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Bringing A Handgun Into Thailand From Usa


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I think it must be pretty obvious by now that handguns are linked to all other kind of stupid ways of violence.

Every topic about this subject always goes into the same direction, including wars. This makes it clear that it is not just about guns, but a way of life..which happens to bring death. And we want to hold on to it.

The `right to defend` and other nice words are only necessary in societies which for one reason or another are linked with violence. Or are filled with fear by their leaders. Could be historically determined, or in fact that it is really necessary, which tells a lot about that society .....Either they have not grown out of it, or are always pushed into it, which will only make things worse and worse.

Now if I were a terrorist and wanted to harm a nation I would simply donate to the gunslingers association and manufactures, and sit back. I mean look at what the death toll is on a yearly basis, intentional or unintentional. For sure much higher than an attack, and... they take care of it themselves.

The attack from within, from the ones who really pull the strings, the manufactures and the gunslingers, who are so powerful behind the screens, that attack is absolutely ignored and even with a lot of false statements and testimonials made acceptable.

Look what it does, really look at what is going on ! You `have to` feel insecure without a gun, otherwise you will not buy... and someone in the almighty weapons biz, may lose his job. Guns could be banned, if only the will was there and the `gun-farms` were closed.

But don't try to light up a cigarette, because it may harm you and others around you by the way.

How stupid can societies be??

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You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. But then again, it sounds like you are Swiss.

The US and Canada share a border, but our demographics do not compare at all. You could fit all of Canada's population in just a couple of our states alone! So you cannot just scale up their statistics to fit the same population we have. First of all, they don't have nearly the same issues we do (worldwide military, massive illegal immigration from the south, etc.) Comparing it to Germany is wrong, too. Completely different "socio-economic" backgrounds. Our government is rigid, orderly, and socialistic in the same way as Germany is. That's not to say we don't posses those traits, but in a different way.

Switzerland probably has a high suicide rate because the place sucks. The weather is cold and miserable most of the time. The food is bland and so are the women. That's probably why Swiss dudes roll up to the LOS to pick up a hot mama or two. I lived in Zurich two years. It was surprising to see such a wealthy place full of unhappy people.

As for suicide rates in the USA, I'm not sure where you get your numbers, but perhaps you could share them? How do suicides in the USA with firearms compare with suicides by other means? While the firearm may make suicide an easier option, it certainly does not originate the reason for committing the suicide in the first place.

I do not believe you can "clearly show" that more weapons in an average household causes more crime (per household?)?

The real issue is not going after the weapon used to commit a suicide or crime, but treat the actual cause. For example, if speeding is a traffic violation, you don't separate the violations into "SUV speeding", "motorcycle speeding", "hybrid commuter car speeding", it is just plain ol' speeding, and should be regulated as such.

I know many people who would definitely disagree with you over destroying their families by defending them from burglars.


p.s., I think I saw a bumper sticker once in that said "Everyday 65,000,000 firearms in the USA KILL NO ONE!"

@bassmaster50: It's true what you say about Switzerland, but I am not sure if we are the most heavily armed country in the world, but certainly on the top, as we have mandatory military service and everyone keeps their army rifle & ammo at home.. But while we do have relatively low crime rates we have, like the US, an extremely high suicide rate with firearms. We also have quite a number of incidents involving army rifles and there is a hot debate going on about storing the weapons in the barracks or keeping them at home...

But Switzerland is not the US, so if you compare countries with similar socio-economic backgrounds, take the US, Canada and Germany for example, you can clearly show that the more weapons you have in an average household, the more crimes occur with firearms, the more suicides you have with firearms (everything else is much, much more likely to fail and thus save a life) and the more school shootings etc you have...

Shooting a burglar destroys your family, and doesn't protect it.

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This whole discussion is very informative. I have learned so much.I now know that:

1-Burglars are all really nice people, and if they break into your house, just give them whatever they want and they will surely just leave and say, "have a nice day", and not care that you are a witness who can put them in prison.

