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Smoking Now Banned In All Go Go Bars?


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You guys that enjoy polluting your lungs ( Incredible as it sounds ) can go outside and poison yourself and leave those not wishing to breathe in your poison and have stinky hair and clothes to themselves.

And if I saw you light up in a non smoking bar I'd call the police and laugh as you paid the fine.

Non smoking bars are a godsend for non smokers and you guys that choose to smoke can stand outside and offend no other person, not too difficult is it ?

Personally I'd like to see smoking baned in any public place, that includes outside of building, sidewalks etc, you smokers should have special capsules where you can enter through specially sealed doors to puff away till your hearts content, or at least until that heart attack comes. Leaving the rest of the population to choose not to breathe in your filth.

The air is polluted enough already in this industrialised world, non smokers don't wana breathe in your cancer sticks when they have a choice, I'm all for non smoking bars, and also bars for smokers, then one truely has a choice.

I've walked into many bars in Thailand and walked straight back out again as the smoke was overpowering, I've never walked out of a smoke free bar.

Sorry lads, but smoking is a filthy habit, its expensive, it ain't no good for you or anyone around you, and you stink.

I know you're addicts and I guess governments are to blame for your addiction, but they make too much money out of you to ban it, so I guess you'll be addicts for the rest of your short lives.

Give it up lads, you know it makes sense! :o

Somewhere in here the poster is trying to make a point , but so subtly woven is the argument that I can't see it. So come on man get off the fence. Are you for non smoking bars, Yes or No! :D

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I find it amazing that a person would try and defend smoking as anything other than a way to intentionally harm your body, unintentionally harm others, provide tax revenue for corrupt governments, burden the health care system and perpetuate the pharmaceutical companies treatment over a cure financial schemes.

Using the automobile as a counterpoint to justify smoking is childish. While automobiles pollute, they serve a purpose.

What purpose does smoking provide?

Calm your nerves? I'm sure a BJ would do better to clam your nerves and the cost to your body and wallet is justifiable vs the the toll smoking has on your wallet and body...and society in general.

"Ha ha yeah but some of these girls mouth I'd rather have cancer...ha ha "

Yeah lung cancer vs an STD.....not even the same ball field.

I wonder if you would consider talking to my wife and extolling the benefits to my health of the BJ?

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I find it amazing that a person would try and defend smoking as anything other than a way to intentionally harm your body, unintentionally harm others, provide tax revenue for corrupt governments, burden the health care system and perpetuate the pharmaceutical companies treatment over a cure financial schemes.

Using the automobile as a counterpoint to justify smoking is childish. While automobiles pollute, they serve a purpose.

What purpose does smoking provide?

Calm your nerves? I'm sure a BJ would do better to clam your nerves and the cost to your body and wallet is justifiable vs the the toll smoking has on your wallet and body...and society in general.

"Ha ha yeah but some of these girls mouth I'd rather have cancer...ha ha "

Yeah lung cancer vs an STD.....not even the same ball field.

I wonder if you would consider talking to my wife and extolling the benefits to my health of the BJ?

How about I provide some talking points help you out shipmate. I think you would do a more enthusiastic job sing as you would be the one benefiting :o :

1. Easing depression and stress

“The release from orgasm does much to calm people. It helps with sleep, and that is whether we talk about solo sex or sex with a partner,” she says.But wait, there’s more. A recent study of college students at the State University of New York in Albany suggests that semen acts as an antidepressant. Females in the study who were having sex without condoms (see safe sex caution, above) had fewer signs of depression than women who used condoms or abstained from sex.

2. Relieving pain

Orgasm is a powerful pain-killer. Oxytocin, a natural chemical in the body that surges before and during climax, gets some of the credit, along with a couple of other compounds like endorphins.

According to a study by Beverly Whipple, professor emeritus at Rutgers University and a famed sexologist and author, when women masturbated to orgasm “the pain tolerance threshold and pain detection threshold increased significantly by 74.6 percent and 106.7 percent respectively.”

3. Boosting cardio health

I can’t resist another plug for semen. It’s possible that male goo can lower blood pressure. Another recent study found that women who gave their men oral sex, and swallowed, had a lower risk of preeclampsia, the dangerously high blood pressure that sometimes accompanies pregnancy.

There have been other studies showing that sex lowers blood pressure, and might even protect against strokes because of its stress-relieving ability.

