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"without having to bring people in for a little bag "

Yo Dave! Pass me that joint, man! :o:D

I don't drive when I've been drinking. Nadda. Zip.

Being just a "little bit" stoned gets people killed as well.

If you don't like the law, change the law. But until then, obey the law or live with the consequences. I have to live with many things that I don't agree with or am not pleased about. If I choose to ignor the law I have no excuse and no one to blame but myself.

It's called personal responsibility.

10,000 yaba is a big haul and I wish they were all off the streets.


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:o Will these stupid Farangs ever learn that there are some smart police around in Thailand and they get a lot of help from Western police and intelligence agencys.

Better they rot in the Bangkok Hilton than pampered in a Western jail. As for legalising all drugs, get real, there are enough messed up people already in the world, we dont need more.

Update on my view of druggies just top em.

What defines a 'drug', and more specifically, a 'druggie'. Who are those that dictate what and what are not drugs? Sorry, again I become infuriated when I hear this narrow minded nonsense. Were we not here today in this 'modern' world if were not for drugs of all natural and pharmaceutical derived forms. Caffeine, Opiates, Amphetamines, Valium, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - early forms....moving onto 5-MeO-AMT, 5-MeO-DMT, 2-CB and numerous other drugs all your governments are currently trying out in order to find new powers of social order. Please, people, open your eyes.

I think the paranoia is creeping in mate - better lay off the pharmaceuticals for a couple of weeks.

Drugs are a waste of time - beleive me - you'll grow out of them.

I go with legalize all drugs. Making laws did not stop people from taking the drug alcohol in the 1920's and actually Organized the theretofor unorganized crime.

Opiate use in the US has remained steady.

We still have people dying from alcohol. If they want to die from something else, let them.

Making the drugs illegal on makes the drugs more expensive. This increases the likelyhood they are going to break into your house or mug you.

Means we need less police, less prisons and less property crime.

You are never going to legislate morality.

These are crimes without victims, unless you want to count the families, who need to bring massive pressure on the INDIVIDUAL just the way it is done with alcoholic intervention.

Legalize them, tax them and let people who want them have them.



Rags to riches is one of the greatest feelings in the world.

Riches to rags (and eating fishheads in a Thai jail for XX years)..... probably nothing worse. It's what they deserve for trying to take a shortcut to the top.



"These are crimes without victims, unless you want to count the families, who need to bring massive pressure on the INDIVIDUAL just the way it is done with alcoholic intervention."

the victims are (in no particular order)

the kids who become addicted in the womb

the families

the people who get mugged

the people who get killed by speed freaks

the people who have houses broken into

the pawnshops who pay out for goods only to have them confiscated

I work in the court system, I see the victims of these people everyday, dont tell me these are crimes without victims.

Legalizing hard drugs will never work, Most crimes are committed while these people are under the effect of the drugs. Others are committed in the need to purchase the drugs. Drug addicts in most cases dont work for a living so how can they afford to buy cheap legal drugs, they will still commit crime to pay for their habits.

The solution is to target the manufacturers and distributers of the illegal drugs, these are the scum that profit from others misery. Cut the supply and reduce the demand


^^ [sorry, gburns, you beat me to a post- I mean the guy before you!] You really have to stretch these days to get your trolling done, don't you? I mean, really, a drug thread?

I agree that anybody who thinks they can make money personally, rather than making money FOR and being used BY the Thais in the drug trade, is a complete idiot and fool. He broke the law, he took a chance; now he pays his debt.

However, I think everyone should think carefully about this statement: no one profits more from ILLEGAL drugs than criminals. The more you crack down, the higher the profits and people will still want them. You can just get ignorant foreigners to do your dirty work and get caught for you. Let the drugs be licensed, monitored, taxed. You'll have the same number of addicts- new legal jobs in production/distribution- and unemployed criminals.



And whe have another English man who is spending the Thai's tax money fore a couple of years.

It seems that they are become a new kind of specie in Thai sociëty :o

I go with legalize all drugs. Making laws did not stop people from taking the drug alcohol in the 1920's and actually Organized the theretofor unorganized crime.

Opiate use in the US has remained steady.

We still have people dying from alcohol. If they want to die from something else, let them.