2-Having a shotgun in my house is exactly the same as Iran having nuclear weapons.

3-Having a locked gun in the house is stupid, but turning a couple of killer attack dogs loose on my proerty makes good sense.

What was the original question, again? I think it had something to do with Halliburton and US having bad karma, but I thought it was something about handguns. Or maybe it was about Saddam Hussein buying rottweilers from the US.

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I just want to say that it staggers me that people, (usually Americans), still believe that mass firearm ownership is a good thing.

Gun crime is increasing in European countries but it's largely gang members involved in the drugs trade, they can shoot each other all day for all I care.

Have you not noticed that the schools here don't have large walls and security guards posted on the gates, long may that continue. How many crazy kids have gone on the rampage in the US and how many young lives have been lost as a result.

With regard to break-ins, all a gun does is escalate the problem, kids and druggies breaking into your house will scarper pretty quickly if you confront them, a serious thief will do whatever is necessary to get what he came for. If he has a gun and sees that you have one too you are probably going to die as he will most likely be inside the house by the time you are aware of him. My view is confront them with a golf club or similar but if he has a gun let him have your money, don't risk your life or the lives of your kids over it.

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This advice about golf clubs will get you killed. If burglar has a gun and you have a golf club, he will shoot you. If you have a gun you can shoot him. This shouldn't be that difficult to understand. The situation is already unacceptable once a criminal is in your house. Why are people opposed to defending themselves? They must be cowards, as I cannot see of a logical reason otherwise. As for security guards in schools, has anyone been to southern Thailand recently? Give me a break.

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Yes , this woman has the right idea about rapists. Blow their balls off !!!

"Criminalize guns, and only criminals will have them."

Look at US , gun laws multplying exponentially, and so is gun violence . If kids planning school shootings knew that a teacher or 2 might have a gun. they might reconsider .

And what would have happened if she blew the balls off the wrong guys ???.

Whatever, and what if it was YOUR daughter they soddomized? These sheepish what if scenerios are becoming annyoing and only bring the topic off track.

Getting back to Thailand, Why dose everyone adopt a "either/or" mentality. Either get a gun or get a dog, killer attack goose, trained Tookay..whatever?

Why not have both? The dog barks wakes you up and you grab your peice form under the pillow.

At the end of the day guns, or weapons period are not for everyone. And nor should they be really, if someone is uncomfortable handling a gun then they should not have it forced on them. If one is not responsibile enough or in control of his household enough to keep his kids away from guns, then he should not have one.

But lambs leading lions, those who can't or don't want to have a gun for themselves, should never be in a position to take that right away from thouse that can handle it. Lest we look like England were just criminals own guns and if someone breaks into your house and you can't fight them off with a bat or a knife your screwed.

My wife owns here and I carry. If I am ever caught by the police its beacuse I needed to use it. And I would MUCH MUCH rather be caught by the police and pay my fine then be in a position where I NEEDED to use it but could not.

Better to pay a fine then to pay your respects.

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Yes , this woman has the right idea about rapists. Blow their balls off !!!

"Criminalize guns, and only criminals will have them."

Look at US , gun laws multplying exponentially, and so is gun violence . If kids planning school shootings knew that a teacher or 2 might have a gun. they might reconsider .

And what would have happened if she blew the balls off the wrong guys ???.

Whatever, and what if it was YOUR daughter they soddomized? These sheepish what if scenerios are becoming annyoing and only bring the topic off track.

Getting back to Thailand, Why dose everyone adopt a "either/or" mentality. Either get a gun or get a dog, killer attack goose, trained Tookay..whatever?

Why not have both? The dog barks wakes you up and you grab your peice form under the pillow.

At the end of the day guns, or weapons period are not for everyone. And nor should they be really, if someone is uncomfortable handling a gun then they should not have it forced on them. If one is not responsibile enough or in control of his household enough to keep his kids away from guns, then he should not have one.

