. ขี้อิจฉา kheeF itL chaaR (adjective) envious

66. ขี้โอ่ kheeF ohL ( modifier) [is] boastful; bragging

*#4. should be pronounced "kheeF glaakL"

Edited by 5tash
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If anyone has access to the Domnern and Sathienpong Thai-English CD ROM Dictionary (3rd Edition), it shows an even more comprehensive list of "ขี้" prefixes.

It also gives two lists differentiating the two separate meanings of the prefix "ขี้"

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