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My wife just called me outside and there appears to be a fire perhaps somewhere as there is much smoke in the air. I live near Big C on the Hangdong - CM road. Anyone know anything?

Will upload pics in a minute.

I was just out taking pics as well - what a monster mushroom cloud and the fire is still going strong. Would be interested in what/where it is but is seems likely a petroleum fire from the color of the smoke. It looks to be a few kilometers East of the airport and is surely visible from anywhere in town.

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Pics from my house looking towards CM.

Was watching it from the oposite direction; the smoke cloud is getting quite thick over the city.

Saw plenty of vehicles headed out there at full speed, sirens going, too.

Hope no one was hurt, and that they can curb the amount of smoke soon.

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There WERE several explosions. But i think no one was hurt. At least the checkout girl i know seemed to think so.

Have a load of photos, but its taking an age to find the drivers for my new laptop!

left wall gone as you look at it. - i guess the wood section on the left... rest engulfed in flames.

little squirt gun fire engines wont do anything.

Hundreds of spectators.

The ice cream sellers are doing brisk business!

Edited by UKWEBPRO
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first one up!

[url="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/H4zLNLSqWGfAL7m1xStiGw"][img=http://lh4.ggpht.com/_sM1RPCoL4Uo/SRJ23FqR-aI/AAAAAAAABdo/MXdTtEMBABc/s144/IMG_0821.JPG][/url]From [url="http://picasaweb.google.com/starodubsky/Fire"]Fire[/url]



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first one up!

Just drove by a few minutes ago. The front wall facing the ring road is standing as seen in the pic, but the end walls and roof are gone - the whole front section is entirely gutted. The back section metal walls seem to be still standing for whatever that's worth.

Regarding driving by: Don't. I live close by and took the bike down to the ring road at the Nonghoi-Saraphee Road underpass. All East bound traffic coming over the bridge is being diverted. All Westbound (going toward the bridge) traffic except motorcycles are also being turned back.

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I sure hope they get the fire out soon - I want to drop by and pick up a weedeater this afternoon..

The breeze is out of the SE and it wouldn't suprise me if there were a brief but filthy rain shower perhaps in the area of Airport Plaza. The heat and smoke looks to be enough to create a small weather cell.

I am also wondering if this is going to re-route a few flights into the airport as they would have to descend thru some very heavy smoke on final approach from the North..

Edited by Dustoff
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I'm sure they will rebuild it.....they must have insurance.

Judging by the pics though, its gonna be some time and I suspect many of the workforce will be laid off, unless the company want them to be involved in the big clean up operation. Some of the politest staff in Chiang Mai IMHO, shame if they are laid off.

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From the horses mouth (my Fan)

The people said: got one man repair, go upstair repair aircon on roof, and use something... , called what?,... something electric thing, to cut, then have the fire... then, drop to what?,err.... the air pipe, then have the fire, a little bit first then.. more ... now (uses hands to gesticulate 'explosion')

so there you go...

She is available for translation work, at reasonable rates.


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From the horses mouth (my Fan)
The people said: got one man repair, go upstair repair aircon on roof, and use something... , called what?,... something electric thing, to cut, then have the fire... then, drop to what?,err.... the air pipe, then have the fire, a little bit first then.. more ... now (uses hands to gesticulate 'explosion')

so there you go...


Sounds plausible. I have never seen a welder, using a cutting torch , have a bucket of water or sand or fire extinguisher at the ready in case of fire.

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