4. Countering prostate cancer

Over the past few years, several journals have published studies showing that the more ejaculations the better.

Now the Journal of the American Medical Association, no less, has reported that “high ejaculation frequency was related to decreased risk of total prostate cancer.” It doesn’t matter how a man climaxes -- intercourse or masturbation. So next time he says, “Really, honey, it’s therapy,” he could be telling the truth.

5. Healing wounds

Some evidence suggests sex can be rejuvenating to the point of helping wounds to heal faster. Several experiments have shown that oxytocin can help even stubborn sores, like those suffered by diabetics, to heal by regenerating certain cells.

6. Fighting aging

Maybe it’s the rejuvenation, maybe the happiness, maybe all of the above. One thing’s for sure: “Use it or lose it” is literally true. For example, postmenopausal women often suffer from “vaginal atrophy,” which is what it sounds like and can lead to all sorts of complications like urinary tract infections. What’s one way to prevent it? More intercourse.

Sex is a form of exercise, after all, and like all exercise, it burns calories and can help battle the onslaught of the years. In fact, nursing home experts say they wish oldsters would have more sex.

Can sex really make you live longer? Maybe. In the same population of British men I cited earlier, researchers found a 50 percent reduction in overall mortality in the group of men who said they had the most orgasms. There was a dose response: the more orgasms, the better.

Of course, as Kinsey’s Bass reminds us, it could be that these blokes were just healthier and felt like having sex more often. But since there’s no evidence that lots of sex is bad for you, what have you got to lose?

Edited by Mattchu9999
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I find it amazing that a person would try and defend smoking as anything other than a way to intentionally harm your body, unintentionally harm others, provide tax revenue for corrupt governments, burden the health care system and perpetuate the pharmaceutical companies treatment over a cure financial schemes.

Using the automobile as a counterpoint to justify smoking is childish. While automobiles pollute, they serve a purpose.

What purpose does smoking provide?

Calm your nerves? I'm sure a BJ would do better to clam your nerves and the cost to your body and wallet is justifiable vs the the toll smoking has on your wallet and body...and society in general.

"Ha ha yeah but some of these girls mouth I'd rather have cancer...ha ha "

Yeah lung cancer vs an STD.....not even the same ball field.

Yes, automobiles serve a purpose but then again so do farming pesticides and other cancer causing chemicals - great argument. Anyways, like I said, you can choose not to be exposed to second hand smoke quite easy these days, but why can I not have the same benefit from your car?

It seems smokers have had their rights narrowed down (and most of us can live with the changes) quite a bit while that of car drivers have not because we can't see the smoke.It's pretty hard to put the combustable engine genie back in the bottle because of your driving addiction.

Are your brake discs lined with asbestos by chance?

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Sex is a form of exercise, after all, and like all exercise, it burns calories and can help battle the onslaught of the years. In fact, nursing home experts say they wish oldsters would have more sex.

Can sex really make you live longer? Maybe. In the same population of British men I cited earlier, researchers found a 50 percent reduction in overall mortality in the group of men who said they had the most orgasms. There was a dose response: the more orgasms, the better.

Of course, as Kinsey’s Bass reminds us, it could be that these blokes were just healthier and felt like having sex more often. But since there’s no evidence that lots of sex is bad for you, what have you got to lose?

I think is may be that healthier older men are the ones who tend to have sex more. But you are right. What do you have to lose?

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Smokers once again ranting about their human rights narrowed down blah blah blah. Get a grip.

If you haven't got the minerels/will power or man points to give up smoking which by the way is a piece of p1ss then may i suggest a large bottle of vodka and a jar of pain killers to be induced immediately.

Oxygen thieves.

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Yes, automobiles serve a purpose but then again so do farming pesticides and other cancer causing chemicals - great argument. Anyways, like I said, you can choose not to be exposed to second hand smoke quite easy these days, but why can I not have the same benefit from your car?

It seems smokers have had their rights narrowed down (and most of us can live with the changes) quite a bit while that of car drivers have not because we can't see the smoke.It's pretty hard to put the combustable engine genie back in the bottle because of your driving addiction.

Are your brake discs lined with asbestos by chance?

