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Barack Obama Elected President Of USA

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pikey is an old British "affectionate" term for someone who shops in the cheap & eat budget food, and in your case cheap posting. can you see the smiley at the end of my post :o ? that means said in a jest, or is it because you cannot afford a new pair of specs? btw, are you able to make a standalone post or just piggy-back others'? go back to PAD picket lines, your mates are waiting for you

Ah .... I see ....

so you resort to this .....

and this thread STILL has nothing to do with the PAD

I understand though, you got beaten down in another thread so bring that to this thread!


My stand-alone post

I am shocked that in my life-time the USA elected a black President. I am also very very proud!

I am also not surprised that wxp is bowing out without explaining why he wants more political turmoil in the US.

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other than the idiot racists,

and the fanatical politicos here,

this was a good intelligent discussion

political parties dont matter.

the power swings back and forth.

we just need to cure that deficit a bit,

heal some of our strained foreign relations,

then i'm sure we'll have another warlord in office.

(its the American way)

getting heated and emotional

about politics that just swing back

and forth is just plain dumb.

and really surprising from the old guys.

you should have seen enough history to know

we need a democrat in office for a bit.

or did u think we could

afford another 4-8 years of war? :o

pikey is an old British "affectionate" term for someone who shops in the cheap & eat budget food, and in your case cheap posting. can you see the smiley at the end of my post :o ? that means said in a jest, or is it because you cannot afford a new pair of specs? btw, are you able to make a standalone post or just piggy-back others'? go back to PAD picket lines, your mates are waiting for you

I am not sure to whom you addressed this, but if that smiley at the end of both statements means you were writing the entire post in jest, OK. No big deal. I didn't catch that. As far as your post above, I don't undersand the reference to either PAD or stand alone posts, so I am going to assume that was meant for someone else who understands it.

pikey is an old British "affectionate" term for someone who shops in the cheap & eat budget food, and in your case cheap posting. can you see the smiley at the end of my post :o ? that means said in a jest, or is it because you cannot afford a new pair of specs? btw, are you able to make a standalone post or just piggy-back others'? go back to PAD picket lines, your mates are waiting for you

I am not sure to whom you addressed this, but if that smiley at the end of both statements means you were writing the entire post in jest, OK. No big deal. I didn't catch that. As far as your post above, I don't undersand the reference to either PAD or stand alone posts, so I am going to assume that was meant for someone else who understands it.

don't apologise...get angry...

WOW! And you are representative of the nut-jobs that support Obama?

No, i'm just Anti-Bush. I hate democrats just as much as republicans. I even call them Republicrats and Demopublicans because it's all just POLARIZING BS. That's why you leapt at the chance to dog me out. You are just on one side, and don't see both. And that's the problem, and always will be.

There are just as manu nutjobs on each "side". But the founders meant the two party system to be COMPLEMENTARY, NOT DIVISIVE. The Socratic method of teaching and learning through debate is meant to expose insights, understand how each of us think.

Not to devolve into endless diatribe over nothing.

Jesse Jackson is an even worse KOOK than Sarah Palin. And, he dared to show up at the celebration after being caught on tape secretly muttering how he didn't like Obama, and thought someone should bring him down.

Fortunately millions of people decided I am more correct than you are.

And to the joker talking about Obama as Osama, -did you learn your logic from a gumball machine? Is the limit of your critical thought based on how words "kinda sound alike, and what sounds alike must be alike". A meeting with Al Queda? Nah, i'm actually not gonna both with you after all.




Thank heavens!

Now we can enjoy a revival of intelligent decency and fairness. Let's hope the Neocon criminals leave the scene quietly without staging too many stunts.

Rejoice Planet Earth, for 'tis a momentous day indeed.

Stunts like the inside job that was 9/11? Don't hold your breath for Obama to re-open the inquiry ...

yet another conspiracy theorist? why are these nutters coming out of the woodwork now?

It is true that some of these theories do eventually go off with the fairies. Basic facts are still those though, something certainly stinks about 9/11. However at the other end of the spectrum those sheep with unquestioning minds can always take comfort tuning into FOX News.