Making the drugs illegal on makes the drugs more expensive. This increases the likelyhood they are going to break into your house or mug you.

Means we need less police, less prisons and less property crime.

You are never going to legislate morality.

These are crimes without victims, unless you want to count the families, who need to bring massive pressure on the INDIVIDUAL just the way it is done with alcoholic intervention.

Legalize them, tax them and let people who want them have them.

I agree 100%. The only logical answer to the current situation is that those who make the rules somehow benefit from it.

I go with legalize all drugs. Making laws did not stop people from taking the drug alcohol in the 1920's and actually Organized the theretofor unorganized crime.

Opiate use in the US has remained steady.

We still have people dying from alcohol. If they want to die from something else, let them.

Making the drugs illegal on makes the drugs more expensive. This increases the likelyhood they are going to break into your house or mug you.

Means we need less police, less prisons and less property crime.

You are never going to legislate morality.

These are crimes without victims, unless you want to count the families, who need to bring massive pressure on the INDIVIDUAL just the way it is done with alcoholic intervention.

Legalize them, tax them and let people who want them have them.

Yeh brilliant, then we''ll have loads of spaced out idiots roaming the streets.

It will certainley help the police would'nt it? they could then spend time scraping drugged up drivers off of the streets, or maybe innocent kids or men or women who were unfortunate enough to be in their way.

Use your brain, how can making it legal be better? :o

If it was legal it would be cheap enough for the druggies to purchase without having to burgle honest folks home, sometime with lethal consequences for the victims. Who cares about the druggie, they want to kill themselves, let them. Or you want the monopoly on that (with alcohol)? I mean, you do run a bar, right?

-- TNA 2004-12-07

Dont quite understand how Mr anderson and Mrs yupin could be implicated in the narcotics offenses when it states that '

A police raid on the house of Mrs. Yupin and Mr. Anderson netted 8,000 valium tablets'(which are not narcotics and availible without pescription in LOS)....

Where have you been hiding? Valium is now a perscription only drug, and only available wih a medical perscription. Yes you could buy it over the counter, but not now. There are quite a few other "medications" that have also been placed on the restricted list. Any Pharmacy found selling these over the counter without a perscription will loose their licence.

So the worst they can be charged with is posession with intent to distribute a perscribed drug. UNLESS they can be tied in with the brother, which no doubt the authorities will manage to do somehow :o

Since when is valium a prescription drug? I can tell you that you can get valium and similar OTC in most pharmacies in Pattaya, including the most farang frequented.

Since when have you seen a prescription in Thailand? Any drug you need prescribed is usually only avialable in the hospital prescribing it to you.

I go with legalize all drugs. Making laws did not stop people from taking the drug alcohol in the 1920's and actually Organized the theretofor unorganized crime.

Opiate use in the US has remained steady.

We still have people dying from alcohol. If they want to die from something else, let them.

Making the drugs illegal on makes the drugs more expensive. This increases the likelyhood they are going to break into your house or mug you.

Means we need less police, less prisons and less property crime.

You are never going to legislate morality.

These are crimes without victims, unless you want to count the families, who need to bring massive pressure on the INDIVIDUAL just the way it is done with alcoholic intervention.

Legalize them, tax them and let people who want them have them.

Yeh brilliant, then we''ll have loads of spaced out idiots roaming the streets.

It will certainley help the police would'nt it? they could then spend time scraping drugged up drivers off of the streets, or maybe innocent kids or men or women who were unfortunate enough to be in their way.

Use your brain, how can making it legal be better? :D

If it was legal it would be cheap enough for the druggies to purchase without having to burgle honest folks home, sometime with lethal consequences for the victims. Who cares about the druggie, they want to kill themselves, let them. Or you want the monopoly on that (with alcohol)? I mean, you do run a bar, right?

Ok so you solution would br to replace the burglers with spaced out idiots making the pavements and streets more dangerous as well as the fact that if it was legal then it would be easily available increasing their habit hence pushing them to crime more to feed their habit. :o

The bar business is irrelevent to this. Even if drugs were made legal I would still NOT let druggies in my place. :D

I go with legalize all drugs. Making laws did not stop people from taking the drug alcohol in the 1920's and actually Organized the theretofor unorganized crime.

