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How Do You Handle It?


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Since moving to bangkok and bringing my thai wife with me, Everytime i go out i found it increasingly hard to be sincere to her. I dont just mean BGs btw.

How do you handle it guys?

The girls are so cute its hard isnt it?

Maybe its impossible anyway im just being honest.

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Growing up before you get married helps.

Maybe mate but i am grown up. Its just there is to many hot girls out there.

Maybe i should move back to the UK and i wouldnt get these thoughts with all the fat girls etc.

Anyway i havent said i have cheated so dont presume.

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I didnt notice any other women ( apart from those on the soap operas!) for about a year (been together 2 years).

I do notice them now.

I think of it as a rooster type idea. The animal in you as a 'naked ape' wants to be dominant male, expand your genetic line.

Just look at it as another craving.. craving for money, health, happiness.

Accept it as just another chemical influence and get on with what matters - (and it isnt chasing tail)

I know what you mean about the UK though, coming to a hot country and seeing so many fit, and thinly clad women is a real shock, just as maybe going to californian beaches might be.

good luck.

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I look, I admire but I do not touch, not so far anyway.

Yes, there are so many temptations out there and when you get 'used to' the one you have the temptation seems even greater.

How do I handle it? Not sure. I have always been monogamous and have no plans to change. Must be in my genes.

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all men live lives of quiet desperation

the way you get through it is by the act of repression. its the same way people spend 60 hrs a week doing a job they hate then come home and sit in front of the television watching mind numbing bs and admiring what immature bratty children they have raised (like the little international school bastards who cant keep their mouths shut for 2 minutes in a movie theater).

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I look, I admire but I do not touch, not so far anyway.

Yes, there are so many temptations out there and when you get 'used to' the one you have the temptation seems even greater.

How do I handle it? Not sure. I have always been monogamous and have no plans to change. Must be in my genes.

Good point G54, I guess i think of it like if i met another girl i would get "used to" her to. Then i would be sniffing around for another and another, cant go on for ever can it? but the sheer beauty of the girls here not just looks makes it that so much harder doesnt it. lol

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Since moving to bangkok and bringing my thai wife with me, Everytime i go out i found it increasingly hard to be sincere to her. I dont just mean BGs btw.

How do you handle it guys?

The girls are so cute its hard isnt it?

Maybe its impossible anyway im just being honest.

Temptation happens in all walks of life, I could go into a car showroom, love the look of all the cars, doesn't mean I would buy them all,

I would go to a bar doesn't mean I would buy all the beer, go into a supermarket, doesn't mean I would buy all the food.......I'm sure you get what I'm saying.

No harm in looking just don't make it too obvious when your with your wife as it will shatter her confidence.

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Since moving to bangkok and bringing my thai wife with me, Everytime i go out i found it increasingly hard to be sincere to her. I dont just mean BGs btw.

How do you handle it guys?

The girls are so cute its hard isnt it?

Maybe its impossible anyway im just being honest.

This is Bangkok dude. Its not the UK.

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When your relationship is right, you will have no problems. Yes, I still look and admire the pretty ladies but I am happy with my wife and have no desire to stray. I too thought that it was impossible but it's not.

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Since moving to bangkok and bringing my thai wife with me, Everytime i go out i found it increasingly hard to be sincere to her. I dont just mean BGs btw.

How do you handle it guys?

The girls are so cute its hard isnt it?

Maybe its impossible anyway im just being honest.

Temptation happens in all walks of life, I could go into a car showroom, love the look of all the cars, doesn't mean I would buy them all,

I would go to a bar doesn't mean I would buy all the beer, go into a supermarket, doesn't mean I would buy all the food.......I'm sure you get what I'm saying.

No harm in looking just don't make it too obvious when your with your wife as it will shatter her confidence.

Thats why i trail behind her. lol

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Accept it as just another chemical influence
the way you get through it is by the act of repression

two sides of the same coin really... but people have to repress some instincts in order to be civilized. for instance, it's a fine line between someone who might have pedophiliac (murderous, covetous, etc) fantasies and keeps them in their head, and someone who acts upon them. if you are single and aren't hurting anyone, play around. if you are married or in a relationship and aren't happy with what you agreed to, get divorced or break up! but if you can't keep one of the most serious promises you have ever made in your life to someone you love, then what has all this evolution been for anyway?

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Accept it as just another chemical influence
the way you get through it is by the act of repression

two sides of the same coin really... but people have to repress some instincts in order to be civilized. for instance, it's a fine line between someone who might have pedophiliac (murderous, covetous, etc) fantasies and keeps them in their head, and someone who acts upon them. if you are single and aren't hurting anyone, play around. if you are married or in a relationship and aren't happy with what you agreed to, get divorced or break up! but if you can't keep one of the most serious promises you have ever made in your life to someone you love, then what has all this evolution been for anyway?

Sorry girl x but men and women are different. Men have something different which makes them naturally attracted to other women even if they are married. Im not talking about cheating im talking about how to deal with it?

