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No Busy Signal On Tot Based Dial-up


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For more than two years I have been using 1222 dial-up internet servers. For the past week or so there's been a change that has me concerned. Instead of getting a busy signal when traffic is too heavy to connect I seem to connect to the server -- my modem monitor software shows I am connected at appropriate speed -- only to find after about one minute, then I get a mesage that the server's computer was too slow to respond and I get disconnected. This is the case now with both Shark-bite and TOTonline.

I am concerned because I am not yet sure if I will be paying for those calls. (A call that gets a busy signal is not charged for.) Maybe I am a bit paranoid but the change has me wondering if TOT has a new gimmick here to boost their revenues.

Anyone else notice the recent change?

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I found that happening with True dial-up every couple of months. When True was good it was very good for a month or two but then it would be terrible. Maybe a way of generating cash flow. I'd get connected sometimes at a decent speed yet get disconnected after a couple of minutes. If l tried using Easy, the pay as you go alternative l would find that l would never get cut off, even if pages didn't load. Not surprising as you pay for how long you stay on-line. :o

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Where do you live?

There may be an alternative to 1222.

I live in Udon Thani.

I used Shark Byte because it is cheap and I could stay connected for 17 hours per phone call, for which I pay 5 baht. I do a lot of downloading, up to 125 Megabytes per 17 hours, so I don't want a download-limited or expensive alternative.

I want to clarify that I don't believe it is Shark Byte that is at the root of the change. It seems to me that TOT 1222 now no longer gives a busy signal when the server is at capacity but in some way puts the call through to make a call charge.

Are any other forum members no longer getting busy signals on 1222?

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....Are any other forum members no longer getting busy signals on 1222?

This is very strange because for the first time, last week, I actually heard the busy signal - I don't think I have ever heard it before.

I don't usually have the speaker on, because I don't usually have a problem connecting, but last week (for a few hours) it was difficult to connect, so I turned the speaker on and heard the busy "beeps".

When there is a problem connecting to the Internet using Pacific, usually the problem is that I get connected to Pacific at the normal speed, or slightly less, but I get nothing from the Internet. I can see the numbers of bytes received from my connection's "properties" and it is almost zero.

Clearly, I can afford to waste 3 baht, but it is the principle of the thing that is at issue - if Pacific cannot connect me to the Internet, they should not let me connect to them. They should give me the "busy" signal so that (1) I don't waste 3 baht and (2) I don't waste several minutes waiting to find out if I'm ever going any data from them.

So, I guess I am saying that I prefer to get the busy signal and to re-try dialling, than to get through to Pacific and waste time waiting to see if I can talk to the Internet.

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I am no expert but my guess is we have two hurdles to overcome here.

First there is a limited number of lines in each exchange connecting to 1222. If no line available then you get a busy signal and no charge.

If a line is available then you get connected to the server.

If the server cannot connect you then you have to pay 3B for nothing.

Personally I find the service acceptable for 90 percent of the time.

Please remember that there is a freee unlimited time server on 1222

if you look hard enough.

I have been connected for 30 hours at a stretch.

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First there is a limited number of lines in each exchange connecting to 1222.  If no line available then you get a busy signal and no charge.

If a line is available then you get connected to the server.

If the server cannot connect you then  you have to pay 3B for nothing.

Thetyrim, what I am saying is that "If no line available then you get a busy signal and no charge" was true for me until recently. Now, I am ALWAYS put through to the server and, too often, the process of verifying password and user name takes too long and I get an error message to that effect. After peak hours, like at 1:00 AM, I connect OK these days, but that was always true. My point is that at times when no line is available instead of a busy signal I get put through to the server who, in fact, cannot connect me because no line is actually available. It isn't that there is some problem with my user name and password.

Today I got my phone bill and I am being charged 5 baht for those calls. I had 25 such calls in four days. Multiply that throughout Thailand and it doesn't take a genius to realize that somebody is getting rich from this new gimmick.

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I dont use the 1222 number myself, but what i have found is it takes 2-3 attempts to establish a connection to my ISP (KSC).

When connecting i get a dial-tine, then the modem noise and it attempts to connect, at various stages of the sign-in/log-in process it can drop... also sometimes i get connected, and the modem simply doesnt respond, i loose the MR light (external modem) for a minute or two, sometiems it comes back and i can use the internet, sometimes it just drops.

I have found that once i have an active, useable connection all is good, no line drops, no lag, but as i said, sometimes it can take 2-3 attempts before i get my connection, each attempt costs me 3baht.

I used to get wound up about it, but now i just think TiT and go with the flow, cant wait for ADSL though :o

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