But lambs leading lions, those who can't or don't want to have a gun for themselves, should never be in a position to take that right away from thouse that can handle it. Lest we look like England were just criminals own guns and if someone breaks into your house and you can't fight them off with a bat or a knife your screwed.

My wife owns here and I carry. If I am ever caught by the police its beacuse I needed to use it. And I would MUCH MUCH rather be caught by the police and pay my fine then be in a position where I NEEDED to use it but could not.

Better to pay a fine then to pay your respects.

Where's Charlton Heston when we need him? :o

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This whole discussion is very informative. I have learned so much.I now know that:

1-Burglars are all really nice people, and if they break into your house, just give them whatever they want and they will surely just leave and say, "have a nice day", and not care that you are a witness who can put them in prison.

2-Having a shotgun in my house is exactly the same as Iran having nuclear weapons.

3-Having a locked gun in the house is stupid, but turning a couple of killer attack dogs loose on my proerty makes good sense.

What was the original question, again? I think it had something to do with Halliburton and US having bad karma, but I thought it was something about handguns. Or maybe it was about Saddam Hussein buying rottweilers from the US.

LOL Exactly, immagine if all the peoples that these ex-colonialists terrorized and stole from had the same weponry to defend themselves with, Mabey their mentality is some sort of twisted throwback from these times.

Any culture whom's people ever had to bleed for their freedom has to problems underdstanding a law abiding citizen's basic right to bear arms.

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Yes , this woman has the right idea about rapists. Blow their balls off !!!

"Criminalize guns, and only criminals will have them."

Look at US , gun laws multplying exponentially, and so is gun violence . If kids planning school shootings knew that a teacher or 2 might have a gun. they might reconsider .

And what would have happened if she blew the balls off the wrong guys ???.

Whatever, and what if it was YOUR daughter they soddomized? These sheepish what if scenerios are becoming annyoing and only bring the topic off track.

Getting back to Thailand, Why dose everyone adopt a "either/or" mentality. Either get a gun or get a dog, killer attack goose, trained Tookay..whatever?

Why not have both? The dog barks wakes you up and you grab your peice form under the pillow.

At the end of the day guns, or weapons period are not for everyone. And nor should they be really, if someone is uncomfortable handling a gun then they should not have it forced on them. If one is not responsibile enough or in control of his household enough to keep his kids away from guns, then he should not have one.

But lambs leading lions, those who can't or don't want to have a gun for themselves, should never be in a position to take that right away from thouse that can handle it. Lest we look like England were just criminals own guns and if someone breaks into your house and you can't fight them off with a bat or a knife your screwed.

My wife owns here and I carry. If I am ever caught by the police its beacuse I needed to use it. And I would MUCH MUCH rather be caught by the police and pay my fine then be in a position where I NEEDED to use it but could not.

Better to pay a fine then to pay your respects.

Where's Charlton Heston when we need him? :o

From my cold dead hands baby, from my cold dead hands :D

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This whole discussion is very informative. I have learned so much.I now know that:

1-Burglars are all really nice people, and if they break into your house, just give them whatever they want and they will surely just leave and say, "have a nice day", and not care that you are a witness who can put them in prison.

2-Having a shotgun in my house is exactly the same as Iran having nuclear weapons.

3-Having a locked gun in the house is stupid, but turning a couple of killer attack dogs loose on my proerty makes good sense.

What was the original question, again? I think it had something to do with Halliburton and US having bad karma, but I thought it was something about handguns. Or maybe it was about Saddam Hussein buying rottweilers from the US.

LOL Exactly, immagine if all the peoples that these ex-colonialists terrorized and stole from had the same weponry to defend themselves with, Mabey their mentality is some sort of twisted throwback from these times.

Any culture whom's people ever had to bleed for their freedom has to problems underdstanding a law abiding citizen's basic right to bear arms.