Opiate use in the US has remained steady.

We still have people dying from alcohol. If they want to die from something else, let them.

Making the drugs illegal on makes the drugs more expensive. This increases the likelyhood they are going to break into your house or mug you.

Means we need less police, less prisons and less property crime.

You are never going to legislate morality.

These are crimes without victims, unless you want to count the families, who need to bring massive pressure on the INDIVIDUAL just the way it is done with alcoholic intervention.

Legalize them, tax them and let people who want them have them.

Yeh brilliant, then we''ll have loads of spaced out idiots roaming the streets.

It will certainley help the police would'nt it? they could then spend time scraping drugged up drivers off of the streets, or maybe innocent kids or men or women who were unfortunate enough to be in their way.

Use your brain, how can making it legal be better? :D

If it was legal it would be cheap enough for the druggies to purchase without having to burgle honest folks home, sometime with lethal consequences for the victims. Who cares about the druggie, they want to kill themselves, let them. Or you want the monopoly on that (with alcohol)? I mean, you do run a bar, right?

Ok so you solution would br to replace the burglers with spaced out idiots making the pavements and streets more dangerous as well as the fact that if it was legal then it would be easily available increasing their habit hence pushing them to crime more to feed their habit. :o

The bar business is irrelevent to this. Even if drugs were made legal I would still NOT let druggies in my place. :D

Even with legalization of drugs...these druggies will still burgle and hurt other people.....a speed freak speeding has the tenacity of a bulldog and ten times the strength he would normally have...they think they are bullet proof till they start coming down. They are not capable of coherent thought as their minds are racing so far ahead of themselves.......prescribed dosage ???.....they will just want more, thats why they are called addicts.....these are highly addictive drugs we are on about

Do you want these people on the streets?????

Sure, you criers of legalization, let it happen...dont come to me when a speed freak breaks into your home, hurts your family or kills a loved one because his reactions on the motorbike was so affected, he couldnt control the machine.....

Do you want these people on the streets?????

Sure, you criers of legalization, let it happen...dont come to me when a speed freak breaks into your home, hurts your family or kills a loved one because his reactions on the motorbike was so affected, he couldnt control the machine.....

I feel really strange. You are talking in a manner like these things aren't happening now just because they are illegal.

the victims are (in no particular order)

the kids who become addicted in the womb

the families

the people who get mugged

the people who get killed by speed freaks

the people who have houses broken into

the pawnshops who pay out for goods only to have them confiscated

Again, there are no such things now????

The above crimes are not victimless, so these acts should be made illegal. But I don't see anything drug related.

There are alcoholics and there are people who don't drink.

There are heavy smokers and there are people who don't smoke.

There are people who commit suicides and there are people who want to live.

A person carrying some ecstasies receive death penalty. A person who shoots 2 persons to dealth receive a bail. And this is the logic in the year of 2004???

Wonder if the human race is still going to be that hypocritical in the year of 3000?

What's the big deal of people ocassionally wanting some fun?? It is their own <removed> bodies they are harming. Educating people how exactly those things harm you would be a much better solution. Educating people how to behave respectfully to others would be a better solution. People who would become violent after drugs are people who wouldn't give a shit if they are legal or not. Making the society fair and equal enough so people can enjoy a reasonably happy lifestyle would reduce crimes. Not banning those goddam drugs!

I go with legalize all drugs. Making laws did not stop people from taking the drug alcohol in the 1920's and actually Organized the theretofor unorganized crime.

Opiate use in the US has remained steady.

We still have people dying from alcohol. If they want to die from something else, let them.

Making the drugs illegal on makes the drugs more expensive. This increases the likelyhood they are going to break into your house or mug you.

Means we need less police, less prisons and less property crime.

You are never going to legislate morality.

These are crimes without victims, unless you want to count the families, who need to bring massive pressure on the INDIVIDUAL just the way it is done with alcoholic intervention.

Legalize them, tax them and let people who want them have them.

Yeh brilliant, then we''ll have loads of spaced out idiots roaming the streets.

It will certainley help the police would'nt it? they could then spend time scraping drugged up drivers off of the streets, or maybe innocent kids or men or women who were unfortunate enough to be in their way.

