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News On The Telly :(


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I'm starting to wonder... The never ending propaganda and guilt trip shi*e that the BBC, SKY and CNN seem to want to ram down my throat is really driving me crazy..

Is it my imagination? Or is almost every news programme filled with hardship and hard luck stories from developing countries... Okay I know natural disasters are newsworthy and I don't have a problem with them.. But it's the I'm starving, I can't get a job, I live in a mud hut oh woe is me type I'm ranting about.. They all seem to be aimed at provoking guilt and anguish amongst their (usually) wealthier Western viewers.. And worse trying to say it's our fault.. WHY are their corrupt govenments and district leaders never mentioned? What about the millions of Dollars/Pounds/Euros sent in aid every year syphoned off by corrupt officialdom. Why have their countries never developed.. why if there are so many out of work aren't they building infrastructure ? Why do they never investigate the continual tribal and ethnic wars and expose the real reason there is poverty in Africa.. How can a country with so much natural resorce be in such a state.. Generally I'd just like to see a return to impartial newscasting.. And to get away from all this guilt trip socialism... Just for once I'd like to turn on the BBC and see some news about Britain ( apart from Mr Broon ) Isn't that what the British Broadcasting Corp. is for ? When I watch the ABC it's primarily about Aussies... Same with Fox and to an extent CNN..They have programming about the USA.. Why is the BBC only ever about India, Pakistan, Africa and of course the so**ing Palestinians ?

Edited by Pdaz
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Perhaps the poor starving people of the world should be more considerate before bothering the rest of us with their stories of woe then, the selfish b&stards!

Oh, and you would have been watching BBC WORLD, with WORLD referring to the errrrmm WORLD as opposedto just Britain.

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I'm starting to wonder... The never ending propaganda and guilt trip shi*e that the BBC, SKY and CNN seem to want to ram down my throat is really driving me crazy..

Is it my imagination? Or is almost every news programme filled with hardship and hard luck stories from developing countries... Okay I know natural disasters are newsworthy and I don't have a problem with them.. But it's the I'm starving, I can't get a job, I live in a mud hut oh woe is me type I'm ranting about.. They all seem to be aimed at provoking guilt and anguish amongst their (usually) wealthier Western viewers.. And worse trying to say it's our fault.. WHY are their corrupt govenments and district leaders never mentioned? What about the millions of Dollars/Pounds/Euros sent in aid every year syphoned off by corrupt officialdom. Why have their countries never developed.. why if there are so many out of work aren't they building infrastructure ? Why do they never investigate the continual tribal and ethnic wars and expose the real reason there is poverty in Africa.. How can a country with so much natural resorce be in such a state.. Generally I'd just like to see a return to impartial newscasting.. And to get away from all this guilt trip socialism... Just for once I'd like to turn on the BBC and see some news about Britain ( apart from Mr Broon ) Isn't that what the British Broadcasting Corp. is for ? When I watch the ABC it's primarily about Aussies... Same with Fox and to an extent CNN..They have programming about the USA.. Why is the BBC only ever about India, Pakistan, Africa and of course the so**ing Palestinians ?

You may or may not know that Thailand is not in Africa.

so it is very off-topic

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Not really cos it concerns the TV I'm watching in Thailand ..

Oh and BBC World yes.. But last time I checked the UK was included ... and what about all the other countries.. I know Africa is large but surely it shouldn't dominate the news every day.

Maybe if the staving spent less time on telly they's have more time to look for food :o

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the news just reports whats happening not why

That's not true - they present only a very very thin slice of all that is happening. I guess it's this choice of what to report is that the OP is ranting about.

I'm fed up with "green" stories myself, don't mind African suffering anymore - I've been successfully desensetised in that regard.

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I'm starting to wonder... The never ending propaganda and guilt trip shi*e that the BBC, SKY and CNN seem to want to ram down my throat is really driving me crazy..

Is it my imagination? Or is almost every news programme filled with hardship and hard luck stories from developing countries... Okay I know natural disasters are newsworthy and I don't have a problem with them.. But it's the I'm starving, I can't get a job, I live in a mud hut oh woe is me type I'm ranting about.. They all seem to be aimed at provoking guilt and anguish amongst their (usually) wealthier Western viewers.. And worse trying to say it's our fault.. WHY are their corrupt govenments and district leaders never mentioned? What about the millions of Dollars/Pounds/Euros sent in aid every year syphoned off by corrupt officialdom. Why have their countries never developed.. why if there are so many out of work aren't they building infrastructure ? Why do they never investigate the continual tribal and ethnic wars and expose the real reason there is poverty in Africa.. How can a country with so much natural resorce be in such a state.. Generally I'd just like to see a return to impartial newscasting.. And to get away from all this guilt trip socialism... Just for once I'd like to turn on the BBC and see some news about Britain ( apart from Mr Broon ) Isn't that what the British Broadcasting Corp. is for ? When I watch the ABC it's primarily about Aussies... Same with Fox and to an extent CNN..They have programming about the USA.. Why is the BBC only ever about India, Pakistan, Africa and of course the so**ing Palestinians ?

You may or may not know that Thailand is not in Africa.

so it is very off-topic

Yes but if he was sitting in he’s chair in he’s penthouse apartment here in Thailand then it related in some strange mysterious way.

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Oh and I forgot to mention that although I live in Thailand, I work in Africa.. so how can I be 'off topic' lol !

Most countries you see on tv and are starving to death are old british colonies who where robbed empty and then left behind in a mess.

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Maybe if the staving spent less time on telly they's have more time to look for food :o
That's it exactly. Those trillions of incredibly poor Africans are all on the Beeb payroll, sucking out salaries like celebrities, so that your hard-earned income cannot be used for essentials such as new Ducati superbikes.
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Oh and I forgot to mention that although I live in Thailand, I work in Africa.. so how can I be 'off topic' lol !

well, that explains it all. Specious reasoning doesn't get you far.


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