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Looking For Ladyboy For Serious Relationship


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As usual with these kind of topics the OP is sitting back, and probably laughing his or her`s ass of, while debates are going on whether it is gay or not, postings get deleted and a similar topic but in the gay forum is deleted as well.

OP ???

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I see a lot of replies in this thread but no actual suggestions as to where to meet them, as was the OP's actual request. Considering the request was for where to find a "serious relationship" I would think the obvious commercial places [certain bars on WS or soi6/1] are out.

Why not just strike up a friendly conversation with some of the many LBs working in "normal" jobs - such as the phone floor in Tukcom, or BigC? The OP didn't mention what city, but I'm sure the opportunity exists pretty much anywhere, you just have to open your eyes...

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I see a lot of replies in this thread but no actual suggestions as to where to meet them, as was the OP's actual request. Considering the request was for where to find a "serious relationship" I would think the obvious commercial places [certain bars on WS or soi6/1] are out.

Why not just strike up a friendly conversation with some of the many LBs working in "normal" jobs - such as the phone floor in Tukcom, or BigC? The OP didn't mention what city, but I'm sure the opportunity exists pretty much anywhere, you just have to open your eyes...

Wow, I was wondering when someone would notice the OP's actual question...

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Please, have some respect for the straight men on ThaiVisa who desire ladyboys.

I would humbly submit that there aren't any. :o

OK I know I'm really going to get it for this but I can't resist..

There's a saying .. 40 % of men are bisexual- The rest are gay.

A gay saying. :D

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Please, have some respect for the straight men on ThaiVisa who desire ladyboys.

I would humbly submit that there aren't any. :D

OK I know I'm really going to get it for this but I can't resist..

There's a saying .. 40 % of men are bisexual- The rest are gay.

For a person that's been pretty busy reporting troll posts on other threads, you're doing a pretty good job of trolling yourself. :o

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Dear friends,

For several years I've been dreaming about having a relationship with a ladyboy. The last few weeks I spend in Thailand and had some fantastic experiences. I would like to spend my life with a ladyboy. I know that for sure now.

Now the question is, were can I find ladyboys that want serious relationships with farang?

Best regards,


Tthe only place I recall seeing any number of LBs, outside of those working in the bar industry, is in hair salons. As a few have suggested, dating sites may well be your best option.

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If we do not hear back from OP Guidosi soon, we can close this thread.

Actually PB, if I were the OP I wouldn't bother anymore. I don't know if he's a troll or not, but if he weren't he certainly would have been discouraged by the number of bigoted, judgmental and off topic remarks in this thread.

And, in that light


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