Obama should look closely at many things but he definitely will not. That isn't his function, it is to be the ray of hope after years of rabid fascism and foreign genocide. Bush has fulfilled his role to move the game along, time to make things look better again...bad cop, good cop.

This is only one of the many discussion. Just google "obama born in kenya" for more.


According to Obama's Kenyan (paternal) grandmother, as well as his half-brother and half-sister, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii as the Democratic candidate for president claims. His grandmother bragged that her grandson is about to be President of the United States and is so proud because she was present DURING HIS BIRTH IN KENYA, in the delivery room.

Whatever. It is of no concern or consequence. A president can also be born outside the US of a US citizen and be eligible. The democratic party would never have nominated him if they any doubt he is eligible. Obama is president.

kinda of strange of regulations you have there. On one hand we have Obama who was born in Kenya, an African father and (left wing activist) American mother and be eligible for presidency and on another there is Arnold Schwarzenegger who was born in Austria from both non-American citizens and yet be elected as Governor of California. How do you square that?

For someone who claims he admires the US (except for the food), you sure are pretty critical.

It is only the president who must be a natural born citizen. Not senator, governor, or member of the school board. This is our Constitution, and no one has seen fit to amend that. Arnold is within his rights under our Constitution to run for any office except president. And Obama is a natural born citizen. Let's give you conspiracy theorists the benefit of the arguement and say he was born in Kenya. His mother is a US citizen, so he is, by our law, a US citizen.

That is how I square that.

sure, but looking at it from a logical standpoint, if one is qualified to govern an individual state, why shouldn't he/she be qualified to govern all 50 states? It's bit of a contradiction in term. That's not being overly critical of America, a country I have a lot respect for. I enormously enjoy my business travels there. However it doesn't mean that everything is perfect. I hope that partly answer your solicitous, unimpressive pm :o said with a smiley

pikey is an old British "affectionate" term for someone who shops in the cheap & eat budget food, and in your case cheap posting. can you see the smiley at the end of my post :o ? that means said in a jest, or is it because you cannot afford a new pair of specs? btw, are you able to make a standalone post or just piggy-back others'? go back to PAD picket lines, your mates are waiting for you

I am not sure to whom you addressed this, but if that smiley at the end of both statements means you were writing the entire post in jest, OK. No big deal. I didn't catch that. As far as your post above, I don't undersand the reference to either PAD or stand alone posts, so I am going to assume that was meant for someone else who understands it.

mate you seem to have a bee in the bonnet, take a chill pill. That post was in reply to jdinasia, but someone (a mod?) edit out the reference posts. Nothing whatsoever to do with you, feel better now? :D again look at the smiley

Bush ran as a uniter not a divider and turned out to be the most divisive president in modern history. There is no way Obama can do that badly even if he tried. I don't think he can accomplish everything he wants, no human could, but I totally believe he will bring at least some degree of internal healing and increased unity.

Barama is walking into a hornets nest with all of the problems facing the country but at least he won't have to constantly fight a GOP controlled Congress. Ironically, it's the left wing element of that same Congress that happens to currently be in charge of the leadership of the Democratic party and they could be problematic to him if he rightfully tries to govern from the center.

For now, I am feeling quite optimistic and the mood over here is good. :o


I found both speaches very well put, the people have spoken, and loudly, change had to have come. Obama did well to include the rest of the rest of the world in his speach, he is the only one so far to realise that american politics affects all people.

Polls did show that 40% of voters did take race in to account, this imo is still a very sad satistic and tells alot about the american people.

He raised the most money ever, alot came from drug companies that we dont hear much about. In my view he is the lesser of the two evils. He has the gift of the gab for sure, I just really hope he lives up to the promises he made, as it affects us all.

Alot of debate going on here as if he is black or not... racists showing their true colours, and many of us who dont even take that into account... once again, very sad.

Mr Obama has alot of work ahead to clean up the mess made by bush, I really hope that he can deliver.

He is (by the way) one of the most intelligent presidents we'll have had in a long, long, long time.

I think Clinton was also very, very smart, but he had too many of his smarts in his nether parts so being a US president in the land of sexual hypocrisy, was thwarted from living up to his potential. Its great to have the smarts, but that isn't the whole story. If it was, we could just appoint people from the Mensa society at random.

