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Thai Tone Modelling Device


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Would it be possible for someone to develop a thai tone modelling device to help non-native speakers pronounce the tones correctly?

I've seen graphs plotted of the tones (I presume frequency against time) and I thought it would be very helpful if I could see a plot of my tone reproduction on the same graph. I could then sit at home and repeat and repeat until I was hitting the tones accurately and consistently.

The reason I ask is because I can't hear myself how well I am doing, sounds fine to me, but not to Thais, unfortunately.

Shouldn't be too hard for some bod to make and market?

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This discussion came up a while ago and the following was recommended. I can't vouch for it as I haven't got round to using it yet.

voice viewer

Actually your post might just get me off my backside to do something about it at long last. Thanks.

thanks, i'll try have a go with that voice viewer, maybe play some thai syllables into it, then try and copy. cheers.

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