Yes, we should clean up the air by making better cars. Cars certainly put out more pollutants per person/km travelled than many other forms of transport. But don't kid yourself. Everytime you take a taxi, a bus, the BTS, you are also contributing to air pollution. All those either put pollutants directly in the air or put pollutants in the air while generating the power to run them.

I saw you and spoke to you at the party on Friday. How did you get there? Did you walk? And if you did walk, how do you think the bar got stocked with drinks? Vehicles brought them. And how did you get to THailand? Airplanes produce far more pollutants per person/km travelled than any ground vehicle.

We all have a carbon footprint, and we all contribute to air pollution. I agree with you 100% that we need to reduce that. Air pollution causes untold suffering and death. But none of that changes the fact that banning smoking in bars will have health and comfort benefits to those patrons and workers in those bars.

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I find it amazing that a person would try and defend smoking as anything other than a way to intentionally harm your body, unintentionally harm others, provide tax revenue for corrupt governments, burden the health care system and perpetuate the pharmaceutical companies treatment over a cure financial schemes.

Using the automobile as a counterpoint to justify smoking is childish. While automobiles pollute, they serve a purpose.

What purpose does smoking provide?

Calm your nerves? I'm sure a BJ would do better to clam your nerves and the cost to your body and wallet is justifiable vs the the toll smoking has on your wallet and body...and society in general.

"Ha ha yeah but some of these girls mouth I'd rather have cancer...ha ha "

Yeah lung cancer vs an STD.....not even the same ball field.

Yes, automobiles serve a purpose but then again so do farming pesticides and other cancer causing chemicals - great argument. Anyways, like I said, you can choose not to be exposed to second hand smoke quite easy these days, but why can I not have the same benefit from your car?

It seems smokers have had their rights narrowed down (and most of us can live with the changes) quite a bit while that of car drivers have not because we can't see the smoke.It's pretty hard to put the combustable engine genie back in the bottle because of your driving addiction.

Are your brake discs lined with asbestos by chance?

Yes it IS a great argument as you couldn't compare any benefit of smoking to the purpose of vehicles. Pesticides while harmful have served their purpose....

But again I say smoking serves no purpose so yes it IS a great argument.


Yes we all can chose to do something, but do we?

You say "smokers rights" Please provide us on these forums with any "Smokers bill of rights" or "Smokers rights" in any shape way or form.

Smokers rights...lol then where are non smokers rights?

Your smoking serves no purpose. So since it serves no purpose I have every right to celebrate laws keeping you from practicing your destructive useless hobby.

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Yes, automobiles serve a purpose but then again so do farming pesticides and other cancer causing chemicals - great argument. Anyways, like I said, you can choose not to be exposed to second hand smoke quite easy these days, but why can I not have the same benefit from your car?

It seems smokers have had their rights narrowed down (and most of us can live with the changes) quite a bit while that of car drivers have not because we can't see the smoke.It's pretty hard to put the combustable engine genie back in the bottle because of your driving addiction.

Are your brake discs lined with asbestos by chance?

Yes, we should clean up the air by making better cars. Cars certainly put out more pollutants per person/km travelled than many other forms of transport. But don't kid yourself. Everytime you take a taxi, a bus, the BTS, you are also contributing to air pollution. All those either put pollutants directly in the air or put pollutants in the air while generating the power to run them.

I saw you and spoke to you at the party on Friday. How did you get there? Did you walk? And if you did walk, how do you think the bar got stocked with drinks? Vehicles brought them. And how did you get to THailand? Airplanes produce far more pollutants per person/km travelled than any ground vehicle.

We all have a carbon footprint, and we all contribute to air pollution. I agree with you 100% that we need to reduce that. Air pollution causes untold suffering and death. But none of that changes the fact that banning smoking in bars will have health and comfort benefits to those patrons and workers in those bars.

I took the bts and walked mate. I swam to Thailand. :o

Make sure your turn your car off while sitting at the traffic light tonight ok. Thanks. Your last point, DONT GO TO SMOKEY BARS and then you can stop whining about it.

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If you want it like home, go home Maijo!

As in, country of origin home.

Nobody but yourself listens to this fun police / puritanical, expat snob mentallity you show yourself up with.

Sorry but smoking is about as dangerous as drinking IMO. You just have to smoke less, just as you would with the drink.