Use your brain, how can making it legal be better? :D

If it was legal it would be cheap enough for the druggies to purchase without having to burgle honest folks home, sometime with lethal consequences for the victims. Who cares about the druggie, they want to kill themselves, let them. Or you want the monopoly on that (with alcohol)? I mean, you do run a bar, right?

Ok so you solution would br to replace the burglers with spaced out idiots making the pavements and streets more dangerous as well as the fact that if it was legal then it would be easily available increasing their habit hence pushing them to crime more to feed their habit. :o

The bar business is irrelevent to this. Even if drugs were made legal I would still NOT let druggies in my place. :D

Driving and/or operating heavy machinery while under the influence of any drug, alcohol included, is and shoud remain illegal. The cops could spend the time now wasted chasing drug trafficers on catching those DUI.

Remember if it was legal there would be no need for trafficing. If the cost of drugs were in the same price range as aspirin there would be no need for abusers to burgle your house or rob you on the street. If there were no profit there would be little incentive for anyone in trying to get anyone hooked.


Hmmmm, it seems we are having a drug discussion here and the topic is interesting but it is getting away from the main show that Britain getting caught.

Now, I also noticed many of you here favor it being legal. Heck, wake up man, and drink some coffee to sober up Please. If you start to legalize drugs, this world will become worse, example say you do have it legal, and we got a President smoking Pot or taking some crack cocaine and joints chiefs come in for a piece of some action. Now you got another country about to pop us a nice nuclear warhead, and here is what the President will say while under the influence

""Yo man, come on man, chill out a little and cool it. No need to get your britches up so fast and become another wannabee, so hey man, lets get comfortable here and have a snort. Ya cool with that man, and the enemy says, no way Jose, time for you to be cremated, and the Presidents shrugs it off under the influence saying come on man, come on brothers, lets be cool and lets take it easy and mellow out while everybody is having fun, and the other says nothing and away it come, Oh say can you see, by the dawns early light, what's so proudly we hail, lets bend over and moon our touchies cause it is gonna be the last thing we will ever do and BOOM.

Now you want a leader who advocated legalizing dope of all kinds and you want him to make that almighty decision about your fate??????

I pity you motherofasucka cause your ideas of it being legal is way out of line. So get a grip will ya!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hmmmm, it seems we are having a drug discussion here and the topic is interesting but it is getting away from the main show that Britain getting caught. 

Now, I also noticed many of you here favor it being legal.  Heck, wake up man, and drink some coffee to sober up Please.  If you start to legalize drugs, this world will become worse, example say you do have it legal, and we got a President smoking Pot or taking some crack cocaine and joints chiefs come in for a piece of some action.  Now you got another country about to pop us a nice nuclear warhead, and here is what the President will say while under the influence

""Yo man, come on man, chill out a little and cool it.  No need to get your britches up so fast and become another wannabee, so hey man, lets get comfortable here and have a snort.  Ya cool with that man, and the enemy says, no way Jose, time for you to be cremated, and the Presidents shrugs it off under the influence saying come on man, come on brothers, lets be cool and lets take it easy and mellow out while everybody is having fun, and the other says nothing and away it come, Oh say can you see, by the dawns early light, what's so proudly we hail, lets bend over and moon our touchies cause it is gonna be the last thing we will ever do and BOOM. 

Now you want a leader who advocated legalizing dope of all kinds and you want him to make that almighty decision about your fate??????

I pity you motherofasucka cause your ideas of it being legal is way out of line.  So get a grip will ya!!!!!!!!!!!!


It is obvious that you don't need no drugs!

I go with legalize all drugs. Making laws did not stop people from taking the drug alcohol in the 1920's and actually Organized the theretofor unorganized crime.

Opiate use in the US has remained steady.

We still have people dying from alcohol. If they want to die from something else, let them.

Making the drugs illegal on makes the drugs more expensive. This increases the likelyhood they are going to break into your house or mug you.

Means we need less police, less prisons and less property crime.

You are never going to legislate morality.

These are crimes without victims, unless you want to count the families, who need to bring massive pressure on the INDIVIDUAL just the way it is done with alcoholic intervention.

Legalize them, tax them and let people who want them have them.

Yeh brilliant, then we''ll have loads of spaced out idiots roaming the streets.