I think I heard Mel Gibson use that EXACT line before, was it Braveheart or the Patriot? one can never tell with Mel.

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People and politicians who want to ban guns or keep you from having one are the very ones that will give you cause and reason to :D shoot them.

I do agree that irresponsible idiots like People and politicians who want to ban guns should not have them. :D

You can have a gun as a farang in Thailand, it is a long and expensive task.

No simi automatics, only shot guns (permit about 200k) and revolvers about 500k. :o

If a farang kills someone with a permitted and licensed gun, the cost is very high and you must stay in jail until the case is resolved no bail. :D

Case in Point look it up, a farang woman shot her farang husband with a revolver he was permitted and licensed to have in Chang Mai, I think. :D

Edited by meelousee
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People and politicians who want to ban guns or keep you from having one are the very ones that will give you cause and reason to :D shoot them.


I know I am way off topic here, but I love your avatar!

Edited by bonobo
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This advice about golf clubs will get you killed. If burglar has a gun and you have a golf club, he will shoot you. If you have a gun you can shoot him. This shouldn't be that difficult to understand. The situation is already unacceptable once a criminal is in your house. Why are people opposed to defending themselves? They must be cowards, as I cannot see of a logical reason otherwise. As for security guards in schools, has anyone been to southern Thailand recently? Give me a break.

Dont think its a case of people being opposed to defending themselves, in the same scenario, burglar in the house with an AK-47 (a real one) vs your 9.0mm peashooter, you have about as much chance as the person with the golf club vs a hand gun, its all relative....sorry the concept of one shot, one kill does not work in these situations...fantasy

As mentioned earlier I lived for many years in one of the most violent countries in the world, carried a concealed firearm for almost all of those years, and have used said firearm on more than one occassion, not shooting at targets, I am very anti-guns...so guess by your rational I am a coward then, because I have no wish to carry a firearm anymore and have not seen the need to have one in Thailand.

Think on this issue there have been a lot of comments from week-end warrior, macho-sh*t head types who watch too many movies and the only real shooting they have done is at targets, in a real life situation as mentioned above, would either miss who they were shooting at or p*ss their pants.

If people wish to have rifles/sidearms to go hunting, shoot at targets yeah why not...what ever rocks your boat

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Dont think its a case of people being opposed to defending themselves, in the same scenario, burglar in the house with an AK-47 (a real one) vs your 9.0mm peashooter, you have about as much chance as the person with the golf club vs a hand gun, its all relative....sorry the concept of one shot, one kill does not work in these situations...fantasy

As mentioned earlier I lived for many years in one of the most violent countries in the world, carried a concealed firearm for almost all of those years, and have used said firearm on more than one occassion, not shooting at targets, I am very anti-guns...so guess by your rational I am a coward then, because I have no wish to carry a firearm anymore and have not seen the need to have one in Thailand.

I am not taking issue with your main points here.  I also have had extensive training in firearms, have shot competitively, and have been in combat. And like you, I do not see the need to carry a firearm in Thailand.

But as a trained and competent marksman, I would give myself with a 9mm the edge over most intruders with an AK.

I have been shot at many times with an AK, and quite frankly, most people do not know how to use one. Just spray and hope for a hit as most of the rounds pepper the sky. (And if this is supposed soldiers doing this, I can't imagine too many burglars doing much better.)  Whereas any decently trained individual can hit a man-sized target at the ranges one finds inside a home 10 out of 10 times (buck fever notwithstanding).

Edited by bonobo
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Perhaps instead of a gun, why not find a protection dog?

The dog is a deterrent, an alarm, a friend, a protector and works even when no one's home.

Just requires food and love and might just warm your heart a little.

Much better than a gun.

Great idea, and then if they hurt the dog................then you buy a gun and shoot them

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I am not taking issue with your main points here. I also have had extensive training in firearms, have shot competitively, and have been in combat. And like you, I do not see the need to carry a firearm in Thailand.