Cause if you're banning smoking, then you might as well ration alcohol as well, the two very often go hand in hand. :D

Nobody is stopping you from smoking or give a dam_n if you smoke a dozen packs a day....if the law says that the premises prohibit smoking then it is against the law to smoke in the premises..why can't you go out and pollute your lungs instead of polluting other patrons lungs too :o:D ....

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If you want it like home, go home Maijo!

As in, country of origin home.

Nobody but yourself listens to this fun police / puritanical, expat snob mentallity you show yourself up with.

Sorry but smoking is about as dangerous as drinking IMO. You just have to smoke less, just as you would with the drink.

Cause if you're banning smoking, then you might as well ration alcohol as well, the two very often go hand in hand. :D

Nobody is stopping you from smoking or give a dam_n if you smoke a dozen packs a day....if the law says that the premises prohibit smoking then it is against the law to smoke in the premises..why can't you go out and pollute your lungs instead of polluting other patrons lungs too :o:D ....

My suggestion would be if someone or some establishment is violating the law then visit your nearest police station and file a complaint. Ok, are we done now?

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Yes, automobiles serve a purpose but then again so do farming pesticides and other cancer causing chemicals - great argument. Anyways, like I said, you can choose not to be exposed to second hand smoke quite easy these days, but why can I not have the same benefit from your car?

It seems smokers have had their rights narrowed down (and most of us can live with the changes) quite a bit while that of car drivers have not because we can't see the smoke.It's pretty hard to put the combustable engine genie back in the bottle because of your driving addiction.

Are your brake discs lined with asbestos by chance?

Yes, we should clean up the air by making better cars. Cars certainly put out more pollutants per person/km travelled than many other forms of transport. But don't kid yourself. Everytime you take a taxi, a bus, the BTS, you are also contributing to air pollution. All those either put pollutants directly in the air or put pollutants in the air while generating the power to run them.

I saw you and spoke to you at the party on Friday. How did you get there? Did you walk? And if you did walk, how do you think the bar got stocked with drinks? Vehicles brought them. And how did you get to THailand? Airplanes produce far more pollutants per person/km travelled than any ground vehicle.

We all have a carbon footprint, and we all contribute to air pollution. I agree with you 100% that we need to reduce that. Air pollution causes untold suffering and death. But none of that changes the fact that banning smoking in bars will have health and comfort benefits to those patrons and workers in those bars.

I took the bts and walked mate. I swam to Thailand. :o

Make sure your turn your car off while sitting at the traffic light tonight ok. Thanks. Your last point, DONT GO TO SMOKEY BARS and then you can stop whining about it.

You know, usually, in my humble opinion, your serious posts are either right on or reasonable, even if I don't always agree with them. But not that it matters one whit to you, in this case, I think you are just plain wrong. You contribute to the very air pollution in BKK that you decry here in an attempt to push the focus away from how your smoking affects others. Your flying here contributes much more to air pollution than any Thai who simply drives his or her car. Your snide comments about SUV's or whatever can't change that fact. And if you don't drive purely for green reasons, well, good on you. But if you don't drive because of traffic or other reasons, then it is disingenuous to try to use your not driving to justify any supposed point.

For your info, yes, I drive a Prius, and yes, it does turn off when I am at a light. And the minute they become available in Thailand, I will buy one for here, too. But all of that is irrelevant to this thread. THis is about smoking, and once again, the two are not connected. And in the past, I do avoid smokey places. That has been my choice. But if the law has changed here in Thailand, should I be sorry that public places are healthier and more comfortable? That is ludicrous. I am happy for the law, nothing else. So why would I whine? The only whining here has been coming from you.

I am sure you are a great guy, fun to be with, intelligent, etc., etc., etc. Your posts do show a certain sense of humor. But boy, you are way out on a limb on this one, and it is a shame you can't see things from others' perspectives. In my humble opinion.

Edited by bonobo
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Yes, automobiles serve a purpose but then again so do farming pesticides and other cancer causing chemicals - great argument. Anyways, like I said, you can choose not to be exposed to second hand smoke quite easy these days, but why can I not have the same benefit from your car?

It seems smokers have had their rights narrowed down (and most of us can live with the changes) quite a bit while that of car drivers have not because we can't see the smoke.It's pretty hard to put the combustable engine genie back in the bottle because of your driving addiction.

Are your brake discs lined with asbestos by chance?