Clinton was a very intelligent man and arguably the finest politician America has produced in a half century or more. He governed in a period of relatively high peace and prosperity, which none of it was his doing. His low self esteem kept him always seeking the adulation of the people, rather than leading those people. he didn't move the country forward in any way, thus his great gifts were squandered.

Mr Obama, whom I know little about, would appear to be a man similarly bestowed of great intellectual and political gifts. With so little history, it seems the people have imbued him with further qualities and capabilities which he may not possess. I wish him the very best. I will give him high marks if he can ignore all the bleatings of those who voted for him and get about doing what is in the countrys best interests, whether his supporters like it or not.


I think that even Thailand can learn from the election of someone like Obama, in that forty years ago Blacks were excluded from so much in the US and now look. Yet here in Thailand they have people who have been living here for generations like the Hill Tribes and yet they are still excluded and with the current way of thinking always likely to be. Let us hope that the light from the beacon of change that has been lit today can reach even as far as Thailand.

sure, but looking at it from a logical standpoint, if one is qualified to govern an individual state, why shouldn't he/she be qualified to govern all 50 states? It's bit of a contradiction in term. That's not being overly critical of America, a country I have a lot respect for. I enormously enjoy my business travels there. However it doesn't mean that everything is perfect. I hope that partly answer your solicitous, unimpressive pm :o said with a smiley

I know that US politics is hard for some people to understand, but all rights that are not set aside for the Federal government are assigned to the states.

Therefore any US State can set their own standards so long as it does not go against Federal law.

It seems hard for some people to understand that the USA really is a Republic of states ... (many europeans never will understand what this really means, when you can travel for 36 hours by car at a high rate of speed and still be in the same country ... but have passed through many many diverse areas)

It seems hard for some people to understand that the USA really is a Republic of states ... (many europeans never will understand what this really means, when you can travel for 36 hours by car at a high rate of speed and still be in the same country ... but have passed through many many diverse areas)

I think many Europeans would understand it more easily if it was pointed out that, in some ways, the USA and the EU are similar but one is a conglomeration of States and the other is a conglomeration of countries. Before anyone jumps down my throat I know that there are huge differences but it's a reasonable analogy.


Being and American with an Afro, this news is amazing and very pleasing. My family is going nuts back home :D. This election shows the true diversity of my home country and it was a long time coming :D . I was raised Greek Orthodox my first name is Hebrew my middle name is Greek and my last name is Scottish and all 3 names reflect my blood and heritage despite me being BLACK everywhere :(:D so all you folks saying his name is Muslim and father was Muslim and his mother was white and Christian and he went to school in.....blah blah blah :o need to look at the reason why that is. America is a melting pot where "in theory" anyone with the will and drive can make it. And he is living proof of that now. Not a Messiah by any standard :D but a little bit of a faith restorer in the the American Dream. His winning this election provides hope for Black and other minorities because it has been proven possible by being done and not just talked about. Being from the South (South East DC that is :P ) this is just great :D .

pikey is an old British "affectionate" term for someone who shops in the cheap & eat budget food, and in your case cheap posting. can you see the smiley at the end of my post :D ? that means said in a jest, or is it because you cannot afford a new pair of specs? btw, are you able to make a standalone post or just piggy-back others'? go back to PAD picket lines, your mates are waiting for you

Ah .... I see ....

so you resort to this .....

and this thread STILL has nothing to do with the PAD

I understand though, you got beaten down in another thread :owot? where? so bring that to this thread!


My stand-alone post

I am shocked that in my life-time the USA elected a black President. I am also very very proud!

I am also not surprised that wxp is bowing out without explaining why he wants more political turmoil in the US.

man, you're hilarious :D prolly because it's not intentional, lol yeah USA is making history with Obama. The point is you should be proud of your president because of his policies, personality and vision and not because of his race or looks. so what next? are you going to be proud when you have a woman as president? then why stop there, what about a dwarf as president? maybe a donkey would fit the party image better? you make me laff pikey :D

Polls did show that 40% of voters did take race in to account, this imo is still a very sad satistic and tells alot about the american people.

