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What Are Their Actual Claims ?


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I hope I am posting this in the correct place, But I think Phuket is as near as any of the forums to where I live.

I know I am new to this so I will try to make this interesting - there are many interesting things here.

I live in Surat Thani. Of course there is "unrest" here, of sorts.

I would really like someone to point me in the correct direction, or tell me, what are the actual claims of those causing the unrest?

When a militant organization has claims, and are willing to kill for them, somehow formally their claims are clearly stated. Normally like other organizations people can come and negotiate something that is satisfactory for everyone.

All I ever hear, and I ask people, it, "they want to be seperate". Even that is not well articulated.

It doesn't even seem like they have a clear leadership or structure to say what they are and do.

Or have I just totally missed the forest for the trees ?

Anyone I am interested in other people's opinions.


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Sorry Syd, a bit off topic, but part of my Wife's family are from there and some moved also to Phuket.

Strangely, my wife says her family from Suratthani are mad and "Jai-rang". Actually if you ask me, yes they are a bit mad and "Khmer Dang Nid Noi"

I can PM you a contact number and there could be a great party, ex Khmer-dang and the Southern sepratists....

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The Governments involved usually obscure the motives, demands or claims of the others parties, allowing the governement to easily identify the others as terrorist. For everyone knows that only a terorrist would attack without reason and cause mayhem in attempt to cause anarchy.

In reality take a look at people like that; Mosha Dyan, George Washington, Mao Tse Tung, Fidel Castro. With a well planned politicial agenda and message these people became statesmen. Had they not gotten their message out properly and not found that niche, they would have remained the terrorist that they actually were.

I know off topic............ Sorry got carried away....... I am banning myself to 30 days in the Bear Pit.......... if it still exists. :o

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Thanks for your response, but the problem I have is there doesn't seem to be a clear political agenda, even on their website.

Its almost like a "Blue - Sky" statement " we want to be seperate, thats it.

It reminds me of a "Miss World" pagent, but in reverse - "I want world peace"

No actual plan, milestones or objectives on how this can be achieved.

Or am I off the mark ?

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in this mad world

who knows which are the real bad guys


we all now know that osama is the trained killing machine of CIA in the first place

wonder why they didn't catch him yet / or will not

because he is still useful as a reason for US forces to be in Arab countries

take care of your own ass and think for yourself first...

at the end of the they

anyone with enough money and bullets call the shots

doesn't matter you call them government or bandits

or if they use more wit, guns, laws or fines to control the masses...

like i said

think for yourself

join the game or choose your own pathway...

me plan to retire in a nice countryside...

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