Yes, we should clean up the air by making better cars. Cars certainly put out more pollutants per person/km travelled than many other forms of transport. But don't kid yourself. Everytime you take a taxi, a bus, the BTS, you are also contributing to air pollution. All those either put pollutants directly in the air or put pollutants in the air while generating the power to run them.

I saw you and spoke to you at the party on Friday. How did you get there? Did you walk? And if you did walk, how do you think the bar got stocked with drinks? Vehicles brought them. And how did you get to THailand? Airplanes produce far more pollutants per person/km travelled than any ground vehicle.

We all have a carbon footprint, and we all contribute to air pollution. I agree with you 100% that we need to reduce that. Air pollution causes untold suffering and death. But none of that changes the fact that banning smoking in bars will have health and comfort benefits to those patrons and workers in those bars.

I took the bts and walked mate. I swam to Thailand. :o

Make sure your turn your car off while sitting at the traffic light tonight ok. Thanks. Your last point, DONT GO TO SMOKEY BARS and then you can stop whining about it.

You know, usually, in my humble opinion, your serious posts are either right on or reasonable, even if I don't agree with them. But not that it matters one whit to you, in this case, I think you are just plain wrong. You contribute to the very air pollution in BKK that you decry here in an attempt to push the focus away from how your smoking affects others. Your flying here contributes much more to air pollution than any Thai who simply drives his or her car. Your snide comments about SUV's or whatever can't change that fact. And if you don't drive purely for green reasons, well, good on you. But if you don't drive because of traffic or other reasons, then it is disingenuous to try to use your not driving to justify any supposed point.

For your info, yes, I drive a Prius, and yes, it does turn off when I am at a light. And the minute they become available in Thailand, I will buy one for here, too. But all of that is irrelevant to this thread. THis is about smoking, and once again, the two are not connected. And in the past, I do avoid smokey places. That has been my choice. But if the law has changed here in Thailand, should I be sorry that public places are healthier and more comfortable? That is ludicrous. I am happy for the law, nothing else. So why would I whine? The only whining here has been coming from you.

I am sure you are a great guy, fun to be with, intelligent, etc., etc., etc. Your posts do show a certain sense of humor. But boy, you are way out on a limb on this one, and it is a shame you can't see things from others' perspectives. In my humble opinion.

Question for you. The other night when we were all at the piss-up, did us smokers not go outside for our puff? Did we light up beside you or inside the premises? NO. Move on.

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Question for you. The other night when we were all at the piss-up, did us smokers not go outside for our puff? Did we light up beside you or inside the premises? NO. Move on.

Yes, you all went outside. And that was appreciated. So why is it so hard for you to accept that there is now a law that requires you to do this? You are doing it anyway.

You are the one who has taken this on a crusade in this thread, not the other way around. In fact, I have agreed with most of what you have posted here, except for the fact that the other evils somehow negate the need to fix this one problem.

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Banning all smoking throughout the Thailand would be a good thing. I hate breathing in second hand smoke anywhere and don't like the idea of tax money going to help destitute cancer people who smoke themselves into that condition knowing what will happen while they selfishly offend everyone else in the process. If they want nicotine why not wear a patch rather than pollute the air and their lungs?

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Question for you. The other night when we were all at the piss-up, did us smokers not go outside for our puff? Did we light up beside you or inside the premises? NO. Move on.

Yes, you all went outside. And that was appreciated. So why is it so hard for you to accept that there is now a law that requires you to do this? You are doing it anyway.

You are the one who has taken this on a crusade in this thread, not the other way around. In fact, I have agreed with most of what you have posted here, except for the fact that the other evils somehow negate the need to fix this one problem.

I think you need to re-read the posts. The OP asked if there were gg bars that allowed smoking. Simple enough question. Then the non-smoking brigade rained in with their usual stuff that it is against the law, bad for your health etc.

My point is the non-smoking coalition has been winning the wars for right or wrong, you decide. I have to smoke outside a bar, so be it. But I do object strongly to you (or anyone else) telling me how to live my life. Smoking is bad for me, ok, I accept that fact. When it becomes illegal to smoke, I will abide by the law. Until that time, please mind your own business.

Can't do that you say? ok then I will bring up your cancer causing lifestyle if we want to really be concerned with the health of others. How many people who have never smoked or been exposed to 2nd hand smoke have died of lung cancer in the world this year? What do you attribute this to? The arguement could go on and on and on.

