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Forced To Move Out...


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My wife is 7-1/2 months pregnant and was just told by the owner that we will have to move out once the baby is born. We really like the place and have lived here for over 3 years, but now have to find another place to live. Anyway, is there any sort of anti-discrimination laws here?

Obviously I don't want to stay here now, but I'm pissed just the same. It's been stressful enough already (first child for both of us) and finding another apartment adds to level.

If anyone has any suggestions on Baby Friendly Apartments/Condos or any course of action (on principle) I'd be happy with any advice you may have. It may be a case, if a lot of landlords are like my current one, we may have to rent a house.

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As far as I know, there are no nanny-state laws telling owners that they must rent to anyone here, thankfully!

I am sad for you (honestly) and concur that it sucks, but not having to fight to evict someone that just doesn't measure up for whatever reason (and is not on a lease) is a good thing!

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Stop being pissed. There is no recourse worth the trouble. Do not bother with the law. Focus on finding a good place for you and your family. Sorry I do not know about apartments to suggest, never lived in one in CM, but there must be a lot with babies.

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No anti-discrimination laws here that I am aware of.

I have a friend (farang) who lived here in my building for a few years with his Thai wife. The building has a no-children rental policy.

She got pregnant, had her 1st child (now has 2). The management apparently decided to look the other way, as they really liked the couple.

Not fair (for you), but that's the way it goes here.

Best of luck in finding a new child-friendly place. :o

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Jeeze! What's up with your lack of sympathy guys! This is an absolutely disgusting way to be treated, having had two sons myself I can completely understand the stress that this situation must have caused you. Knowing that you have a safe "home" to bring your baby home to is very important.

Did your landlord give you any reason for asking you to leave?

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There is no real lack of sympathy... just a small dose of reality.

Many buildings do not want children. The idea would be to get organized and get moved before the baby is born. Let the new mom come home to a new home

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Jeeze! What's up with your lack of sympathy guys! This is an absolutely disgusting way to be treated, having had two sons myself I can completely understand the stress that this situation must have caused you. Knowing that you have a safe "home" to bring your baby home to is very important.

Did your landlord give you any reason for asking you to leave?

This is Thailand! The landlord does not have to give any reasons - just give the required amount of notice.

Not itended to be harsh, but the advice to move on and forget is spot on.

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Yes, I'm not disagreeing with the facts regarding Thai landlords being able to do exactly as they please, withholding thousands of baht deposit in my case, however 65craig is still intitled to be pissed, and your responses don't read sympathetic at all.

It's very stressfull/scary having your first baby and the stress of having to move is difficult.

I would definitely be leaving some shitty nappies behind!!

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Yes, I'm not disagreeing with the facts regarding Thai landlords being able to do exactly as they please, withholding thousands of baht deposit in my case, however 65craig is still intitled to be pissed, and your responses don't read sympathetic at all.

It's very stressfull/scary having your first baby and the stress of having to move is difficult.

I would definitely be leaving some shitty nappies behind!!

So you are angry about them withholding 1000's of baht in your case.... got it.

There are always consequences to having babies .... and one is that you can't always live where you want.

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Let me make it perfectly clear that my post should not be construed as a lack of sympathy.

I am a parent (23 year old son who lives in America).

I am totally sympathetic to the OP's issue.

Wish the situation was different for him.

You can rent a very decent house in a moo bahn a little out of town, for what apartment rentals go for.

That's all I can suggest, and again best wishes.

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Yes, I'm not disagreeing with the facts regarding Thai landlords being able to do exactly as they please, withholding thousands of baht deposit in my case, however 65craig is still intitled to be pissed, and your responses don't read sympathetic at all.

It's very stressfull/scary having your first baby and the stress of having to move is difficult.

I would definitely be leaving some shitty nappies behind!!

So you are angry about them withholding 1000's of baht in your case.... got it.

There are always consequences to having babies .... and one is that you can't always live where you want.

I AM going to sound uncharitable now, but I really don't mean to be. But, didn't the OP have approx 9 months to consider the possibility that the landlord might have an aversion to children in his house. Surely, the responsibility rests with the OP to check this out ? Seriously, I wish 65Craig and his family all the best in finding a suitable new home - and I trust that he wasn't shafted on his deposit.

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Yes, I'm not disagreeing with the facts regarding Thai landlords being able to do exactly as they please, withholding thousands of baht deposit in my case, however 65craig is still intitled to be pissed, and your responses don't read sympathetic at all.

It's very stressfull/scary having your first baby and the stress of having to move is difficult.

I would definitely be leaving some shitty nappies behind!!

So you are angry about them withholding 1000's of baht in your case.... got it.

There are always consequences to having babies .... and one is that you can't always live where you want.


I'm just saying..sigh..let's just be nice about it.

One other consequence being sleep deprivation torture!!

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Stayed at Veerachai Court (the new section) for three months with the nipper when he was only months old. No pool but is easy walking distance to Thapae Gate, fairly quiet, clean, and near some cafes and shops, plus has a little minimart downstairs as well as a decent amount of parking. Was 6,500 a few years back. I wouldn't stay longer than that as it's a bit pokey when you have kids but it would give you a breather while looking for a house :D

There are three sections, with the old one directly above reception, the newer part at the back of that, and another older section across the road. Ask about the new section, although chances are it'll be full.

