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Visa's Manila

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Even Philippine nationals have a tough time getting even a simple single-entry tourist visa from the Thai consulate in Manila, so much so that in one case – reported by Tropo, I believe – a Filipina chose to travel without visa from Manila to Malaysia and get her tourist visa for Thailand there.



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Even Philippine nationals have a tough time getting even a simple single-entry tourist visa from the Thai consulate in Manila, so much so that in one case – reported by Tropo, I believe – a Filipina chose to travel without visa from Manila to Malaysia and get her tourist visa for Thailand there.



Yes, sad but true that a Filipino citizen can easily get a single-entry tourist visa in Malaysia or Laos while finding it next to impossible in Manila.

We've entered Thailand on a 30-day visa exempt entry and then headed to Penang the next month to get our tourist visas on more than one occasion. We now go to Laos because we can both get double-entry tourist visas there.

I have no idea why the Thai Embassy in Manila is so pig-headed about helping its own citizens when other Embassies (consulates) in SE Asia are more than happy to help out.

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I suspect that because as a consulate staffed by government employees they have other, “important” tasks and consider it below their dignity to have to carry out the menial job of processing visa applications. Or they could be understaffed and are not given permission to take on additional staff.



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I think you can pretty much safely say that in most consulates in Asia, the local national employees are mostly a serious pain. The worst I have ever encountered was at the Thai consulate in Guangzhou. Luckily I had exchanged very nice e-mails with the Thai consulate and when she heard me and Chinese girl at the counter “discussing “ the e-mail that said I could get the visa the same day, she came out and made the girl not only give me the visa, but do it right then.


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There is no problem with issuing ED visas in Manila if you have the correct paperwork.

Walen School of Thai

There's some good news!

Are you sure it's "no problem"? I'd still rather take my chances in Vientiane or Penang.

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No need to take chances, if you have the correct paperwork you will get an ED visa. We very rarely had a case where someone could not get ED visa from any country with the paperwork from our school and we have hundreds of students. Total maybe 3 cases, two in Savanakhet long time ago (now no problem) and one in Nigeria (this one is still not sorted out) Most Nigerians have no problem with obtaining ED visas. Manila has never been a problem and we have a lot of students who got their visas from that consulate.

Walen School of Thai

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