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Question for you. The other night when we were all at the piss-up, did us smokers not go outside for our puff? Did we light up beside you or inside the premises? NO. Move on.

Yes, you all went outside. And that was appreciated. So why is it so hard for you to accept that there is now a law that requires you to do this? You are doing it anyway.

You are the one who has taken this on a crusade in this thread, not the other way around. In fact, I have agreed with most of what you have posted here, except for the fact that the other evils somehow negate the need to fix this one problem.

I think you need to re-read the posts. The OP asked if there were gg bars that allowed smoking. Simple enough question. Then the non-smoking brigade rained in with their usual stuff that it is against the law, bad for your health etc.

My point is the non-smoking coalition has been winning the wars for right or wrong, you decide. I have to smoke outside a bar, so be it. But I do object strongly to you (or anyone else) telling me how to live my life. Smoking is bad for me, ok, I accept that fact. When it becomes illegal to smoke, I will abide by the law. Until that time, please mind your own business.

Can't do that you say? ok then I will bring up your cancer causing lifestyle if we want to really be concerned with the health of others. How many people who have never smoked or been exposed to 2nd hand smoke have died of lung cancer in the world this year? What do you attribute this to? The arguement could go on and on and on.

The "non-smoking brigade" merely expressed opinions on this topic. You brought up valid facts about other harmful practices, but that were irrelevant to this case in hand.

And once again, bringing up cancers which have nothing to do with cigaratte smoke has nothing to do with a smoking subject. Of course there are many causes of cancer. But this law helps address just one small cause of cancer, one which killed my brother, so I am sorry if I have a personal interest in this.

I have not otld you to stop smoking. That is your choice. But to agree with a law which prevents smoking in public places is my business. Something which affects me is my business. You have criticized me (as a driver) for pulluting your air. Fair enough. That is your business, too. BUt it goes both ways.

Well, I have tried to remain civil, and I think I have done this (unlike some others who have posted pretty pointed jabs at you). You are an opinionated man, and I can respect that. I just think you are totally off-base on this one, and whether from feeling defensive about it or not, I really don't know why you have been in attack mode. Or why you can't possible empathize with anyone else who thinks differently from you. So be it. With that, I will leave off and stop this inane back-and-forth. I am done (and need to get to the gym now anyway). And at the next TV meeting, if you go outside to take a smoke, well, I will have absolutely no problem with you.

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Back on topic for those who asked the original question.

GG bars / bars I know of that allow it....include Hollywood 3rd floor NP, Mandarin 2nd floor, 2nd level, at Cowboy, Baccarat 2nd floor.

Night clubs - Spice club under the ambassador hotel. Soi 8 pub, Huntsmen Pub.

For those with objections to these and other establishments allowing it, you can organise a boycott of these places, perhaps even get together some picket signs and drop by on Friday night to express your thoughts. Make sure you check with the bible bangers as to what night they protest so as not to become mistaken for one of them.

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I applaud smokers, as they pay high taxes, and are willing to die earlier from quite horrific lung diseases in some cases, thus not burdening the social welfare system with pensions.

In effect, they are honourable people, laying down their lives for us, and they happily pay very high taxes on their fags thus increasing the government coffers funding smoke free advertising and the like.

As foul and disgusting bad breath yellow toothed puffers, they also remove themselves nicely from the dating pool, thus leaving more hot hos for the rest of us.

All in all, I think we should be thanking them. Now the smokers can't even go to an agogo; I always thought it was the Japanese that were driving up the prices; based on last night's tour of Nana with numerous short times offered for 500b or less, it seems quite clear that the smokers have now kindly stopped driving up the relentless short time inflation factor.*

* some of this might be <deleted>.

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Every time this topic pops up we get the same crap and most miss the point by a country mile.


I dont give a damm if you smoke or not its your right too choose, but its not your right

to smoke in the place that I have to spend 8hours a day working.

so NO smoking in the workplace

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Every time this topic pops up we get the same crap and most miss the point by a country mile.


I dont give a damm if you smoke or not its your right too choose, but its not your right

to smoke in the place that I have to spend 8hours a day working.

so NO smoking in the workplace

Exactly, now take your complaint to the police.

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That depends on your belief system of choice Mr Matt.

Sorry "belief" and "faith" is the destroyer or reason which is why I dont.

I can use reason to prove my point.

Can you use reason to prove yours?

