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Help For Burmese Girl


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Is anyone aware of an agency or organisation in Bangkok that helps or counsels Burmese women ? My maid's daughter is quite educated and I would hate for her to go down the path of being a domestic help, to make money. I would like to help her seek assistance in getting a job

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I don’t know of any agencies but there are other options.

Providing your Burmese maid and her daughter’s stay in Thailand are legit, you should have no problem with finding her suitable employment.

First thing is to find a suitable job apt to what skills (if any) your maid’s daughter may have, plus she will need to be able to speak, read and write some Thai. If the employer decides to take her on, than the employer applies to the police for a one-year work permit and temporary one year Thai ID card/employment card.

She will be imposed to stay at that employment for the full one-year term, otherwise if she leaves or is dismissed for any reason before it expires, the one-year work permit and ID card becomes null and void.

If your maid’s daughter is staying in Thailand illegally, anyone discovered employing her or giving her accommodation in Thailand is liable to a 60000 baht fine and a criminal record.

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