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We are soon releasing "Thailand Expat Radio", a web radio project that we have been working hard with over the last month. We want to produce a weekly program for the Expat community in Thailand, and we have a couple of sponsors lined up for the project.

We are planning to produce 30 or 60 minutes every week with the following program format:

1. Expat News, news and info expanded from the daily news feed we already have.

2. Interviews with Immigration and Labour Department officials in regards to indeep visa questions, extensions, work permits etc. This is just an example.

3. An entertainment segment.

4. Listeners talk shows (short) (you can send us your sound clip produced by you!) We can also make telephone interviews.

5. Some music to blend in with the content.

The url for the webradio will be http://radio.thaivisa.com

and we will be streaming in Microsoft Media Player and Real Audio format. We have all the hardware and software in place and are currently setting up the streaming server.

We are currently looking for a professional presenter/DJ. We have some ideas, maybe Paul Jackson, well known radio DJ in Bangkok, or some other pro would be interested? Do we have any members here who have experience in this field. We belive the person must be a professional presenter, for it to be a success. The DJ will be provided with a list of subjects and scripts to be aired.

We have set September,1 as a preliminary start date.

We want your ideas and input regarding this new project. What do you think? Can you help out in some way?


Good idea George. Any chance in the future of doing streaming video of western TV. We're trying to figure out how to do it properly, see the thread under computers. Thanks.


I have always wanted to be a radio DJ.  Wont you need more than one George?  I assume you will be broadcasting all day right?  Where are you gonna broadcast from?
Hey George, if I gather this right, assuming this is an Expat radio station, is this station so owned now by a foreigner.  If so, correct me if I am wrong, the DJ has to be some Thai National if I am not mistaken since foreigners cannot take a job away from some Thai National????????   A foreigner can own the business to my understanding doing the management aspect of it, but the actual work has to be done by some Thai National.  Right or Wrong???????    :blues:
I have always wanted to be a radio DJ.  Wont you need more than one George?  I assume you will be broadcasting all day right?  Where are you gonna broadcast from?

We will start with a 30 or 50 minutes programme. The location is not so important, a good internet connection is enough. Wanna send me a voice sample?

Hey George, if I gather this right, assuming this is an Expat radio station, is this station so owned now by a foreigner.  If so, correct me if I am wrong, the DJ has to be some Thai National if I am not mistaken since foreigners cannot take a job away from some Thai National????????   A foreigner can own the business to my understanding doing the management aspect of it, but the actual work has to be done by some Thai National.  Right or Wrong???????    :blues:

Foreigners can get work permits for English broadcasting.


:cool: great idea--where to tune in??? will listen on short

wave radio till I get to Bangkok--Lots of questions that

could be addressed on the radio..

Hey George cool, can i give you a voice recording of me, maybe you might hire me.  I sound like the guy in Vietnam, but that will do!!!!!!  of course in English my friend.   Have no experience but I sort of have a pretty good idea of what DJ's do, and a do, do, do, and a do.   Sigh.  Trying to hard here I guess.   :blues:

George, I would presume that this "radio" would be available at any time of the day or night to Netizens -- you just click on a hotspot and can listen to this week's events (what I mean is, it is recorded). Those who want to get involved in the talkback side can tune in at a certain time to air their views. Nice idea for those who want something a little bit different from the usual Net trawling. Hope you can avoid the crank element. Best wishes,




You got it. This is exactly how it will work.

We will launch the new programme at a fixed time every week, that broadcast and an archive of the old broadcasts will be available on the webiste for later consumtion.

What do you think is a good week day/time for members who want to listen when it goes live?  Sundays 18:00? Saturdays 20:00? Tuesdays 17:50? :o


George --

This is a GREAT idea.  My own website, http:// BangkokAtoZ.com, has as a tagline "Bangkok's Voice On The Web."  I'd be delighted either to provide a feed or a link to your URL so people can get at it, if you like.  (Not that my site would be the sole access, of course -- just an idea.)

My former partner is doing stuff in this area as well.  See http://bestofwesternradio.com, one of his main audio sites.  You might want to contact him as well as a potential outlet.

Edit: Off topic text moved to forum: Expat Communities. /Admin

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