Reason doesn't prove sht mate. It's just another method of controlling someone to go to your side or belief (which reason is another form of)

Lets leave it as this is more to do with smoking more than the meta-physical vs atheists vs believers. :o

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Bonobo ----

are you aware that the WHO has twice created studies (long range) attempting to prove 2nd hand smoke was as dangerous as people claimed and twice had the results come back inconclusive!

Anecdotal evidence would support the 2nd hand smoke claim ... but not emprical research so it seems :)ztv

I've opened a veritable pandoras box here :o

The whole 'proof' is based on lab rats assumptionistic circumstancial evidence, plus a militant anti smoking lobby which jumps on any remote link, which the media spews out to the masses.

This makes people subconciously thinking its a fact, if they read the end of the article they'll realise it is not proof, just some assumptions

'He went into a bar and the smoke gave him cancer!' Really? Did the bar manifest it and just tell you that?

Cancer forms based on an individuals genetic make-up 1 = cancer, 0 = won't get cancer, 0.5 may get cancer.

Variables such as healthy eating, excercise and a postive mental outlook etc etc lessen the risk.

So it stands to reason that a person who is unhealthy and doesn't excercise and is depressive will certainly be at risk. Add directly smoking many many cigarettes and you add another small variable.

The lungs expell harmfull toxins and tobacco smoke etc etc.

The fact that theres a ton of sht in the atmosphere from asbestos mining (incurable, lungs cannot expel the mineral), nuclear testing residue (which is all over the place from the testing that took place post WW2) and other carcagenic material that's non tobacco based should start alarm bells ringing.

Well let me tell you a story, back in the 1990s when drugs testing came in a bunch of army dope heads tried to get out of the hook by claiming second hand cannabis smokers in the same room as them was the reason and not that they smoked themselves.

Well the army did its research and found that

You'd have to be in a telephone box full of smokers for hours on end to get the same amount of smoke inhalation as they did!

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I find it amazing that a person would try and defend smoking as anything other than a way to intentionally harm your body, unintentionally harm others, provide tax revenue for corrupt governments, burden the health care system and perpetuate the pharmaceutical companies treatment over a cure financial schemes.

Using the automobile as a counterpoint to justify smoking is childish. While automobiles pollute, they serve a purpose.

What purpose does smoking provide?

Calm your nerves? I'm sure a BJ would do better to clam your nerves and the cost to your body and wallet is justifiable vs the the toll smoking has on your wallet and body...and society in general.

"Ha ha yeah but some of these girls mouth I'd rather have cancer...ha ha "

Yeah lung cancer vs an STD.....not even the same ball field.

I wonder if you would consider talking to my wife and extolling the benefits to my health of the BJ?

How about I provide some talking points help you out shipmate. I think you would do a more enthusiastic job sing as you would be the one benefiting :D :

1. Easing depression and stress

“The release from orgasm does much to calm people. It helps with sleep, and that is whether we talk about solo sex or sex with a partner,” she says.But wait, there’s more. A recent study of college students at the State University of New York in Albany suggests that semen acts as an antidepressant. Females in the study who were having sex without condoms (see safe sex caution, above) had fewer signs of depression than women who used condoms or abstained from sex.

2. Relieving pain

Orgasm is a powerful pain-killer. Oxytocin, a natural chemical in the body that surges before and during climax, gets some of the credit, along with a couple of other compounds like endorphins.

According to a study by Beverly Whipple, professor emeritus at Rutgers University and a famed sexologist and author, when women masturbated to orgasm “the pain tolerance threshold and pain detection threshold increased significantly by 74.6 percent and 106.7 percent respectively.”

3. Boosting cardio health

I can’t resist another plug for semen. It’s possible that male goo can lower blood pressure. Another recent study found that women who gave their men oral sex, and swallowed, had a lower risk of preeclampsia, the dangerously high blood pressure that sometimes accompanies pregnancy.

There have been other studies showing that sex lowers blood pressure, and might even protect against strokes because of its stress-relieving ability.

4. Countering prostate cancer

Over the past few years, several journals have published studies showing that the more ejaculations the better.

Now the Journal of the American Medical Association, no less, has reported that “high ejaculation frequency was related to decreased risk of total prostate cancer.” It doesn’t matter how a man climaxes -- intercourse or masturbation. So next time he says, “Really, honey, it’s therapy,” he could be telling the truth.