Yeah, we're unique in that way. For most other countries the % would be much higher.


The senate has a majority but not enough to force any legislation through they please. The majority of the US is centerist. Although Obama's record is left, I really do believe he will govern to the center in order to lessen an anti-Obama vote in 4 years and maintain office another term. If he governs like the tone of his speech last night, he'll get a lot done despite what party is in the hosue and congress. Senat is 48-56. One needs 60 to slam legislation through so democracy and its checks and balances will be in effect. Regardless of my personal view, our country needs ALL people represented which means center government.

He said for those whose votes he didn't earn, he will especially listen to their disagreements. He added that he vows to be their president, too. I think it will be an interesting run with parts of our county energized like never before. Bush's biggest speech after 9-11 was for everyone to go shopping? People were yearning for soemthing to do, help, anything....but go shopping? Obama said that was a big mistake. I think he intends to take advantage of the generosity of so many and he has proven he cam mobilize many across racial, age and economic lines. I'm looking forward to this. He even said he'd make mistakes but he would be honest and forthright with the people.

It is sad Clinton had his mistakes or they say he would have been one of the greats. I think Obama's mistakes will be honorable one's lacking arrogance which will be refreshing and continue his overwhelming support of his 2 to 1 win.

Not sure if Thailand trade will suffer but I do know our country will benefit after the sacrifices we must endure to get out of the hel_l hole we're in.

Side note--it's nice to see a president who can speak the language of our country (as opposed to the disgrace and embarrasement of the past 8 years). Russia is the only country in the world so far that is angry about his win; mainly because he wants to help prevent future agression and stand my the side of Russia's neighbors to help protect them and their children's futures.

I think he'll be able to rally support and cooperation with most of the world (and vice versa) for the most part. I cannot remember seeing the world reaction so solid and elated in the past, either.


As for who I wanted to see elected? See my sig.

Right on TWAP, Ron Paul is the guy that could have done something for America, and the world economy, but 99% have no clue why..... sad really.

sure, but looking at it from a logical standpoint, if one is qualified to govern an individual state, why shouldn't he/she be qualified to govern all 50 states? It's bit of a contradiction in term. That's not being overly critical of America, a country I have a lot respect for. I enormously enjoy my business travels there. However it doesn't mean that everything is perfect. I hope that partly answer your solicitous, unimpressive pm :o said with a smiley

I know that US politics is hard for some people to understand, but all rights that are not set aside for the Federal government are assigned to the states.

Therefore any US State can set their own standards so long as it does not go against Federal law.

It seems hard for some people to understand that the USA really is a Republic of states ... (many europeans never will understand what this really means, when you can travel for 36 hours by car at a high rate of speed and still be in the same country ... but have passed through many many diverse areas)

good, that's a better post, even thou' you sound repetitive. In Australia (a similarly sized country) you can travel as much, and they too have individual states that elects governors (Premiers) and a national federal government. So not too dissimilar to USA and yet one has to be born in the country to be eligible to run for official offices.

Russia is the only country in the world so far that is angry about his win; mainly because he wants to help prevent future agression and stand my the side of Russia's neighbors to help protect them and their children's futures.

I think he'll be able to rally support and cooperation with most of the world (and vice versa) for the most part. I cannot remember seeing the world reaction so solid and elated in the past, either.

People around the world didn't want Obama to win because of what he can do to make the USA great or better off. They like him for what they think he can do for them or how he will keep the USA in check. The world will not jump at the chance to cooperate with all of Obama's proposals.

Remember Obama's speech in Berlin? The part where the crowd of 100,000-200,000 was silent was when Obama said Germany must contribute more troops to help in Afghanistan? Uh-huh. good luck with that one.

congrats to president obama. Hope he will make a change.

What a great country american is!!

Indeed, USA (not America) is a great country and with the help of Obama we are going to change that. :o

i cant believe you are such a dumb nation voting for a man( i dont give a toss what colour he is)with no policy but i am going to change things......only in the USA

Sounds like you are a rather uneducated chap.


Obama has the opportunity to be a great president. But he must be his own man, guided by reason and wisdom and able to say "Sorry, but no" to the special interest pressuring awaiting him from every direction. Good Luck Mr. President (-Elect)!