Maybe im just weak :o

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Sorry girl x but men and women are different. Men have something different which makes them naturally attracted to other women even if they are married. Im not talking about cheating im talking about how to deal with it?

Maybe im just weak biggrin.gif

you must be weak, and pretty stupid too if you believe women are not attracted to anyone other than their husbands. it's called self control and loyalty. learn some.

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are you old and bald and fat? that might help you deal with it by knowing that the girls you see are repulsed by the sight of you

Well to be honest im 32 and still very handsome, that is my problem. The girls look at me because im handsome and therefore it gets me excited etc etc but the main thing is they are not money oriented bg's, one is a air hostess the other has a daddy with a gold course and resort on samet.

Anyway enough of you snide comments im just being honest as a response to your pathetic post mate. Why are u fat and bald?

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Sorry girl x but men and women are different. Men have something different which makes them naturally attracted to other women even if they are married. Im not talking about cheating im talking about how to deal with it?

Maybe im just weak biggrin.gif

you must be weak, and pretty stupid too if you believe women are not attracted to anyone other than their husbands. it's called self control and loyalty. learn some.

you should read a couple of science books if you think men and women were designed the same re: reproduction

if you make a promise not to cheat then there are ethical problems with breaking this promise but no men were sure as hel_l not designed by science to only have sex with a singe woman that is just a rule created by society

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If the OP's urges where down to his evolutionary pregromming to spread his genes the shape / size of the women he spread his genese with would not matter - In fact it could be argued that if he would probably be doing his own genes a favour by spreading them with women of as wide a range of shape/size as he can find.

But the OP has made specific references to the fact that he is attracted to the women in Thailand and to their shape/size and specific reference to women back in the UK being fat.

It is at this point arguments about evolution begin to fall over and his imaturity steps in to take its place.

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Sorry girl x but men and women are different. Men have something different which makes them naturally attracted to other women even if they are married. Im not talking about cheating im talking about how to deal with it?

Maybe im just weak biggrin.gif

you must be weak, and pretty stupid too if you believe women are not attracted to anyone other than their husbands. it's called self control and loyalty. learn some.

Your right it is about self control and that is why im asking people how they deal with it in thailand because there are so many more beautiful ladies than in the west here, so before you start calling people stupid please understand the meaning of the topic otherwise go and learn some respect.

Jeez no wonder this problem wouldnt happen to me in a farang land. hehehe

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If the OP's urges where down to his evolutionary pregromming to spread his genes the shape / size of the women he spread his genese with would not matter - In fact it could be argued that if he would probably be doing his own genes a favour by spreading them with women of as wide a range of shape/size as he can find.

But the OP has made specific references to the fact that he is attracted to the women in Thailand and to their shape/size and specific reference to women back in the UK being fat.

It is at this point arguments about evolution begin to fall over and his imaturity steps in to take its place.


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If the OP's urges where down to his evolutionary pregromming to spread his genes the shape / size of the women he spread his genese with would not matter - In fact it could be argued that if he would probably be doing his own genes a favour by spreading them with women of as wide a range of shape/size as he can find.

But the OP has made specific references to the fact that he is attracted to the women in Thailand and to their shape/size and specific reference to women back in the UK being fat.

It is at this point arguments about evolution begin to fall over and his imaturity steps in to take its place.


Darwins theories are basically sound, however, there are holes.

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Since moving to bangkok and bringing my thai wife with me, Everytime i go out i found it increasingly hard to be sincere to her. I dont just mean BGs btw.

How do you handle it guys?

The girls are so cute its hard isnt it?

Maybe its impossible anyway im just being honest.

This poster seems like a reincarnation of a phuket poster from awhile back who was unceremoniously kicked to the curb by the mods ....

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Sorry girl x but men and women are different. Men have something different which makes them naturally attracted to other women even if they are married. Im not talking about cheating im talking about how to deal with it?

Maybe im just weak biggrin.gif

you must be weak, and pretty stupid too if you believe women are not attracted to anyone other than their husbands. it's called self control and loyalty. learn some.

The difference between MENS and BOYS is simply SELF CONTROL.

What did I do about it? NOTHING.....I look, I enjoy, but I never touch. Not hard really!

Edited by Misplaced
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If the OP's urges where down to his evolutionary pregromming to spread his genes the shape / size of the women he spread his genese with would not matter - In fact it could be argued that if he would probably be doing his own genes a favour by spreading them with women of as wide a range of shape/size as he can find.

But the OP has made specific references to the fact that he is attracted to the women in Thailand and to their shape/size and specific reference to women back in the UK being fat.

It is at this point arguments about evolution begin to fall over and his imaturity steps in to take its place.


Darwins theories are basically sound, however, there are holes.


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Since moving to bangkok and bringing my thai wife with me, Everytime i go out i found it increasingly hard to be sincere to her. I dont just mean BGs btw.

How do you handle it guys?

The girls are so cute its hard isnt it?

Maybe its impossible anyway im just being honest.

This poster seems like a reincarnation of a phuket poster from awhile back who was unceremoniously kicked to the curb by the mods ....

Another honest answer..I have never been to phuket. Whats its like?

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