It will certainley help the police would'nt it? they could then spend time scraping drugged up drivers off of the streets, or maybe innocent kids or men or women who were unfortunate enough to be in their way.

Use your brain, how can making it legal be better? :D

If it was legal it would be cheap enough for the druggies to purchase without having to burgle honest folks home, sometime with lethal consequences for the victims. Who cares about the druggie, they want to kill themselves, let them. Or you want the monopoly on that (with alcohol)? I mean, you do run a bar, right?

Ok so you solution would br to replace the burglers with spaced out idiots making the pavements and streets more dangerous as well as the fact that if it was legal then it would be easily available increasing their habit hence pushing them to crime more to feed their habit. :o

The bar business is irrelevent to this. Even if drugs were made legal I would still NOT let druggies in my place. :D

Driving and/or operating heavy machinery while under the influence of any drug, alcohol included, is and shoud remain illegal. The cops could spend the time now wasted chasing drug trafficers on catching those DUI.

Remember if it was legal there would be no need for trafficing. If the cost of drugs were in the same price range as aspirin there would be no need for abusers to burgle your house or rob you on the street. If there were no profit there would be little incentive for anyone in trying to get anyone hooked.

That would make it more affordable for users and more available for more people to become drug addicts, i can't see how it would benefit in anyway if it was available and affordable to everyone. :D


I agree that all dugs should be made legal.

Why should someone's freedom to do what ever they like with there own body be determined by the actions of others? If people commit crimes whilst on drugs they should be punished heavily for those crimes, whether they are on drugs or not should be irrelevent.

If for example it was made illegal to be a Bum-Bandit because some Fudge Nudgers were doing their perverted acts in public places, these Turd Ticklers would be mincing down parliament square (and rightly so).



Where is List of drugs that you can take into Thialand... I take mophine and Codeine for neck and back pain and they are prescription i get from my doctor in Canada..Will they bust me if they catch me with those In Thialand..its only 200 pills..and ive done it before am I breaking the law? Is the Valium illegal?

Where is List of drugs that you can take into Thialand... I take mophine and Codeine for neck and back pain and they are prescription i get from my doctor in Canada..Will they bust me if they catch me with those In Thialand..its only 200 pills..and ive done it before am I breaking the law? Is the Valium illegal?

No it is NOT illegal if the medicines are prescripted by a official dokter/hospital.

If not you can get busted for valium or morfine, so ask your dokter fore a medicine passport and you will have no problem at the airport (or somewhere else).

I agree that all dugs should be made legal.

Why should someone's freedom to do what ever they like with there own body be determined by the actions of others? If people commit crimes whilst on drugs they should be punished heavily for those crimes, whether they are on drugs or not should be irrelevent.

If for example it was made illegal to be a Bum-Bandit because some Fudge Nudgers were doing their perverted acts in public places, these Turd Ticklers would be mincing down parliament square (and rightly so).


You people are missing the point

Most crimes committed by drug addicts are committed while under the influence of the drugs....legalising it wont stop them getting high and committing the crimes.

Most of these drugs have a tolerence level, which means they need more to satisfy the cravings, sooner or later the amount required exceeds the persons income. so they resort to crime to feed the habit.

You people who say it is their body they can do what they like with it.....thats fine, but sooner or later they start hurting other peoples bodies....thats not so fine.

You cant deal with someone who is under the influence of drugs. Ask a cop who they are more wary of, drug users or drunks.


to illustrate the point, here is a news clipping for all of you7 who reckon it should be legal.

BANGKOK, Thailand - A knife-wielding construction worker held a 9-year-old schoolboy hostage for four hours in Bangkok Tuesday before police shot the man with rubber bullets and a crowd beat him severely. The boy was rescued unharmed.

Wantong Kota, a 45-year-old laborer who allegedly had taken drugs, grabbed the student and held a knife to his throat outside the boy's school in Bangkok's northern Ladprao district, demanding only that a car take him to a bus terminal.

Police negotiated with the man before shooting him several times in the back with rubber bullets, then dozens of bystanders surrounded and beat the suspect as he tried to flee.

Wantong, who was seriously injured in the melee, was taken by police to a hospital. Details about his injuries were not immediately available.