Baan Thai (about 5k) at the other end of town along Nimmanhemin is also well positioned but not sure about the babby thing.

As others have said, don't bother looking into following up with the landlord as you'll only get more stressed and won't get anywhere. Defo bung a fish carcas up above the gypsum, though :o

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This may be the definitive topic for showing the misanthropic tendencies of many Chiang Mai expats, several of whom were apparently not conceived, carried, delivered, and raised by caring parents, but emerged fully formed from a cracked Beer Chang bottle.

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We just moved and looked at quite a few places. We have young kids and can verify that there are MANY places that will not rent to people with kids. In some ways, I can understand...especially in homes that are decorated really nicely (which can also be interpreted as having many breakable things). However; we also found some unfurnished places that refused children as well.

If you are looking for a home, I can suggest many great places that I saw during our search. Sometimes, condos are more expensive than homes if price is an issue.

In any case, good luck and all the best with the pregnancy.

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This may be the definitive topic for showing the misanthropic tendencies of many Chiang Mai expats, several of whom were apparently not conceived, carried, delivered, and raised by caring parents, but emerged fully formed from a cracked Beer Chang bottle.


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Hi 65Craig.

There is a foreigner with Thai wife living in 103 Condominium project 3 just off Nimmanhaemin road and they have a new baby. As far as I know there have been no objections, in fact the baby makes daily visits to the office where the staff spoil it to bits.

Condo 103 has 3 projects around Chiang Mai and all of these properties as far as I know have lots of different room types, from studios to 3 beds. That said, I don’t know what, if any, official policies they have on tiny babies.

I remember another young family moved into the Baan Thai (same area) a couple of years back, but 3 in a bed residing in a tiny studio might send the most patient of parent’s nuts!

I guess the main problem with condo buildings and apartment blocks is that the sound of a crying baby might penetrate the walls and disturb the other residents, and a new baby is work enough without having neighbours on your back.

Depending on your budget, you might find a smart little house somewhere that will be just what a new family needs. Why not start a new post on ‘House Wanted’ and see if there’s any recommendations worth considering.

Good luck


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Thanks for your advice especially the advise on possible rental places. Everyone in our building knew she was pregnant (Manager/Owner's Daughter as well) and there was never a mention we would have to move. There is nothing on the Rental Agreement Form either. In fact, it actually says no more than 3 per apartment, which my wife, myself and my baby wouldn't be more than 3. Anyway, we never tried to hide the fact she was pregnant, and like I said everyone knew since she was pregnant from the time she was 4 months in, so I was just kind of in shock that they told my wife we would have to move yesterday (she's just about at 8 months now). The reason they gave was they feel the baby would make too much noise, but I've seen people come in with babies (they offer daily rates too) and they never got turned away. I can see that a bit, but why wait until she is 8 months? Someone mentioned I had 9 months to prepare. Yeah, I thought I had the place now, as they never said anything before yesterday and there was nothing in the Rental Agreement and we had been here for over 3 years. So now I have 1 month instead of 9 to look for a new place!!!

I will just chalk this up to THIS IS THAILAND, just frustrating and I thank you for letting me vent a bit. Thanks again for the advise on places, and I'll be checking back, so if any of you know apartments/condos that are okay with newborns please let me know. I work online, so the only real key for me would be good reliable internet.

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Lanna 3 Serviced Apartments along Huay Kaew Road just past the Phucome Hotel allows an American to raise his 2 toddlers in his apartment.

Yeah, that's a really nice place for the money, has a pool, and has great views over the mountain if you can get on the west side. Couldn't get in there when I was in the market for an apartment and there was also a long shortlist.

If I had the dosh, Chiang Mai Floral would be a goer -


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If there is no lease the landlord does not have to give a reason why he is giving notice. That is just not only in Thailand. By the same reason you do not have to give a reason why you want to leave so it works both ways.

i may add it stinks. But he has given plenty of notice and you can leave as soon as you find anouther place.

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Strange time for a landlord to be giving notice to long term tenants, has the rent gone up in the 3 years? Maybe he is just looking to try and increase his rent.

Just as a further point, we have just been going through the process of finding a suitable Kindergarten/school, and if you have the time now, try and check these out as it will be simpler to live within easy transport distance when you move, as the next 20 odd months goes very quickly!!

We lived at Riverside Condo, lots of kids there.


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My neighbours were constantly leaving the door open so everyone could hear their sprog wailing at all hours (too tight to use aircon I think) anyway they left and I believe it was the Thai couple next door that put in the complaint. I am also a landlord and you don't need a reason to ask for your place back if you give at least a months notice. A house might be a better place to bring up a kid anyway. Good luck.

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This may be the definitive topic for showing the misanthropic tendencies of many Chiang Mai expats, several of whom were apparently not conceived, carried, delivered, and raised by caring parents, but emerged fully formed from a cracked Beer Chang bottle.


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