But as a trained and competent marksman, I would give myself with a 9mm the edge over most intruders with an AK.

I have been shot at many times with an AK, and quite frankly, most people do not know how to use one. Just spray and hope for a hit as most of the rounds pepper the sky. (And if this is supposed soldiers doing this, I can't imagine too many burglars doing much better.) Whereas any decently trained individual can hit a man-sized target at the ranges one finds inside a home 10 out of 10 times (buck fever notwithstanding).

Bonobo, not going to disagree with you mate

There seems to be a common vein which has come though on this thread...people who are really in the know about using firearms in real life situations appears to me have a concensus that you dont really need a firearm in Thailand or keep one in the house.

Then we have the lunatic , yahoo..... shoot em up types whose sum total of "experience" using firearms is at targets or beer cans...these are the ones that scare me...

Edited by Soutpeel
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And what is wrong with Rambo? And why do wimps always bring up his name whenever they are upset?

Because they feel jealous and inferior.

I used to own a gun when i was living in the North East of Thailand. Like an earlier poster mentioned about a friend of his, i mainly used it for shooting snakes in my garden. I got it from a Thai friend, and it felt good to have it in the house. A man deserves the right to defend himself and his family. In the end, i never had to shoot anyone with it.

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And what is wrong with Rambo? And why do wimps always bring up his name whenever they are upset?

Because they feel jealous and inferior.

I used to own a gun when i was living in the North East of Thailand. Like an earlier poster mentioned about a friend of his, i mainly used it for shooting snakes in my garden. I got it from a Thai friend, and it felt good to have it in the house. A man deserves the right to defend himself and his family. In the end, i never had to shoot anyone with it.

Yep, got to make sure those nasty snakes don't rob you of house and home while you are out at Big C.

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If you had read it correctly Bass you would understand that you drop the golf club if the intruder has a gun. You may be keen to get into a gunfight in those circumstances but I certainly wouldn't, for one, they are accustomed to the light, and two, how do you know there aren't 3/4 of them all armed?

I'm sorry but your reference to the schools in the South is absolutely ludicrous. This is an area in the grip of a guerilla war of course they have exceptional needs.

My reference to the schools, as you know full well, was with regard to the many dreadful shootings by crazed teenagers in the states due to the easy availabilty of guns.

The later poster that stated English homeowners get killed because the intruder has a gun and they don't is totally wrong. Burglars in the UK carry a gun in less than 1% of break-ins. The people with guns in the UK are almost solely drug dealers and gang members, over 90% of deaths by the bullet are black men under 25.

Simple maths, the countries of the world with the highest gun ownership, have the highest death rates by gunshot. The USA is joined by the likes of Jamaica, Colombia and South Africa.

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Yes , this woman has the right idea about rapists. Blow their balls off !!!

"Criminalize guns, and only criminals will have them."

Look at US , gun laws multplying exponentially, and so is gun violence . If kids planning school shootings knew that a teacher or 2 might have a gun. they might reconsider .

And what would have happened if she blew the balls off the wrong guys ???.

Whatever, and what if it was YOUR daughter they soddomized? These sheepish what if scenerios are becoming annyoing and only bring the topic off track.

Getting back to Thailand, Why dose everyone adopt a "either/or" mentality. Either get a gun or get a dog, killer attack goose, trained Tookay..whatever?

Why not have both? The dog barks wakes you up and you grab your peice form under the pillow.

At the end of the day guns, or weapons period are not for everyone. And nor should they be really, if someone is uncomfortable handling a gun then they should not have it forced on them. If one is not responsibile enough or in control of his household enough to keep his kids away from guns, then he should not have one.

But lambs leading lions, those who can't or don't want to have a gun for themselves, should never be in a position to take that right away from thouse that can handle it. Lest we look like England were just criminals own guns and if someone breaks into your house and you can't fight them off with a bat or a knife your screwed.