The suspect was charged with attempted murder, illegal detention and carrying a weapon in public. If found guilty, he faces up to 10 years in prison, police said.

oh yeah, he is employed and can probably afford to buy the cheap legal Ya Ba

I go with legalize all drugs. Making laws did not stop people from taking the drug alcohol in the 1920's and actually Organized the theretofor unorganized crime.

Opiate use in the US has remained steady.

We still have people dying from alcohol. If they want to die from something else, let them.

Making the drugs illegal on makes the drugs more expensive. This increases the likelyhood they are going to break into your house or mug you.

Means we need less police, less prisons and less property crime.

You are never going to legislate morality.

These are crimes without victims, unless you want to count the families, who need to bring massive pressure on the INDIVIDUAL just the way it is done with alcoholic intervention.

Legalize them, tax them and let people who want them have them.

Yeh brilliant, then we''ll have loads of spaced out idiots roaming the streets.

It will certainley help the police would'nt it? they could then spend time scraping drugged up drivers off of the streets, or maybe innocent kids or men or women who were unfortunate enough to be in their way.

Use your brain, how can making it legal be better? :D

If it was legal it would be cheap enough for the druggies to purchase without having to burgle honest folks home, sometime with lethal consequences for the victims. Who cares about the druggie, they want to kill themselves, let them. Or you want the monopoly on that (with alcohol)? I mean, you do run a bar, right?

Ok so you solution would br to replace the burglers with spaced out idiots making the pavements and streets more dangerous as well as the fact that if it was legal then it would be easily available increasing their habit hence pushing them to crime more to feed their habit. :o

The bar business is irrelevent to this. Even if drugs were made legal I would still NOT let druggies in my place. :D

Driving and/or operating heavy machinery while under the influence of any drug, alcohol included, is and shoud remain illegal. The cops could spend the time now wasted chasing drug trafficers on catching those DUI.

Remember if it was legal there would be no need for trafficing. If the cost of drugs were in the same price range as aspirin there would be no need for abusers to burgle your house or rob you on the street. If there were no profit there would be little incentive for anyone in trying to get anyone hooked.

That would make it more affordable for users and more available for more people to become drug addicts, i can't see how it would benefit in anyway if it was available and affordable to everyone. :D

You're obviously not ready what I wrote in the post you replied to.

Let's try again:

Driving and/or operating heavy machinery while under the influence of any drug, alcohol included, is and shoud remain illegal. The cops could spend the time now wasted chasing drug trafficers on catching those DUI.

Remember if it was legal there would be no need for trafficing. If the cost of drugs were in the same price range as aspirin there would be no need for abusers to burgle your house or rob you on the street. If there were no profit there would be little incentive for anyone in trying to get anyone hooked.

to illustrate the point, here is a news clipping for all of you7 who reckon it should be legal.

BANGKOK, Thailand - A knife-wielding construction worker held a 9-year-old schoolboy hostage for four hours in Bangkok Tuesday before police shot the man with rubber bullets and a crowd beat him severely. The boy was rescued unharmed.

Wantong Kota, a 45-year-old laborer who allegedly had taken drugs, grabbed the student and held a knife to his throat outside the boy's school in Bangkok's northern Ladprao district, demanding only that a car take him to a bus terminal.

Police negotiated with the man before shooting him several times in the back with rubber bullets, then dozens of bystanders surrounded and beat the suspect as he tried to flee.

Wantong, who was seriously injured in the melee, was taken by police to a hospital. Details about his injuries were not immediately available.

The suspect was charged with attempted murder, illegal detention and carrying a weapon in public. If found guilty, he faces up to 10 years in prison, police said.

oh yeah, he is employed and can probably afford to buy the cheap legal Ya Ba

So he got his yaa baa anyway, in spite of it being illegal, so what's your point.

There probably more to this story anyway.

to illustrate the point, here is a news clipping for all of you7 who reckon it should be legal.

BANGKOK, Thailand - A knife-wielding construction worker held a 9-year-old schoolboy hostage for four hours in Bangkok Tuesday before police shot the man with rubber bullets and a crowd beat him severely. The boy was rescued unharmed.

Wantong Kota, a 45-year-old laborer who allegedly had taken drugs, grabbed the student and held a knife to his throat outside the boy's school in Bangkok's northern Ladprao district, demanding only that a car take him to a bus terminal.