Russia is the only country in the world so far that is angry about his win; mainly because he wants to help prevent future agression and stand my the side of Russia's neighbors to help protect them and their children's futures.

I think he'll be able to rally support and cooperation with most of the world (and vice versa) for the most part. I cannot remember seeing the world reaction so solid and elated in the past, either.

People around the world didn't want Obama to win because of what he can do to make the USA great or better off. They like him for what they think he can do for them or how he will keep the USA in check. The world will not jump at the chance to cooperate with all of Obama's proposals.

Remember Obama's speech in Berlin? The part where the crowd of 100,000-200,000 was silent was when Obama said Germany must contribute more troops to help in Afghanistan? Uh-huh. good luck with that one.

Sure he's made mistakes (depending on whose point of view you're seeing). I think his point was the US was seeking some help. Obviously he didn't speak to his audience that time. Obama said he would make mistakes but I believe his intentions will be better than most for our country and its affect on the world.

He's got big boots to fill (because they're practically empty now); a clean slate. He will let many down but the belief in him and his belief in our people are his strongest points. The US is better off when most of the world supports its decisions and policies. His policies will likely disappoint some countries but one cannot serve their own country and bow to the world's every need at the same time. The difference is is willingness to try to do the right thing versus arrogant unilateral decisions that alienate our friends and allies.


I've been waiting 8 long years to put away my "I LUV Canada" t-shirts and proudly shout to the world again:


CHEERS ALL!!! Yes, I VOTED!!! :o

This is only one of the many discussion. Just google "obama born in kenya" for more.


According to Obama's Kenyan (paternal) grandmother, as well as his half-brother and half-sister, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii as the Democratic candidate for president claims. His grandmother bragged that her grandson is about to be President of the United States and is so proud because she was present DURING HIS BIRTH IN KENYA, in the delivery room.

Whatever. It is of no concern or consequence. A president can also be born outside the US of a US citizen and be eligible. The democratic party would never have nominated him if they any doubt he is eligible. Obama is president.

kinda of strange of regulations you have there. On one hand we have Obama who was born in Kenya, an African father and (left wing activist) American mother and be eligible for presidency and on another there is Arnold Schwarzenegger who was born in Austria from both non-American citizens and yet be elected as Governor of California. How do you square that?

For someone who claims he admires the US (except for the food), you sure are pretty critical.

It is only the president who must be a natural born citizen. Not senator, governor, or member of the school board. This is our Constitution, and no one has seen fit to amend that. Arnold is within his rights under our Constitution to run for any office except president. And Obama is a natural born citizen. Let's give you conspiracy theorists the benefit of the arguement and say he was born in Kenya. His mother is a US citizen, so he is, by our law, a US citizen.

That is how I square that.


QUOTE "Barack Obama may not be a natural-born U.S. citizen, which under the Constitution would make him ineligible for the presidency. The charge consists of two elements: (1) He was not born in Hawaii, as he has claimed, but in Kenya. His mother and father were visiting Kenya, and she was unable to fly back to Hawaii for his birth because she was in an advanced stage of pregnancy. (2) U.S. law at the time said that a child born overseas to a U.S. citizen parent and a non-citizen parent was a natural born U.S. citizen only if the citizen parent was at least 19 years of age. Ann Dunham Obama was 18 when her son was born. The article also says that Obama's Kenyan relatives, his paternal grandmother, half-brother and half-sister, have claimed that he was born in Kenya." UNQUOTE

The law is the law no matter how silly it may sound. Remember how Samart got his PM chair remove for being a cook? Or how Thaksin sentence to jail for just signing concent for his wife to tranfer some land which he did not bought? (His wife bought it and found not guilty for buying it).

I've been waiting 8 long years to put away my "I LUV Canada" t-shirts and proudly shout to the world again:


CHEERS ALL!!! Yes, I VOTED!!! :o

You just pray that your presidental residence is not due for repainting.


Way to go bro, God Speed in your effort to CLEAN-UP the MESS made by W and Company. Best of luck America, for one of the best countries in the world. God Bless you ALL :D:o:D:D:D:D:(

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