My wife owns here and I carry. If I am ever caught by the police its beacuse I needed to use it. And I would MUCH MUCH rather be caught by the police and pay my fine then be in a position where I NEEDED to use it but could not.

Better to pay a fine then to pay your respects.

Where can I get one of these "killer tookays" please? :o

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There seems to be a common vein which has come though on this thread...people who are really in the know about using firearms in real life situations appears to me have a concensus that you dont really need a firearm in Thailand or keep one in the house.

Yes, I think that is a valid observation.

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Lovinglife, I am also loving life which is why I would not want to be confronting any intruders with a golf club. The fact is the person already in the dwelling has a tactical advantage over 3 or 4 intruders in certain situations with regards to cover, line of fire and the element of surprise. I have been shot at when I had a gun, and when I didn't, and I much prefer to have one myself if that happens. The times I had a gun I shot the adversaries, sometimes causing their deaths. I have not lost any sleep over this, because once again I love my life as you love yours.In your scenario, and in your world of life and love, I guess once you drop your 5 iron or whatever the criminals do what? Say they are sorry and leave? Take 50 baht and light a candle? The fact is now you can identify them. So maybe they leave or maybe they rape your wife and slit your throat. As for these other arguments, Thailand is number 8 in the world in gun deaths. Perhaps you live in a different Thailand. And what of school shootings in Germany and crazed killers in Japan and China chopping up random victims. Or does your hatred of America blind you to these things? After saying all this, let me repeat I do not have a gun in my house. It is not worth the hassle to me as I live in a relatively safe area. But I do support the right of people to bear arms to defend themselves and families if their situation calls for it.

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Nah , don't need to bring a gun to Thailand , more than enough here already , just rent a room in Klong Touey , machine gun nest already set up , all you have to do is buy the bullets . This is a long way from Nam , although there is a gun problem for a few , could be innocent and shot like the unfortunate gentlemans daughter leaving a shopping mall , rare but still unfortunate and disturbing , Sincerely hope she has recovered from the trauma .

Hey guys , smile , it is almost Christmas .

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The fact is the person already in the dwelling has a tactical advantage over 3 or 4 intruders in certain situations with regards to cover, line of fire and the element of surprise.

Or does your hatred of America blind you to these things?

Blah blah blah...here we go weekend warrior sh*t...

And wait for it...Lovinglife.....you are an anti-american pinko commie....


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Blah blah or not, anyone in military or law enforcement knows a person in a dwelling has an advantage over someone trying to gain entry. You claim to have experience, so why don't you know i?.And once again what does it have to do with the guy whon wants to know if he can bring a handgun to Thailand. I don't want to tell war stories. My point was that I am alive today because I had a gun and knew how to use it. I am no good at golf. The bottom line is, if you can legally own a gun here, which still seems to be in question after all this, then go ahead and get one. Who cares what anybody thinks? And if you don't want one, don't get one.

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You claim to have experience, so why don't you know i? My point was that I am alive today because I had a gun and knew how to use.

Oh I have had plenty of experiences, which I never want to repeat...I too am alive to day because had a gun and knew how to use it...and from those experiences I decided I never wanted to touch a firearm again or live in a country which was so inherently violent.

So based on some of your earlier remarks, because I feel the way I do about firearms and people carrying said firearm's I am a coward...sorry I dont fit in with your John Wayne, John Rambo..shoot everthing in sight way of thinking because somebody looks at you funny..

Your remarks about tactical advantage...blah blah has place among people with military or law enforcement people, not the loonies on TV who think carrying a firearm is the ultimate fashion accessory, and anyone who comes on their property is going to get slotted.

Its very apprarent on TV, that there are quite a few people on here who are not the sharpest knives in the draw to begin with and you are advacating their right to run around Thailand with firearm in hand..

If you are Ex-military, Ex-law enforcement, would have thought you would know better....

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