5. Healing wounds

Some evidence suggests sex can be rejuvenating to the point of helping wounds to heal faster. Several experiments have shown that oxytocin can help even stubborn sores, like those suffered by diabetics, to heal by regenerating certain cells.

6. Fighting aging

Maybe it’s the rejuvenation, maybe the happiness, maybe all of the above. One thing’s for sure: “Use it or lose it” is literally true. For example, postmenopausal women often suffer from “vaginal atrophy,” which is what it sounds like and can lead to all sorts of complications like urinary tract infections. What’s one way to prevent it? More intercourse.

Sex is a form of exercise, after all, and like all exercise, it burns calories and can help battle the onslaught of the years. In fact, nursing home experts say they wish oldsters would have more sex.

Can sex really make you live longer? Maybe. In the same population of British men I cited earlier, researchers found a 50 percent reduction in overall mortality in the group of men who said they had the most orgasms. There was a dose response: the more orgasms, the better.

Of course, as Kinsey’s Bass reminds us, it could be that these blokes were just healthier and felt like having sex more often. But since there’s no evidence that lots of sex is bad for you, what have you got to lose?

Too much sex can also be bad for you, like I keep harping on about, moderation is the key. :o

Here's a link, from recognised Chinese sources:


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I find it amazing that a person would try and defend smoking as anything other than a way to intentionally harm your body, unintentionally harm others, provide tax revenue for corrupt governments, burden the health care system and perpetuate the pharmaceutical companies treatment over a cure financial schemes.

Using the automobile as a counterpoint to justify smoking is childish. While automobiles pollute, they serve a purpose.

What purpose does smoking provide?

Calm your nerves? I'm sure a BJ would do better to clam your nerves and the cost to your body and wallet is justifiable vs the the toll smoking has on your wallet and body...and society in general.

"Ha ha yeah but some of these girls mouth I'd rather have cancer...ha ha "

Yeah lung cancer vs an STD.....not even the same ball field.

Yes, automobiles serve a purpose but then again so do farming pesticides and other cancer causing chemicals - great argument. Anyways, like I said, you can choose not to be exposed to second hand smoke quite easy these days, but why can I not have the same benefit from your car?

It seems smokers have had their rights narrowed down (and most of us can live with the changes) quite a bit while that of car drivers have not because we can't see the smoke.It's pretty hard to put the combustable engine genie back in the bottle because of your driving addiction.

Are your brake discs lined with asbestos by chance?

If they are sourced from China (an importer and exporter of asbestos BTW) there is an excellent chance of being exposed everytime cars put on the brakes.

Take a deep breath when next in the BKK rush hour, you'll get the nice serpentine mineral straight down to the lungs :o

This is one reason why all the traffic coppers wear them when out on the streets.

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I find it amazing that a person would try and defend smoking as anything other than a way to intentionally harm your body, unintentionally harm others, provide tax revenue for corrupt governments, burden the health care system and perpetuate the pharmaceutical companies treatment over a cure financial schemes.

Using the automobile as a counterpoint to justify smoking is childish. While automobiles pollute, they serve a purpose.

What purpose does smoking provide?

Calm your nerves? I'm sure a BJ would do better to clam your nerves and the cost to your body and wallet is justifiable vs the the toll smoking has on your wallet and body...and society in general.

"Ha ha yeah but some of these girls mouth I'd rather have cancer...ha ha "

Yeah lung cancer vs an STD.....not even the same ball field.

Yes, automobiles serve a purpose but then again so do farming pesticides and other cancer causing chemicals - great argument. Anyways, like I said, you can choose not to be exposed to second hand smoke quite easy these days, but why can I not have the same benefit from your car?

It seems smokers have had their rights narrowed down (and most of us can live with the changes) quite a bit while that of car drivers have not because we can't see the smoke.It's pretty hard to put the combustable engine genie back in the bottle because of your driving addiction.

Are your brake discs lined with asbestos by chance?

If they are sourced from China (an importer and exporter of asbestos BTW) there is an excellent chance of being exposed everytime cars put on the brakes.

Take a deep breath when next in the BKK rush hour, you'll get the nice serpentine mineral straight down to the lungs :o

This is one reason why all the traffic coppers wear them when out on the streets.

And all this time I thought they did it because they had a cold.

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