Police negotiated with the man before shooting him several times in the back with rubber bullets, then dozens of bystanders surrounded and beat the suspect as he tried to flee.

Wantong, who was seriously injured in the melee, was taken by police to a hospital. Details about his injuries were not immediately available.

The suspect was charged with attempted murder, illegal detention and carrying a weapon in public. If found guilty, he faces up to 10 years in prison, police said.

oh yeah, he is employed and can probably afford to buy the cheap legal Ya Ba

So he got his yaa baa anyway, in spite of it being illegal, so what's your point.

There probably more to this story anyway.

The point is he committed these acts while under the influence of the drugs, he would have done these acts whether or not the drugs were legally or illegally purchased.....Legalising drugs will not stop the crime rate attributed to drugs.

to illustrate the point, here is a news clipping for all of you7 who reckon it should be legal.

BANGKOK, Thailand - A knife-wielding construction worker held a 9-year-old schoolboy hostage for four hours in Bangkok Tuesday before police shot the man with rubber bullets and a crowd beat him severely. The boy was rescued unharmed.

Wantong Kota, a 45-year-old laborer who allegedly had taken drugs, grabbed the student and held a knife to his throat outside the boy's school in Bangkok's northern Ladprao district, demanding only that a car take him to a bus terminal.

Police negotiated with the man before shooting him several times in the back with rubber bullets, then dozens of bystanders surrounded and beat the suspect as he tried to flee.

Wantong, who was seriously injured in the melee, was taken by police to a hospital. Details about his injuries were not immediately available.

The suspect was charged with attempted murder, illegal detention and carrying a weapon in public. If found guilty, he faces up to 10 years in prison, police said.

oh yeah, he is employed and can probably afford to buy the cheap legal Ya Ba

So he got his yaa baa anyway, in spite of it being illegal, so what's your point.

There probably more to this story anyway.

The point is he committed these acts while under the influence of the drugs, he would have done these acts whether or not the drugs were legally or illegally purchased.....Legalising drugs will not stop the crime rate attributed to drugs.

Sheesh you really don't want to understand do you?

Legalizing drugs may not make a difference to peoples stupidity, but at least it will do away with the need to burgle and rob honest people to pay the high prices.

to illustrate the point, here is a news clipping for all of you7 who reckon it should be legal.

BANGKOK, Thailand - A knife-wielding construction worker held a 9-year-old schoolboy hostage for four hours in Bangkok Tuesday before police shot the man with rubber bullets and a crowd beat him severely. The boy was rescued unharmed.

Wantong Kota, a 45-year-old laborer who allegedly had taken drugs, grabbed the student and held a knife to his throat outside the boy's school in Bangkok's northern Ladprao district, demanding only that a car take him to a bus terminal.

Police negotiated with the man before shooting him several times in the back with rubber bullets, then dozens of bystanders surrounded and beat the suspect as he tried to flee.

Wantong, who was seriously injured in the melee, was taken by police to a hospital. Details about his injuries were not immediately available.

The suspect was charged with attempted murder, illegal detention and carrying a weapon in public. If found guilty, he faces up to 10 years in prison, police said.

oh yeah, he is employed and can probably afford to buy the cheap legal Ya Ba

So he got his yaa baa anyway, in spite of it being illegal, so what's your point.

There probably more to this story anyway.

The point is he committed these acts while under the influence of the drugs, he would have done these acts whether or not the drugs were legally or illegally purchased.....Legalising drugs will not stop the crime rate attributed to drugs.

Sheesh you really don't want to understand do you?

Legalizing drugs may not make a difference to peoples stupidity, but at least it will do away with the need to burgle and rob honest people to pay the high prices.

I do understand the drug scene, I see its results everyday. I talk to dealers and users on a regular basis... lets see here for second....ok working guy buys cheap legal drugs, no problem till he cant work or is sacked because he is more interested in speeding than working....now unemployed man has no money to buy cheap legal drugs...What do you think he does ???

Employed guy buys cheap legal drugs....suddenly his drug habit is costing more than he gets paid because he requires more to feed his increasing habit....he needs quick money...what do you think he does ???

Think about it...

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